Name: Daniel "Hunter" Thorson
Hero Name: White Wolf
Known Alias': T'Danel (The primary name he goes by)
Age: 16
Powers:Heart-Shaped Herb Empowerment
Having been undergone the ritual and given the broth of the Heart-Shaped Herb, T'Danel has been given the following powers
- Superhuman Speed (Able to run at 40mph for long durations and up to 50mph in short bursts)
- Superhuman Strength (Slightly stronger than the Black Panther, although this is suspected to be a by-product of his lineage, he is able to lift up to 1 ton over his head)
- Superhuman Senses (He has hearing, smell and taste far more accute than the average human, he is also able to see in perfect darkness)
- Superhuman Stamina (His metabolism is able to process build ups of fatigue-toxins at a greatly accelerated rate, allowing him to exert his maximum effort for a much more prolonged amount of time. This is why he can run for so fast for so long)
- Superhuman Durability (Whilst not able to stop a bullet or a sharp knife, his skin has a consistency more in line with tanned leather than human skin, as well as having bones with a tensile strength more akin to processed steel than bone. This allows him to shrug off hits that would land a regular human in hospital as well as deflect most shrapnel. His ribcage can also survive punches from immensely superpowered individuals.)
- Superhuman regeneration (Whilst not as advanced as someone like Wolverine, his body does heal much faster than normal humans. Repairing broken bones in days or weeks instead of weeks or months, as well as healing most minor cuts and abrasions in hours)
- Superhuman Agility and Reflexes (Able to balance perfectly on pretty much any surface, he is able to dodge incoming attacks and react to dangers far faster than any regular human could. He can run at top speed across a tightrope, jump through small gaps in a single bound and allows for immense accuracy with ranged weapons.)
Equipment:White Wolf Armour
His White Wolf Armour holds many abilities, as well as weapons inside of it that augment his powers
- Vibranium Microweave (Robs any incoming attack of all of it's kinetic energy. Bullets do not ricochet off, but simply fall to the ground when they come in contact with the weave. Likewise with stabbing attacks. However, because it's only mesh, there is only so much energy that can be taken.)
- Anti-Metal Vibranium Claws (Built into the fingertips of the gauntlets on the costume are claws that can cut through metal on a molecular level, meaning that the only limit to metal he can cut is it's thickness relative to his claw length)
- Energy-Dampening Boots (Energy regulators create varying fields from the Vibranium in the molded soles of the boots, enabling the wearer to land soundlessly and without any injury from heights of 50 feet. Given enough momentum, the wearer can also scale walls or skim across water.)
- Disguise Technology (The Armour can reform itself to appear as normal clothes or even allow for short periods of complete invisibility, utilizing the stored kinetic energy to power the cloak)
- Vibranium Throwing Shards (Almost like shurikens, he can throw sharpened Vibranium fragments. These can cut through most anything, but they also absorb the kinetic energy from the throw, meaning that if they hit an object hard enough, they explode
Skills:Having been through the Wakandan education system and scored quite highly, T'Danel has proven that, although not a genius by any means, he is still VERY smart and possesses the following skills:
Incredible academic skill (Able to do maths at a university level, a firm understanding of advanced sciences and in-depth knowledge of human histories and technologies)
Multilingual (He can fluently speak Enlish, Wakandan, French, German, Asgardian, Greek, Latin and a fair amount of Bulgarian)
Vibranium Smithing (Although still a novice at this, he has studied with his aunt about how to smith the Vibranium to do anything he might need of it)
Cooking (One of his favourite things to do with his adoptive mother was to cook with her. He makes a MEAN apple-cobbler.)
Hand-to-hand combatant (Having been trained by both his real mother and his Adoptive parents, T'Danel uses a unique fighting style combining traditional Wakandan CQC and Amazonian Gladiatorial combat techniques. He can throw his daggers with pin-point accuracy.)
Standing at 5'9, he is still a growing lad. The musculature of his body is work-muscle, as opposed to show muscle, meaning that he is not as physically intimidating as some other heroes that are physcially weaker than himself. He has his fathers face, but tempered by his mothers eyes and hair.
Known Associates:King T'Challa: His adopted father and mentor. The man his ultimate loyalties lay with above all others.
Queen Ororo Munroe: His adopted mother. Former X-Man, he cares for her on a deep level.
Prince Azari T'Challa T'Chacka Evan: His adoptive brother and next in line for the Throne of Wakanda, as well as the Black Panthership, however, is only 10 and not old enough. He still protects his younger brother, even if there is a little resentment over the fact that T'Danel will never be allowed to carry the Black Panther mantel.
Princess Aja-Adanna Shuri: His adoptive aunt and his mentor in the ways of science and technology. She designed everything he uses.
Normie Osborn: The Grandson of the original Green Goblin, Norman Osborn, Normie was born shortly after his father, Harry Osborn, was killed as the Green Goblin, giving his life to save his nemesis, Spider-Man. Normie grew up very sickly, wheelchair bound for a long time. His mother moved to keep them save from his Grandfather, Norman, knowing that he would use him as a pawn in his game. Normie grew up smart, like, super smart. Eventually, he managed to uncover his heritage, despite his mothers insistance on trying to hide it. He managed to hack his way into his Grandfathers company and steal a bunch of technology, blueprints and other things. Synthesizing a new and improved Goblin Formula, he used it on himself. He now goes by the Superhero hero name
American Son He and T'Danel have been working together on the streets of New York for the last year or so since he left.
Known Adversaries:Hatut Zeraze: Under King T'Chaka, they were the secret police. but when T'Challa took over and did away with his fathers more oppressive regimes, they were the first to be disbanded. A large number refused, stealing a load of weapons and going on the run.
Canon Basis: A combination of
Hunter Prince,
Magni Thorson and
White Wolf.
Bio: Conceived after a particularly heavy night of drinking after an event that saw a Odin enter the Odinsleep for the final time. Thor, one of Earths Mightiest Heroes, was set to leave earth, potentially forever as he took his place as the new High King of Asgard. He had a night of merryment with the rest of the league, including an intimite liason with Wonder Woman. The next day, Thor left and Diana had no idea of the consequences of this night. News of Diana's pregnancy didn't spread to Asgard until much later, however, her duty to keep protecting the peoples of the world didn't slow her down, even when it should have. During a Thanagarian invasion of Wakanda, Diana assisted in its defense, although she went into labour half way through the battle. The battle was won and Wonder Woman had given birth to him, Themyscira had an heir to the throne and the people of Wakanda were saved with a minimal amount of casualties, thanks to the League's intervention, this should have been a day of much rejoicing and celebration amid the destruction... But the problem was that Diana had given birth to HIM. Men were not allowed on Themyscira. Amazonian Tradition was that any son of an Amazon was to be traded to Hephaestus for the gods weapons. Diana first attempted to ignore this and took her son back with her to Themyscira, but those in the Council that were traditionalists refused this, NO man was allowed on Themyscira, no matter their birthrite. Diana was ready to go to war with the rest of Themyscira, however, her friend T'Challa offered an alternative, the boy was born on Wakandan soil, that made him a son of Wakanda. T'Challa and his wife to take the boy and give him a good life there, she would be able to visit him and even raise him. Diana gave him his name Daniel Prince.
Growing up in Wakanda as the Adopted Prince, Daniel learned from some of the finest minds Wakanda had to offer. Although not growing into a genius, he did grow up a lot smarter than most his age. He was taught to fight and to philosophise, he saw his real mother a lot to begin with, but as time grew on and Diana had to take on more and more responsibility with Queen Hippolyta readying her to take the throne of her own kingdom. Even after Diana becomes Queen, the council refuse to let her bring her son to Themyscira. When she finally decides that her family is worth more than her kingdom, she finds out it is too late. Daniel is 10 years old and has no wish to leave Wakanda or his foster-parents. He took the name T'Danel and hoped to become the new Black Pather, but with King T'Challa and Queen Ororo now having a son of their own, put that position in doubt.
At the age of 14, he was taken to the temple of Bast and he was given the ceremonial wine that allowed him to speak with Bast herself. Being given the wine and buried in the sand, he found himself in the presence of the cat goddess, where he begged her to grant him the title of Black Panther. He was, after all, a loyal son of Wakanda and sworn to protect his country and people at all costs. However, Bast had another plan for him, although the Black Panther did not lay in his destiny, there was another path that did. As he awoke from this vision quest, he had the heart-shaped-herb clutched in his hand. They then went through the old ceremony and he was administered with the broth of the Heart-Shaped-Herb, granting him the powers of the White Wolf.
As the White Wolf, he was given the task of hunting down the enemies of Wakanda from without. Specifically the Hatut Zeraze, the old Wakandan Secret Police who were under the command of the previous White Wolf. T'Danel hunted them to New York where he met his closest friend in the hero business, American Son. The pair became quite the duo, however, when Tony Stark came calling about his new Young Avenger initiative, the pair were initially hesitant. Consulting his father, T'Challa told him that Stark was a man he trusted with his life and that he should take him up on the offer, however, American Son wasn't willing to come out into the light just yet. Joining meant giving his identity to Stark and he wasn't willing to do that. T'Danel agreed to Stark's condition and made his way to Stark Tower, the former assembly point for the Avengers team, but now, something grander in scale and promise.