I am still on RPG, so do feel free to message me. Just don't have the time or energy to actually join any RP's right now. Focusing on a LOT of other projects, including getting into Audio Drama.
6 yrs ago
Computer is back, yay. I can post again :)
6 yrs ago
Computer is getting some much needed maintenance. Will be slow posting for the next week or 2.
6 yrs ago
Sorry for disappearing for 2 months. Life kinda went to shit and RPG was pushed to the back of my mind.
7 yrs ago
Computer is broke AGAIN. Dog jumped on me when I had a glass of water in my hand, but some of it leaked in. Posts are going to be slow for the next week.
We have been called criminals, but we are not. We are rebels, fighting for the people, fighting for you. I'm not that old, but I remember a time when things were better on Lothal. Maybe not great, but never like this. See what the Empire has done to your lives, your families, and your freedom? It's only gonna get worse…unless we stand up and fight back. It won't be easy. There will be loss and sacrifice. But we can't back down just because we're afraid. That's when we need to stand the tallest. That's what my parents taught me. That's what my new family helped me remember. Stand up together. Because that's when we're strongest... as one.
These words have rang out across the Empire, an unknown Rebel gave this speech and now the downtrodden and oppressed have began to stand up and resist the imperial jackboot at their necks. Now, the sparks of rebellion are beginning to catch. People all over the Galaxy are remembering when the galaxy was a little more free. Oh sure the corruption was always there, the slavery was a little rampant, but at least you could go to the shops without being branded a traitor, brought before a Kangaroo court and sent to an indentured servitude camp. Now, people have decided it's time to hit back for various reasons. Maybe you're sick of said police brutality? Maybe you are a Republic Patriot? Maybe you are a Separatist who decided that Dooku was right and that the whole Centralized Government thing was a bad idea from the start? Maybe you are a Jedi who has decided to dust off the old Lightsaber and get back into the fight? Or maybe you are just a pirate looking for an excuse to loot the government and be branded a hero?
Are you going it alone? Are you going it with friends? Are you going it with your crew? Are you going it with like-minded individuals?
In any case, there are Stormtroopers, officers and Inquisitors out there hunting your heads. Good luck.
Pretty much, it's going to be a mission based structure. Every fortnight, i'll put up a series of missions that are available for everyone. To keep the RP flowing, you will be given a post amount, during which you get to do whatever you want, write as much as you like or as little as you like. But the way missions will work is:
2 posts for set up 1 post for infiltration 1 post for completing mission objectives 1 post for the getaway
After each of these posts, i'll read through them, decide on how well thought through your plan was and roll a dice to see your luck in said post and make a post for complications that arise from it that WILL impact your next post.
Of course, there will be downtime times to do story roleplay sections, interact with other players and NPC's, get new equipment or recruit new allies.
The mission is that a prominent Rebel has been captured and taken to a Military Hospital. The Empire wants him nice and healthy for when they string him up in court and then torture him for every last drop of info he has. He's getting picked up as soon as he's healthy for transport to the court and you've got to rescue him.
Set up Post 1: You "Liberate" a medical transport and medical officer gear. Good luck, nobody noticed and you managed to get something official looking enough. Set up Post 2: You make contact with a forger to give you the papers necessary to "Take custody" of the Rebel. Medium luck. The papers look good, assuming they don't go into too deep a detail. Also, the forger turned out to be a little dodgy. This might come back to bite you. Infiltration Post: You make your move, driving up through the front gave in your transport and use your papers to get past the Imperial guards. Good Luck, nobody questioned your infiltration. Mission Objective Post: You make your way through the hospital, picking him up and making your way back to the front and start loading him on the transport. Bad Luck, a Droid was made to check over your papers at the very end and it spotted they were fake. Your getaway is going to be pursued by Imperial harassment. Getaway: You are pursued by a squad of speeder-bikes and a TIE Fighter. You make sure to take the tunnels in your getaway to keep the TIE Fighter off your back and with enough skilful driving, you give them the slip. Bad luck, one of the troopers followed you back to your base of operations. You're gonna have to spend your downtime finding a new one.
Within reason, whoever you want. You can play one random guy on one man war against the Empire, or you can play a whole band of Separatists with a secret army of Battle Droids and a Ship to call your own. But one thing which you will need to know about this specific RP:
The Empire has more than you.
No matter how much you have, no matter what you play, you will find an equal amount of challenge. One random guy may not have access to much resources, but he will not be a person of interest to the Empire. They will stick your face on a wanted poster and just leave it at that. If you have a small battle fleet at your beck and call, you may find yourself running into a few Star Destroyer's and in the unlikely chance you survive them, they may call in a Super Star Destroyer when they've had enough of your shit. Playing as a small band of Rebel commando's will have a few Imperial Agents come after you, but a Jedi will always incur the wrath of an Inquisitor if you make too much noise.
The year is 4BBY, the Rebels are anything but Aligned. Saw Gerrera is mindlessly killing Imperials wherever he found them, Separatist holdouts are fighting to dismantle the centralized governmental structure to give everyone independence, Mon Mothma is politically manoeuvring on Coruscant. These 3 groups all despise each other and all have different idea's for what the galaxy will look like after this whole Rebellion thing is over. and all of your characters will be feeling the same. Point is, you may find yourself pre-disposed to helping certain groups, but also predisposed to refusing to help certain groups. Jedi are probably not going to appreciate the Separatist groups or groups who value dead bodies, regardless of what side said bodies were on. But you may need to use their numbers in certain missions. And who knows, you may be able to steal their equipment and poach their members?
So, i had an idea for an RP that kinda fell through, but i had a new idea which falls into the Nation RP idea. Pretty much, choose a Hasbro faction and it becomes your nation. Choose your allies, choose your enemies. Maybe G.I. Joe decides they can't let those punks in Angel Grove keep their colossal assault vehicles and need to be taken down? Maybe they team with that witch living on the moon to do so? Or maybe the Decepticons decide that M.A.R.S. Industries are the perfect organization to develop disguises for them. Maybe they go to war with the Troobians in a fight to decide who conquers Earth. Or maybe they decide to unleash the Inhumanoids living under the Earths surface to cause chaos? Maybe it's M.A.R.S. that are trying to exploit the Decepticons for their advanced technology? Maybe Time Force and the Silver Guardians team up from the beginning or it becomes an all-out war between the two? Instead of Demons, it's COBRA that Lightspeed Rescue are fighting? Or maybe it's COBRA that is funding the operation for seemingly altruistic reasons, but really are trying to get their hands on the Morphing Grid? Maybe the Wind Ninja and Pai-Zhuq Academies are set on each other, or maybe they are allies? Or maybe you decide to be a lone, rough, tough group of Wreckers that are stranded on Earth and are taking all-comers with their plucky human allies?
Point is that this universe is gonna get crazy before it settles with Power Rangers, Transformers, Terrorists, Demons, Witches, Ninja's, Quintessons, Ponies and Planeswalkers carving out their parts of the world.
Have you ever wanted to retell the story of your favourite Marvel characters? Maybe give them a new spin? A new backstory? Maybe reshuffle the allies and enemies? Maybe T'Challa and M'Baku are brothers in arms? Maybe Magneto stayed with Charles to make his school work and it's Scott Summers who is the leader of the Brotherhood? Maybe it was Kamala Khan who was the sidekick of Mar-Vell instead of Carol? Maybe it was Jennifer Walters who was first infected with Gamma rays and she was the one to infect her cousin Bruce?
We are, however, not bound by such legal problems. Point is, we embrace the weird and the wonderful. Any questions, just hit the link at the top and ask in the main thread.
@Pirouette Depends on the Symbiote you want to use. I've got plans for Venom, but the others are good. Mania, Carnage, Anti-Venom, Phage, Raze, Riot, Scorn, Scream, Toxin, all perfectly good to go, but i've got specific plans for Venom which have already been hinted at in the story so far...