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I am still on RPG, so do feel free to message me. Just don't have the time or energy to actually join any RP's right now. Focusing on a LOT of other projects, including getting into Audio Drama.
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Sorry for disappearing for 2 months. Life kinda went to shit and RPG was pushed to the back of my mind.
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@PirouetteAs the one playing Spider-Man, yes, i'm very happy to talk there being another Spider in town. If there's any specific villains you've got idea's for, unless they are one of the ones specifically listed in my bio, feel free to use them.

S P I D E R - M A N
S P I D E R - M A N
Location: Parker Industries HQ
Post #1: Just a Friendly Board Meeting

Peter sat at the head of the table wearing his business suit. It was a light grey Armani suit with black shirt and red tie, he personally hated frivolous spending on such an expensive suit when he still had a few of Uncle Ben's old ones that looked just as nice, but he remembered an old conversation with Harry where he mentioned about how your suit was your weapon in the business battlefield, it was a symbol of control and power. If you wanted to survive, you'd need the best weapon possible. "$1000 on a suit now, can potentially get you that extra $1,000,000 at the negotiating table." Well, as he sat here, waiting for the others to arrive, he hoped that Harry was right about that.

Alistair was the first to enter, he was clad in a suit that accomodated his shoulder talons. He sat down, there were a few polite words, pleasantries that Peter was expecting. Damn, he had faced every single man that was going to be in this room on the battlefield before, most of them at the same time, yet this time it was going to be different. This wasn't going to be a friendly "How's the wife and kids?" this was a "I'm gonna need you to put your lives on the line alongside your hated foe." and he wasn't sure he had any right to order them to do so. I mean, technically he did, it was part of their parole agreements that they agree to do "Community Service" but he knew that most of them assumed it was the science that they were doing for him.

Next to enter was Otto, he gave Peter a friendly smile. Otto and Michael were the only ones who would be at the meeting that knew he was Spider-Man. Then came Maxwell. That one looked rather shifty, but that was normal for Max. Peter just hoped that the money was enough to keep him onside. Next came Michael and finally Adrien in quick succession, not enough time for Peter to really mentally comment on them before they sat looking at him. Peter took a deep breath before tapping the side of his neck right under the edge of his Jaw. He had heard it was a calming technique.

"Gentlemen. I have called you in here today for something that you're not going to like." There were a few quiet murmurs among the group. He had confidence that Alistair and Otto would side with him, but the other 3 would be a problem. "Last year when i managed to get you paroled at my company, i said that there would be certain Community Services that the 5 of you would have to perform. New York is our home and it's not exactly the safest place on the planet. As such, i have taken some steps to bring our criminal population down. I have talked with the Police and they have agreed to allow me to trial something." He took out his Spyder Phone and tapped on it a few times, the television screen on the wall lit up and a picture of 5 of them stood there, cobbled together from various mugshots with the words "Superior 6" posted underneath them. "The police in this city have to deal with Super Powered individuals that they have no hope of dealing with, Rhino, Grizzly, Scorpion, but we can give them the edge that they need." There was already a chorus of discord in response to this from the 5 men.

"Ummm, Peter, dear boy. May i remind you how well that worked last time some of us came together to form a team?" Otto asked. "We ended up pretty much killing each other. Now, i appreciate what you ask, but are you sure that this is such a good idea?" Peter looked in Otto's eyes. He could tell that Otto wasn't actually opposed to the idea, but he was voicing the obvious response to this idea in the most civilized way anyone in the room would. Peter appreciated that.

"The thought crossed my mind a few times..." He replied sullenly.

"Hey, i'm good so long as there's moolah in it." Max responded. This caught Peter offguard. He wasn't expecting Max of all people to be the first to unquestioningly agree. He assumed he'd have to bribe the guy... But then again with his response, maybe Max was offering Peter a way to bribe him onto his side.

'Oh Max, never change.' Peter thought. He then tried to re-rail his train of thought in response to the blindside.

"In any case..." He paused to collect his thoughts and decide how to proceed now he had 1 of the 4. "We need to consider public image. Parker Industries is paying quite a sum to get you 5 onboard-"

"Which begs the question-" Toomes butted in "That says Superior "SIX" with an emphasis on the number SIX!" He sneered. "Who you brought in as number 6? Oh don't tell me it's Chameleon" There was a chorus of groans from Max and Alistair

"Oh not Chameleon, that jerk still owes me money."

"It's... It's not Chameleon..." Peter swallowed hard before pressing a button and a picture of Spider-Man appeared in the center of the 5 of them on the screen. Max and Adrien immediately let out a great pained groan as both buried their faces in their hands. Alistair didn't seem to move. Otto and Michael simply stared at Peter.

"You know what, count me out." Max replied. "Ain't no way i'm working with Web Head. That jerk has beat me up too many times. Ain't no amount of money in the world could make me want to work with him. Peter stiffled a snicker, knowing that Max was unwittingly already doing that.

"Peter, we all have history with the guy." Otto stepped in as the villain liason again. "You should no more ask us to work with him than we should ask you to work with Norman Osborn. Too much bad blood." Otto had a point, and yes it was pretty common knowledge in the business world that Norman was utterly pissed at Peter for taking his money and his grandson. "Now, i don't personally have a problem with Web Head, sure the guy beat me up a couple of times, but let's face facts, i had it coming." There was a few murmurs of agreement. Peter suspected it was more them agreeing that Otto needed to be beaten than of them agreeing that Spider-Man was justified. "But..." He guestured around to the others. "Face facts, we are NOT heroes." Again, even though Otto was fighting him, Peter knew that this was a necessary fight that was going to happen one way or another and Otto was just getting in front of it to keep it civil.

"Alright, Alistair, Michael, neither of you have said anything, let's get an idea of where the room stands." He motioned to the pair of them. Michael talked first.

"I do not have a problem working alongside Spider-Man..." Michael began "But i am still... A little unstable at the moment. I cannot guarentee that i will not start... Feasting... If the opportunity presented itself. I will need more time in the lab to stabilize my condition before i can agree to this." Michael had a VERY good point. Peter was trying to change the public perception of these people and a vampire ripping a guys throat out with a big "Parker Industries" Label on him was probably not the best advertisement in the world.

"And you, Alistair?" Peter asked. Alistair looked down at his hands in response.

"I recreated myself as a machine to destroy Spider-Man..." He muttered in his deep, gravelly, mildly electronic voice "The Spider-Slayer i called myself. I wanted nothing more than to feel his heart beat its last in my hands... But now... I feel nothing towards him. No animosity, no hatred..." He looked at Peter. "I am willing to give Spider-Man a chance. I... I owe him that much for what i have done." Peter could see the genuine regret in Alistairs eyes. The man had turned himself into a spider-killing machine in the name of revenge for his father on a man who had never had anything to do with it. Alistair had played directly into the Maggia's hands and he could tell that it was eating him inside.

"Where is the bug anyway?" Adrien asked. "If you are so onboard with bringing in the bug to lead this team, then where is our oh so fearless leader?" The old man grinned.

"Spider-Man has agreed to join Parker Industries on the proviso that you 5 are all onboard. Naturally, he's afraid of this being a trap. I mean, last time..." Peter stopped for a second. He was about to say the wrong thing... It pained him to say the words, but appearances needed to be kept. "When Harry Osborn brought you together last time, he called Spider-Man in a similar manner. Can't blame the guy for being cautious..." There was a shift in Adrien and Max's demeanor. They both shifted a little uncomfortably... They both knew Harry wasn't the REAL Green Goblin. "I want to make sure that everybody is onboard before i bring him into the company first. I will not have my company becoming the battle ground of a Sinister 6 Reunion show." A quiet descended upon the room. "Alright, let's put it to a vote. Because of the nature of this, i will abstain and only a unanimous vote will carry." There was nods around the room. "All in favour?" Alistair, Max and Otto raied their hands. Peter was surprised, but then again, Max was probably thinking about the money and how it might dry up if he doesn't suck up to the boss. "All opposed?" Only Adrien raised his hand. Michael seemed to abstain. "Motion fails. Very well, is there any other business that we need to discuss?" He looked around the room. "Alright, meeting over. Adrien, can i see you for a minute?" The rest of them left. Adrien sat, elbows on table, fingers tented and chin resting atop them. "Strictly off the record, what do i need to do to turn that no into a yes? I need six people because alliterative names are a hassle and 4 already has a good one taken."

"I don't want to work with him, simple as. Find another." Adrien growled. "Maybe get Mac or Herman... Scorpion or Shocker, but not that guy." As Peter opened his mouth, Adrien butted in again "I'm not saying this because I hate him... Well, i do, but that's not the main reason. It's because you are trying to mix oil with water. It won't work. It's always been him vs us. And i'm still on the side of us and he's still on the side of him. And there's another reason. Web-head has it pretty good... Maybe give one of the other rogue's of New York a chance at something better." Peter wanted to argue and disagree, but Adrien did have a point. Maybe he should work on some of the others... At that point, Mary Jane walked in through the door.

"Pete- Oh hi Adrien-" She said, waving to Vulture who simply nodded. "I need to-

"MJ, Adrien here has had a good idea, can we maybe put out the feelers and see if we can get in touch with either Scorpion or Shocker?" The colour drained from Mary-Janes face as he said that. "What's wrong?" Mary-Jane looked down at her phone and tapped a few times, before up on the TV screen, a video appeared. Norman Osborn stood on a podium alongside Scorpion who was in a large coat that fitted over his battlesuit with the words "Security Detail" written on it.

"- too long, this country has stagnated and acquiesced to the wishes of the superhuman whilst completely ignoring US. Studies show that as few as 10% of this nations people are Mutants and yet with their freaky powers, they are able to take our entire nation hostage. Well we need to put a stop to that. Democracy is a system that benefits the many, not the few and it's what separates us from the dictatorships like Latveria and Madripoor... Such weak leadership led to... The death of my only, beloved son... As such, i officially announce today Peter's heart went through the floor as he realized the word that were about to come colourfully marching out of Normans mouth. "That I, Norman Osborn, will be running for President of the United States of America in 2024, for a better and safer America. Where Homo-Sapien need not live in fear of these so called "Homo-Superior" that the terrorist Erik "Magneto" Lehnsherr would have you call them."

"Well... He ain't getting my vote." Adrien stated as Peter and MJ stood slack-jawed at each other, lost for words. The pair of them looked at him. "Convicted Felon." He shrugged.

S P I D E R - M A N
S P I D E R - M A N
Location: Oscorp HQ
Post #2: Turnabout Is Fair Play

Norman sat in his office, phone pressed against his ear. "Don't worry, Rob, i've got this... Hey, i understand perfectly, you've got a lot on your plate, but i'm here because limp-dick pissants like Creed and Krane have let you down FAR too many times before... Look, my 3:55 just showed up early, but trust me, we're gonna be laughing about this when we're in the Oval Office sipping whiskey together... Ok, bye." The moment Norman hung up, the smile on his face instantly disolved into his usual cold, emotionless, calculating face. "Officious little bureaucrat." He growled under his breath as he took a sip of Whiskey. Due to the Goblin Metabolism, it was pretty much impossible to get drunk, but he needed the taste in his mouth at the moment. Washing away the taste of defeat. It had been over a year and STILL, Parker had his grandson, almost a third of his companys wealth and his happy little family and here Norman sat, his fate was entirely reliant on a combination of word of Senator Kelly (Who he didn't trust) and the the stupidity of the American public (Which he trusted VERY much) A knock came at the door. His advanced hearing had allowed him to hear the heavy footsteps even when on the phone to Kelly. "Yes, come in." The door opened and Mac walked in.

"Hey, boss-" Mac began, but was interrupted by Norman.

"I was in a call with someone very important." Norman scolded in his dark and commanding way. Mac stopped dead in his tracks.

"Oh, sorry, boss." He stammered out. Mac was an unstoppable killing machine in a suit of nearly indestructible power armour and yet Norman still scared the bejesus out of him.

"Well, you're here now, what is it?" Norman sighed, swirling his whisky around the glass to lower the temperature as it splashed off of the ice-cube in the middle, before taking another sip.

"I, uhhh... I got a call from Parker." He scratched the back of his head. Norman didn't seem to register this, slowly spinning his chair around to look out of the window. "Said he was looking for someone with my specific skill set for something he was workin' on. You want me to take him up on it? Get some info from the inside?"

"Using your brain? How unlike you." Norman spat out. Mac clenched his fist at this response. He was sick of people treating him like a dumb animal. Norman, as if sensing that he had struck a nerve, span back around in his chair with a big, cheery smile on his face. "Kidding." He said, throwing his arms wide. Frankly the smile scared Mac even more than the scowl had. "Mac, i appreciate the sentiment, but i already have a guy on the inside who is getting me as much info on Parker's movements as i need. And it would look rather suspicious if you just up-sticks and join him without a fight. Look, buddy, i need you here." Once again, Mac was getting a little scared with how polite and friendly Norman was being. "In any case, that little thing on your leg is a stamp of ownership as far as the New York Supreme Court is concerned. Your parole is entirely based on you working your debt to society off in my care. Even if i was certain i had the political clout to get you transfered to Parker's care, he'd never trust that i let you go so easily. No, my friend, your place is here. Call him back, tell him as such, feel free to insult him, but make it clear exactly where you stand. Parker will feel more secure knowing where you are and i want him feeling as safe as possible at this very second."

"The old "False sense of security" thing, right boss?" Mac asked. Norman finished his drink before putting it on the table and letting out the signature "Whiskey wheeze" as it burned his throat on the way down, but in all of the most pleasant ways.

"Very good, you're learning." Norman laughed. Mac pretended to laugh, but he definitely knew Norman meant that and he had been a private detective long enough to know that Norman knew and didn't care that the laugh was fake. Because what choice did he have? It was be in Normans pocket or be in jail. "Anyway, I have a little something for you." Norman said, reaching under his desk for a briefcase, he pulled it out and slid it across the desk to Mac "A little trump card for when you inevitably come to blows with Spider-Man next." Mac popped the clips on the brief case before opening it and looking inside, his eyes lit up with pure awe and excitement. "We good?" Norman smiled a sinister smile.

"Oh yeah, boss, WE are VERY good." Mac laughed.

S P I D E R - M A N
S P I D E R - M A N
Location: Parker Industries HQ
Post #3: Little Gremlins

Normie slowly walked through the halls of Parker Industries, headed towards the Neogenics lab. The clacking of his walking stick echoing through the polished, metal halls. He frowned as some of the workers walked past him. For a moment, he found himself alone, before stopping dead in the hall and listening... He could swear he could hear something. He turned around, nobody there, just an empty hallway... That's when he heard a muffled snickering, before looking straight up and seeing the face of May-Day staring at him as she walked along the ceiling above him. "HEY NORMIE!!!" She screamed at him, Normie startled for a second by the sheer volume this little girl was capable of.

"Keep it down, neither of us are supposed to be here. It's just that nobody questions the crippled kid." Normie sighed, before slowly hobbling away, the clacking beginning to echo again. May skipped along the ceiling above him.

"Want me to carry you?" She asked, him, shooting a web from her wrist to his back and pulling him up to her.

"LET ME DOWN!!!" Normie roared, flailing wildly. May-Day found this, frankly, hilarious. That was until the flailing walking stick smacked her square in the forehead. At which point, she dropped him as she sat down on the ceiling, rubbing her forehead.

"OWWWW!" She moaned, not crying, but visibly distraught. Normie landed on his backside and rubbed himself, before staring up at the little girl. "WHAT'D YOU DO THAT FOR?!" She yelled at him.

"I've told you before, don't pick me up like that!" He replied. At that point, the sound of one of the laboratory doors opened and one of the scientists walked out to see what the commotion was. A web hit Normie on the chest and pulled him straight up to the ceiling out of harms way. The pair of them sat in the shadow of between 2 of the lights in the hallway. The scientist looked both ways, before shaking his head and closing the door. Normie looked at May who smiled smugly at him "Ok, when it comes to not getting in trouble, sure you can pick me up like that..." He sighed. She carried him over her shoulder as she walked down the wall and onto the ground.

"So, Whatchya doin' in here?" She asked, rocking back and forth between her heels and balls of her feet, arms behind her back. Normie shook his head and began to hobble away again.

"I'm doing research." He grunted. May-Day skipped beside him.

"Oooh, just like Daddy, what kind of research?" She beamed at him. "Can i help? Daddy won't let me do it after last time" She groaned, pushing her index fingers together.

"Uncle Pete isn't doing this kind of research..." Normie mumbled. May-Day continued to skip in her upbeat, chipper way. Normie didn't particularly dislike May-Day, but he had to admit that he was envious of her power. Not so much the super strength and the wall crawling, but just the fact that she could walk and pass for an everyday normal person. Eventually, they came to the Neogenics lab, Normie inserted the security card he had swiped from Peter's office and walked in. As he did so, he looked around the lab. Lots of computers, lots of test tubes, lots of experiments going on.

"Hehehehe, we're gonna be in trouble!" May-Day giggled. "It's been a while since I broke in here, although it was mean old Uncle Otto who caught me."

"Otto is in the Robotics division, this is Neogenics

"Indeed, this is my lab." They both stopped dead as they heard a familiar voice speak to them. The pair of kids turned to see Alistair Smythe staring at them.

"BUSTED!" May-Day yelled, before running towards the door, but being unable to open it. Smythe quickly advanced on Normie, towering over him.

"Young Norman..." He said, staring down at the boy.

"It's Normie. Normie responded. Alistair looked down at Normie's crutch, before looking him in the eyes. They stood, looking deep into each other for about 10 seconds.

"I know why you're hear. Trust me, it's not worth it." Smythe responded, turning around and walking back towards his experiments. Normie hobbled after him. but Mayday turned and looked at them.

"YOU READ MINDS?!" She asked, grabbing her own head.

"I recognize the look of a crippled boy contemplating doing something he's going to regret in a vain attempt at normality. There are days that i wake up and would trade anything for my wheelchair again." He sighed. "It is the reason i have agreed to work for your father. If i can mutate myself back to human, my legs will cease to work."

"Why would you ever choose that?" Normie asked.

"Young Normie, there are more things to life than just walking and running and..." He reached a hand up to the spikes raising from his shoulders. "Shooting laser beams... I want to be normal again. I would rather be stared at by people pitying the cripple, than people staring terrified of the mutated freak. Look, Normie, i'm currently working on something that, if it succeeds, it could cure BOTH of us. But let's take time and get it right. Neogenics has the power to do great good, but equally great evil and most of that evil has come from people refusing to have respect for that power. Your father always says that with great power comes great responsibility, well this is one of the greatest powers and it will require the greatest of responsibility to wield it for the betterment of mankind."

"And in the meantime?" Normie asked.

"In the meantime, we suffer and we learn to respect the power we seek." Smythe looked at Normie. He saw a kindred spirit. They had both lost their fathers in a super-powered plot and he remembered sitting feeling powerless as his Spider-Slayers were utterly useless at actually delivering the revenge he sought... But Normie didn't even have anyone to take revenge on. Harry died by his own hand. He knew that the boy needed something to latch onto to focus that anger. "Tell you what, why don't i show you how this works?" He said, the children followed Alistair over to his work station. Smythe pressed a few buttons and brought up a picture of a bunch of cells on the monitor. "These are my bodies cells." He said. The computer showed a breakdown of the chemical makeup of his body. "Neogenics is the science of breaking down our bodies cells and changing them to improve them"

"So... You made yourself a spiky guy?" May-Day asked.

"Precisely. Radiation can cause this at random, but Neogenics seeks to figure out how to do it targetted. Think of it like playing a Piano. If you press the keys randomly, you just create an awful noise, but if you press the right keys in the right order, then you make something beautiful."

"So, we need to press the piano keys in our bodies in the right order?" May-Day asked.

"It's more like we need to figure out what the keys are as well." He pressed a few buttons. "Radiation can be a little unpredictable. One wrong move and you're growing laser shooting spikes." He sighed. He typed a few buttons and the cell was blasted with something. It started to slowly shrink, slowly stabilizing towards something human... Except the shrinking didn't stop, until the cell burst and Smythe grunted. "My job is to figure out what instrument i'm playing, where it's keys are, what the keys do and how to make them do what i need them to do in order to play music." May-Day looked blank. Smythe had the feeling that none of this had set in.

"Can't you use Vita-rays to try and stabilize them? I've read a few papers, it's suspected that they had something to do with Captain America's transformation."

"Vita-Rays add energy to cells, i'm trying to take energy away from my cells." Smythe replied

"But they are somewhere to start. Neuton's third law, for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. We know that Anti-matter is real and cancels out matter. Surely there is some kind of Anti-Vita-Ray out there?" He asked. Smythe looked a little surprised at the 10 year old seemingly being able to debate him in the ways of science.

"Precisely what i was thinking..." Smythe answered slowly, trying to re-rail his train of thought. "But it's finding it that's the problem. In the entire of recorded human history, we have yet to document any and then it'll be the problem of finding a way to generate them safely. Until then, i'm working with what i can." He shook his head "Elementary School Science didn't teach you about Neuton's Third Law."

"My father home-schooled me. Elementary school wasn't teaching fast enough for me." Smythe nodded, looking impressed.

"Reading level?" Smythe asked.

"12th grade" Normie responded

"Favourite book?" Asked in quick succession.

"Great Expectations." Normie said just as quickly.

"I found it a little disappointing." Smythe responded equally quickly. Normie then actually cracked an amused smile, before the pair of them legitimately laughed. May-Day shuffled nervously.

"I just finished reading Gemima Puddle-Duck with Mommy." She stated as a matter of fact. Normie turned to her and smiled condescendingly. Smythe however knelt down to her.

"I LOVE the works of Beatrix Potter." As Smythe began talking with May-Day about Mr Todd, Normie quickly pulled out a pen-drive and stuck it into Smythe's computer, before silently pressing a few things and downloading a number of files, before quickly retrieving the dive before Smythe could turn around. "I shall give your mother a few of the other books i have when i come into work tomorrow." He then turned around, seeing Normie stood looking unimpressed. "I will talk with your Uncle and see if he wouldn't mind me tutoring you. You seem rather interested in Neogenics and i think you have a bright future in the field." Smythe smiled at him. Normie was a little taken aback, he could have swore Smythe was humouring him before, but this offer seemed genuine.

"I... Would like that..." Normie said.

S P I D E R - M A N
S P I D E R - M A N
Location: Parker Industries HQ
Post #4: "Where are they now?"

"Peter, dear boy, with all due respect, ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR DAMN MIND?!" Otto shouted at him. In the room was Peter, MJ, Michael and Otto, only the ones who were in on the secret of Spider-Man's identity.

"I just wanted to get a feel for where everyone stands." Peter replied.

"Peter, I could have told you that." He sighed, a robotic tentacle reaching up to rub the bridge of his nose. "Now you've put Max and Adrien on the defensive not to mention how i am now going to have to pretend i'm still bitter about it so i can keep my credit with the other bad guys."

"I don't think your street cred is the most important thing right now." Michael sighed.

"Ok, well, i'm hearing complains, let's hear solutions?" MJ replied. "Scorpion gave us an unequivacle NO, but that's probably because of his deal with the state tying him to Oscorp rather than any actual loyalty to Norman. So, who else we got contact info for?"

"I know a guy who knows a guy who could get us in contact with Chameleon, but-."

"Max hates him almost as much as Peter and I trust that guy as far as i could throw you." MJ smiled sarcastically. "Hard veto on Chameleon." Peter put his hands up as a show of submission.

"Ok, Chameleon's off the table. Anyone else?" He asked. Otto was the one to respond this time.

"I... I'm in contact with Rhino..." He replied.

"Would have been great to know before." Peter stated.

"Look, he's in no position to work with us at the moment. He's in constant pain, he's agitated, that suit is starting to cause even more feverous discomfort. If we bring him in, he's not fighting for us, he's getting out of that suit and then paying his debt to society. I never swore a hypocratic oath, i'm not that kind of doctor, but i still believe in a doctor doing no harm to their patients. And anyway, he won't come in, because he knows we'll turn him over to the cops afterwards, but i still feel it's my duty to try and help him out." Otto sighed, sitting down, his tentacles forming into a supportive chair for him. "My whole reason for doing this is to help mankind and that includes Aleksei." Peter got up and walked over to Otto, before patting him on the shoulder.

"Hey, never apologize for trying to help people. It's the reason you were the first one i came to with this whole crazy scheme." He then looked over at Michael "No offense." Michael smiled a little.

"Oh really? I assumed you didn't come to me first because you were still mad about the Fisk Foundation Science Fair." The three men laughed for a second, but MJ rolled her eyes, before snapping her fingers in the air

"Boys, back to the task at hand. So far we have a no on Rhino and Chameleon. Come on, who else?"

"Well, to be perfectly honest, during my time on the streets, i specifically tried to hunt down a few... Priority targets for my feeding. Yes, i know we don't kill here, but i need to feed and i thought it would be better to feed off of those that could do the most harm until i could get my blood substitute serums working properly." He pulled out his Spyder phone and spent about a minute whisking through his own files. "Here we go." He brought up the files on the holo projector in the middle of the table. "Quick run-down on the list." As he started listing off names, their portraits became front and center in the holograms. "Herman Schultz, AKA Shocker - Unknown, rumours range everywhere from operating as a mercenary in Madripoor to working for anti-mutant groups right here in NY. Quentin Beck, AKA Mysterio - Unknown, that man has faked his death more times than i care to count, i gave up on him quickly. He'll make himself known exactly when he wants to be. Mister Negative, AKA Martin Li - Operating with the Maggia, Had a few run ins with him, but none ended very well for me. Carnage AKA Cletus Cassedy -"

"PASS" The other three all groaned in unison.

"I hate to say "Beyond redemption" But that guy blew up a bus full of kids and laughed about it on TV. Nope, no, hell-no." Peter responded. Michael nodded with agreement.

"Hey, i'm just telling you the info, up to you what you do with it. Anyway. Sergei Dimitri Symostivych Kravinoff, AKA Kraven the Hunter - Currently in Africa working with the Congolese government to hunt down warlords."

"Good for him." MJ Smiled.

"Damn, i was kinda hoping for Kraven, good morals, even if he is a sociopath." Peter sighed.

"Norman Osborn- we all know about that." He quickly went to the next slide "Curtis Connors, AKA The Lizard - Cur" But Peter butted in before he could continue

"Veto, that guy is only interested in getting close to me and stealing my blood to improve himself." Peter said with a frown.

"But he is a doctor of Neogenics, he could help me and Alistair considerably in our- Michael began, but Peter butted in again.

"VETOED! Next slide!"

"He gave Pete some pretty big trust issues." MJ replied.

"Curt was never the same after he lost his arm." Otto sighed. "Before, i'd have recommended him for our program, but i think The Lizard has gotten too far into his brain.."

"Can we continue?" Michael asked. "Stop butting in, it annoyed me back at University, it annoys me even more now. Aaron Davis, AKA The Prowler - 2 years into a 12 year stint in Rikers for 7 count of Burglary, 3 counts of Assault with a deadly weapon and 2 counts of resisting arrest."

"Yeah, that guy does not like me, but to be fair to him, i've never seen him go after anyone with lethal intent. Guy just likes to crack safes and knock over rich fat-cats." Peter said.

"Yeah, but now WE'RE the rich fat-cats." MJ reminded him.

"Point is, the guy has potential." Peter concluded.

"Yeah, but what would he even do here, the man is a career burglar. He's not a scientist, he stole all of his super-equipment and bungled it together into a super-villain persona by me and a few others." Otto asked.

"True-" MJ retorted, looking at her phone "But he seems to have a head for computers. Hacked his way through most of those fat-cats security systems. Could always hire him to help develop software for the Spyder line, or maybe put him in charge of our Cyber Security."

"I'm with MJ on this one, even if he's not going to be in our Six, i want to give him a chance at Parker Industries nonetheless. I see a guy who can be better than he currently is. Anyone else?" He asked.

"I..." Michael shuffled nervously. "I also have a contact number for Screwball..." The picture in the hologram showed Screwball's profile on her social media and the others quickly took note of the page having activated hyperlinks only available to her premium subscribers. The 3 stared at Michael for an uncomfortable minute, before they all responded in unison again.


S P I D E R - M A N
S P I D E R - M A N
Location: Parker Residence
Post #5: Goblin on the Wing

Normie sat in his room loudly tapping away at his computer. He heard the sound of his window opening slowly and frowned, but continued tapping. His ears had pricked up and he was following the telltale sounds of May's pattern of sneaking up on him. She was powerful and stealthy, but she was still too young to appreciate that people learned from her mistakes. The notorious *Fwip* As she attached her web to the ceiling and slowly lowered behind him.

"Hi May" He said, not breaking his stride.

"NO FAIR!!!" She cried "YOU ALWAYS KNOW I'M HERE!!!"

"You've got your Spider-Senses, i have my own super senses" He smiled a little, continuing to tap away at the computer.

"Whatcha doin'? Lookin' up weird video's of Daddy and Elsa?" She asked, cocking her head to the side. She didn't particularly understand what the absolute monolithic line of code. "Or are you watching The Matrix?"

"You wouldn't understand even if i told you" Normie sighed.

"I'm not dumb!" She punched him in the shoulder. Probably a little harder than she was supposed to, since she knocked him off the chair, but quickly shot a web with her other arm to grab him before he hit the floor and pulled them back onto his feet. "I'm REALLY sorry, don't tell Mommy!" She begged. Normie stared her in the eyes for a long minute. "DON'T!!!" She yelled. He then shook his head before starting to tap away at the keys again.

"I'm writing a combination Keylogger algorithm and trojan program to sneak into the backdoor of a company." He sighed. May spent a few minutes going over what he just said in her head.

"So, you're making a Ninja Horse?" She asked. Normie doubled over laughing at this response.

"Yeah, i'm writing a ninja horse." He laughed. She sat staring at it

"Computers are WAY cooler than i thought..." She said, her mind clearly blown away by this information. The lines of code that he was writing suddenly started going nuts as the algorithm started its work on cracking into the system he was looking at. "So, which company are you hacking into? I heard that Burger King has this gold card that gives you UNLIMITED burgers." She giggled. "But that's illegal and then daddy'll have to beat you up" She said.

"I'm not going for Burgers... I've got something a little better in mind." He replied. It was at that point that Oscorps logo popped up onscreen. "And i... am... in..." As he finished typing. He then saw a mass of files pop up in front of him and he smiled. "Now, time to get what i need..." He started to search the files, but quickly found a problem. "No..." He said with a worried look on his face. "No this can't be right... I'm in... I'm on the server, this is where the documents should be." He rubbed his face.

"Out of the way dummy" May said, dropping down and "I've got an idea" She grabbed the mouse from him and clicked the search bar before typing 'files that normie wants' getting no responses "Wow, this security has to be like... at least 7 times better than daddys." Normie shoved her out of the way before starting to check his coding.

"It's... It's correct, not a single number of asterisk out of place..." At that point, the window closed and a new one opened. It was a video call prompt with an accept or reject button. It rang once, then twice. Normie looked at May-Day. "Stay down, let me do the talking. Do NOT say ANYTHING under any circumstances." She quickly webbed up to the ceiling and lay flat on it. Normie cautiously pressed the accept button. At that point, the unmistakable face popped up.

"Greetings Normie... My god you look just like your father." Norman Osborn sat on his sofa in his house, sipping whiskey, he was wearing his white shirt without a tie and the top button undone, his black trousers and solid gold wrist watch being the only other visible clothing. "I'm very glad you decided to try and do this. I had a feeling. As for how i knew what your trojan would look like? Oh, i tracked a few of these some time ago, turns out it was your father trying to keep tabs on me. I knew he would teach you his hacking skills." Norman smiled. "In all seriousness, i am very glad to meet you. Your father sent me a few baby pictures, but he kept you well hidden."

"You killed my father. Don't try to get all jolly old grandpa with me." Normie replied. Norman continued to smile, but shifted, Normie could tell he had hit a nerve. Norman took a swig of his whiskey and clearly tried to re-rail his train of thought after Normie's blitz attack on his act.

"He was your father, but he was my son and i knew him FAR longer than you did. It wasn't ME who killed him, it was that Spider-Freak. But you didn't come hacking into Oscorp files to try and find out little things like that, did you?" Norman replied. "Tell Grampy what you're looking for and i'm sure i can get it for you. I'm an open book."

"Pity i can't tear out the pages." Normie replied. Norman laughed.

"Ah, dad taught you the Osborn wit very well. Yes, i have seen that defiant look FAR too many times in his youth. When he stole cookies from the jar, when he set fire to the rug, when he told me he was running away." Norman pointed at him with the hand he was using to hold the glass of whiskey. "My son, your father, lives in you." He smiled.

"Spare me the Lion King speech, tell me what you want?" Normie demanded. Norman laughed again.

"Amazing, you ignore my ask for what you want and try to turn it back on me, but let's be fair, you were the one that came to MY files. And whatever it is that you want, i'm more than happy to give it to you, but i need to know what that something is." He leaned back on his sofa, his thumb hooking comfortably into his trouser pocket to give a reserved, relaxed posture.

"No, you're the one who lured me in, you wanted this, so you tell me what you want? If it was just about the files, you would have left them for me to find." Normie pointed out.

"Frankly, i wanted a conversation with my favourite grandson." He smiled. "Is it so unbelievable that i actually want to talk to you and get to know you?" Normie simply stared at him without moving. Norman finally relented. "Alright, you got me. I wanted you to know that i'm here for you. And i wanted you to know that it specifically was me that was giving you the info. No strings attached, i just want you to know you always have family at Oscorp." Normie could tell that Norman was still hiding his main objective, but he did believe that part of this was some kind of trust building exercise. Trying to build some kind of give and take rapport. Well, if he was giving, then it was time for Normie to take.

"I am looking for the files on Oscorps old battle-suit technology... I..." Normie began, at that point he saw the only genuine look of concern on Norman's face he had seen all night.

"Your dad told me about the complications." Norman replied. "I'll have a few blueprints sent over to you immediately, the leg servo's in that wouldn't be too difficult to adapt to help you walk better." He tapped away at his keyboard for a second, before pressing send and a popup appeared, indicatng that he had received an email. This also tipped a bit of Normans hand that he was spying on Normie, knowing his email address without any prompts. "Anything else?" Norman asked with a smile.

"Do... You mind if i add you on Facespace?" He asked.

"By all means. If you need ANYTHING from me, please, message me. I'm not a monster, no matter what... Uncle Peter would have you believe." Norman replied, before closing the chat.

"WHAT WAS THAT!?!?!?" May-Day yelled the moment Norman hung up. "First you're all 'You killed my daddy, granddaddy!'" She said in a gruff voice. "Then you're all 'I love you grampy!'"

"You ever heard the phrase 'Keep your friends close and your enemies closer?'" He asked.

"No, because it's stupid, why keep people you hate close to you? I'd take you over your stinky grandpa any day." She proudly said. "Wait, we gotta tell Mommy." She said, realizing exactly what happened.

"Tell her and i'll tell her you pushed me." Normie threatened. He saw the gears turn in May's head as she tried to figure out what to do. She clearly wanted to tell MJ about what had happened, but she REALLY didn't want to get punished for punching him.

"Fine, i'll keep your secret, just like Daddy being Spider-Man." She sighed.

"Thanks." Normie replied, before opening up the attached document. There was a few designs for robotic support suits... But then there was another one. Originally, Normie had been going in there to get information about something else, but he didn't want to tip his hand too much to Norman, hopefully getting something small now and opening the way to slice back in for the thing he ACTUALLY wanted later... But looks like Norman was a step ahead of him... "Goblin-Formula-research.zip"

"With technology like that, you could cure Cancer!"
Spider-Man | Peter Parker
American | Human (Radioactive Spider-Blood | CEO of Parker Industries
Queens | New York | United States of America

This version of events is about an older Spider-Man who has been through all of the trauma trying to deal with the loss of his best friend, the sudden adoption of a new foster-son, the incorporation of a multi-billion dollar company. There will be a few major ongoing stories, including:
*Peter and Mary Jane trying to keep the spark in their romance alive while running said conglomerate
*May-Day and Normie trying to become Superheroes while not getting caught by Peter and MJ
*Peter pushing through the trauma of Harry's death right in front of him.
*The former Villains that work for Peter trying to get along when most of them really do not like each other
*Norman Osborn running for President of the United States of America in 2024.

P L O T ( S ) & G O A L ( S )
P L O T ( S ) & G O A L ( S )
I want to explore the next phase of Spider-Man's story if his story was actually allowed to progress. Marvel has this idea in their minds that Spider-Man is only allowed to suffer and be an ignorant teenager. I want to show how he actually handles being a man with his own responisbilities and with a happy family, but obviously, Pete isn't done being lifes whipping boy just yet. His plight has just evolved and he has evolved with it.
This... This isn't happening...

Spider-Man stood, bloody, bruised, but... Victorious... If you could call what he saw a victory. Green Goblin's purple tunic quickly turning red as the blood poured from the blades piercing his body, he let out a laugh as he looked into Spider-Man's eyes. He then collapsed, falling backwards and landing with a loud thud on the metal on the stone atop one of the pillons of the Brooklyn Bridge. His Spider-Senses weren't flaring, this wasn't a trick, this wasn't a joke, this was... Real... He slowly stumbled over to Goblin's body.

"N... Norman..." He called. "Norman, speak to me..." He pulled his mask from his face, no quips, no energenic calls, no words of annoyance, Peter was as serious as anyone had ever heard him. "Norm... Don't..." He quickly rushed over and felt the pulse. He was Super-Powered, this might not kill him. "Norm, stay with me." He pulled the Goblins mask from his face and saw the Osborn family red and black striped hair... No... That hair wasn't red... And the face. "HARRY!!!!" Peter screamed. "HARRY WHY- WHAT- I DON'T- WHAT?!" Harry reached to a button on his wrist and pushed it, the gliders blades retreating and the glider fell atop him, the fins preventing it from crushing him at all, but now the blood flowed unimpeded "NO, HARRY, STOP, YOU'RE GONNA DIE!!!" He quickly pressed his hands across Harry's chest, but with 4 blades and only 2 hands, there was nothing he could do. "WHY!?!?!?!" He cried as tears streamed down his face. "HOW COULD YOU!?!?!"

"How could i not?" Harry smiled as he coughed up a tremendous amount of blood. "The goblin... I could feel it... It was taking over..."

"HOW COULD YOU? THINK OF NORMIE! THINK OF LIZ! THINK OF-" Harry grabbed Peter's collar with one hand and tried to push Peter's hands away, but he was so weak that he was completely unable to do so.

"Liz is gone... Cancer... Normie... Deserves better..."


"I couldn't save her, Pete... I couldn't save anyone... Anyone but..."

"Norman..." Peter came to the sudden realization. "This... ALL OF THIS... Was to save Norman?" He asked.

"Dad... Dad isn't evil... The Goblin is... But dad isn't... With this... The goblin dies... And i can be with Liz again..." At this point, he coughed hard as Peter punched his chest.

"SELFISH BASTARD!!! WHAT ABOUT NORMIE! HE'S ALL ALONE NOW! HE'S..." It was happening again. This was the third person he loved that was dying in his arms... And the second that was taken directly because of Norman Osborn. "You're leaving me and MJ..." He then laughed "Who's gonna be our Queen of Spain now?"

"Pete... I've only got minutes... Listen carefully..." He coughed as Peter crawled closer.

2 Days Later, Oscorp HQ, New York

The door opened to Normans office as Peter slowly walked in. The door closed behind him. Peter took out a small keyfob and pressed a button on it. "Don't worry, Gobby... This is a little mic scrambler. Means that nothing we say can leave this room." Norman didn't say anything, he simply stared daggers at Peter. "Norman, i know we have been at each others throats for 20 years now... But the one thing we both shared was that we loved Harry. You as a son and me as a Brother... And neither of us wanted it to end like this..." Norman continued to say nothing. Peters Spider-Senses were slowly ticking over. Norman was a snake that could strike at any second, but he wanted to believe he wouldn't. "Norman... Say something..."

"You killed my boy you wall crawling son of a bitch..." Norman spat.

"And you killed my first love you pumpkin slinging piece of trash-" Pete managed to squeeze between Normans words.

"And i will make you rue the day you did it."

"Harry killed himself... For you. That Goblin in his head was starting to take over. He didn't trust himself around Normie anymore. He couldn't save Liz, but he saw a way to save you. The cops have always been looking around you. You being the Goblin was the worst kept secret in the world. But Harry has given you an out. He has taken the full rap of everything the Goblin has ever done. He gave his life to save your soul."

"I don't want my soul, i want my SON!" He roared.

"AND I WANT HIM TOO!!!" Peter bit back. "But... We find ourselves in this situation... One where our wants and needs are not what we can get. Harry has made a sacrifice and I will NOT let it be in vain. The Goblin is dead... Let your sons last act on this planet be of your redemption. My uncle once said to me that with great power comes great responsibility. You have been given the greatest of powers. The power of a second chance and you have the responsibility to see that you use it to its fullest extent." The room sat quiet for a few minutes. Norman sniffed loudly, before getting up and looking out of his large window.

"Then the Goblin is dead... I will have to rededicate my life to... Raising my grandson." Peter slowly got up.

"That's not going to happen either..." Norman slowly turned to Peter and Peter could swear his Spider-Senses were trying to leap out through his skull and run away from just the sheer entropic power of Normans Glare. Peter reached into his suits breast pocket and pulled out a piece of paper. "A copy of Harry's Last Will and Testiment. Signed and recognized by his lawyer the day before... It gives me custody of Normie."

"What could you possibly offer Normie? I have a 100 BILLION dollar company! I have summer homes in the Algarve, i can pay for his medical bills, his education and still not even remotely make a DENT in my ability to support him. You can barely make ends meet with your daughter. How can you even HOPE to support Normie, no i'm going to fight this, i'm going to hire the BEST lawyers in the land and when i'm done with you, you'll be lucky to have your web spinners-" Peter put his hand up to motion silence.

"Harry also left some things for us to take care of Normie with. Most notably... A controlling stake in Oscorp..." He put a piece of paper on the desk and slid it over. "Now, Oscorp is a publicly traded company and i can sell these shares to whoever i want, but i know you love Oscorp and i know Harry would never want me to jeopardize your company. As such, i'm offering the shares to you first. At current market value, his shares are equal to 34.82 Billion Dollars. That amount of clout guarantees you will control Oscorp for the rest of your natural life." Norman sneered with every word from Peter's lips

"And you'll... What, frittle it away on some-" Peter interrupted him.

"I plan to invest in a company of my own. And when Normie turns 18, he will be given an amount in that company equivalent to that. In shares or Money, whichever he requests. I will stay out of Oscorps way, no weapons or military contracts. No Pharmaceuticals in the same fields that Oscorp is working in. I would like very much to draw a line under our relationship and move forwards from here. In Harry's memory and for Normie's sake." Norman continued to stare daggers at him. But slowly reached over to his intercomm. "Felicia, I need the legal team to draft some papers on a stock purchase." He ordered.

8 Days Later, The Raft, New York

"It is good to see you, my dear boy." Otto said, greeting his old student in his strong German accent. "Allow me to once again give my condolences on Harry's passing, you and him were always so close."

"Thanks Otto." Peter replied, before patting him on the shoulder. Otto's 4 tentacles were completely inactive and dragging along the floor behind him as he walked over to the visitation desk. "Look, Otto, i have... Well, i have some clout now. A few friends in S.H.I.E.L.D. and some moolah to throw around in the pursuit of a dream i have."

"Money and a dream? Now that is a VERY dangerous combination for a young genius such as yourself." Otto laughed. "Tell me all about it."

"I can get you out of here and into the ground level of a project i am working on. With the right words here and there i can get your sentence commuted to Community Service in the most high-tech lab you have ever seen." Peter smiled.

"Say no more. The Doctor is in!" Otto laughed as he shook hands with Peter.

"Cue the montage" Peter smiled.

1 hour later, The Raft, New York

"And give me one good reason i should take you up on this, Parker? Maybe if you give me your buddy Spider-Man, i'll consider it." Toomes replied to Peter's offer.

"What is even your problem with him? It's not like you were innocent in the matter." Peter replied.

"Even so, i hold grudges." Toomes smiled.

"Well, is a grudge worth more to you than a leadership position with a brand new Aeronautics division at a multi-billion dollar conglomerate?" Pete snikered.

"Keep talkin'..." Toomes replied.

6 hours later, Hells Kitchen, New York.
"Neogenics is VERY dangerous." Morbius shook his head. "Look what it did to me."

Peter looked Michael up and down. "It saved your life, if nothing else. And i believe it can be used to save other lives too. We might be able to even change you back."

"A way out of the blood dependence... And a guarantee that my research will go EXACTLY where it needs to?" He asked.

"I mean, i'm not running a charity, but so long as we are saving lives and keeping our bottom line good, complete and total autonomy. So, is it Morbin' time?"

"I ALWAYS hated when you said that." Michael scowled, before grabbing Peter's hand and shaking it.

3 days later, Favela, Brazil
Peter slowly walked through a rudimentary hospital in the shanty town as people waited in line. "I have an appointment with Dr Smythe" He said to the receptionist, who showed him through to the office where the 6'7 spike-covered man stood inspecting a small child.

"-looking good, the swelling has gone down, just keep him on the antibiotics and i'll see him in a week." Alistair looked up and saw Peter walk in. "Excuse me, but you are?" Of course, Peter and Smythe had not really talked, he was more familiar with Spider-Man.

"Peter Parker, i'm friends with Spider-Man, i used to take pictures of him." Smythe seemed to pretend to recognize him, but Peter could tell otherwise.

"Ah yes, for the Bugle, well, what brings you to my part of the world?" He asked. Peter smiled, before handing him a business card.

"I represent Parker Industries and i need a Neogenics expert." Smythe looked at it.

"No thanks, i am wanted by FAR too many agencies in the US." He handed Peter back the card. Peter presented the card again.

"I have some clout and so long as you are willing to work on the level and maybe play give some super-powered help to the Feds and we can definitely get you back into the country as a free man. I can even provide money to hire on some more doctors for this little clinic of yours?" Peter threw in. Smythe looked at the rusted walls of the shanty hospital, before reaching a hand over to Peter. Peter shook it.

1 day later, Brooklyn, New York

"So what you're saying is that if i give myself up to the cops, then you'll pay for me a load of money?" Electro asked. Peter sighed with a palm on his face.

"I will give you the opportunity to redeem yourself in the eyes of the public. To make Electro not just some two-bit criminal with a penchant for stealing, but a respected member of the New York elite." He watched Electro think for a second.

"Yeah, that's nice and all, but there is money in it?" Electro reiterated. Peter handed him a piece of paper. Electro's eyes widened as his pupils started to glow with electricity "Is... Is that after Tax?" Peter laughed. This is why he knew that Max was definitely not beyond redemption. A simple man motivated by simple means such as large piles of cash.

"Sure, buddy. But you gotta stay on the level." Peter slapped him on the back.

"Oh definitely, you've got absolutely NOTHING to worry about." Peter felt a twinge from his Spider-Senses. Mex was lying... Maybe it was a mistake, but was it better to leave him as a definite threat, or maybe he could sway him over to the good side.

1 year later, Brooklyn, New York

"When i was young, my uncle Ben used to tell me that with great power comes great responsibility. Well, i say that with great power comes a greater speed, storage and battery life." Peter smiled to the press circus in front of him. "Parker Industries is proud to announce the new Spyder Phone. Unbeatable performance, a crisp and clear display and all at a price that leaves some of our..." He laughed a little "Competitors... in the dust." He then picked up a small wrist-mounted device and attached it. "It also comes with something very near and dear to my heart. You see, my Aunt May suffered from a Heart Attack which killed her. If emergency services were able to get to her, she could have been saved. As such, this vitals monitor will come as standard with every device. You can set it to monitor vitals and it will automatically call emergency services in case it picks up irregularities. So far, it recognizes Heart Attacks, Strokes and Aerythmia's with regular updates that will add more monitors. And of course, if you're the picture of perfect health and don't want it? Simply bring it to your local Spyder provider to trade in for store credit. Parker Industries has come onto the scene for one reason and one reason alone. To provide quality products and life-changing technologies at a competative price. With this being the first in our Spyder products, we hope to provide you with more as we go forward."

Damn, well, if you try it again, let me know. Only just found this and would be interested.

♦️ GM: @Mattmanganon ♦️ Genre: Comic/Superhero ♦️ Level Casual/Advanced ♦️

Welcome to a new Marvel Universe in Marvel RE: Imagine, a reality reimagined and populated by the heroes and villains of your dreams. This is a world where anything is possible, and the only limit is your own imagination. In this universe, the Avengers may never have formed, or maybe they fell apart years ago. The X-Men may be the most famous heroes on the planet, or they might be hunted and feared by the masses. It's up to you to shape this world and create the stories that will define it.

But dangers lurk around every corner. Beneath the surface, there are forces at work that threaten to tear this world apart, or take it for themselves. Secret societies such as HYDRA manipulate events from the shadows. Cosmic entities ogle our world with greedy eyes. Terrorists such as The Brotherhood seize by force all that they desire and silence those who oppose them. And that's just the start. Across the world, there are other dangers just waiting to be uncovered, from alien invasions to magical cults with nefarious agendas.

It's an Age of Heroes, but not everybody's happy about it. The world is a complex and dangerous place, and some believe that the actions of these superpowered beings only make things worse. Others seek to exploit the chaos for their own personal gain, or to shape the world in their own image. But amidst all the turmoil and uncertainty, there are still those who stand for justice, who fight for what's right, and who are willing to put themselves on the line to protect the innocent. It's a dangerous world out there, but there's also plenty of opportunities for adventure, excitement, and heroism. So grab your shields, sharpen your claws, and get ready to join the fray in Marvel RE: Imagine!
I N T R O D U C T I O N:

Marvel RE: Imagine is a sandbox roleplay set in a reimagined (drink everytime I force that word in) Marvel continuity. I'm looking to create a fun, constructive atmosphere so while we are in Advanced, don't expect my eyes burning through the back of your head if you make a typo or anything. I want this to be a long running game, with a wide variety of characters, and a healthy amount of collab between players to boot. While self sufficient story telling is great, and being comfortable with writing detailed solo posts is a must here, this is also a group roleplay so I'd like to see a good mix of single content and multiple player interactions.

For my part, I will try to organise group wide GM events where multiple player interactions will be key, but I will do this at the request of the players as and when you want to see that level of content. Feel free to bounce any ideas for group events off me if there are things you want to see. I want to ensure that this is a fun experience with more longevity that these games tend to provide, and I will try to take any feedback on board when necessary.

Above all, have fun. And PM me or @ me in the OOC if you need me to squash a spider or something.
R U L E S:

  • Players may have up to two active character concepts at any one time. And while I'm sure your OCs are brilliant (and I'd totally love to see them in another setting perhaps) that's not what this RP is aiming for sorry; please make sure all applications are for canon characters only. That is to say only characters who have appeared in official Marvel media (comics, film, tv, games etc.). And I'll just stop you there (yes you, you know who you are), while Marvel has produced comics for other properties such as Transformers, Star Wars, etc., characters from outside franchises will not be accepted. Just use your common sense.
  • Group and team concepts are allowed, but (for now) villainous concepts are not - further down the line there may be scope to include them but I would like to ensure we have a good line up of heroes in our roster beforehand.
  • Applications will be reviewed 48 hours after submission. If competing concepts are submitted within that 48-hour window, all concepts will be reviewed together after the final competing sheet is submitted. An OOC statement of intent to compete is allowed, but incomplete sheets will not be considered.
  • Applications must be posted in the OOC while awaiting GM approval. Once approved, you will need to post this in the Characters tab so they are easier accessed by other players
  • Characters can be reimagined, but should be at least somewhat resemble their original mainstream interpretation. Like if you really squint you could still say "Yeah, that's the Punisher". That said, there will be leeway for concepts deemed exceptional.
  • Once accepted, players may have input on the approval of concepts that relate to their "legacies," (supporting cast, antagonists) and "parent" applications will have priority in these cases. However, we ask that you don't go crazy with it. Daredevil has appeared in Spider-Man stories but that doesn't mean a Spider-Man player has sway over their use. Again, in these situations please just use common sense. And ultimately, we are here to have fun, so try and be open in allowing others to do so if all it would take is a quick character substitution to resolve an issue.
  • This is the Advanced Roleplay section, but I won't be heavily enforcing things like paragraph count - I understand sometimes a shorter post will do, or you might feel pressed to get a post out whatever the quality. Advanced Roleplay guidelines, including a heavier focus on character development, longer posts, in-depth plots, and good grammar are highly encouraged and desired, but I'm not going to be a dragon about it. In the end of the day, this is a hobby and I would hate to put anyone in a position where it didn't feel like that.
  • Posting once every two weeks is required, but this is not a hard line if you keep me in the loop with what's happening; three weeks without posting or OOC contact will land your character in Purgatory. Think of it like a pawn shop - if you return later and want to pick up the character from where you left off you can. However, characters in Purgatory will be available for competing applications so please communicate if you don't want to lose your work. Late posting I can live with, but ghosting and inactivity can kill a game and I'd like to avoid that wherever possible.
  • All Guild rules apply, including but not restricted to, no explicit content.

T I M E L I N E:

This section contains a timeline of Key Events leading up to the events of the roleplay, and beyond. It's fairly barebones at the moment, with the view of adding important character-specific dates as your establish them. As part of the character sheet, there will be a section for you to provide any key dates relating to your character, supporting cast, locations or enemies. Please do fill this is in as I want this timeline to accurately reflect the history of the world we are building together. If you have any other suggestions for the timeline, please let me know by @mentioning me in the OOC or by PMing me.

  • 701: Birth of Loki, a Frost Giant who is adopted by Odin and raised as an Asgardian;
  • 1063: Learning of their true heritage, Loki becomes disillusioned with the Asgardians;
  • 1066: Loki stages a failed coup against Asgard and is imprisoned;
  • 1070-1980: Loki escapes prison and travels across the Nine Realms, causing trouble and taking on various aliases;
  • 1941: Dr. Abraham Erskine defects to the Allies;
  • 1943: Creation of the Super Soldier Serum; Captain America's first appearance;
  • 1945: Captain America declared MIA; Atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki; World War II ends; Formation of the United Nations and SHIELD; Beginning of the Cold War;
  • 1950-1953: The Korean War;
  • 1954-1968: The Civil Rights Movement;
  • 1955: Vietnam War begins;
  • 1957: Soviet Union launches Sputnik;
  • 1962: Cuban Missile Crisis;
  • 1963: Assassination of President John F. Kennedy;
  • 1969: Apollo 11 moon landing;
  • 1970: Victor Von Doom is born.
  • 1972-1974: Watergate Scandal;
  • 1975: End of the Vietnam War; Reed Richards and Ben Grimm are born
  • 1976: Howard Stark and Obadiah Stane found Stark Industries.;
  • 1977: Sue Storm is born
  • 1979: Beginning of the Iran Hostage Crisis;
  • 1980: Loki begins a campaign against the Storm Giants and Frost Giants; Frank Castle is born to Louisa and Mario Castle, itailian immigrants to America;
  • 1981: End of the Iran Hostage Crisis; Assassination attempt on President Ronald Reagan; Frank Castle begins watching the news even as a baby about criminal proceedings and high profile situations;
  • 1982: Johnny Storm is Born
  • 1986: Space Shuttle Challenger disaster;
  • 1988: A son is born to Howard and Maria Stark. They name him Tony;
  • 1989: Fall of the Berlin Wall;
  • 1990-1991: Gulf War;
  • 1990: After being caught and executed by a coalition of giants, Loki tricks Hel and is banished to Midgard; Mario Castle is called into service of the armed forces for the Gulf War, inspiring his son to one day be a hero like his father; Service members notify Frank Castle of his father's death, and not long after Louisa reveals she has cancer
  • 1991: Dmitri Bukharin defects following the dissolution of the Soviet Union;
  • 1991-2015: Loki battles their way out of Helheim and is cared for by their cult while adjusting to their new body;
  • 1993: Reed Richards, Ben Grimm, and Victor Von Doom meet at State University, New York, becoming fast friends;
  • 1995: Victor Von Doom's experiment results in an accident, scarring his face. Reed consoles him. Victor leaves the US to do some soul-searching;
  • 1997: Reed Richards and Sue Storm marry
  • 1998: Reed Richards experimental spaceflight with his wife Sue, best friend Ben, and brother-in-law Johnny results in them getting bombarded with cosmic rays and obtaining their powers. Reed sacrifices himself to ensure his family and friends return to Earth safely;
  • 1999: Peter Parker bitten by a Radioactive Spider; becomes Spider-Man; Daily Bugle runs stories on Spider-Man;
  • 2000: Spider-Man's villains emerge; Green Goblin, Doctor Octopus, Vulture, and Spider-Slayers terrorize New York; After a long hard battle, Frank Castle says his goodbyes to his mother along with his pregnant fiance Maria; Frank joins the police force, secretly hoping to take a chunk out of the criminal element. Here he meets Andy Lorimer, and is partnered with Bruce Greenwood;
  • 2001: 9/11 terrorist attacks; U.S. invades Afghanistan; Scorpion created to hunt down Spider-Man; Rhino enters New York; For several days Frank Castle is among many first responders dealing with the effects of 9/11, and after a long conversation with his now wife he enlists in the United States Marine Corps;
  • 2002: Peter Parker graduates from Empire State University; Morbius terrorizes New York; Kraven the Hunter hunts Morbius and Spider-Man; Frank Castle comes to Afghanistan with his unit and partners up with Billy Russo, Steve Goodwin, and his commanding officer Cleve Gorman; Frank and his unit are sent to fortify a town from the enemy are immediately set up for three days straight until only Billy, Steve, and Frank are left. All this violence has pushed Frank to the edge of his humanity and the Punisher peeks out. On the fourth day, a Super Soldier known as Johnny Nighmare arrives and the three men experience the worst possibilities of their lives. Frank has to kill him, but in so doing, births The Punisher.
  • 2003: U.S. invades Iraq; Green Goblin kills Gwen Stacy; Grizzly debuts as a villain; Frank Castle's superior officers send him to a blacksite to get intel of several high value targets, this is where he learns the art of "enhanced interrogation" his skills rivaling that of a mercenary for hire, Baraccuda who is rumored to be a cannibal.
  • 2004: Peter dates Mary Jane; Spider-Man blamed for Spencer Smythe's death; Mysterio stages robberies; Frank Castle is relieved of service and returns home a completely changed man, Maria notices immediately and does not like it, In an attempt to reconcile with his family, Frank Castle takes them to Central Park, and in a series of events seconds before Maria is about to serve him divorce papers, a gang war erupts killing everybody including Frank.
  • 2006: Morbius cured but still feeds on evil people; Chameleon debuts as a villain; Peter gets Black Suit; Victor Von Doom takes a hiatus to resolve the instability of his homeland, Latveria;
  • 2007: Aunt May dies; Black Suit attaches to Eddie Brock, who becomes Venom;
  • 2008: Global financial crisis; Alistair Smythe attacks New York with Spider-Slayer robots; Spider-Man clears his name; Alistair escapes;
  • 2010-2012: Arab Spring;
  • 2010: Peter and Mary Jane marry; The Starks are killed in a car accident under dubious circumstances. Tony replaces his father as CEO of Stark Industries; Victor becomes dictator of Latveria, is labeled an enemy to world peace by NATO
  • 2011: Death of Osama bin Laden; The Fantastic Four is renamed to The Future Foundation, reflecting a shift in intent and policy;
  • 2012: Hobgoblin (Harry Osborn) appears; Eddie Brock gives up Venom; Green Goblin learns Spider-Man's identity; Justin Hammer’s company is absorbed into Stark Industries. Hammer is hired on as a senior engineer by Stark;
  • 2013: Harry Osborn elopes with Elizabeth Allen; Sinister Six debut; Normie Allen born;
  • 2014: Sinister Six rule criminal underworld; Green Goblin, Rhino, and Mysterio escape; Sokovian rebels capture Tony during a press tour in their country.
  • 2015: Stark escapes his captors and returns to the States;
  • 2015-2023: After regaining full control of their magic and body, Loki explores the modern world;
  • 2016: May-Day Parker born; Sinister Six dissolved; Iron Man makes his debut;
  • 2017: End of construction of The Raft; Alexander Summers joins Magneto's Brotherhood of Evil Mutants; Johnny Storm and Crystalia Amaquelin marry;
  • 2019:Cynthia Storm is born
  • 2020: Liz Allen dies from cancer;
  • 2021: Warren Ellis (Dem) becomes the President of the United States; Green Goblin attempts to take over New York and reveal Spider-Man's identity;
  • 2022: Harry Allen steals Goblin Suit and attacks New York; Custody of Normie given to Peter and Mary Jane;
  • 2023: Senator Robert Kelly introduces a bill calling for the creation of a Mutant Response Division; Parker Industries founded; Tony Stark’s alter ego is made public and he’s forcibly removed from his company, made penniless; Frank Castle awakens from a nearly 2 decade coma and after learning of the death of his family, he vows to wage a war of vengeance.

@Master EffeX @Byrd Man @Supermaxx @udonoodles @TGM @thatguy @Stern Algorithm

So, roll call, who's happy for me to take over as GM?
@ErsatzEmpress Damn, i mean, i was having a lot of fun. I'm happy to continue as GM if you want to set me as CO-GM.
@Supermaxx I was wondering if you would be ok with me using Iron Patriot in my story? I was thinking of him maybe getting the plans via corporate espionage, a deal with Stane (Stain thinking that he's selling Norman a lemon where he's selling tech that he is positive Norman cannot make work) Or maybe a blunt-force assault on Stark Industries by a Super Villain merc or 2. But the point is that Norman gets his hands on the plans and creates an inferior, bootleg Iron Man suit that, while still powerful, is inferior to anything Tony creates (I'm thinking that while the suit has the gadgets, the super-strength servo's don't work, but being that Norman is Super Strong anyway, he uses the armour as a cover for this.) My thinking is that Norman, as part of his presidential campaign hires a Mutant Supervillain to attack him and he pulls out Iron Patriot to "Defend himself" which helps stoke the anti-mutant rhetoric he's pushing, as well as push Oscorp's stock up.

S P I D E R - M A N
S P I D E R - M A N
Location: Parker Residence
Post #5: Goblin on the Wing

Normie sat in his room loudly tapping away at his computer. He heard the sound of his window opening slowly and frowned, but continued tapping. His ears had pricked up and he was following the telltale sounds of May's pattern of sneaking up on him. She was powerful and stealthy, but she was still too young to appreciate that people learned from her mistakes. The notorious *Fwip* As she attached her web to the ceiling and slowly lowered behind him.

"Hi May" He said, not breaking his stride.

"NO FAIR!!!" She cried "YOU ALWAYS KNOW I'M HERE!!!"

"You've got your Spider-Senses, i have my own super senses" He smiled a little, continuing to tap away at the computer.

"Whatcha doin'? Lookin' up weird video's of Daddy and Elsa?" She asked, cocking her head to the side. She didn't particularly understand what the absolute monolithic line of code. "Or are you watching The Matrix?"

"You wouldn't understand even if i told you" Normie sighed.

"I'm not dumb!" She punched him in the shoulder. Probably a little harder than she was supposed to, since she knocked him off the chair, but quickly shot a web with her other arm to grab him before he hit the floor and pulled them back onto his feet. "I'm REALLY sorry, don't tell Mommy!" She begged. Normie stared her in the eyes for a long minute. "DON'T!!!" She yelled. He then shook his head before starting to tap away at the keys again.

"I'm writing a combination Keylogger algorithm and trojan program to sneak into the backdoor of a company." He sighed. May spent a few minutes going over what he just said in her head.

"So, you're making a Ninja Horse?" She asked. Normie doubled over laughing at this response.

"Yeah, i'm writing a ninja horse." He laughed. She sat staring at it

"Computers are WAY cooler than i thought..." She said, her mind clearly blown away by this information. The lines of code that he was writing suddenly started going nuts as the algorithm started its work on cracking into the system he was looking at. "So, which company are you hacking into? I heard that Burger King has this gold card that gives you UNLIMITED burgers." She giggled. "But that's illegal and then daddy'll have to beat you up" She said.

"I'm not going for Burgers... I've got something a little better in mind." He replied. It was at that point that Oscorps logo popped up onscreen. "And i... am... in..." As he finished typing. He then saw a mass of files pop up in front of him and he smiled. "Now, time to get what i need..." He started to search the files, but quickly found a problem. "No..." He said with a worried look on his face. "No this can't be right... I'm in... I'm on the server, this is where the documents should be." He rubbed his face.

"Out of the way dummy" May said, dropping down and "I've got an idea" She grabbed the mouse from him and clicked the search bar before typing 'files that normie wants' getting no responses "Wow, this security has to be like... at least 7 times better than daddys." Normie shoved her out of the way before starting to check his coding.

"It's... It's correct, not a single number of asterisk out of place..." At that point, the window closed and a new one opened. It was a video call prompt with an accept or reject button. It rang once, then twice. Normie looked at May-Day. "Stay down, let me do the talking. Do NOT say ANYTHING under any circumstances." She quickly webbed up to the ceiling and lay flat on it. Normie cautiously pressed the accept button. At that point, the unmistakable face popped up.

"Greetings Normie... My god you look just like your father." Norman Osborn sat on his sofa in his house, sipping whiskey, he was wearing his white shirt without a tie and the top button undone, his black trousers and solid gold wrist watch being the only other visible clothing. "I'm very glad you decided to try and do this. I had a feeling. As for how i knew what your trojan would look like? Oh, i tracked a few of these some time ago, turns out it was your father trying to keep tabs on me. I knew he would teach you his hacking skills." Norman smiled. "In all seriousness, i am very glad to meet you. Your father sent me a few baby pictures, but he kept you well hidden."

"You killed my father. Don't try to get all jolly old grandpa with me." Normie replied. Norman continued to smile, but shifted, Normie could tell he had hit a nerve. Norman took a swig of his whiskey and clearly tried to re-rail his train of thought after Normie's blitz attack on his act.

"He was your father, but he was my son and i knew him FAR longer than you did. It wasn't ME who killed him, it was that Spider-Freak. But you didn't come hacking into Oscorp files to try and find out little things like that, did you?" Norman replied. "Tell Grampy what you're looking for and i'm sure i can get it for you. I'm an open book."

"Pity i can't tear out the pages." Normie replied. Norman laughed.

"Ah, dad taught you the Osborn wit very well. Yes, i have seen that defiant look FAR too many times in his youth. When he stole cookies from the jar, when he set fire to the rug, when he told me he was running away." Norman pointed at him with the hand he was using to hold the glass of whiskey. "My son, your father, lives in you." He smiled.

"Spare me the Lion King speech, tell me what you want?" Normie demanded. Norman laughed again.

"Amazing, you ignore my ask for what you want and try to turn it back on me, but let's be fair, you were the one that came to MY files. And whatever it is that you want, i'm more than happy to give it to you, but i need to know what that something is." He leaned back on his sofa, his thumb hooking comfortably into his trouser pocket to give a reserved, relaxed posture.

"No, you're the one who lured me in, you wanted this, so you tell me what you want? If it was just about the files, you would have left them for me to find." Normie pointed out.

"Frankly, i wanted a conversation with my favourite grandson." He smiled. "Is it so unbelievable that i actually want to talk to you and get to know you?" Normie simply stared at him without moving. Norman finally relented. "Alright, you got me. I wanted you to know that i'm here for you. And i wanted you to know that it specifically was me that was giving you the info. No strings attached, i just want you to know you always have family at Oscorp." Normie could tell that Norman was still hiding his main objective, but he did believe that part of this was some kind of trust building exercise. Trying to build some kind of give and take rapport. Well, if he was giving, then it was time for Normie to take.

"I am looking for the files on Oscorps old battle-suit technology... I..." Normie began, at that point he saw the only genuine look of concern on Norman's face he had seen all night.

"Your dad told me about the complications." Norman replied. "I'll have a few blueprints sent over to you immediately, the leg servo's in that wouldn't be too difficult to adapt to help you walk better." He tapped away at his keyboard for a second, before pressing send and a popup appeared, indicatng that he had received an email. This also tipped a bit of Normans hand that he was spying on Normie, knowing his email address without any prompts. "Anything else?" Norman asked with a smile.

"Do... You mind if i add you on Facespace?" He asked.

"By all means. If you need ANYTHING from me, please, message me. I'm not a monster, no matter what... Uncle Peter would have you believe." Norman replied, before closing the chat.

"WHAT WAS THAT!?!?!?" May-Day yelled the moment Norman hung up. "First you're all 'You killed my daddy, granddaddy!'" She said in a gruff voice. "Then you're all 'I love you grampy!'"

"You ever heard the phrase 'Keep your friends close and your enemies closer?'" He asked.

"No, because it's stupid, why keep people you hate close to you? I'd take you over your stinky grandpa any day." She proudly said. "Wait, we gotta tell Mommy." She said, realizing exactly what happened.

"Tell her and i'll tell her you pushed me." Normie threatened. He saw the gears turn in May's head as she tried to figure out what to do. She clearly wanted to tell MJ about what had happened, but she REALLY didn't want to get punished for punching him.

"Fine, i'll keep your secret, just like Daddy being Spider-Man." She sighed.

"Thanks." Normie replied, before opening up the attached document. There was a few designs for robotic support suits... But then there was another one. Originally, Normie had been going in there to get information about something else, but he didn't want to tip his hand too much to Norman, hopefully getting something small now and opening the way to slice back in for the thing he ACTUALLY wanted later... But looks like Norman was a step ahead of him... "Goblin-Formula-research.zip"
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