Avatar of mattmanganon


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4 yrs ago
Current I am still on RPG, so do feel free to message me. Just don't have the time or energy to actually join any RP's right now. Focusing on a LOT of other projects, including getting into Audio Drama.
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6 yrs ago
Computer is back, yay. I can post again :)
6 yrs ago
Computer is getting some much needed maintenance. Will be slow posting for the next week or 2.
6 yrs ago
Sorry for disappearing for 2 months. Life kinda went to shit and RPG was pushed to the back of my mind.
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7 yrs ago
Computer is broke AGAIN. Dog jumped on me when I had a glass of water in my hand, but some of it leaked in. Posts are going to be slow for the next week.
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Tokyo - Japan

As Rick and Goblimon charged down the alleyway after the Airdramon overhead, they would see it crash through a wall and into the Arcade. Knocking out a wall and taking out the man in the black suit. Airdramon began thrashing about wildly screeching as it desperately tried to wriggle free of the creature on its back. The muscular girl holding onto a pair of Bokken she had stabbed into it, seemingly using them as handles, before latching onto it with her teeth, seemingly trying to eat it. The girl looked around to see Niko and Salamon. "DON'T BE USELESS STANDING THEIR! HELP ME KILL IT!!!" She yelled at Salamon. Seemingly ignoring Niko entirely.

Meanwhile, Stingmon landed next to Goblimon and Rick. "Excuse me, young sir." He bowed to the boy as he stepped past him and through the hole into the Arcade. "Remember our lesson in Restraint Kentamon?" He said, as Airdramon began thrashing wildly again, it rolled over and looked straight at Niko, befoe lunging for him. "NOT THE DIGIDESTINED!!!" Stingmon roared, launching himself at Lightning speed towards Niko. As the teeth tried to clamp around the startled boy, Stingmon would appear and the teeth would sink straight into Stingmons shoulder and chest. Stingmon let out a roar of pain.

"SENSEI!!!" Kentamon screamed, before redoubling her effort to stab into the Airdramon. Stingmon let out a growl of pain, before his Stinger began to glow purple

"SPIKING STRIKE!" He stabbed the Airdramon through the side of the head, sending it rolling onto the floor and throwing Kentamon off of it. Stingmon disappeared in a flash of light and Wormmon dropped to the floor.

"SENSEI!!!" Kentamon ran towards Wormmon, grabbing him in her arms. "SPEAK TO ME SENSEI! SAY SOMETHING! ANYTHING!!!" She cried, craddling the caterpillar in her arms.

"Please... Stop... Shaking..." He groaned out.

Meanwhile, the screaming Airdramon finally managed to recover and set its sights on Goblimon and Rick. It licked its lips before launching at them this time.

@RickyG85@Aku the Samurai@Crimson Flame
@RickyG85 I think it's more a case of bad timing. I'm happy to make another GM post if people want me to move shit along?
@MrSkimobile Well, there's going to be a bunch of stuff calling on other parts of Transformers history, but, honestly, being that your character won't have any knowledge of that, it's actually probably slightly better.

As for snowmobile Autobots? Not that i can think of. There're 2 Decepticon Snowmobiles that come to mind Icepick and Snow Cat but Transformers, between continuities, have been known to be different allegiances. Generation 1 Steeljaw was an Autobot, Prime Steeljaw was a Decepticon. Most continuities Breakdown is a Decepticon, but in Armada, he's an Autobot. Most continuities have Mirage as an Autobot, but in Armada, he's a Decepticon. So, feel free to reimagine most any Transformer you like for this.

That being said, bare in mind that you are in the middle of a city in a non-snowy part of the world, so your character may have a hard time blending in.
@RickyG85@Crimson Flame@Aku the Samurai Sound off, who's still interested in continuing this?
Bumping for interest? Nobody looking for anything Transformers related at the moment?
@Crimson Flame@Aku the Samurai You 2 still with us? Is there something you need/want from me as a GM to post? Something to help you with your posts?
@PrinceAlexus can't complain. Was my post long enough or would people prefer to see the Megazords actually fighting?
Orbit of Coruscant

As Wizardactyl finally got its turn to launch, it galavanted (Not the most gracefully, to be told) it finally launched into space into the hail of blasterfire. Replicator craft immediately turning their targets to analyze this new machine with different some energy than the others around it, energy that they had sensed down on the planet. Wizardactyl stopped, fluttered in the middle of space and let out a shriek that could be heard around it even through the vacuum. Opening its mouth wide, a large beam of laser lanced through space, smashing one of the Replicator craft into bits.

Aboard the Astro Megaship, the Rangers rushed to the bridge, helmets in hand as they looked at the battle raging outside through the monitor. "What the heck?" Kai asked, pressing the comms. "RAEKAR, IS THAT MY WIZARDACTYL? There better not be a scratch on it when you get back!" He then saw Wizardactyl tuck its wings in torpedo itself straight through one of the larger ones. "Oh! Damn!!!" He mouthed, knowing he'd be buffing that one out later. "I only tried to kill you 12 times and this is how you repay me? I'm going for 13!"

"I dunno, mom. I'm with Kai on this one. Don't mess with a mans Zord." Jack also said over the comms. At that point, the ship rocked as one latched onto the side of the ship.

"And while you are griping, i'm out here actually fighting." Came the response from Raekar.

"And now they're right here. Alright, let's get out there and help." Jack called to the others. Bring 'em together?" The others nodded, before they ran to the center of the room.



Outside of the ship, the others would get a bit of a lightshow as 6 large beasts made out of pure light from the specific coloured rangers would leap from the ship, all beginning to form together. The Black Rhino-Tank forming into the core body of the Zord, the Red Fenrir forming into one of the arms with the tail forming into an immense Cutlass, while the White Sphinx formed into the other arm with the head forming a shield, Khepri and the Hydra formed up and became the legs of the Megazord, before finally the Roc flew in and slotted into the back to form large wings.


Meawhile, the Wizardactyl was pulled towards the Megaship, Raekar seeing what was happening, and teleporting out, disappearing into a ball of white light before reappearing on the bridge. Meanwhile, The 3 Magisaurus Zords formed together with Tyrannosaurlock as the main body and left arm, Trysorcerer as the right arm and shield, then finally, the Wizardactyl forming into the head and shield plate on the chest plate


The pair of megazords flourished their weapons in the air, before launching themselves towards the surrounding Replicators.
Yeah go on, i'm interested.
Started working on a post, but it's 1:30am and i need sleep. Gonna be out most of tomorrow, but will try to get it done in the evening.
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