Location: Myotis House Dorm/The Beach - Pacific Royal CampusWelcome Home #1.005: Sights and Sounds
Interaction(s): Harper @QiaPreviously: N/A
TW: Domestic Violence
Sometimes when Aurora closed her eyes, she was brought back here.
Back to the small ranch house at the end of a cul-de-sac, with its beige stucco exterior and red clay tile roofing. She could feel the bite of the cool metal of the doorknob as she turned it, a stark contrast to the dry desert heat that flushed her skin. The redhead could picture every detail in that house, the one that she used to call home, so vividly. Things like the wood grain pattern of the walnut cabinets in the kitchen and the exact shade of the taupe tiled floor. As she walked inside, she was greeted by the scent of her mother’s perfume - peony and rose. The smell invited her in; told her to stay a while, say hello, even.
But the sound of the front door opening and closing did the opposite, igniting a panic that quickly took over her body. Within seconds, her feet moved almost of their own accord to what was once her childhood bedroom; she was a girl retracing hurried steps she knew well. Bland blue walls with glow-in-the-dark stars haphazardly pasted to the ceiling awaited her. Aurora closed the door behind her, locked it and waited, dreading what she knew was coming.
First was the yelling. A male voice - rough and cold - and a woman’s voice - petrified and breaking. The redhead couldn’t make out any distinct words, every consonant and vowel seemed to meld together into a cacophony of sound. Next was the slamming of doors, the shattering of glass, the echo of skin hitting skin. As the shouting continued into a crescendo, Aurora’s clammy hands found her hot ears to try and block out any of the noise. It was loud, too loud. Too much.
Footsteps grew heavier, the vibrations radiating through the house, growing closer. The sheer terror in the woman’s voice was palpable as the handle of the bedroom door started to jiggle, but Aurora remained frozen, trapped in the suffocating grip of fear. Hot, silent tears pricked at her eyes.
And then in the doorway stood a figure, outlined by the harsh glare of the hallway light. His silhouette was imposing, casting a long shadow that seemed to swallow the room whole. Aurora's breath caught in her throat. She could feel the weight of his gaze, heavy with anger and resentment, boring into her soul.
With a trembling hand, the redhead reached out, grasping for something, anything to anchor her back to reality. But there was only emptiness, a void that threatened to consume her whole and -
Aurora’s eyes shot open, her mouth dry and chest heaving as she frantically attempted to acclimate to her surroundings. Light crept in through billowy white curtains, illuminating her plants and the pictures propped on her desk. Loosening her vice-like grip on her duvet, she inhaled deeply and exhaled, attempting to calm and slow her pounding heartbeat.
She was in her dorm. She was safe. It wasn’t real.
That had been the redhead’s third nightmare of the week. At least she had managed to sleep through the night this time.
It happened every summer; the still emptiness of campus triggered something in Aurora’s brain that had every fear of hers crawling back to the surface. She knew in her heart that come fall everyone would return, but the little voice in the back of her head told her that they were gone for good, and this was just a continuation of the vicious cycle that was her reality. But today, her heart would win the battle with her mind, as students came back to campus for the new school year; her last year at Pacific Royal Collegiate & University.
The redhead found her footing and climbed out of bed, shuffling to the bathroom to wash the now sticky sheen of sweat from her skin. She stayed there for a while under the spray of the shower, letting the scalding water cleanse both her body and mind. She spent some time mentally preparing herself for the day ahead - it was going to be a long one, especially given that she was not well rested.
It wasn’t until the water began to run cold that she turned off the shower and started to get ready. Aurora had promised Harper that she’d meet her down at the beach, which was an annual tradition for the weekend prior to the start of classes. Everyone would be there, most having returned from their summer adventures, both good and bad. And as much as the redhead would love nothing more than to attempt to go back to sleep, a promise was a promise and she always kept her word.
Aurora was never one to wear a lot of makeup - maybe some blush across her cheeks and nose and some mascara to highlight her baby blues - but one step she never skipped was applying concealer to cover the bags that seemed to have purchased permanent real estate underneath her eyes. No one needed to be privy to her sleeping habits… well, no one else. Lorcán, Banjo, and Haven were plenty, as it was.
Some odd minutes later after drying her hair and getting dressed, Aurora locked her dorm behind her and began to make her way towards the beach on foot. She didn’t always feel the urge or see a reason to teleport everywhere. Sure, it was faster and more efficient than walking, but today she wanted to witness PRCU come alive again for herself. She needed to see it. So as she walked, she intently listened to the chatter and excitement of new and returning students who had already arrived back on campus. Some were swapping stories of their summers spent with family or traveling abroad, while others asked questions such as where the Intake House was or how they could get to the Administration Building. As Aurora overheard each conversation, her heart grew warm and her anxieties melted away. Things were as they should be.
Once the paved pathway met the beach, the redhead immediately slipped off her sandals, letting her toes dig into the sand. Out of instinct, her whole body relaxed as she smelled the salty air and heard the gulls fly overhead. There was something grounding about the water and the waves that she could never put her finger on. She wasn’t a strong swimmer, she didn’t even learn how to swim until she got to Dundas Island and was forced to learn for her own safety, but nonetheless, the surf hitting the shore triggered the quiet in her mind she so desperately craved.
Looking around, she searched for Harper but also watched as her classmates enjoyed the beautiful day. Some students simply sunbathed, others were playing football or volleyball, even some had ventured into the water. The unbridled joy and happiness was a sight to behold after a quiet summer on the island. It brought a genuine smile to the redhead’s face.
“No littering, maggots!”
Well, there was Harper. Yelling at some new students who had chosen to abandon their trash unceremoniously on the beach. Seemed very fitting for the brunette to be laying down the law - after all, it was common knowledge that she had an affinity for structure and the rules.
Aurora waved to her friend as she closed the distance between them, sitting down underneath an adjacent umbrella and tucking herself into the pocket of shade that it provided. Thus was the curse of being a fair-skinned redhead - unless she was actively trying to look like a tomato, direct sunlight was not advised. As she got comfortable, she removed her cover-up, revealing a two-piece bathing suit underneath - rest assured, she had thoroughly applied SPF 100 before leaving her room and brought extra to spare.
“Remind me later not to litter in your presence... where did you even get that thing?” Aurora asked with a laugh, setting down her bag and fishing out the book she had brought to read. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw the sketchbook that lay open on what she assumed was a recently completed drawing. Peering over at her friend’s creation, she beamed. “Oh Harper, this is beautiful." She commented, not aiming to be nosy, but genuinely impressed by her friend's skill and wanting to compliment her like she deserved to be. “You are so talented - I can only hope that you’ll draw a picture of me one day.”