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Silverwind Blade said
That's the idea I had in mind. Though I was also thinking that some of them might have been pushed his way by LDF command too, as a compromise for choosing others.

I think my character is excelent for the role of "being forced up the team" considering his history and that he hardly made it through the acedamy :)
Just wondering but are all our characters selected by Silverwind for the unit?
I just noticed that i get an error when opening the link with my cellphone. I will look in to it as soon as possible.
Hmm, I think it's the image size. The link works fine when I paste it in my browser. Changed it to a link as workaround :)
Name: Oliver Stone
Gender: Male
Age: 21
Species: Tiger

Oliver is an extravert and social person. He's easy to talk too and often likes to be in the center of attention. He's outgoing and undertaking. Often rather impulsive and recklessly jumping on the opportunity without thinking things through. His impulsiveness has often brought the Tiger into trouble. Oliver is always playful and hardly ever seems to take things seriously. For him live seems to be a game. Behind his cheerful and extravert mask lies a more darker side. Oliver has a hard time of letting people get truly close to him and hardly ever shares his true feelings. When people tend to get to close Oliver shuns them away. Especially his relation with his father is a touchy subject

Oliver is the only child of Maximilian Stone. A now high ranking general among the Landren Defence Force. His mother died due to complications while giving birth to Oliver. Due to the loss of his wife Maximilian Stone started to focus almost entirely on his career as a professional soldier, leaving his son in the hands of various care takers and private schools while he rose through the ranks. Leaving Oliver to grow up practically without his parents.

Without proper parental guidance, Oliver started to hang out on the streets with his friends looking for ever more exciting ways to entertain themselves. On the age of 13 Oliver hijacked a civilian construction GEAR and took it for a joyride through the capital of Landren. Even though the ride lasted less than a hour, he still managed to cause severe property damage resulting in 4 months of juvenile prison. His father only visited him once during that time to tell Oliver that he was a disgrace to the family. Over the course of the next 7 years Oliver would get himself another 14 times convicted for all kinds of small crime and juvenile misbehavior such as alcohol and drug abuse, joyriding, vandalism, trespassing, sexual harassment and shoplifting.

Displeased with the behavior of his son, Maximilian finely kicked Oliver out of the house at the age of 20. Without the financial support of his father, Oliver was forced to look for a job. Considering his criminal record, it proved to be a mission impossible to get a regular job. As a last resort Oliver Joined the LDF. During basic training Oliver proved to be a touch customer to drill as he was more into drinking with his mates and pulling pranks than conforming to the armies hierarchical discipline. None the less Oliver managed to pass the final test with only the minimum score. It was much to his surprise when Oliver found out that he would be enlisted in a renowned 101ste Tactical Gear unit "RoughRiders".

Personal equipment:
- 9mm pistol
- 9mm submachine gun.
- Customized GEAR Pilot helm with additional HUD information capabilities
- Infrotech mark IV PADD with custom OS and applications. It's the latest model produced in the south.

Favorite color: Red
Personal theme:

Mecha sheet:

GEAR Name: Triuss Heavy Industries, S-Series "Saxknot"
GEAR Serial number: I.D. 3364-880
Role: Reconnaissance & Electronic warfare
The GEAR's loadout is focused on gathering information by using it's radio antenna's to listen to wireless communications and relaying that information to the rest of the squadron. Also it's systems can be actively used to jam radio frequencies or overpower transmissions with it's own.
Weapon systems:
2 X 5.56mm machineguns in the left wrist with 1200 rounds each
1 titanium retractable blade in the right wrist
1 X 20mm GEAR assault rifle with 4X30 round mags
Anti-radar chaff
Sensors and Electronic warfare systems:
GEAR Launched reconnaissance drone
360 degree aerial and ground scanning radar
UWB "See through walls" Radar
Thermal imaging and nigh vision sensors with long-range zoom
Standard GEAR computer
GEAR electronic warfare/code cracking computer
Multi frequency radio antenna's
Radio jamming antenna's

Other notes:
The Triuss Heavy Industries MP series is known for its flexibility in load outs and great mobility. The GEAR offers two hard points on its back to install weaponry or sensor modules with ease. Also all electronic systems are module based and easily replaced or upgraded to later models. The GEAR is lightly armored for a GEAR but offers great speed and maneuverability but offers little protection against armor piercing rounds
Unless we have a good way of incorperating spirits in the plot we should distegard the second season. I dont think i can gm it on my own in the close future. But we need to flesh out the plot more first :)
I was thinking of creating a recon mech. Fast, lightly armed and armored with lot of sensors/jamming and a cloacking device :)
Wow, that's a lot of reading i have to do :D
I was thinking of letting the story happen roughly 50 years after the events of The legend of korra and with a focus on The United Republic/Republic city. I think republic city will prove the best background for a story that revolves around inequality, social unrest and stuff like that due to the fact that it is a young, multicutural nation. It does not have the racial ties and tradition of the 4 nations. Plus the diversity of it's people can be cause tension.

With technological advancements fueling the nations industry an new economic and political elite can rise that enriches themselfs at the expense of the others. As tensions due to economic inequality rises the government heavily regulate bending because it has been used during riots against police officers. Slowly the government has monopolized bending and the training of new benders in order to prevent the people from revolting. Ofcourse in such situation an underground countermovement will be formed and that can be where the players come in :)
Feanor said
Hmmm I kinda like the concept of an harsh role reversal. Being stopped by the police for bending papers that sort of thing. I almost would want a story in which bending is illegal for citizens. Its used by the military or in specific art instances. We could be the bending equivalent of the equalists. Terrorists to some, freedom fighters to others.Or just used with permits for artisans/workers etc.Obviously this is extreme but we are spitballing.

I like that idea :)

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