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9 yrs ago
Current You shall fetch me your universes ultimate cup of!


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I am interested in this as well. Can I go for the blade master?
Then I shall start working on a nation.
Hi, I was wondering if there is room for 1 more :)
Hi, I see you are more or less "rebooting" your empire of sands roleplay. Is there room for one more?
30,000 mp/s diamond spaghetti, mmkay, that's not getting accepted.

I was with you until you spat in the face of a true spaghettimancer by just masquerading as such, when really you were entering a super rail-gun.

That can be countered with a wave of boiling water. Then cut down the meatorball in small pieces, add some sauce and we can all have diner :P
Name: Hyperion
Alignment: Chaotic neutral
Age: 2516 years old.
Gender: Male
Place of birth: Ancient Sparta
Race: Half-Human/Half-Titan (from Greek Mythology)

Physical description: Hyperion is an athletically build young man that stands about 6.1 feet tall. His long blond hair can often been seen flowing in the wind while his goatee is the most remarkable facial feature. Hyperion can often been found roaming the early 21st century earth in regular human clothing. He prefers blue jeans, black biker boots, a black shirt and a black leather jacket. In combat Hyperion wears his traditional Spartan clothing and armour.

Personal description: Hyperion was raised the Spartan way. He spend most of his childhood in the Spartan military school which was known for its extremely harsh treatment. Strict discipline, physical and mental abuse where the daily routine until reaching the age of 20. For 13 years he trained and suffered only to have his chance of shining on the battlefield be denied by his father. Needless to say that Hyperion radically broke with Sparta, the Spartan way of life and his family.

He switched the Spartan iron discipline for a live of pleasure and excitement. This makes him generally easy going until people start to either disrespect him or deny him something he deems to have a right too. In such situations Hyperion often gets blinded by rage and does not hesitate to use violence or betray his family and friends. He also embraced his Titan heritage and deems himself above the lowly lifeforms that worships gods. His ego is pretty large and very sensitive. Even though he has roamed the earth for over 2500 years, people often consider him childisch when it comes to dealing with jokes and insults.

Natural abilities: Hyperion is Half-Titan. He can tap into his titan life force in order to greatly boost his his natural strength, speed, stamina and durability. In his normal state he is at maximum physical condition a human can attain. He can run as fast as Usain bolt, lift as much weight Aleksey Lovchev and jump as far as Mike Powel while wearing all of his Spartan equipment.

Titan force: Hyperion can tap into his Titan life force in order to greatly boost his natural abilities to super human levels. However he still is half human which means he can only tap into this force for a restricted amount of time because his body cannot cope with the amount of stress that such a boost in powers come with (read 6 posts). Once titan force runs out it leaves Hyperion severely drained. After using titan force Hyperion cannot activate it again until he has had a period of rest.

Strength: 5X increase of strength
Speed: 5X increase of speed. Which would result in being able to run about 220 km\h and instantly accelerate to topspeed.
Durability: Similair to that of a modern main battle tank.
Stamina: Unlimited for the duration of titan force

Adapted Skills: Hyperion was born and raised in ancient Sparta. He has undergone the same educational routine as every other Spartan boy that did not get thrown of the cliff. As such he’s very proficient with all the weaponry and techniques used by the Spartan military. Skills that are mastered during the military training regime of Sparta include boxing, wrestling, javelin throwing and the fighting styles of the Greek hoplites.

Magical abilities: Hyperion has inherited the magical abilities of his father, the Titan Helios (personification of the sun). He has access to a form of titan magic named solar magic. This magic type is based around and powered by sunlight. Hyperion can collect solar radiation and use it for a variety of magical attacks.

Javelin of light: A javelin of pure sunlight is formed in his hand and thrown at his opponent.

Sun spear: Solar radiation is gathered and stored in the Doru of Hyperion. After the radiation is stored, Hyperion can use it to rapidly extend his spear from the tip onwards towards his opponent.

Sword of the sun: Solar radiation is gathered in his sword and used to superheat the air around it, forming a field of plasma around the swords that cuts through everything.

Solar flash: Solar energy is gathered and transformed in a sudden burst of light. Temporarily blinding those who see the flash.

Fata morgana: Hyperion uses his solar magic to bend the the light rays emitted from his own body in order to create a distorted and displaced image of himselfs. This makes it extremely hard to determine his location based upon visual imputs.

Solar beam: Hyperion takes command of the light emitted by the sun and focusses a portion into a highly focussed beam that burns through most materials is a matter of seconds. Think of it as a magnifying glass and an ant.

Supernova: Hyperion moves his hands above his head and starts to gather a large portion of solar energy to form it into a massive ball . The longer he gathers, the larger the ball becomes. Once enough energy is gathered, the ball is thrown towards the opponent. Upon contact with a large surface the ball expands in a sphere of super-heated plasma, vaporizing everything in its path.

Character equipment: Hyperion carries the classical equipment of a Greek Hoplite. However his weapons and armor where forged by Hephaestus, god of the blacksmith and fire. Making them superior of everything humans can forge.

Doru (Greek Spear): The doru that Hyperion uses is about 2,5 meters long. The shaft is made from a tree that grows on mount Olympus and its buttspike and tip where forged by Hephaestus from iron found in the realm of the gods. The quality of materials used and the craftsmanship of the god makes this particular doru a true work of art.

Xiphos (Greek short sword): The Xiphos is a one handed short sword with a blade of about 60 cm. The blade widens near the tip and them moves on to a sharp point. The so called leaf shape. The xiphos is both good for thrusting and cutting. Hyeprion’s Xiphos is well made and durable. It does not lose it sharpness.

Hoplon (greek shield): Myth sats that Hyperion has stolen the legendary shield “Aegis” from Zeus. The Aegis was crafted by Hephaestus and legend says that it carries the head of Medusa and is thus able to turn enemies into stone. However the head of Medusa is not present in the shield that Hyperion carries making it thus not the actual Aegis. Non the less it is a shield crafted by the gods and used in battle by those same gods. This bronze hoplon is polished so brightly that those who face it will see their own fear reflected in it. The shield can withstand a point blank shot from a modern main battle tank.

Cuirass: The bronze cuirass offers more protection then it would suggest. It is actually capable of stopping standard rifle rounds.

Helmet, leg and arm guards: The helmet, leg and arm guards offer similar protecting as the cuirass.


Hyperion has the durability of a regular human. His Armour and shield might withstand a lot of attacks, there are still body parts exposed.

Hyperion’s sun magic is powered by the sun. It needs lots of exposure to sun light to work and produce the greatest of effects. It cannot be used in places where there is no sunlight and its strength is greatly reduced on rainy days.

Titan force offers a great boost in strength and speed (to high tier) but leaves Hyperion exposed for a post or two until he catches his breath.

Easily angered: Hyperion is easily angered and his anger often can cloud his judgement.

History: Hyperion is the son of Helios, titan of the sun and Gorgo, wife of king Leonidas I of Sparta. Born around 20 year prior to the battle of Thermopylae Hyperion lived the Spartan way of life. He was taken away from his mother at the age of 7 to enter the military academy and would stay there until he reached the age of 20. However it was during the time in the military school that King Leonidas found out that Hyperion was not his son. Hyperion quickly fell out of favour with what was presumed his father. When Leonidas marched out towards Thermopylae he left Hyperion behind. Angered by the fact that the king denied him the chance to prove his worth in battle he followed in pursuit. He over watched the battle unfold and noticed that the Persians failed to break through the Greek ranks. Still angered by the decision of the king Hyperion went to the Persians and introduced himself as Ephialtes of Trachis. In exchange for a reward, he showed the Persians a way to outflank them. After the defeat and death of King Leonidas, Hyperion disappeared while the real Ephialtes received the blame for the Treachery.
Just wondering but can I start posting IC now?
I've updated my charactersheet. it should be finished now.
<Snipped quote by Milkman>

Good character, Titan Force could use a little more precise figures though so your opponent has some sort of idea of exactly how 'Superhuman' he gets. I'd recommend either statistics or just a X5/X10 or however powerful you want him to be.

The only problem with this character is that it's very strangely balanced. Without using Titan Force it comes in around low/mid powered ranges in terms of durability, but his magical powers are very strong, the plasma sword for example is essentially making a lightsaber at whim, which would kill characters like mine instantly on contact. Basically despite how he's set up he's a bit of a glass-cannon, his damage potential is high but his durability is very low, which means in a fight with a more balanced higher tier character you're at a severe disadvantage unless you start no-selling (avoiding everything) your opponent's attacks.

Still, I'm sure you're aware of the disadvantage, but if you wanted to avoid it I'd recommend either re balancing him so his damage potential is either reduced somewhat so he falls back into mid-tier or create contingencies for fighting opponents with high damage, because as it stands despite all his abilities an opponent with an anti-material rifle (which is probably around mid-tier) could put a round through his chest and kill him instantly.

Best feedback on a character i've had in a very long time. Very constructive and to the point. Thanks for that :)

Now I have to decide how to rebalance things. Or simply buff the armor and shield. But If I go for that It would be no fun. Very high damage output and superb durability won't lead to interesting battles. You gonna have to give and take to keep things fun. Maybe some sort of gap closing ability or ilusion to divert attention.

I know, I need a tank with CC :)

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