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GTM + 1 here. I'm From The Netherlands :D
Oliver casually responded to Ashers invitation to a fist bump. Earlier this morning Oliver was still recovering from a hangover from last night and managed to be kind of stuck in his own mind. Luckily his head was more clear after the commanders speech and this time the tiger was sure to notice what was in front of him. For a moment he let his eyes check out what was in front of him. The young tomboyish female wolf wasn't bad looking at all and Oliver was happy that she accepted his apology for ignoring her earlier. Asher Price looked like a fun girl to get to know a little bit better. The young Oliver was already happy about the unit he was assigned to.

As Oliver continued the conversation about ghost gears and weird radio signals the small bat joined the fun. Much to the tiger's surprise she seemed to know a good deal about radio signals too. Bringing up the rather technical term of radio triangulation, a process of using two or more radio receivers to determine the origins of a signal based on the angles from the measuring point. Oliver could not help but to smile. Shona was the first girl who seemed to be into such technical nerd stuff. "Yes, that is right. If we use two or three measuring points it is easy to calculate the coordinates. I'm Oliver Stone. Just call me Oliver"

As Colonel Blade finished up the conversation he overheard Kradis speak out about that these operations were not a game. That guy was way to serious for his own good. As the Tiger looked into the direction of Kradis and Asher he could not help but to wonder if they had outlawed having fun in the north completely. Kradis should learn to unwind a bit more and enjoy life. Oliver passed his two comrades as he walked towards his room to unpack his last stuff. As the young tiger put the last things away the loud voice of Silverwind disturbed the peace with an order to gear up.

Oliver quickly put on his gear pilot suit on and grabbed his pad, helmet and side arm. As the tiger entered the briefing room he looked around and noticed the small female fox in a different uniform. As the seat next to her was still free Oliver took the liberty to sit next to her and inspect her from up-close. As Oliver placed himself on the seat he noticed the fox girl was rather excited. "Well, looks like you're either happy to see me or are looking forward to the exercise" Joked Oliver with a smile.
My character is young too :D
It's indeed time to introduce ourselfs properly :P
Oliver wasn't completely surprised by Kradis his response. Lots of rumors and stories where told on the base about the Northern Empire and some where even more wild and disturbing then others. Regardless of what was true, a lot of messed up shit has happened in the north. Oliver guessed Kradis was at some point part of it too. The Jackal's past was none of Oliver's business but still it intrigued him. The North was one hell of a dangerous and messed up place after all. The tiger could not help but to wonder how it is to live there. Oliver looked to the side and responded. "As long as you put enough booze in a man he will talk about the things he's supposed to keep secret. News travels remarkably fast that way. I can't really say that I'm a murderer yet. I've only shot at target dummies so far. We'll have to see what happens in the field. For everything is a first time after all."

Oliver wanted to continue talking but at that time Colonel Blade started his speech. Oliver listened to the Red Fox as he spoke. For once he decided that there might be something interesting coming from a CO. After all, the setup of this unit was rather uncommon. Especially the part about being selected or for or sent to the unit grabbed Oliver's attention. For a moment he wondered if Blade had selected him based on his file. He hardly deemed that possible considering what was in there. Things like lack of discipline and lack of respect for officers could not be considered selling points not to mention his subpar grades on shooting exercises. Not everything was drama in his file. He did do decent on the computer science course without much effort and had some good grades on wireless communications and security. Also his GEAR piloting skills were very decent for a fresh recruit. None the less the Tiger did not expect to be assigned to a combat unit because of his substandard performance during combat exercises. He considered the option that his father might have pulled some strings forcing him upon this unit. That man had probably also read his file and thought that Oliver would not last very long in a real combat situation. What better way there is to redeem the black sheep of the family by letting him die for king and country. None the less, Oliver was happy that he was assigned to a combat unit. The young Tiger is addicted to danger and action after all.

The tiger could not care less about what top branch of the LDF would think about him or their stupid political games. Only dicks like his father where up there and they could all go and fuck themselves as far as Oliver was concerned. The only thing that really mattered was his own unit and the people who were in it. Considering the unit was made up from interesting characters and some attractive females the young Tiger was sure he would enjoy his time on the Parvans Claw.

As Colonel Blade finished his speech Oliver heard the young female artic wolf ask some questions about the unusual incidents and information Silverwind had spoken about in his speech. As he overheard the colonels reaction Oliver could not help to butt in on the conversation. "All wireless communication has a source. It should not be too difficult to determine from where it is transmitted. Especially when it comes to laser-optic signals. I can calibrate the optical sensors on my GEAR to measure light in the spectrum that is invisible to our eyes. That way I can determine the angle of the laser. Since free-space optical communication always has to travel in a straight unobstructed path we know along which line we have to search for the source. There are also methods of locating the source of radio transmissions. With a bit of preparation I think I should be able to provide accurate enough estimates of the locations in such a case." Oliver paused for a second. A lot of technical nerd talk just left his mouth and probably needed some time to sink in. The young tiger turned towards Asher and smiled. "Sorry for ignoring you earlier, I guess I wasn't fully awake yet when entering the Parvan's Claw. I'm Oliver Stone. Nice to meet ya"
Hailfire said
Hmmm... Oliver didn't notive ashers wolf whistle right next to him...Ah well i guess.

Sorry, i totally missed the last part of your post :(
Romantic/Lustfull furry roleplays. Haven't done that in years XD
Oliver followed his fellow pilots through the ship into the crew quarters. As they walked around the red panda had all sorts of instructions that happened to enter one ear and exit at the other. A night of heavy drinking and hardly any sleep sure helped destroying any attempt at focusing and storing information in his brain this morning. Luckily for the young tiger they soon arrived at their destination, the GEAR pilots crew quarters. The crew quarters where divided into a common area with a small kitchenette and comfy chairs to relax and small chambers for the pilots. Every GEAR pilot had his own private chamber which was a luxury that you did not have during basic training on the base. As Oliver entered the room he noticed immediately that it was small. On his left side was the bunk for sleeping. The bunk was not much more then an elevated bed with various storage compartments under it for clothing and equipment. On the far end of the room under the porthole was a small desk and on the right side of the room the wash and toilet area could be found.

Oliver placed his bag on the bunk and started to unpack it, putting his cloths and uniform in the lower drawers of the bunk while putting his side arm, holster and 4 magazines of ammo for his pistol in the top right drawer. The tiger never liked to carry his side arm around all day. Most of the time it was just excess baggage anyway so he finds it a waste of energy to carry it around when not needed. As he continued to unpack he came across his most prized personal item, his infroteck Mark IV PADD. A top of the line PADD produced in the south and vastly superior to the PADD's issued by the Landren's defense force. It possessed more processing power, faster memory and better battery life but is more fragile than the standard PADD used by the military. That is why Oliver carries it in a nice red casing. But the most priced feature of the PADD is that Oliver can calibrate its antenna for a large frequency range of radio signals. It offers very good connectivity to The Net. As the tiger was about to connect his PADD to the internet network of the ship the voice of his CO echoed through the hallway.

Apparently it was time for an inspection of some sort. Oliver sure didn't hope that the colonel would go through his stuff cause the bottle of prime northern Vodka on the bottom of his bag would sure raise an eyebrow or two. Oliver soon left his room to join his comrades in common quarters to form a proper square. It was the tiger's lucky to find himself next to the Jackal who made a remark about new blood and not getting killed on entering the ship. For a moment he tried to remember the Jackal's name, Kradis Topha. Oliver was sure he heard that name somewhere before. Some of the soldiers he went to the pub with once said something about a kradis who was a soldier of the Northern Empire before defecting to Landren. Some tongue's even spoke of him being a spy. As Oliver lined up next to the Jackal he whispered to him. "You're the Kradis Topha who defected the Northern Empire, right?"
I got the keys for my new house yesterday and will spend most of the comming weekends on painting and laying floors and such. I think I might be able to squeeze a post in tomorrow but I doubt that I can get anything up today.
Oliver looked at his watch as he was walking across the base in the early morning. Still 30 minutes to go before he had to report to colonel Blade of the 101st Tactical GEAR unit. For some reason the top brass decided to select him as a GEAR pilot out of all people. An odd choice considering usually the highest grade students would get such jobs. None the less Oliver was excited to start this new adventure. Some might find joining the military their patriotic duty or joined out of sense of idealism. Not Oliver, his motivation was utter adventurism. New and exciting experiences, new people to meet and new bonds to form. But first there was time for a cup of coffee.

As Oliver looked around the mess hall to see if any of his friends from training where up already but none where around. Last night Oliver’s friends had thrown him a Farwell party where the ale flowed richly. Most of them where lucky that they had either a day off or had to report with their new unit a lot later. Unlike the tiger, his friends had plenty of time to sleep away the hangover but Oliver was less fortunate. He had to do it with a couple of aspirin, a shower and a lot of coffee. He quickly ordered his coffee and a few sandwiches for breakfast and continued his journey towards the loading platform where the landcruiser was located.

As the Parvan’s claw came into sight Oliver thought back about his first day training on a landcruiser. Much to the annoyance of his instructors he had parked his GEAR on top the giant machine with some heavy scolding and 100 additional push-ups as result. None the less the view and the look on the faces of the instructors where worth the trouble. The young Tiger smiled at the already great memories of his first year in the Landren’s military. Even though it was all training , he has had fun doing it. Most of the time at least. Now a new challenges lies ahead. Active deployment would be a lot different than training.

Oliver climbed the stairs onto the loading platform and looked around for a middle-aged red fox. The tiger didn’t know much about his new commanding officer apart from some vague descriptions the desk lady at the human resource department gave him after a smile and some friendly words. Oliver actually wanted access to colonel Blade’s file but the girl was professional enough to not fall for the tiger’s charms. It only took a few seconds before Oliver spotted a weathered looking fox standing in front of a loading ramp. The tiger approached the men and kind of saluted “Colonel Blade? Private Oliver Stone reporting for duty”. This was about the maximum formality Oliver usually gives. As Oliver spoke the words he just hoped the signs of a short and rather wild night weren’t too obvious.
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