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Here's my application. Please let me know if I'm light on anything

Okay, first of all...I love him. xD

I think this looks great, and I can appreciate the fact that he has some preset antagonistic forces for me to play with >:3. Still, one small nitpick is that he lacks a piece in his biography mentioning how he came into contact with The Star-Breakers; doesn't have to be anything crazy or complex though it could be hehe, but the note is nice regardless.

Beyond that small bit, Slink oughta be good to roll out!

Okay, my one ask is this; maybe have her being active for two years over three? I can buy into a 14-year-old doing this kinda crap a lot more xD

Other than that minor nitpick though, I'm a big fan of Bastion here. Get 'er up!
Have room for one more? I might be interested in making a helmsman or pilot type to round out the crew if so.

There's probably room! Excluding the Captain, we so far have three accepted characters, and given the shocking amount of interest, I'm aiming for around an 8-sized roster. You're welcome to take a shot if ya want! First come first serve right now.
@Mintz As I said, can't decide, so I'm submitting both. Feel free to pick one? I'll try to work on some drawings tomorrow.

(Note: I can PM Red's full backstory to the GM, just to prove I'm not using amnesia as a 'get out of writing free' card.

As for favorite sci-fi series, that's a tough one. Despite my love for the genre, I know I've barely scratched the surface on some of the more popular and beloved works. Futurama and The Twilight Zone are shows I tend to come back to pretty frequently though, even when I know I ought to be checking out stuff like Babylon 5 and Firefly.

Welp, without further ado, I'm happy to say that Skylar is the one joining The Star-Breakers! Welcome aboard, kid!

Also, to answer your question @Dark Light, yes. I find your sheet to be a bit below the par here, with a lot of stuff effectively left redacted, and a dreadfully short and uninformative Backstory, as well as a Personality that kinda feels all over the place to me. As is though, the main concerns would be a lack of tangible history to understand and work off of, and the amount of information that is simply left out for some reason or another.

Faeble is accepted.

"...Also, Tristan's getting his pay docked. Sticky notes, seriously?"
Damn, you know all my weaknesses. I totally need to read everything, but gotta ask - are supervillain teens allowed or nah?

Sup RBY lol. Generally speaking I'd prefer a proper Ward to start off with, but if you wanna be involved in other stuff yes, including some baddies it ain't outta the cards. Just...Not a recommended starting point, given this RP focuses on The Wards more than anything.
You’re tempting me. Stop it!

… Do I need to resubmit or is Carmen good

Oh, heya Canary! If ya want back in, I'm totally cool with Carmen, unless you wanna go for something different.

December 3rd, 1921: Redline, Maine.

A boy no older than ten sat shivering in an alleyway, hidden in darkness. The bitter cold of winter came harsh this year, and the boy could feel it right through his meager scraps of clothing. His father was nowhere to be found; claimed he'd find them something to eat. It had been three hours since then. Downtown was dangerous, sure, but the boy always had faith in his father. He'd lived here for all his life, and knew the streets like the back of his hand. He held onto hope in a hopeless situation.

Still, it didn't change his present circumstances. He was freezing to death. It was a morbid realization for a child of his age, but one that couldn't be ignored. Feeling in his legs had already left him for some time, and he could barely move his quivering hands, much less speak. And he already knew people had seen him and ignored him. It wasn't unusual. There was nothing he could do, and it was a bitter thought for the kid. A bitingly cold tear passed down his cheeks.

All he wanted was a bit of warmth. A fire. Something. Anything.

...Later that day, an unnatural inferno wreathed Downtown Redline, causing monumental property damage and loss of life. This was the first ever recorded Trigger Event.

Ever since that fateful winter day, the world has only gotten stranger for everyone. More and more people had these so-called 'Trigger Events', nowadays more often referred to as Awakenings. At first, mass hysteria reigned supreme, which ironically only caused more of those who would one day be dubbed Capes to be formed. Eventually things got pulled back to moderate shape, but unsurprisingly, the world has never been the same since. But of course, just as chaos rises, so too must order. When villains first seeped out of the cracks of this new ruined society, so too did those who wanted to change things for the better.

...But enough of a history lesson. Welcome to The Wards! This RP will be focusing around the escapades of a fledgling group of youth Capes trying their hardest to make the best of bad situations. Things won't be easy for them; in fact, things rarely are in this world, but perhaps they'll manage to prove themselves as more than just kids with powers. Now, before I can get into more world-stuff, I gotta talk rules. Boring stuff, I know, but bear with me here lol.

  • 1: This one's pretty self-explanatory; try not to be a jerk, alright? No one likes trying to play alongside someone whose being all riled up for no reason. And of course, if you have an actual reason to be upset, bring it up to me. It's what I'm here for!
  • 2: Like any good story, there's gotta be stakes, and while I'm not particularly planning on character death anytime soon, characters will be finding themselves under serious threat more often than not, and won't likely escape unscathed. Isn't very interesting if someone wins every time, eh? Which leads into my next rule...
  • 3: No Godmodding, alright? Pretty sure everyone around here's familiar with the term, though the main piece I'm concerned with is making your character seem too perfect. No one perfectly dodges every move, counterattacks at just the right time, and always thinks things through. Characters, no matter how cool, strong, or smart, can make mistakes and be caught off their guard. Don't be afraid to get roughed around; it just makes the turnaround all the cooler ;) On an...Slightly related note, if you read between the lines....
  • 4: Romance is fine, of course, but keep any intense stuff behind the black screen, yeah? Assuming anything like that happens, of course. The ol' fade to black trick always works...
  • 5: On a vaguely similar line, while getting wounded, even grievously so, isn't something I'll be trying to stray away from here, let's keep some excessive stuff clear. No one needs to hear about your innards spilling out or something, right? Right.
  • 6: Let's avoid anything political. C'mon, like the fictional bad guys aren't enough to tango with, yeah? It'll just leave a bad taste in most people's mouths, so better to stay hush-hush than come at each other's throats.
  • 7: I'm no grammar nazi...Okay, that's a lie, I totally am. I'll try not to be on your case about it, but try to make sure your punctuation and grammar are proper. Or at least as proper as it needs to be for your character lol.
  • 8: I'm not looking for mile-long posts, but a few paragraphs is a good point to land on. Quality over quantity, I say.
  • 9: I mentioned it somewhat near the beginning, but if anything comes up in/from the RP that you want to talk about with me, I'm all ears. Sorta my job as the GM, y'know?
  • 10: If you've read this far, when you're making your Character Sheet, add a piece near the bottom where you mention your favorite superpower; it'll tell me you actually made it this far into these rules.
  • 11: Last, and most important rule of all...HAVE FUN! It's sorta what we're here for. Y'know, besides the drama, badass action scenes, character development....Okay, maybe there's a little more to this than just the fun. But all of it just adds to it!

Powers: Definitions and Guidelines.

Powers in this world are categorized into 12 classifications by the PRT; keep in mind that many Powers have broad strokes in their capabilities. Some might be labeled as one Power, but due to how the Power functions, might also place them into another category. Those are considered Hybrid Classifications, denoted by a slash (ex: Master/Trump). Some Powers, if used in certain ways, can also find applications in other classifications, which earns them Sub-Classifications, denoted by parentheses (ex: Brute (Shaker)). Continuing onward, I'll be defining these twelve classifications in more specific terms.

Important to note as well, is that Powers in this world are typically caused by Trigger Events; moments, whether extended or brief, of extreme physical, emotional, or mental stress and trauma, that shape your ability. It also pretty much means anyone with Powers is packin' baggage, and you'd be smart not to mess with that; would you ask a guy who can burn you to a skeleton what his emotional trauma is? No, no you wouldn't...Hopefully.

Groups Of Interest

Here, I'll be going in-depth on some groups/entities of note, that you all ought to be aware of, assuming your characters are even slightly informed about anything xD.

With that, I've said my piece! If you have further questions, ask away! In Characters soon will be the Director, who can also serve as a template for your own character sheet! And with any luck, I can get the opener for the RP done rather quickly, because, well...

Truth be told, this is a rebooted RP of mine! Unsurprisingly it means a lot of old faces will be returning, but don't let that dissuade you if you're a newcomer to this; we'll still have a fair few slots open, and I'm always happy to see new people willing to put their best foot forward for a fun Roleplay. With that, I'll be looking forward to seeing characters soon. Au revoir!

I just need to fill out her Equipment, otherwise this is complete. Posting now since I need to get myself to work and can finish that minor section tonight.

I'd of course appreciate a more thorough backstory at some point, but the bullets get her points across, which is definitely what counts. And as for Equipment, well...As long as it's filled out before the RP proper, there won't be any issues. Welcome to the crew, Banshee! Be sure to get her up in Characters. :)
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