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After looking at this thread a couple of times, I might as well post here if I do not join. I had some character ideas for this one, and I might have one that could work or at least a working idea. A version of Deadpool, a bit more serious, who got cancer later in life when he got a family and would go through the experimentation as normal and be somewhat insane and fourth walling but lost most of his memories after it. He still remembers his family and his name and is driven to recover his lost memories while fighting crime at the same time. .

Still thinking of a solid concept, but that is one.

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but we've already got a Deadpool. Might need to work something else out, or if you're seriously deadset on it, you may be able to talk with Eviledd, given he's the current player for him.
Man, I've been busy, but keeping up with IC. Awesome stuff so far guys! Sometime this week I'll be trying to push out the next part in Squirrel Girl's introductory storyline with that very ornery hippo person. I may also have an idea for another potential character, since I found out about a gem of a guy from DC. Hehe...

Since the topic of interaction has come up, just wanted to say that once I wrap up these initial arcs with Q and Punisher (should only take another two or three posts per character to finish them up) I plan on opening myself up to crossovers. With Q, I'll have him go to whatever city in his day job writing about some big event, while with Frank I am 100% down to interact with any of the other characters based in NYC.

Not gonna lie....The idea of The Punisher and Squirrel Girl interacting makes me giggle like a school girl at the absurdity of that.

In other words, I'd love for this to happen! (Got a little more solo Squirrel Girl stuff I wanna write first, admittedly, but that'll handle itself lol)
<Snipped quote by Pacifista>

This is the kinda lie I can get behind
Okay, finally posted; that took way longer than I thought, and the post itself ended up way longer than I thought lmao

But now, all may tremble at the terrifying presence of...Mrs. Fluffy Lumpkins!
UOU Presents: The UNBEATABLE Squirrel Girl!
ISSUE #1: The Squirrel, The Hippo, and The School Bell

Forest Hills New York

"So, wait, are you a man who got turned into a hippo, or the other way around?"


Okay, well, the sound of pavement turning to fragments told Doreen that the big hippo man wasn't in a mood for answering questions. As she hastily rolled out of the way of his savage blows, she was seriously starting to wonder what was happening. Not even a month ago, she was just stopping purse-snatchers, and now there was an eight-foot-something hippo standing on hind legs in a wifebeater trying to turn her, and everything else in front of it, into a skidmark. Maybe the news was onto something when it talked about how the country was losing its mind...

She didn't get the luxury to think that over much longer when Squirrel Girl heard a chittering on her shoulder; Tippy-Toe, of course, had kept their head in the game. "Car! CAR!" "Car?!" Doreen snapped back to reality as she watched some poor family's SUV come hurtling at her, though mercifully devoid of passengers. On sheer instinct, she leapt a good 20 feet straight in the air, her entire body frozen stiff mid-air from her narrow dodge as she watched the vehicle skid brutally across the road. Of course, though, she couldn't exactly fly. Soon enough, gravity kicked in and sent her plummeting back down to Earth, though she kicked off it with her tail to set off some of the force, pushing her further down the street and away from the giant brute as she caught her footing. It would've looked impressive from an onlooker's perspective, but for her, it had all been natural reflexes, and rather frayed and panicked ones at that. She was really thankful she was as agile as she was about now.

"Man, is this thing just gonna keep throwing everything not nailed down at us?!"

As if in response, a mailbox was unceremoniously torn from its post and hurled at her like a throwing hammer, to which she ducked under just in time, letting out an 'eep!' in response. "...Okay, scratch that, he's just throwing everything at us!" Her partner in...Well, not crime, but partner nonetheless, spoke up. "I don't think running is solving anything, and if this keeps up, it might try its luck at throwing whole houses. Maybe we could go on the offensive?" Doreen nodded, determined. She was getting tired of being on the backfoot, anyhow. "Yeah! Let's show 'em what Squirrel Girl can do!" Taking up a sham of a martial stance, Squirrel Girl gave the universal signal for "come at me", prodding the raging monster into continuing its assault, and needless to say, it hardly needed encouragement.

The beast let out a roar, and Doreen could now say with confidence that she would pay good money to never see a hippo look this angry again, as it barreled down towards her and lunged at the young girl, as if looking to crush her in its embrace. Moving quick, she practically limbo'd her way past the obvious attack, with only her tail to keep her propped up at her odd angle. Using the chance, though, she leveraged her tail some more to push her body upwards, past the hippo's outstretched arms (the things were as thick as trees, jeez!) and landing a solid kick straight to the jaw! Squirrel Girl gave a confident grin at her direct blow...Only to see the creature had barely budged an inch, and if anything, only got angrier, as its nostrils flared and it wound its hands back, attempting to clap them with her poor leg between to make a nice Squirrel Girl Leg Jam.

Yet again, when her thinking failed her in this moment, her body didn't, at least. Her tail sprung into action, pushing away from the hippo menace as she awkwardly tumbled against the tarmac for a brief moment until she caught herself on all fours. Not her most graceful moment. "Okay, so...It's as tough as it looks. What now? "What now?! I dunno! One minute I'm walking to school, and the next I'm up against a...A four-ton hippo man! It's a little jarring!"


Doreen whipped her head backwards to a strange snapping sound behind her. She was pretty sure she'd cleared out all the bystanders earlier, but somehow, more had found their way to the scene, and even worse, they were taking pictures. She was pretty sure one of them was even streaming all of this! It was made all the more upsetting when she took a closer look and realized they seemed about her age; it wouldn't be surprising if they were from Midtown High as well. But hey, that meant she might not be late to her first class! I mean, it was either that, or they were more interested in watching a girl fight for her life against a giant man-hippo than going to school.


Okay, she probably needed to pick up the pace. Just to be sure.

Squirrel Girl didn't have much time longer to think on that, though, as she heard the sound of metal being ripped from the earth. Quickly whipping her head back around to face the actual problem, she realized that the big lug had just tore a streetlamp straight out of the ground, and was charging towards her with it headfirst, treating it as some kind of lance. Her first instinct was to dodge, but she froze up when she heard the screams of the assorted teens behind her. If she just moved, then...

One of the students, a shorter girl with a bad case of braces, couldn't help but close her eyes and huddle close to herself, stuck to the spot in fear as the monstrous figure barreled towards her. This was it; they were going to die, run over by a hippo man. It wasn't exactly the most glamorous way to go out, but...

"HRRGH! M-Move! Get outta here!" The head of the lamppost was mere inches from the girl's face, and it wasn't exactly brought to a grinding halt, but...It was stopped. Squirrel Girl was gripped onto the makeshift lance with both arms, and even her tail, just barely keeping pace with the herculean strength of the charging hippo with everything at her disposal; but it had bought the precious time they'd needed, as the teens scattered when they realized the severity of the situation firsthand. Doreen wanted to breathe a sigh of relief, but sadly, her adversary had different plans.

Realizing that its sheer brawn wasn't working, it decided to utilize the difference in weight class instead. Squirrel Girl found herself unceremoniously lifted airborne alongside the street light, to which she clung to like her life depended on it; which, for all she knew, it certainly did. Unfortunately, that absolutely wasn't the call. The hippo man, seemingly livid with her desperate grasp on their weapon, let out a bellowing roar...And an actually legible word of the English lexicon.


It was like being on the worst tilt-a-whirl ride of your life, as the hippo man shook her violently to and fro while her muscles tensed, knowing her grasp on the lamppost was the the one thing keeping her from flying to a new borough. Eventually, though, her squirrel strength gave way, and as she shakily relinquished her grasp, she went flying straight into the front yard of a lovely looking house on Ingram Street - and subsequently went crashing straight through a tree in said front yard, and crunching into the side of their neighbor's clean white fence. Doreen was seeing stars, and birds, and a few other things you'd expect someone who would definitely be feeling the effects of a concussion in the next few minutes would be seeing. As she wearily blinked at the sun and skies overhead, she faintly heard a voice.

"Doreen....Doreen...! Wake up! Wake..."


Doreen felt something bump against her head again, and it shook her back to consciousness. "Whuh! I'mup! I'm...Ooh, acorn!" Doreen unquestioningly took the acorn from Tippy-Toe as they stood on her chest, unwitting to the fact it had been used as a blunt instrument to try and knock her back into her senses. Which had worked, miraculously. Or maybe she'd just realized there was a nut in front of her and her stomach took the lead. Regardless, she popped it in her mouth and crunched down as she regained her bearings.

"Woof, that was not fun...I think being hit by a car would've actually hurt less. Aw, nuts..." She managed to get herself back to her feet, but she felt off-balance and ached all over. That...Was probably the bare minimum she should've expected after all that. While she staggered to a standing position, though, her foe seemed raring to go, having tossed away their faux polearm and began approaching with a bloodcurdling look in their eyes, cracking their giant knuckles...But both Doreen and the hippo man were both stopped in their tracks by an awful piercing sound, the likes of which she'd never heard. Even Tippy-Toe wasn't spared the terrible noise, quickly darting into Squirrel Girl's jackets to try and cover herself from it.

Between the concussion and the ear-splitting frequency, Squirrel Girl was lucky to still be conscious, but was barely cognizant of anything going on around her. The most she could make out was the thunderous footsteps of the hippo-man, though they led away from her (mercifully). When the horrid noise subsided, Doreen blinked and stumbled around, somehow managing to keep on her feet after all of that. Tippy-Toe popped out of her bomber jacket with a look of concern. "Are you okay, Doreen? That was..." "A lot. Yep, it was. A lot...Uh, what were we doing before all of this, Tip?" Before her squirrel friend could respond, her heightened hearing picked up the distant ring of a...

"A bell? Wait...THE SCHOOL BELL?! Nonono, I can't miss another Chemistry class or mom'll lose it!" Without hesitation, Squirrel Girl leapt to the nearest rooftop, though her landing was...Less than stellar, as she practically planked across the top of the house with a grunt. Clearly her body was still dealing with everything that'd just happened, but she had bigger concerns. As did Tippy-Toe. "You're still dressed up. You do remember that, right?"

Doreen gathered herself on the rooftop and looked down to see she was still definitely Squirrel Girl. She had forgotten - or more accurately, her memory had been dislodged by the nastiest hit she'd taken in her entire (very brief) superhero career. Blinking a few times, she stammered out a response. "O-Of course I knew that! I can, um...I'll find somewhere at the school to change! We don't have time for normal old Doreen to walk three freaking blocks!" With her case having been made, the not-quite-so-Unbeatable Squirrel Girl vaulted her way from house to house in a mad dash to save the most important thing of all...

Her report card.
@Sep I laugh because friggin' Condiment King showed up, and I think that explains it plenty lmao

I might not be one to talk given the post I'm cooking for later tho
Awesome! I'll be seeing about a post sometime tomorrow, or if that doesn't pan out, prolly this Friday.

@Simple Unicycle denied noice

As the time of our lord and saviour @Master Bruce approaches with the IC... Other than your own, what concepts/characters are you most excited to see realised?

I mean we got a bunch of really cool sheets here

Have to agree with Unicycle there on Hex Rider, like...So goddamn rad. Beyond that though, I'll admit, I'm always a sucker for Spider-Man, so there's that lmao. The Titans concept from Pacifista also looks really cool; hoping to see that one play out!
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