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@Dblade26 If you need Faraday to have done that, sure. Key word being need. But let's try not to do that thing where absolutely everyone has worked for SHIELD, been trained by Richard Dragon, studied Archery with Ollie Queen, and Krav Maga with Taskmaster.
Just for the avoidance of doubt in case anyone wants to use SHIELD at some point, I have Amanda Waller as Director of SHIELD and Faraday as her deputy.

Fury is underground and should remain so for quite some time.
@FacePunch I think Deathstroke actually makes a really good Spider-Man/Men foil. Slade being an unstoppable force to begin with, until he eventually goes too far and makes Peter stop holding back, is something I'd love to see play out at some point.
@miette@Divine Darkness That's what I like to see. Teamwork makes the dream work, ladies and gentlemen.
@Divine Darkness It was Magneto's Brotherhood. He goes off the grid after the attack fails. Mystique tries to re-form the Brotherhood of Mutants and fill the leadership vacuum his absence has left.
That's so much better than the hastily cropped version I rushed out. Use that one.
Heck, come to think of it, I really have no idea if any of you (besides Byrd and MB) are zoophiles or pedophiles or anything like that.

I believe @Sep prefers the term pederast.
@Nightrunner How does this work? The quality of the picture was really, really bad so it might be a little choppy.

@Eddie Brock Do you remember Red X? His run as Iron Man was the fucking bomb. He had that Iron Man banner picture and would use scans in his posts way before I can remember anybody else doing it. There was something so cinematic to it. It's probably a big reason that I do it now - because thirteen year old me thought it was the coolest fucking shit ever.
@TimeMasterX I'm fond of using pictures in my posts, especially since mine tend to be a little wordy from time to time, so I don't have a problem with it.
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