Avatar of Nallore


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7 mos ago
Current Is it just me or does RPG have like an excessive amount of ads on it now?
2 yrs ago
@Headintheclouds Iā€™m getting the same issue via computer but works on my phone just fine, glad Iā€™m not the only one with the issue.
1 like
2 yrs ago
Thanks. :) And I know i've been to lazy to update it and whatnot lol.
2 yrs ago
Today is my 31st birthday so yay!
2 yrs ago
And don't let it discourage you from joining a group RP, :)


Hi there, a little bit about me I am 28 year old female from Pennsylvania I have been RPing for the past seven years or so originally starting in WoW and then moved onto forum RPs and found this site back before the great crash of the old site. I am a casual writer and will usually write up to three or four paragraphs though I always match what my partners will usually write to me, though you will never see me write any kind of one liners, though most days I am usually doing group RPs.

Skyrose RP Universe Created & GMed & Co-GMed by: @Morose,@BlueSky44

Knight RP Universe Created & GMed by: @Kirah

Nexus RP Universe Created & GMed by: Me @Nallore!

Tales of Asgard, Beyond the Storm 1x1 with @AngelBites15

Most Recent Posts

Alice Kennedy

Location: Mako Island inland's Dormant Volcano, then Mako Island Beach
Interacting With: @Morose Millicent Blair

Alice smiled as Millicent helped her push the boat along until it was safely back in the water, she then pulled the start up cord for the little boats motor. As the boat moved across the sea she looked back towards the beach one last time seeing the island getting smaller and smaller as they got further out to sea back towards the mainland. "If you want I can come over to your place and tell your parents why we were late." Alice offered, she really didn't want her friend to get in trouble because of her and she would feel guilty as well.

"I don't think so, my mom sometimes goes there every so often to do some studies on the island." Alice said with a slight shrug she wasn't sure or how she could explain the sudden bubbling in the water when the moon hit the center of the volcano. A few minutes later they were finally back at the mainland of their home, Alice moved the boat through the bay until they were there at the rental place where they got the boat from.

Alice then parked the boat and tied it off to the dock, and helped Millicent back up onto the dock as well and gave her a soft smile. "So did you want me to walk you home?" Alice offered.
Riley Ridgeway

Location: Roller Derby Rink

Riley laughed softly and looked at Ronnie as she ran a hand through her hair tucking some of it behind her ear and nodded. "That is true, it is kind of a harmless drug, unless you are like a stoner and like getting high all the time." Riley joked playfully as she leaned forward as she watched the arena starting to fill up with more people, and more members of The Dragons started to go into the rink. She listened to Ronnie as he told her about Minerva, the name did sound a bit familiar to her since she was a celebrity. But she still wasn't so sure about her. "I don't know much about her as well." Riley said as she took a drink from her soda and then set it back down next to her.

Riley looked back at Ronnie as he told her about Diana and nodded slightly so the woman was also a doctor as well and helped Ronnie's friend after being shot. "Well I don't mind sitting and watching a game, so if we don't see anything we could always just come back at a later point then right?"
Riley Ridgeway

Location: In her car.

Riley set her phone back into her pocket after she had sent out the text to everyone, she leaned back in her seat letting out a soft sigh she still didn't know why this person was killing everyone, or why they all deserved this. Then Riley jumped when she heard a knock on the window and turned her head and saw that it was just Lawson Ada's now ex husband and let out a soft sigh. "You scared the fucking shit out of me Lawson." Riley said, as she eyed the gun in his hand, she nodded and did as he was told as she rolled up all the windows and made sure that the doors were all locked.

She wasn't sure how long Tent's body was laid out like that, but it was fairly recent since the bodies were found earlier in the morning during Tim's news conference. Riley rolled down her window quickly as just as Lawson turned down the alleyway. "Be careful out there!" Riley yelled out at him, she wasn't sure if he heard or not as she rolled the window back up. Riley looked towards Tuesday at the mention of security cameras, they would have most likely been cut or the body could have been found already. But she wasn't really sure about that, Riley's hands were shaking again she hadn't been close to a another dead body like that since Simone's murder all those years ago aside from the pictures she saw yesterday.

Riley wanted to go out and see if Lawson needed help, but she knew that the man was from the marines and he would most likely be able to handle himself. And she wanted to make sure she looked after her sister and Cynthia as well which was what she was going to do. "Trent will be avenged I assure you Cynthia." Riley said looking back at her and smiled.
*Raises hand @Vicier* I'm still here. :)
@FantasyChic I know the feeling lol, 3rd character amputated i'm the record holder for lost limbs in this RP apparently. :P

Kristina Smith

Location: Apartment E - Kristina's Apt 2 .

"Sophia getting bit wasn't your fault, anyone could have been bitten at least it was just her hand if she got bit anywhere else she wouldn't be here now. And it wasnt your fault either that your community fell, Newnan could have fallen a month ago when we arrived here but it's still standing here now isn't it?" Kristina said as she winced slightly as she let Neisha start to wrap up her ankle sighing slightly as she let Neisha do her thing and making sure that it was bandaged up well. "And I think you should at least let her know how you feel. Because anyone of us could be dead tomorrow and I don't think you would want her to die without you telling her how you felt." Kristina shrugged slightly as she stood up again.

"And thank you again for the help." Kristina said with a soft smile as she grabbed the shovel to support herself and took Niesha's hand, she was at least glad that the horse didn't mow through the crops that would have been very bad. Kristina started to slowly limp her way out of Building E and headed back out onto the streets of Newnan once more, she still didn't like the humidity of Georgia but she had gotten used to it by now.

Sophia Harris

location: The Rec Center.

Sophia looked at Tatiana and returned the soft wave, when she spoke she could hear the thick Russian accent and knew that she was from Russia. She was surprised that someone came from the complete other side of the world, though there wasnt much of a world left now. Sophia turned her attention back towards Jack, and laughed slightly and knew that he was from Boston. "I think my grandfather was from Boston, though i'm not sure." Before coming to Newnan Sophia rarely trusted anyone, and she survived on her own this long until she bumped into Niesha and then the others gave her enough hope that she started opening up to others. Then Sophia could hear the radio on the wall going off, hearing Jim from the wall asking for anyone who spoke Russian so there was a new comer as well.

Sophia looked between Tatiana and Jack at the mention of someone named Davi, the name didn't ring a bell with her then Tatiana said she had to go and watched the Russian woman running off from the Rec Center. She turned to look over at Jack as he asked her where to go so that Tati could see if it was her friend or not. "The main gate, you must have seen it when you came in pretty big and really noticeable." Sophia answered, then she bit her lip for a moment she didn't want to be pushing herself along the streets by herself with her feet.

"So uhm would you be okay with wheeling me around for a bit as well? I'm sort of trying to get my bearings around this place as well." Sophia asked, she wasnt sure if Tatiana would actually be alright with her being wheeled around by Jack.

Raymond Mendoza

Location: The Woods Around Arnco Mills

Ray didn't like the odds at all, he would be just dead weight to her if he did survive and they got to some form of shelter, Raymond slowly nodded as he watched her make bandages out of her shirt Ray wiped off his machete as best as he could. "Please just make sure that I don't turn I don't want to become one of those things.. And if I become a hindrance to you do what you have to." Raymond said as he reached over for a nearby stick, he looked up at her one more time. "If I don't make it take my stuff." Ray said as he put the stick into his mouth.

Raymond closed his eyes and bit down hard as the searing pain started going through his entire leg and started to let out loud screams in pain as Tiffany started to cut through skin, muscle, bone and tendons. Tears started going down the sides of his face, and then everything started going dark, after Tiffany removed his leg. Raymond's body went completely limp as he was carried off.
Riley Ridgeway

Location: Roller Derby Rink

"Politics honestly kind of bore me, but that's just me though." Riley said with a slight shrug as she leaned forward and watched along the rink seeing various men in suits with com links in their ears. She wasnt sure why someone high up in the military would be in a place like this. "I didn't think a stoner like yourself would actually be even interested in politics." Riley said teasingly as she leaned back again and watched as Ronnie pulled up another video and leaned closer to watch the video that he was playing. The video was going so quickly seeing the one in the gold helmet kicking another skater out of the track and onto the center of it. But then the video came to an end and Riley would recognize who the face was.

"That I believe is Alicia Gonzalez, she lives in one of the buildings in Boston Heights. Though I haven't gotten a chance to actually know her yet." Riley said running a hand through her hair slightly as she looked towards Ronnie once more. "So we just sit here and watch the game see if anything suspicious happens?" Riley asked him.
Riley Ridgeway

Location: In her car, then outside.

Riley looked back towards Tuesday and Cynthia as her sister helped Cynthia back into her car, Riley stood there as she waited for her call to be transferred to the Grim PD. She held her phone slightly away from her ear as she started to hear Tim cursing multiple times over the phone, when he finally calmed down Riley bit her lower lip for a moment and nodded. "Got it, we will stay put unless something happens i'll call you if some shit happens at the scene." Riley said as she heard Tim hanging up, she turned around and started to make her way back towards her car and got back inside. Riley closed the door and locked the car doors, she looked back over towards Tuesday and Cynthia watching her sister trying to comfort the broken woman.

Riley sighed slightly as she leaned back into the driver's seat and ran a hand through her hair. "Tim says to stay put, if something happens before the cops arrive we head straight to the station." Riley listened to her sister tell Cynthia how she got herself arrested, though she had heard the story a dozen times before and even asked about it a few times by reporters. Riley took out her phone as she thought about texting everyone else about what happened to, after thinking about it everyone else had a right to know those that still had her number that is.

"Just found Trent Lanier murdered just thought you needed to know."

Riley would hit send, she looked back towards Cynthia as she reached over and gently rested a hand on Cynthia's leg and gave it a gentle pat. Riley knew that Trent and her dated back in high school at least from what she remembered, she wanted to be there for her now that Cynthia had been through so much. "They will find out who is doing this." Riley would say softly and gave Cynthia a gentle smile.

Samantha Hunter

Location: Aunt Sue's Inn, Room One
Interacting With: Jessica Soreast

Samantha took out her phone as she started to head over to any recent news, which of course there was some outbreak in Sacramento California she played the news story video. She cringed slightly at the thought of the news story with some mom's going completely Walking Dead on people and eating other people. She sighed slightly as she decided to flip to some music on her phone and closed her eyes as she started to listen to it, her mind started to wonder towards the weird events that had happened during the day. As well as what the hell that voice was in her room, which really did freak her out, Samantha didn't want to go into that room again, but all of her things were also in her room and she needed her camera to do her job as well.

Samantha then caught movment in the corner of her eye and turned her head slightly and looked out the window to see Jessica walking as if she was a zombie, she wasn't sure what was wrong with her. Maybe she was on drugs or something along those lines, she wasn't really sure but it looked like that the woman was in some sort of trouble. Same then decided to see if she was alright, Sam slowly opened the car door and got out, but she left the door open she was still very cautions about it. "Is everything okay ma'am?" Sam asked as she kept herself close to her car.
@Lady Amalthea Thanks! :) I actually like this song. :)
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