Avatar of Nallore


Recent Statuses

7 mos ago
Current Is it just me or does RPG have like an excessive amount of ads on it now?
2 yrs ago
@Headintheclouds Iā€™m getting the same issue via computer but works on my phone just fine, glad Iā€™m not the only one with the issue.
1 like
2 yrs ago
Thanks. :) And I know i've been to lazy to update it and whatnot lol.
2 yrs ago
Today is my 31st birthday so yay!
2 yrs ago
And don't let it discourage you from joining a group RP, :)


Hi there, a little bit about me I am 28 year old female from Pennsylvania I have been RPing for the past seven years or so originally starting in WoW and then moved onto forum RPs and found this site back before the great crash of the old site. I am a casual writer and will usually write up to three or four paragraphs though I always match what my partners will usually write to me, though you will never see me write any kind of one liners, though most days I am usually doing group RPs.

Skyrose RP Universe Created & GMed & Co-GMed by: @Morose,@BlueSky44

Knight RP Universe Created & GMed by: @Kirah

Nexus RP Universe Created & GMed by: Me @Nallore!

Tales of Asgard, Beyond the Storm 1x1 with @AngelBites15

Most Recent Posts

Kristina Smith

Location: Infirmary -> LaGrange St -> Parking Lot between 10 (Medical Garden) and Gilbert Street.

Kristina sat on the bed while Astrid had gone over towards a nearby cabinet to get somethings, she turned her attention towards Victor as he told her he was fine. And to make the point clearer Victor had sat up from the bed and smiled slightly, though she got the feeling that he was hiding something from her that he wasn't fine. But then again she could be wrong about that and gave him a slight nod and gave him a small smile. "That's good at least glad that it isn't anything serious." Kristina said as Astrid came back with some Naproxen and a glass of water, she took the glass of water and painkillers into both of her hands and downed them rather quickly. Kris winced slightly as Astrid rewrapped her ankle and then moved over towards the walkie nearby and overheard Sally's voice and Astrid about ice for her for tonight.

She watched as Astrid grabbed a pair of crutches and came back to her and took them, she pushed herself off of the bed lifting up her back ankle. "Thank you Astrid." Kristina said with a soft smile as she started to move towards the door. "I'll see you at dinner, and tomorrow morning then I guess." She then opened the door to the infirmary and started to leave the infirmary, she opened the door and back onto the streets Kristina looked around seeing the other kids closer to her age. She could smell the BBQ as she decided to see what was being cooked up, she hadn't seen James since the new arrivals had come which she didn't get the chance to see yet.

Kristina started slowly making her way down Gilbert Street where she knew that James kept his smoker, she turned towards the parking lot and saw him working away with whatever was being cooked. She also needed to tell him what had happened back out on the fields as well and how she got injured and that she would be off for two days.

Sophia Harris

location: LaGrange St (outer wall/Main Newnan Gate)

Sophia silently watched the armed escort moving along with the new Russian man that had come to Newnan, then a small orange fluff ball trying to claw up his leg causing Sophia to laugh slightly. She hadn't seen a cat in years since all this happened she had owned one when she was younger and growing up. Sophia turned her head to look up at Jack and smiled giving him a quick nod, the DMV was always really slow and remembered spending hours upon hours trying to get a license renewed. "Well I have to say that you two are a pretty cute couple." Sophia said as she started to think about Niesha she hadn't seen her out in the fields yet and probably thought that she was back inside the inner wall.

Sophia watched as Tatiana started to approach them and smiled at the Russian ballerina, she didn't really have much of a choice being chair bound for now at least and having to rely on people to move her around. By now Sophia was starting to get uncomfortable just having to do nothing for the last month and wanted to actually help out around her. Sophia then started to think about just telling her how she felt about Niesha maybe she should tell her how she feels to her. "I guess we should follow the others back to the inner wall then?"

Raymond Mendoza

Location: The Woods Around Arnco Mills

Raymond watched as Tiffany turned around and came back for him, which he was really grateful for and sighed slightly while still groaning in pain, his hand dug into the ground slightly. "Thanks again.." Raymond said between heavy breathes he felt like passing out again, his stomach was hurting and just wanted to empty it all out on the ground next to him. Raymond took a sip of the water that Tiffany had offered him. "I don't know about you, but whoever was driving probably drew the walkers away. There is a church back there, it was clear when I was in it, we could double back there or something just be careful of the holes, whoever set these up probably did that to the car or something.." Raymond said between heavy breathes he quickly grabbed a nearby stick and bit down hard into it his teeth digging into it.

As Tiffany helped him back up, his head started spinning as he held onto Tiffany tightly he wasn't sure if he was going to survive the trip back or not. He felt very dizzy and disoriented now as Ray looked forward while breathing heavily, he remained as quiet as best as he could occasionally groaning in pain as he was dragged along.
@Lady Amalthea But you post for LLA. :P But still love ya anyway. :)
@ONL First lesson dont do stupid shit or you will loose an arm. :P
Posting once I get my lazy ass out of bed lol.
*Throws an arm, leg and hand @Lady Amalthea* :P

I'll have a character up sometime today.
Riley Ridgeway

Location: Roller Derby Rink

"True the munchies are always a great thing after getting high or drunk." Riley said with a soft laugh, she had never gotten herself high before, but she had gotten drunk before in the past after long days of touring and just traveling around on tour. She enjoyed a drink every now and then, but when she gets out and party she would most likely end up getting drunk at some point. Riley watched as Ronnie pushed himself away from her somewhat and faced her as he took out a smoke. She was glad that Ronnie didn't smoke right in front of her face, otherwise she would end up ripping it out of his mouth and stomp it out.

"Yeah second hand smoke is a real bad killer nowadays." Riley said with a light laugh as she then turned her attention towards the roller derby rink, seeing the team members starting to do some practice runs. Then Riley turned her attention back towards Ronnie seeing him looking at his phone as he muttered something. She assumed that it was something about Danica, and wondered if they were closer then she thought and bit her lip for a second before asking.

"So, what can you tell me about Danica?" Riley asked, she wanted to at least know what she meant to him it must have been hard for him to hear the news of Danica's death. She sadly didn't know what it was like to lose someone close to you whether it was a close friend or a family member.
Riley Ridgeway

Location: In her car -> alleyway near the store.

Riley looked over her shoulder seeing Cynthia rocking herself back and forth muttering to herself about catching the star over and over again, she reached out to try and comfort the mentally unstable girl in her car. That's when she heard the gunshots coming from down the alleyway that Lawson happened to ran down with his gun, then Cynthia started to shake and fumble with the door. "Cynthia wait!" Riley yelled out as Cynthia managed to get her car door opened and then made a blind dash down the very same alleyway that, then came the girl that Ada said was her cousin shortly going after Cynthia. Riley knew that she had to drive to the station in case something crazy happened, but someone had just been shot she needed to make sure that everyone was alright and didn't want to see anyone else hurt.

Riley opened the door as she took out her phone again as she followed behind Jasmin and stood there frozen, covering her hand over her mouth seeing Lawson had been shot. Riley looked towards Cynthia seeing that she had gotten herself covered in Lawson's blood and quickly moved over towards her. Riley looked over towards where her car was and hoped Tuesday would come out and help, she was shaking when Riley felt her phone vibrate. Jasmine was telling them to call 911, which she had already done though she was going to call an ambulance, she didn't want to see Lawson dead, Adelaide would probably be devastated if anything were to happen to him again. Even though they weren't together anymore. "People are on their way." Riley said trying to keep herself as calm as possible despite her shaking.

It was a text from Roxanne she hadn't seen her friend in awhile and it was great to hear from her again, but it was a bad time that she came when there were murders going on. Riley quickly decided to type a quick text, she was hoping that she wouldn't head over to where she was.

"Outside of the sports store, but don't come yet. Our classmates are being murdered."

Riley then quickly started to dial 911 again while trying to comfort the shaking girl, she couldn't help but keep herself from shaking this was like the sixth murder within twenty-four hours. These were people that she had known for a very long time back in high school, she just wanted to get this person whoever is doing this caught.
@Heiress of Ice Hi there and welcome to RPG! :D RWBY is awesome, I have yet to finish up season 3 as well I actually kind of forgot about it and need time to watch the rest of it. Anyway if you ever want to RP or chat feel free to send a PM! :)
@Lady Amalthea Lol just had to ask that. :P
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