Avatar of Nallore


Recent Statuses

7 mos ago
Current Is it just me or does RPG have like an excessive amount of ads on it now?
2 yrs ago
@Headintheclouds Iā€™m getting the same issue via computer but works on my phone just fine, glad Iā€™m not the only one with the issue.
1 like
2 yrs ago
Thanks. :) And I know i've been to lazy to update it and whatnot lol.
2 yrs ago
Today is my 31st birthday so yay!
2 yrs ago
And don't let it discourage you from joining a group RP, :)


Hi there, a little bit about me I am 28 year old female from Pennsylvania I have been RPing for the past seven years or so originally starting in WoW and then moved onto forum RPs and found this site back before the great crash of the old site. I am a casual writer and will usually write up to three or four paragraphs though I always match what my partners will usually write to me, though you will never see me write any kind of one liners, though most days I am usually doing group RPs.

Skyrose RP Universe Created & GMed & Co-GMed by: @Morose,@BlueSky44

Knight RP Universe Created & GMed by: @Kirah

Nexus RP Universe Created & GMed by: Me @Nallore!

Tales of Asgard, Beyond the Storm 1x1 with @AngelBites15

Most Recent Posts

@Lady Amalthea So if I solve the case I could get a free no limbs loss? :P

Also I'll have a character up sometime tomorrow.
@Lady Amalthea I'm interested cuz your RP's are fun as hell. :)

Samantha Hunter

Location: Aunt Sue's Inn, Room One
Interacting With: Jessica Soreast

Just as the woman had turned around Samantha caught a glimpse of those black looking demonic eyes that the woman had, causing Sam to stumble backwards. She certainly had enough of all of this crazy shit for one day. the weird Qareen like creature, then that voice in her head after she had reviewed the footage that she had caught earlier in the day. Then as quickly as she caught the possessed woman's attention she had up and disappeared like something out of some Star Trek like show. She quickly turned around and made her way back to her car.

Sam quickly got back inside of it and closed the door, and made sure that all of the windows to her car as well as all of the doors were closed and locked shut. All she could hear from the safety of her car was the dog barking in the distance she assumed was somewhere in the parking lot. "I think I had enough for the day.." Sam said to herself as she turned off the lights inside of her car as well, and crawled into the back seat of her car. She curled up on the seat and looked up at the ceiling of her car letting out a sigh she certainly had seen some weird shit today, and she needed to go back into her room and continue to try and work on her story.
I'll have a post up tomorrow.

Kristina Smith

Location: Apartment E - Kristina's Apt 2 -> Lagrange St -> Infirmary

Kristina nodded slowly as she got up from where she was sitting and was glad that Niesha was there to help her move around a little bit, she walked slowly out of the apartment building, and moved across the street slowly towards the infirmary. She looked around as the people went about their day as usual doing their assigned jobs. Then she entered the infirmary and then Niesha opened the door, seeing Astrid there and then seeing what she didn't expect was Victor laid out on the hospital bed. She wasn't sure what happened and was worried about the doctor. She was like family to her, and had helped her grieve a little bit after she had lost her sister and Lorna both in the same day. Kris sat down on the hospital bed and looked between Niesha as well as Victor, she could feel the tension between the two of them but she remained fairly quiet.

Kristina awkwardly ran a hand through her hair when Niesha told Victor what had happened she didn't want to reveal the information that she had ended up falling out into a pile of animal manure it was slightly embarrassing. "Thanks Niesha, and i'll see you and Sophia later." Kristina said as she watched her friend head out of the infirmary. Kristina sighed slightly and then looked towards Victor and Astrid, it would probably end up getting out anyway since everyone in the fields may have seen her get on the horse, and buck her off and land in the pile of manure.

Kristina sat on the bed and watched as Astrid moved from Victor and went over to grab the portable X-Ray machine, she remained very still as Astrid turned it on to get a image of her ankle. Once Astrid had finished Kristina shifted slightly and looked towards her, she didn't hear the woman speak that much in the past. "It's about a six or so I guess." Kristina answered as she let Astrid take her vitals, she was waiting patiently for the question on what had actually happened. She looked back over towards Victor still concerned about him. "Victor what happened, why are you on the bed?"

Sophia Harris

location: The Rec Center -> Lagrange St (inner wall/main inner wall gate) -> Lagrange St (outer wall/Main Newnan Gate)

"It's all good, as long as I know where to go from the street it's fine." Sophia said with a soft smile as Jack went behind her and started to quickly push her out of the Rec Center, and back out into the sun she hadn't been to the main gate since the day she had gotten there. It was of course the last thing that she saw before losing consciousness. "Thanks again." Sophia said with a soft smile as she lightly ran a hand over her left arm, it still hurt a bit even after a month but she avoided touching the area where she had been cut. As she was pushed through the inner gates and out to the fields seeing the people out working the fields. Sophia shifted slightly in her seat, she was slightly curious how Jack and Tatiana had met and wanted to make a little bit of small talk.

"So, how did the two of you meet anyway?" Sophia asked, as they were finally at the main gate she sat there for a moment seeing Jim up at the wall where he always was, and where Tatiana was up at the wall. Sophia nodded slightly she knew the feeling of losing a friend who had gone missing, there could be a chance that she was out there breathing and living, or she could be actually dead, or turned into a walker outside of the walls. "I'm sure that she is still out there somewhere."

Sophia said, she looked up at Tatiana and gave her a slight smile and wave. "Take your time." Sophia said with a soft smile, then she looked over towards the gate seeing it open and a man she hadn't met entered the gates and assumed that it was actually the Russian that Jim had been asking for someone to try and translate for them.

Raymond Mendoza

Location: The Woods Around Arnco Mills

Ray opened his eyes as he felt a sudden sharp pain going through his body, he slowly looked around his breathing was very heavy he looked around he wasn't moving and he was laid up on the ground. He tried looking around for Tiffany he saw that she wasn't there beside him, he could hear what sounded like tires screeching in the distance. There was a chance that there were people nearby, but the noise sounded like it wasn't that far away from where he was. Ray turned his head slowly and caught a glimpse of Tiffany, she had managed to catch herself from the little walker pitfall trap. Had she abandoned him and left him to die or try and get some help, he couldn't tell but then again he did tell her to leave him if he became a hindrance for her.

"Help me please!" Raymond would call out to Tiffany, he looked down at his bloodied leg he would grip the ground tightly as he groaned again. The bleeding seemed to have slowed down, he didn't want to move in fear of making the bleeding worse but he was also losing blood. He was still breathing and the pain was unbearable that's all he knew that he was still alive at least for now.
On my way home from work, once I eat and shower then I'll get to working on my post.
@Caits You could have her searching around for Sophia and have her look around town or something.
@FantasyChic Its all good dont feel bad at all I did give you the green light to do so. :) She just missed out on all his shit though a bunch of doritos and a dead fox though.

@Lady Amalthea Soooo since thats pretty much a death sentence for Ray does that mean I get plot armor now? :P Or would I have to wait till the death roll for Ray comes?
Ill have a post up tonight after work.

Anastasia Beaumont

Location: Vanessa's Restaurant
Interacting With: @BeautifulSnow Vanessa @rivaan Natasha, @BlackPantherGage & Aron & @Caits Cassandra

"Well don't feel like you have to drop the article or anything i'm sure there are other ways to get information." Anastasia said with a soft smile as she turned around to see Cassandra and smiled at her giving her a slight shrug. "It's all good, I understand things have probably been busy over the last week i'm assuming." Ana said as she leaned back and turned to look at Vanessa as she took out her phone and sent out a text to someone that she didn't know most likely.

She just sat there and enjoyed drinking her coffee and watched the teens that were in the room closely, she remembered last week that they had been attacked. But they seemed to be fine with everything so far with things considering. Anastasia ran a hand through her hair and stretched slightly, she felt her stomach rumble slightly and knew that she needed to feed pretty soon. But she kept it quiet for now, she still had a stash of blood in the fridge.

I'll be fine, don't worry but i'll text you if anything happens."
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