Avatar of Nallore


Recent Statuses

7 mos ago
Current Is it just me or does RPG have like an excessive amount of ads on it now?
2 yrs ago
@Headintheclouds Iā€™m getting the same issue via computer but works on my phone just fine, glad Iā€™m not the only one with the issue.
1 like
2 yrs ago
Thanks. :) And I know i've been to lazy to update it and whatnot lol.
2 yrs ago
Today is my 31st birthday so yay!
2 yrs ago
And don't let it discourage you from joining a group RP, :)


Hi there, a little bit about me I am 28 year old female from Pennsylvania I have been RPing for the past seven years or so originally starting in WoW and then moved onto forum RPs and found this site back before the great crash of the old site. I am a casual writer and will usually write up to three or four paragraphs though I always match what my partners will usually write to me, though you will never see me write any kind of one liners, though most days I am usually doing group RPs.

Skyrose RP Universe Created & GMed & Co-GMed by: @Morose,@BlueSky44

Knight RP Universe Created & GMed by: @Kirah

Nexus RP Universe Created & GMed by: Me @Nallore!

Tales of Asgard, Beyond the Storm 1x1 with @AngelBites15

Most Recent Posts

I'll have a post up this afternoon. :)
I shall have a post up tomorrow. :)
Riley Ridgeway

Location: The Police Station

Riley looked towards Tuesday as she drove towards the police station, she was tempted to turn on the radio but it would probably start playing some news of the recent string of murders in Grimm. The drive was rather quiet as Riley continued driving until they were finally there, she bit her lower lip for a moment remembering her time being there when questioned about the murder of Simone all those years ago. Riley couldn't help but feel like she blamed herself for what happened to Cynthia the young woman closed her eyes for a moment and sighed as she stopped the car and then took her keys out of the ignition. Riley eyed her sister for a moment and gave her a slight smile as she started making her way into the station.

Riley saw Roxanne once more and gave her friend a smile and then watched as Cynthia in her weird cyanotic state the girl was oddly silent now. "I don't think Cynthia would say anything about it unless she was asked about it." Riley said as she made her way towards Tim's office, finding a couch inside of the room Riley plopped herself on top of it. Tim came in as Riley looked at Marc staring at some of the files on Tim's desk, Riley raised an eyebrow when Marc said that the others were sent to a safehouse. "So they get the high life in a safe place while we are here with targets on our backs?" Riley asked as she sat back up looking towards Marc.
Maria Smith

Maria smiled feeling Alex's hands wrapped around her waist she looked towards her girlfriend and gave her a soft smile and leaned forward kissing her on the cheek. "I've been starving all day." She said with a soft smile as she followed her girlfriend outside of Alex's house, as they walked along the street she took notice of some of the street corners have been blocked off. She just assumed that it was the president moving on about the city, to some political crap she never really got into. Maria just leaned her head up against Alex's shoulder feeling comfortable and happy in her arms as they moved along the streets of D.C.

When they finally got to the restaurant Maria sat across from Alex their seat closest to the window, she looked out the window as she noticed another police car and ambulance driving past them. Maria couldn't help but get that same feeling that this certainly wasn't even normal at all. She then turned her attention towards Alex wondering what they should actually wear for the evening at the concert, she thought for a moment and smiled as Alex offered some of her own clothes for the evening.

"Hmm, not sure really I was just thinking of going with what i'm wearing right now, but if you are offering some of your clothes I wouldn't mind wearing at all." Maria smirked playfully she shifted slightly in the seat at the mention of the police and bit her lower lip for a moment. "I'm not sure that its normal either. I don't think our good ol' president is traveling anywhere big or have any foreign leaders coming through. And with all this news going on lately about these weird cannibal stories maybe they are connected somehow?" Maria asked just as their waiter came over and handed them their drinks and food.
@Ambiguity I've actually worked two ten hour shifts in one week once and that was 6AM-4PM but that rarely ever happens. I feel like a walker at the end of those shifts lol. :P

And don't ever be sorry school and life stuff always come first don't ever feel like your forced to write anything i'm patient after all just write whatever you feel is right enough. :)

And Riley's music is like a mix between This and this, based her originally off of both bands. I also am using her in two other RPs my second favorite character I've made next to Maria. :)
@Ambiguity Nope thank god, it's 11AM-7PM though Sunday is the murder shift 6AM-3PM though which sucks.
@Ambiguity That sucks. :( I hope you do well on it though! :)

My day has been pretty relaxing, though sadly got work in the morning which i'm not looking forward to lol.
@Ambiguity How has your day been? :)
Riley Ridgeway

Location: Classic Building 3C - Top Floor

Riley looked between the two grown men it felt like they were in high school or something as she eyed the two of them, but then the mention of Danica. Riley shifted slightly as she headed for the fridge and pulled out a coke, when Ronnie asked where Roy was when Danica was killed. Causing Roy to slam Ronnie up against the wall she would let out a rather load groan, it certainly reminded her of a scene back in Grimm when she had her fair share of run ins with Simone when she was alive. "For fucking Christ sake you are acting like two fucking high schoolers.." Riley muttered as she looked towards Roy.

"Can we not like do this in my apartment mind putting down Ronnie? I don't think he has weed or anything on him right now." Riley asked. Then her attention went towards Roy maybe he did have some information on Danica before she was killed. "So anyway did you happen to know Danica personally by any chance?" Riley finally asked, she looked towards Ronnie for a moment and then walked over handing the can of soda towards her friend.

Kristina Smith

Location: Building 2 (Mess Hall) -> Parking Lot between 10 (Medical Garden) and Gilbert Street

Kristina eyed the orange cat then her attention went towards Black James as he spoke she shrugged slightly, she wasn't sure how the cat had actually got in but there were three new people that came into Newnan today. "Not really sure, but I think the cat came in with one of the new people that came in here earlier. Before we were getting shot at that is." Kris said as she eyed the smoker she did save enough to eat that deer. Then James asked if the animals were all fed and shoveled, though she had left earlier then the others due to the horse's mental breakdown with the coon from earlier.

"Yep bossman the animals have all been fed, and their crap moved to the manure pile as well." Kristina told him as she gently petted the cat. "Also earlier the raccoon that caused some havoc earlier, well it spooked one of the horses and I tried to calm it down." Kristina said with a soft sigh and then gestured to her hurt ankle. "Anyway got a sprained ankle, Doc Astrid told me to stay off it for the next two days." Kristina said, since James was the agriculture lead she thought he would need to know first.

Sophia Harris

location: Building 2 (Mess Hall)

Sophia nodded as she watched Niesha as she started the next set of medications, listening to Niesha as she spoke about what happened if the mixtures were wrong or if there was to much. When Niesha mentioned her stump, Sophia looked down at it there was a little bit of pain but it was manageable. "I'll sometimes get a light throbbing pain there, but the pain is manageable.." Sophia said as she stopped, she was lucky she just simply lost a hand instead of her whole arm or something along the lines of that. She was grateful for Astrid's quick response a month ago, and the long month of painful recovery and just being on bed rest for the last month. "But honestly i'm just happy to be alive, and just eager to get back to work."

Sophia turned her attention towards Ms. Sally and smiled at the elderly woman seeing her carrying several tins of extracts with her, she was sure that it would help the young ones deal with the nasty tastes of the actual medicine that Niesha was making. "I hate the taste of ass, i'd rather have some lemony flavor anyway." Sophia said with a light laugh as she looked towards Niesha and gently gave her shoulder a loving squeeze she then leaned forward and kissed Niesha on the head.

Meghna Kumar

Location: Building E -> Building 7 Rec Center

"Just ask if you ever need anything for you room, more blankets just come to me and i'll make it happen." Meg smiled towards Bazhooli, she looked at the armed escort for a moment and then looked at the Russian man. "I'll try and pull some strings see if one of our resident metal workers could lend you some dull knives for the show this evening. We can't give you your stuff just yet until Ashton gives the greenlight to do it." Meghna said softly as she tried to think of other things that could entertain the people of Newnan, she looked at Baz. "Lets head back to the Rec Center and see if your assistant Ms. Sally said she would direct her over there when she is ready." Meghna then started to head towards the door as the guard still carrying his things and gestured for the two men to follow her.

Meg left the building as she started making her way back the way that they had come she looked over her shoulder at the man and tried to think what else he could do. "So other then juggling and knife throwing what else do you know?" Meg asked as she opened the door as she headed towards the end of the room Meghna started pulling out chairs to set up for the people to sit and watch. Ms. Sally did have a really good idea, and the people really did need this to make the others feel better with the recent events that had happened today and the month before.

Raymond Mendoza

Location: Heard County High School - Infirmary

Raymond would smile at the people who came in and out of the room and would occasionally wave towards them, he then turned to look at Tiffany asking what his plans were. Truly? He really didn't have any plans at all, he was just so used to going day by day scavenging and moving constantly around staying ahead of the walkers. "Honestly? I don't know since i'm a cripple now I guess i'm just going to stay wit them. Can't really run anymore if there is a herd of walkers behind me." Ray said, he bit his lip for a moment realizing he had just said/

"Really i'm not blaming you for what happened to me. I'd be a walker now if it wasn't for you anyway." Ray said as he sat himself up somewhat causing him to groan loudly and then reached for some water. Raymond sighed quietly as he tried to think of something else to talk about. "So what did you do for fun, before all of this. Like did you like sports or anything like that?"
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