Avatar of Nallore


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7 mos ago
Current Is it just me or does RPG have like an excessive amount of ads on it now?
2 yrs ago
@Headintheclouds Iā€™m getting the same issue via computer but works on my phone just fine, glad Iā€™m not the only one with the issue.
1 like
2 yrs ago
Thanks. :) And I know i've been to lazy to update it and whatnot lol.
2 yrs ago
Today is my 31st birthday so yay!
2 yrs ago
And don't let it discourage you from joining a group RP, :)


Hi there, a little bit about me I am 28 year old female from Pennsylvania I have been RPing for the past seven years or so originally starting in WoW and then moved onto forum RPs and found this site back before the great crash of the old site. I am a casual writer and will usually write up to three or four paragraphs though I always match what my partners will usually write to me, though you will never see me write any kind of one liners, though most days I am usually doing group RPs.

Skyrose RP Universe Created & GMed & Co-GMed by: @Morose,@BlueSky44

Knight RP Universe Created & GMed by: @Kirah

Nexus RP Universe Created & GMed by: Me @Nallore!

Tales of Asgard, Beyond the Storm 1x1 with @AngelBites15

Most Recent Posts

*Silently stalks and pokes @Pundii* Is this still open? :)
I'll have a post up tomorrow.
I'll have a post up tomorrow after I wake up. :)
Riley Ridgeway

Location: Classic Building 3C - Top Floor -> Classic Building 3D - Basement Level (Lawson's Apartment)

Riley smiled softly towards Felix and gave him a slight nod as she listened to him. "Well your books are certainly interesting, I usually read them while i'm on the bus touring, I've been to Germany a few times while touring as well." Riley said as she rested her foot up against the wall and looked around for a moment making sure that no one was watching them, or tried to get the edge over them. Riley then turned her attention back towards Felix and smiled. "Ah, what got me into music?" Riley closed her eyes for a moment remembering her past before the reunion and then coming here. "Well growing up I was always the outcast of the family, my parents pretty much just ignored or yelled at me for the littlest things. My sister Chloe, or Tuesday as she prefers nowadays she was pretty much the prodigy of the family I barely had any friends. I always got into fights with just about everyone, nearly got expelled for punching a bitch named Simone in school."

Riley sighed for a moment. "Anyway music was pretty much my go to thing, I used it to express myself started picking up the guitar self taught myself to play it. Then I started writing my own songs and lyrics, one day I decided to finally come out to my family. I got beat for it and then kicked out. Spent the last year in high school sleeping in my car, got a job and gigged where I could being in a small town got shitty opportunities. When I graduated I got the fuck out of town with the little money I got, started singing in bars until finally I was spotted by my producer. We founded my band and finally started my dream, since then never looked back and don't regret coming out." Riley said with a smile, it wasn't any big news everyone knew that she was very open about her sexuality.

When the door opened Riley turned her head and looked at Marc as he waved the two of them into Lawson's apartment, she walked into Lawson's apartment as she looked around the room. Riley moved over towards one of the broken glass frames seeing a picture of Lawson and Ada together, Riley looked over towards Marc as he spoke nodding slightly. "I thought so to, when I bumped into him he always seemed fine to me." Riley said softly as she noticed the crushed wedding band among the rest of the pictures. "How is Adelaide holding up, does she know what happened to Lawson?" Riley asked.

She started exploring the room and made her way over towards Lawson's bedroom, she opened the door and started searching his room trying her best not to disturb the room to much. "Ya know for an ex marine i'm surprised his room is a mess don't they teach you to keep your area clean in the armed forces?"
Riley Ridgeway

Location: The Park -> Haunted House

Riley took her sister's phone into her hand and quickly typed in the password which was pretty easy to remember, she looked up at Chloe for a moment when her sister gave her usual snarky attitude. She remembered that Chloe was always the quiet one growing up while she was the complete opposite she always gave the attitude both to their parents and classmates. As Riley started to type in Tim's phone number she watched her sister quickly darting off towards the haunted house. "Chloe get back here!" Riley yelled loudly at her sister to try and get her back, just like herself she wouldn't listen. Riley groaned loudly as she got up and started to dial in Tim's number hopefully he would actually get the police here.

After a few rings Riley waited until she could hear Tim picking up. "Tim! It's Riley, listen we found Chris at the festival he and Marc got into a scuffle. Ya know that haunted house? Chris ran in there Marc and my sister went inside, anyway get over here fucking fast." Riley said as she approached the haunted house, she knew that if she went in there the two of them or herself could get hurt. Riley's heart started racing as she made her way towards it, she wanted to help she didn't listen to her sister anyway she wanted to save Marc and Tuesday if she could Riley then hung up the phone

Riley started making her way up the ramp and into the haunted house quietly she remembered the times that she went here with her friends when they were all younger. She remained as calm as she could be Riley started to make her way around staying as low as she could to the ground. Riley then spotted the three of them, she saw Chris holding her sister hostage with his gun to Tuesday's side, then looked up at Marc hopefully she wasn't spotted or heard by Chris.

I'll be posting tonight after work.
Alicia Ryd

Interacting With: @BlackPanther Clifford
Location: Carson High School

Alicia looked around at the team that she was put into for a moment and smiled at them, she was ready to get the game started despite waking up in the hospital this morning she felt fine better than she ever did actually. She looked towards Clifford for a moment she got the feeling that something was upsetting him, she looked at her teammates for a moment. "I'll be right back." Alicia said as she started to make her way towards the bathroom where Clifford had ran off to. Once she was there Alicia tried to open the door but it wouldn't budge and knew that he locked it.

Alicia decided to give the door a few knocks to try and get Clifford's attention and to see if her classmate was alright, she leaned herself up against the wall near the wall. "Hey Clifford are you alright?" Alicia asked she wasn't sure what was upsetting him, she just wanted to make sure that her friend was alright and cheer him up if she could.

Location: Ares Cabin
Interacting With:

After walking around the woods for a few minutes, with no luck with finding the huntress Elena shrugged to herself losing interested rather quickly as Elena decided to just do her own thing for now. She decided that she wanted to go and have a good run for a little bit of exercise and stretch out her legs. She wasn't picked for the quest which sucked, Elena was looking forward to getting out of the camp for a little bit, but Elena wasn't sure why her father decided to blame the Hermes kid for stealing Aphrodite's Dove. Elena didn't think it was actually Alan who did it, he wasn't the type to steal from anyone anyway, she just hoped that all of her friends would make it back to Camp Half-Blood in one piece. Elena dug through her pockets and pulled out her phone and a pair of ear buds, she started to play some music to pass the time.

Elena started to do her run as she ran past some trees weaving in between them until she made it over towards the lake, she then stopped there taking in a few deep breaths as she breathed heavily her eyes wondering over towards the lake which looked very peaceful to her. She closed her eyes and sat down near the water and enjoyed the peaceful time by herself she started to play with her hair slightly and started to sing along with the music that she was listening to.

She started to get a little bit bored as Elena stood up she started making her way back towards the lake she wanted to take sometime to relax in her cabin as she walked past the other demigods and demigoddesses Elena eventually made it towards her cabin. Elena found her bed and flopped down onto it she switched towards one of her books on her phone and started to read away.

Location: Egyptian Museum -> Qasr El Nil Barracks

Lauren watched as Reginald started making everyone a drink, she was always up for trying something new she always went for either beer, whiskey or scotch back home. She finished drinking the one she had and decided to go for the one that the Lord Major had made for her and the rest of the group. Lauren turned her attention towards Peter again as he asked Reginald to marry Vera, she raised an eyebrow slightly as she brought the glass up to her lips and drank it. It sort of reminded her when her husband asked her father to marry her, at first her father hated the guy but eventually they became buddies after awhile.

She turned to look at Aziza when she asked if they could leave, Lauren looked towards Harry seeing that he wasn't looking well at all Lauren wasn't sure if it was the weird voodoo shit that was going on, or if it was a flashback. Lauren remembered hearing stories of people coming back from the war completely different then they were before leaving home. "I think it would be wise, it has been a really crazy day anyway." Lauren said to Aziza watched as Harry got up and started walking off and away from the group, she was worried about him.

Lauren stood up looking towards the others of the group. "I think the three of us are going to turn in for the night. It's been a weird day for everyone here I think." She then looked towards Aziza moving her head towards Harry, Aziza knew him more than she did maybe she could help him more than she could.

Sophia Harris

location: Building 1 (Infirmary) -> Building 5 (Fabrication) -> Building E (Sophia & Niesha's Apartment)

Sophia smiled at Niesha getting the prosthetic was something that she really needed it would make her life so much easier than doing everything with one hand or having to rely on an extra set of hands to help her. Sophia looked at Niesha for a moment seeing her getting flustered after her kiss, which was always adorable to her. Sophia then nodded towards Niesha as she followed her lead, the last month just seeing the four walls in the infirmary was all that she could see. Sophia saw Richard walking by towards Zoie's place, she never really spoke to him during the month since she had been in Newnan.

He didn't bother her, and she didn't bother him at least for now Sophia continued to follow behind Niesha until they were finally at the fabrication building. She walked over towards one part of the room seeing a clipboard on the wall with a sheet of paper on it which was something she remembered back in the old days before the world ended. If there was a shipment for new parts of equipment it was always signed off by someone, she saw the pencil attached to it by a string Sophia signed off with her name along with Niesha's she put the time as well as what it was as under oil waste.

"Lets head back and get changed." Sophia said with a soft smile as she started to turn back out of the building and started to head up the street she walked along the sidewalk along Gilbert Street and past the Infirmary. She turned up along Lagrange Street, Sophia would smile softly and wave to some of the people going on about their duties for the evening. Then they were back in their assigned building, she headed into their room. "You should take your shower first." Sophia said with a soft smile as she moved about the room it was the second time being in the apartment after being discharged from the infirmary. It actually felt good to share a room with someone that she cared about, Sophia looked towards Niesha giving her a soft smile as she went towards one of the dressers and started to search for a clean set of clothes.

Meghna Kumar

Location: Building 7 (Rec Center)

Meghna gave Tatiana a quick nod she was glad that she agreed, she didn't want to see anyone getting hurt tonight for the simple show that they were going to perform. Meg looked between Jack and Tati they were certainly the cute couple she couldn't help but get the feeling that Jack was always the class clown back in school and laughed softly towards him. She was happy that the two of them were really happy together it seemed like the two of them hit it off really well.

Meg started to wonder when the two of them actually wanted their wedding to start, of course they would need to talk about it with Ashton still. Maybe either tonight or tomorrow if everything wasn't busy they would discuss the wedding plans, for now she just wanted to make sure that their performance went off without a hitch. "So what are all of you going to do after the performance?" Meghna asked looking between the three of them.

Raymond Mendoza

Location: Heard County High School - Infirmary

Raymond watched as Astrid made her way towards the other side of the room he hadn't seen a phone that actually worked in what felt like years really. He turned his head over slowly seeing Tiffany making her way into the room he gave her a smile as she went over towards his side. He reached out for her hand again, Ray was just glad to see that she was still there he hoped that the guy on the other end of the phone would allow her to come. "Welcome back, glad to see you are still alright." Raymond said softly when he started to hear the kid that was laid next to him on the other bed coughing. He did feel really bad for the kid Ray didn't know how long he was out there Ray groaned slightly in pain as he felt a slight surge of pain go through him.

He wasn't sure how far Newnan was from here, or if he would survive the trip he did start bleeding again and Ray wasn't sure how much blood he lost today. Ray then turned towards Astrid again grateful for the help both from Beni and the people from Franklin and Newnan for helping him. He ran into his fair share of bad groups that would do anything to survive these two in his book were alright with him though.
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