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Arthur Stanford

Skills: N/A

Arthur watched Leda carefully, and nodded. He didn't know if she was telling him a lie to comfort him or not, but he did know that, broadly people here did what they could to ensure mutual survival, and so it was an attempt to help him in some way. He took it at face value, and said, "Chocolate sounds good, thank you Leda." He said, before turning more of his attention on Andy. He made small circles on her hand with his thumb, and exhaled. He really didn't have a way to convince her things would be fine, because he himself wasn't convinced of that.

Arthur gave a surprised look as the puppy materialized out of nowhere. The quiet, slightly paranoid part of his mind was worried that this was some sort of god or magic thing that'd be watching them and waiting to screw them over, but the much louder, 12 year old part of his brain wanted to pet the very very cute dog. Arthur very quickly responded to Andy with, "If nobody claimed him in the next minute, he's ours forever.", before scratching behind the ears of the mystery dog. Dogs were soft and cute and good, and he wanted very much for this to just be an easy thing.

Oliver Sullivan

Skills: Molecular Oscillation

Thankfully for Oli, he was able to keep himself from phasing through things, but this fight was still going to have him at a major disadvantage if he had to be spending this much mental effort to not pass through things. That meant that this had to be ended as quickly as possible, so the best avenue for that was probably getting that armor off of Other!Cass, and the easiest route to accomplish that would be to simply phase it off of her. Closing the distance between himself and his alternate universe boss, he went to try to rip it off of her, only to walk straight through her.

Oli had another option though, he could just cut off the armor with his trusty flaming laser sword. Giving it a flourish, his fingers slipped, and accidentally turned it on while spinning it about, resulting in the blade cleanly cutting through the arm of the Cass in front of him. "Oh fuck." He said, as the arm fell to the ground, the metal clanging to the ground. "Shit, I'm sorry, I honestly didn't mean to- I'm sure you can reattach that." He said, the shock and survival instinct telling him he needed to phase, and so he did, too successfully in fact, falling out of the train entirely.

Oliver Sullivan

Skills: Molecular Oscillation

Oliver was barely able to keep himself solid, so he was devoting most of his mental energy and focus to not losing that. If only for Niah, he wanted to stay solid as long as possible. He nodded along to the different ideas for how to fix this, and neutralizing his powers for sure seemed like the best option. "We could also kill me." he said jokingly, and then continued, "Assuming we could bring me back right after, that would probably work to reset things too." He felt bad as soon as he said it, not wanting to trigger Niah, but that would actually probably work.

Once they got on the train, Oli was very nervous about losing focus. Getting split up was the worst thing they could do, and he was scared of phasing through the train itself. He was therefore, very concerned when when they were dropped in on from above. Blinking quite a lot as he looked between Casandra and her doppelganger, thinking they actually might have a shot at convincing her that way. Oli couldn't especially fight right now, given him barely being able to keep himself from phasing through solid matter, so he had to hope they could talk their way out of this.
Arthur Stanford

Skills: N/A

Arthur listed with rapt attention as Leda spoke, talking about how Tartarus was the pit and an absolutely monstrous and dangerous place. He gritted his teeth at the information, a success rate of two people didn't bode well for getting Mads back, and he didn't want to go on a suicide mission for the hope saving Mads, but he knew he would if he had to. He wouldn't let anybody else suffer if he could prevent it, especially somebody Andy cared about so much. As Leda asked for his word, he bit his lip internally, and thought.

There were, of course, multiple ways to go about circumventing that promise, alone is a pretty subjective word. Arthur could argue that, as long as Andy was alive, he was never truly alone, but he didn't know if magical promises made on preternatural rivers that flow through realms he had previously thought non existent were that amenable to technicalities made on oaths sworn them. He exhaled and said, "I don't intend to go off into the deepest. scariest place in all the world alone, I can promise that." Arthur said carefully, squeezing Andy's hand.

Oliver Sullivan

Skills: Molecular Oscillation

Oli looked at his shaking hands, and felt a kind of clear and curiosity that was quintessentially him. He knew this wasn't a good thing by any means, but god he wanted to know exactly what he body was doing to keep it in this state. If this was something he could turn on and off on a whim, it would be a strict improvement to his phasing abilities, but he could think about that all later. Right now he needed more specifics. Taking a slow step forward, the ground felt soft, but able to be traversed. He thought he could probably go through the ground if he wanted, but for now, he was tangible enough to walk.

Taking a breath and hold it, Oliver had an idea. He might be able to turn this off by oscillating his molecules back to the regular frequency. His body continued to shake for a few moments, before slowly evening out, and leaving Oli looking mostly normal. He knew though, that he was just barely holding onto tangibility. It was like he was phasing, but in reverse, and that wasn't great. Breathing out, Oli said, "Uh, I can travel for now, I feel like I'm one slip up away from going back to being a ghost though so... let's get somewhere we can plan and coordinate sooner rather than later."
Arthur Stanford

Skills: N/A

Arthur was about to explain himself, but Andy seemed to have a grip on doing that, so he was happy to remain mostly nonverbal. It was honestly painful to try to process his feelings into words for the benefit of other people, and he really didn't have the mental energy to try to do that right now. A part of him understood that they fundamentally cared about him, and that that was why they were asking, but sometimes the care of other people felt like a burden rather than a relief. It was because people cared about him and Andy here that he couldn't just leave, he had to stay, or they'd be hurt.

Arthur squeezed her hand back, not wanting Andy to be upset, but it was everything he had not to go into an emotional meltdown right now. All he could really do was enjoy the fact that, at least for now, they were both together. He wanted to feel every second, as much as he could, but he knew that as the night grew longer, he would feel worse and worse until it was too much. Breaking down in front of all their friends didn't at all sound fun or particularly great for his reputation, so he was gonna do everything he could to keep that from happening.

Oliver Sullivan

Times Square (257) -> Subway
Skills: Molecular Oscillation

Oli rubbed his temples, and thought about he situation in front of them. He made the logical jump that, if the subway camera system was Stark tech, these probably were too, and he would almost certainly have a lot of trouble hacking into it. However, he did have another approach in mind. He didn't know how these scanner worked, but he knew that, whatever they were doing, it came down to something physically interacting with their bodies, and if that was the case, then the same trick he used to phase through floors could potentially be used to override this system, and keep their DNA from being registered.

Taking a moment, Oli explained, "I have an idea, if everyone takes my hand and believes really hard, I might be able to vibrate our bodies at a frequency that the scanners won't be able to read us at." He said, realizing that he sounded an awful lot like a pseudoscience Facebook page, but he was at least eighty percent sure this was possible, and confidence was the other twenty percent. Then, taking the hands of everyone who would do this with him, he closed his eyes and centered himself. The way his powers worked mechanically was still largely a mystery to him, but there was just something deep within him that knew and understood what he had to do, that guided him towards the impulses and frequencies he needed to do this. For a moment, a small pulse went through everybody, before going off again, and again, over and over until there was a small but constant twinge of energy flowing through each of them. Leading them all through the scanner, once all were through, Oli let go of them all, and expected the oscillation to end naturally for himself, but he still felt it. His eyes grew wide, and he experimentally knelt down, and dipped his hand into the floor. "Um, slight complication guys..." He said, a bit in awe at his new state.
Arthur Stanford

Skills: N/A

"Today has been... A lot. " Arthur admitted to Kiera as she approached the two of them. He wished he had better words, but he just didn't. His head was aching, he felt like he could cry at any moment, and a real part of him was just absolutely terrified of the reality before him. "What about you? Have you been doing okay, or have things been awful for you too? " Arthur normally tried to play his feelings a bit closer to his chest, but it was just too difficult to manage that right now.

Arthur didn't want to be dramatic, but he honestly had no idea how to contain himself right now. He just felt raw, like the world he was starting to get comfortable in was moving out from under him. He was sick of friends dying, he was sick of being sad, and he was sick of not feeling safe. If he lost Andy from this, that would be it for him. He didn't know what he would do, but he knew it would be self destructive, dangerous, and would have severe consequences for everyone who'd hurt him thus far.

Oliver Sullivan

Location: The Raft -> Times Square (257)
Skills: N/A

Oliver reeled at the world around him, especially as Raynor confirmed that it was his home one. He'd been told before by the Asgardian that they used some kind of neural implant in place of cell phones, and ever since learning about them, he'd dreamed of getting to see one in person. That being said, there were more important feelings than unabashed elation to be had, namely the fear Raynor was feeling, though Oli had no insight into what could be causing it. Pulling out his phone, his eyebrows raised in surprise at the fact that he had signal. His head quickly narrowed down a mental list of "How the hell the multiverse worked" considerably, at least having faith that this meant that the laws of physics mostly worked the same here as they did back home.

It was everything Oliver had in him not to google himself and find out who he was in the world, but he figured research on the lives of all of them could be done after they got somewhere safe. Oliver nodded at the subway suggestion, "Yeah, that's where I'd go. My big concern would be getting our faces caught on cameras there, given that three of you have wanted posters." He muttered, as he pulled out his phone and started trying to loop the feed on the nearby subway, before blinking, surprised at what he was seeing. He'd hacked enough Stark systems before to recognize Tony's handiwork, and he exhalled. "Great, now two Starks are gonna want me in the raft." He said, rubbing his forehead, and slipping his phone into his pocket. Walking close to Niah, he breathed in, not having much to say, but wanting to be near her if something went down.
Arthur Stanford

Skills: N/A

Arthur scooted back a little, surprised at the burst of flame. There were a few things that could have caused that, he supposed, most of them mundane, but with their luck, it probably wasn't. His hand rested comfortably on Andy's, ready to run or fight if the flames turned into some kind of hellish fire monster. Of course, such a direct assault on a camp full of the gods' children would have to be incredibly poorly conceived; he didn't know exactly how to quantify the power of demigods, but it felt akin to anybody rolling up to a military base and expecting the ensuing fight to go well.

"Don't know, let's keep our eyes out, yeah?" Emotions had to be running pretty high by now, especially with the looming prophecy and dread hanging over the camp. Nobody seemed to really know what was going on with the Big Three right now, and the weather was acting up in ways that climate change just didn't account for. There was something waiting to happen, and he was sure that he wasn't the only person to see it, or at least, he hoped that, with the little experience he had, he wasn't the only one capable of understanding that something was going to go down sooner or later.
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