Today would not be an easy day. Sina kept her breath steady and slow even as she heard the projectiles whisking through the air off to the side. She shifted, ready to move if she had to but not moving just yet. Let them shoot each other, so long as the bullets didn't start flying in her direction.
As soon as that thought was in her head she found herself staring down the barrel of a gun.
At least the man holding it looked as surprised as she did. Was he shushing her? He was. She was not a child. She watched his movements and nodded at the conclusion. She would stay, silent.
He was an Orc. No one liked Orcs except Orcs, usually. But, these were trying times, and the reasons for not liking Orcs were ridiculous, anyways. Stereotypes and culture clash were the problem, not the Orcs. But that was a study for another time, a time that would hopefully come again.
He was an Orc, but he was not an Other.
She would have been shot on sight if he was.
The gunfire ceased and there was a voice from up above.
"Bring her up here with you!"
Sina could bring herself up the hill just fine, thank you very much, and that she did. She had paced through the trees, waiting, waiting, waiting for the Silencers to show up on many days and nights before and knew the trees and their configuration like the back of her hand. She made it to the patch of woods before the man's companions.
"Who are you and why are you here?"
She had no time for chit chat.
Sina stared down at the corpse. He shouldn't have died. The Others should never have come to their Earth. But that was the hand they had been dealt.
It took some time, but eventually they heard a voice coming up the hill behind Sina.
"Vick? I know you said bring the elf woman up, but we can't seem to find her."
Today would not be an easy day. Sina kept her breath steady and slow even as she heard the projectiles whisking through the air off to the side. She shifted, ready to move if she had to but not moving just yet. Let them shoot each other, so long as the bullets didn't start flying in her direction.
As soon as that thought was in her head she found herself staring down the barrel of a gun.
At least the man holding it looked as surprised as she did. Was he shushing her? He was. She was not a child. She watched his movements and nodded at the conclusion. She would stay, silent.
He was an Orc. No one liked Orcs except Orcs, usually. But, these were trying times, and the reasons for not liking Orcs were ridiculous, anyways. Stereotypes and culture clash were the problem, not the Orcs. But that was a study for another time, a time that would hopefully come again.
He was an Orc, but he was not an Other.
She would have been shot on sight if he was.
The gunfire ceased and there was a voice from up above.
"Bring her up here with you!"
Sina could bring herself up the hill just fine, thank you very much, and that she did. She had paced through the trees, waiting, waiting, waiting for the Silencers to show up on many days and nights before and knew the trees and their configuration like the back of her hand. She made it to the patch of woods before the man's companions.
"Who are you and why are you here?"
She had no time for chit chat.
Sina stared down at the corpse. He shouldn't have died. The Others should never have come to their Earth. But that was the hand they had been dealt.
It took some time, but eventually they heard a voice coming up the hill behind Sina.
"Vick? I know you said bring the elf woman up, but we can't seem to find her."