Avatar of nightmare medx


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4 mos ago
Current It actually refers to a specific lung disease that likely doesn’t exist and isn’t used except as a party trick :)
5 mos ago
…were we not insulting poohead before
5 mos ago
Would me telling you that doctors recommend you don’t wash your ass crack with soap be enough of a substitute for Dion because it’s the closest impression I’ve got
1 like
5 mos ago
Also, don’t forget to browse the interest checks yourself. If you’re posting an interest check and not actively looking, consider how many other people are probably doing the same.
5 mos ago
@ampersand You can bump your interest check to get it back at the top of the list (just don’t do it excessively, or with more than two checks- see the guidelines pinned at the top).


the writer

  • I was a theatre kid!
  • non fluent polyglot
  • paramedic
  • B horror film lover
  • Dogs are life.

the role player

  • I like most genres.
  • But I really love superheroes, apparently.
  • I'm big on character driven stories and all the twists and turns that come from that.
  • I tend towards darker, grittier stories, or lighter stories with liberal amounts of dark humour. There is little you can do to throw me off.
  • I enjoy writing explicit scenes, but they are not an essential ingredient. I'm here for the story first and foremost.
  • I will try my best to give you what I get in terms of post length.
  • I reuse my characters, settings, and plot points with different people sometimes. You are welcome to do the same.
  • In the words of a GM I admire, your spot at the table's secure. Whenever you're up to participating, grab your seat and jump in. (If I love the story we've been writing I don't care how long ago it was since you last posted- if you're ready to get back into it I'll be waiting!)
  • Check out my 1x1 interest check if you want to see what I'm specifically looking to role play right now. That being said, pitch away if you think I might like it.

Most Recent Posts

“I take it you have some kind of insight?” Adri said with a glance over at Teajay. She had arrived too late to know what was happening and quite frankly saw it as no problem; she had no idea if she would have seen whatever they were discussing, but it would be just one more reason for her to question her sanity (which she sometimes wished wasn’t intact). “So, we need a search of the greater area to see if the scene needs to be widened,” Adri murmured to herself, flipping the map up to jot notes down on a blank sheet underneath. “A spell would probably work, but I usually just… ask.”

There was an interesting disconnect, sometimes, in the different understandings everyone had of the world. She usually went for a mundane solution, saving magic for when she had exhausted all her options. “There are probably more in these areas, but I haven’t been that way yet,” she said, gesturing at the section of her drawing devoid of any camera listings. “For example, there’s one right over there. Question is where it looks, which may not be this way,” she said, pointing up over at a doorway.
UPDATE: Looking for another player. roleplayerguild.com/topics/192288-maf…

As the title says, anyone up for a game of Mafia/Werewolf? Here are links to a couple games that have been done before:

Adri woke up before her alarm and spent two hours willing herself to fall back asleep before her phone finally started beeping at her. This was not an everyday occurrence, but today was not an ordinary day, not for her. She followed her routine as usual:

6:00 Quick snack and her prescriptions (including half a Xanax, which she normally skipped but today she knew she needed it).
6:15 Run. Outside. She had no interest in running, but it was healthy, so she put up with feeling like a cold, clammy corpse.
(The irony.) The visual was nice, at least; she ran through a park. And she did get to pet a dog.
6:40 Shower. Today was not a hair-wash day, thank goodness. She blow-dried the dampness out and put it up in a neat bun. No
make up today. She was dressed for business today, with a blazer and skirt over a plain long sleeved shirt.
7:00 Breakfast at 7. Eggs and toast.
7:30 Brush her teeth.

She ended up at the courthouse a good 45 minutes before she needed to be, which was fine with her. With her outfit she could have easily been mistaken for a lawyer as she waited, if not for the fact that she was sitting there reading a novel, not hard at work. She was absorbed in the words up until a Hispanic man in a suit walked up, putting his toes right up against hers. “Aren’t you cold?”

She closed the book and grinned, standing up to give Santino Estrada a hug. “No, thermal tights. Are you still Sarge or should I call you Lieutenant?”

He squeezed her back, laughing as he stepped away, shaking his head. “No word yet. Supposedly I’ll find out today. How has life been treating you?”

They began down the hallway. “Good. I’ve been doing good.” Their path was slashed with sunlight, the columns outside the tall windows casting their shadows on the wall.

“I’m sorry they keep bringing you out to talk about Kendall. It must be hard.”

She shrugged. “I’m used to it. Thanks for being here anyways.”

“At least they’re closing the case soon.”

“Yeah, I am looking forward to that.”


Adri checked her phone as soon as she was out of court. Fortunately, the address was only a five minute drive away, and she kept a go bag in her trunk. She swapped her blazer for a well worn, dark green hoodie before leaving, wanting the freedom of movement that the blazer simply would not provide.

She parked across the street, saw everyone in the alley, and went around the other way, clipboard and pen in hand. She started her crime scene diagram as she walked. The Sunday Group wasn't the police, but old habits die hard.

“Sorry if I'm late, I had court this morning,” she said as she finally strolled in, giving a wave with the hand that was not holding a clipboard. “Did I miss anything?”

“Just the one victim?” she asked. “I might have seen some of the black stuff on the corner back there, but there are four dumpsters down that way, so…”

Is there a particular free image hosting provider anyone would recommend? I have an image to link to my post.
Also interested :)
Charynrae had heard of Vaasa and its empty expanse. It almost felt like home to her; just like the Underdark, it was cold and damp and little would grow. Despite all it lacked, the landscape had its own, strange beauty.

There was still a part of her that was wary of Amal. He had not killed her, but that could simply be because it was helpful to travel with someone when traversing the wilderness. And yet she trusted him more than she would have trusted any companion in the Underdark; utility could not always save you down there.

He was just as accustomed to discomfort as she was, it seemed, not that that was much of a surprise considering what she knew about him. What was a surprise was that he almost seemed to want her around. Truth be told, she was glad for it, not that she would admit it. This was possibly the least lonely she had felt in her entire life.

She squinted at the structure in the distance. “I will take your word for it,” she said. Between the light and the distance she was sure to get a headache if she stared at the wall for too long from here; at least the stone was dark, for pale colours were yet another thing her eyes did not quite like.

With the wisps of silver that peeked out from beneath the hood of her makeshift cloak, she might have simply been an old woman (and indeed by human standards she was). As her companion had discovered, she carefully rebraided her hair every morning. It was fortunate that she needed so little sleep, being a Drow, because some days she took quite some time on her work. Never enough to cut into their travel hours, she was careful of that; there was so little daylight as it was, and they needed it for travel.

“No, I will keep myself cloaked,” she murmured, ensuring her hands were tucked away and her face well hidden. “Just because I can survive out there does not mean it is enjoyable. You can do whatever talking is necessary, I presume.”
I would be interested in taking on Milele Monroe if you end up getting this up and running!
Charynrae was precise, as evidenced by the crossbow bolt in the eye of the orc. Precision was key to many things in the Underdark, at least in her eyes. She sauntered over to the freshly dead orc first to retrieve the bolt, wiping any remaining matter off onto the corpse. She frowned down upon it- though she was good at it, she did not particularly enjoy killing. After that, it was over to the crates. She grabbed the dagger first- the more weapons, the better.

"I aimed for my spell to cause an echo. If all goes as it should, we have more time than you think," she said, her stance and movements projecting calm as she stuffed hardtack into her satchel. "Or he could already be frustrated and coming back this way in a rage." She would have heard if the ogre was that incensed by now, though of course, with them it was always a risk. "I suppose we will know soon enough."

Another crate held a variety of root vegetables and small bags of dried herbs. And, curiously, a bag with a small handful of polished stones, which she also took, of course. It could have been mistaken for a bag of herbs at first glance, though its weight gave away that it was not for culinary purposes.

She followed his movements, grabbing the remaining tarp, turning right into the path Amal had cleared for them... and the sunlight. She had adjusted well enough while it was just in the room, but directly in her eyes? She stood frozen, wide-eyed for a moment. The flash of fear was gone from her face as quickly as it came. "I cannot see," she hissed as she started moving tentatively towards the exit. She had some understanding of blindsight fighting, but she was no expert and this was a door she needed to get to, not a brawl.
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