Avatar of NoriWasHere


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11 mos ago
Current That was the worst three months of my life. Health is close to normal again. Here's to making the insurance company cry!
1 like
1 yr ago
"Your copay today is $20,000" How about no.
3 yrs ago
Well, the "I am but an ally" to "queer af" pipeline is real.


I have gone by many names over my life, and the one I go by here is Nori.

I am a non-binary individual who has a love of participating in these stories and creating my own. I am incredibly chronically ill. If my illness flares up too much I may be pulled away.

Most Recent Posts

@OppositionJAwesome! I'll keep editing in more details in the meantime then :D
@OppositionJ And up!

I will have my CS up soon, tomorrow at the latest!

Credit for image

[S’venia “The Truth” Skor]

[30] | [F] | [5’
11”] | [AB negative]

General Information


S’venia Skor



The Truth

The Purple Streak






S'venia stands at a height of five foot, eleven inches tall with a lithe feminine frame. She keeps her hair cut to a medium length bob that is both stylish and functional; with the occasional ponytail when needed. While she is a brunette by nature, she has dyed her hair blue with a single purple streak for the past five years, earning herself the nickname the purple streak in the process. Her natural eye color is a hazel color that often changes to a shade of green. Her left eye sports an eye-spy contact lens that serves as her camera that, while not normally visible, can be seen when recording as an orange ring appears over her eyes. The set of three hexagonal tattoo's to the left of the eye are a set of control panels that are required to be used with the contact camera; a regulation that for once S’venia wishes was dropped. While she is never once to be overly fancy, instead she tends to stick with the tried and tested look of black boots over-top simple jeans underneath a simple t-shirt. She does tend to vary this simple look with any number of jackets; the color and style depend on the day. She tends to focus on very colorful and over-top style that is all too in fashion right now or very basic leather for her jackets, with very few that fall in the middle.

OCCUPATION: (What did you do before the campaign? Or what do you still do? This can be held prior to the campaign or ongoing.)

CAMPAIGN TEAM POSITION: (Your position under Campbell. What do you do? See first post for various ideas.)

S'venia acts as an informal communication director for Campbell's team and is formally hired on as a media relations manager. Her day starts at nine in the morning at Campbell's office, where she finds herself secluded and available for any and all calls. Her primary function is to handle requests for press releases for Dexter Campbell; often writing up a response and then bringing it to Dexter for approval. Another facet of her job is improving the public image of Dexter in a variety of ways; to this point they have done some work in the slums, volunteered in the shelters, and worked alongside the hardworking citizens of the Reclaimed. By far the hardest, and most consistent, part of her job is assessing in real time the public's view of Dexter after smear ads are run and planning a counter attack to combat the negative messages. She also handles the social media accounts of Dexter Campbell's campaign, where she releases carefully crafted statements to the residents of the Reclaimed district.

Psychological Profile

Resourceful | Confident | Restrained | Impartial | Arrogant | Impetuous

PERSONAL GOAL: (Why are you still around? What are you trying to achieve?)

S’venia has lived and worked in The Reclaim district for the past eight years and has seen all the horrors that had been wrought upon the poor and the broken. Drugs, violence, and unrest perpetuated the soul of this district as it adopts the personification of the evil that is South City. S’venia wants to be a part of the turnaround. She sees the potential here. From the quaint and criminally unknown coffee shop Black Sun coffee, tucked down an alley in-between two of the clubs on Swathe street, to the constant sense of hope that exudes from the average citizen when they discuss the future under Campbell. While the gangs, and corporations for that matter, don’t want to see the district rise to its potential, S’venia does.

The Truth’s goal is to bring accountability back to politics and corporations. The world of old was driven by transparency and accountability, and we the people had the power. "The Truth” see’s the politicians drive home the point that we the people have become complacent in our actions. They strip our protections, deny us our rights, and bend over backwards to take the full thrust of the corporate lobbyist machine. The Truth knows that she can’t move too fast, to do so would invite a vast migration of work and jobs away from South City. Instead, “The Truth” hopes to start a grassroots movement to slowly give the power back to the people; and when they have it, then she will unleash her full fury in getting them to exercise it.

CAMPAIGN GOAL: (Why did you link up with Campbell? What are you trying to do for his platform?)

S’venia joined the Campbell campaign in its infancy. While she knew of the council member and his general platform before he ran for the mayor’s seat, she did not know much else. In order to get more information for the article she was writting, she requested an interview to which Dexter quickly accepted. When she sat down with Campbell, she listened as he outlined his vision for the district; and S’venia saw how his movement had vertical possibilities. Though through her optics, she could sense the man did not have a chance against the machine that is the mayoral election process. He was up against a lot of dark money set to keep the current status quo in the district. His flaws were quickly evident, even in the short time they interviewed together. He had no idea how to put together a statement to the media that outlined his vision without leaving him open for rebuttal, often played his cards too open and easy to see, and it felt like he was out-of-touch with how the media works. She sensed that he needed help. So, on a whim, a few weeks after the interview, she asked to join on and help guide the councilman to become more natural in-front of the media, but quickly rose up the ranks with her natural skill and journalistic intuition.

Her goal in this campaign is to get an honest and hardworking man elected to a position of power; no matter how small. She wants to use the momentum gained from a potential victory and frame it to allow for upward mobility for Campbell to ascend the political ladder. She also wants her name to become more recognized. S'venia has political ambition of her own, and hopes to use Campbell to springboard herself into the political arena. The better Campbell does now, the better she’ll look in the future. She has a lot of ideas that are subtle enough that the major corporations would easily overlook while powerful enough to curb the rising gang issues as a start. While she knows there will never be a way for the corruption and the violence to end without some drastic change, she at least wants to get her foot in the door so she can begin fighting. At the same time, she wants to start utilizing “The Truth” to help in that regard.

A successful mayoral election is just the first of many baby step in the long road ahead for S'venia.

PERSONAL PHILOSOPHY: (Who are you really? What morally defines you? What drives you?)

S’venia’s philosophy is a simple one, if you can help you should. When she is not working with the campaign, or on social media promoting, she will often find herself volunteering at various shelters, usually behind the counter with the food, or donating what she can to the pantries. While she is not from The Reclaim, her family instead hails from the Middle District, she feels the plight and struggle of this district just as much as anyone else.

To S’venia, there is no clear black and white morality scale where you are good or bad. Instead, S’venia believes that there is always a lot of grey when it comes to viewing a person. She will look down on a thief less if he stole for survival, and will look down more harshly on people who do bad things because it is either the norm for them or because they get some form of enjoyment out of it. While a crime is still a crime in her books, a criminal is not always defined by it. Yet she isn’t without some darker traits. Because of her morality scale, the ends can justify the means to her. She is willing to cross lines in the pursuit of the greater good if it means that a better day may soon come to pass. She's not afraid to toss someone else under the buss if it means protecting herself because she is "The Truth", and her message needs to be delivered.

Because the end justify the means, "The Truth" is free to unleash her true voice on the masses.

POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY: (What are your views on the world? While a partisan identity would be nice to include, feel free to define yourself outside of the five parties. This is important as Campbell will eventually have to choose a party to represent.)

The government needs to get the dark money out of the system. S’venia is not very out-spoken when it comes to her own political philosophy, instead she has simply adopted the platform of Dexter and instead used her voice as “The Truth” to spread her message. In truth, she sees the core issue with the mega-cities is in the lack of accountability among both the politicians and the executives of the big companies. She knows that those who are critical in their words against either of the two don’t last as long as she would like, and has thus adopted the policy of keep quiet, never leave her thoughts in print, and keep saying the things that Dexter would say. She is very much against the status quo and would be very much in favor of blowing the whole system up and replace it with one that better serves the interests of the people, and not the corporations. To get to that end will require a lot of time, and a lot of patience. When it comes to Campbell, S'venia wants to help shape his vision and bring him into The Pirate Party.

S'venia herself is not a registered member, but is very much in favor of the Pirate Party. As "The Truth", she frequently calls for more people to vote Pirate in upcoming elections to hopefully get some more steam behind the group. She is still weary of throwing her full weight behind the party, as once in power things tend to stay the same; complacency at the top happens when they reach the corruption, after all. S'venia plans to wait and see how they handle power if and when they get it.

SECRETS: (What are you hiding? What would it cost you if someone found out what’s behind the veil?)

For starters, her contacts. A lot of her contacts in the underbelly of society when she was a journalist are not the type of people that S’venia ever wishes to associate with. She knows many of the more unsavory types were murderers, rapists, and drug pushers that have created the mess that she hopes Dexter can now clean.

Additionally, she fears that somehow the corporations or politicians identify her as The Truth. She has read of all the suicides with a single gunshot to the back of the head from those who get too vocal too fast; and The Truth has been very vocal.

While she talks about fighting alongside the poor, her family lived more or less a life of comfort. While she had sleep for dinner a few nights growing up, she never had to face the situations even the "middle-class" residents of this district have had to.

FEARS: (What keeps you up at night? What makes you freeze up in the moment? What do you avoid at all costs?)

S’venia toes the line between confidence and arrogance, and she worries that one day she will cross it at the wrong time. She worries that some of her words will be taken the wrong way by the people in positions of power, and that they see it fit to come after her both physically and financially.

She is also afraid of being discovered as “The Truth”. Hard knocks on her apartments door always warrant a pistol in hand approach, hooded figures on the street are always suspected, and any and all calls from unknown numbers force her to take a deep breath, close her eyes, and answer. While there are many protections in place from South City Blues, make enough noise and they will find you all the same.

She is also afraid of the enforcers and their methods, more so than most. Growing up in a more approachable district meant that the enforcers were generally more well liked; even though they were feared still. Here, they seem to have murderous intent in every action they take.

The Nekrolytes are a constant, but rational fear that inhabits the mind of S’venia. When she was a kid, she accidentally opened a video on the web that showed the creatures in a full-on rage. While it only scarred the mind slightly, S’venia can’t help but tense up anytime their name is brought up; even in casual conversations.

S’venia is also keenly afraid of being consumed by the filth of The Reclaim district that she is trying to clean. When you back an animal into a cage, it tends to fight back. As such, S’venia has recently been looking over her shoulders, spending more time at the firing range, and carrying her pistol on her where ever she can.

Above all else, S’venia is afraid she will succumb to the darkness that inhabits this place and become at home in the filth.

REPUTATION: (How does the world view you? What are you known for? How do your people act around you?)

S’venia is a well-regarded journalist for her age and is seen that she is making a logical move into the political theater. As a journalist, many had come to like the hard-hitting articles that covered a variety of topics that S’venia had brought to the area. While she may have had a blunder or two over the initial few months on the campaign staff as she grew into the roles given to her, she has emerged as competent enough. That hasn’t changed the rhetoric coming from the opposing campaigns. As a communication director, she has ruffled some feathers in the way she schedules interviews.

LIKES: (Feel free to list a few.)

-Classic films- When she has the time, S’venia likes to watch the classic films from before the climate went to hell. Some of her favorite classic films include A Loud Pace, sequel to a close second favorite A Quite Place, The Death of Mrs. Adler, and Blade Runner – 2055. While some chastise her preference of the older movies, she maintains they have a charm unmatched by the heavily edited movies of today.

-Nicknames- S'venia likes giving her friends nicknames and having nicknames given back. Usually they are well meaning yet sometimes they can be conceived as offensive and S’venia might not realize until after someone mentions it.

-Jackets- Out of all the fashion possibilities to develop an obsession over, S’venia had to go with one of the more expensive ones. She has a jacket for every occasion, from colorful vibrant ones when at the bar to simple, boring ones when she needs to be professional.

-Books- S'venia is as much an average reader as much as she is a writer. She, much alike her choice in movies, prefers to have her hands on an old, physical copy if an all possible. Some books that she read, such as Manufacturing Consent and Seventeen Contradictions and the End of Capitalism, are not found on the internet and exist with a soft ban; with the physical copies being burned by corporation burn teams.

DISLIKES: (Same as above)

-Being late- S'venia is a woman who loves her schedule, and as such she dislikes it anytime either herself or someone else is late.

-Smokers- The smell of the various different drugs is nauseating to S’venia, and as such avoids it as much as possible.

-Complacency – Just because things have been the same way for years does not mean you should just accept it as fate. You should always fight to be the best version of yourself, even if it means fighting against the system.

-The system- With every fiber in her body, S’venia dislikes the system that keeps the poor down, the powerful strong, and is untouchable; for now.

QUIRKS: (What makes you unique for better or worse?)

S’venia is prone to biting her nails when nervous

Extremely conscious of posture. S’venia is constantly standing or sitting with perfect posture.

S’venia is constantly humming a tune, but not always the same one. It’s very soft and most she doesn't realize she's doing it. If asked, she will say the tune is from a certain song, but anyone who looks up said song will know it’s not the tune at all.

She also fidgets with items when agitated

When interested in a discussion, S’venia tends to twirl her hair

Paces back and forth when deep in thought

Can’t stand even numbers, for some reason they are odd to her.

S’venia often times stumbles over the pronunciation of her name, and has thus adopted Svei for informal uses.

Anytime someone asks if S’venia can do something, she will ask for the magic word “please”. If they lead with please, she assumes there might be an ulterior motive

Anytime asks for a favor, S’venia always asks what the favor is before accepting/declining

Over-exaggerates past stories of herself

Brand loyal on the surface. If it isn’t Engitech, than she does not want it.

Background Information

”Liberty lives and dies at the hands of the commoner, remember that. While they are now starting to love you, never turn your back on them; not even for a second. I think you’ll learn rather quickly that they have a lot of rage built up; and they’re more than willing to share it.”

S’venia was born and raised in the Middle district; known for its middle-class families and middle-class style of life. She spent her time as a kid heavily involved in the real world as many of those her age began to delve into the madness that was virtual reality. From a young age, she saw the signs that highlighted the danger the virtual reality network had and thus steered clear from asking her parents for any and all augmentations that would allow her to access the network; much to her parents delight and much to the abuse of her classmates. After graduating from the normal education course provided by the government, she sought higher education at the South City College with a focus on journalism. She witnessed a few examples of Enforcer brutality up until this point, yet she chalked it up to the way that life was lived. Stay on the straight and narrow, and never fear the blade that was the Enforcers decision. It was here she met a certain individual that would shape her future; Alexia Consuela. They both shared a class together early on and immediately hit it off as friends. Alexia was a very vocal critic of every institution that held power. She hated the corporations, the politicians, and she was not afraid to share her opinion on those matters. The duo was close, but not “best friends” as Alexia defined it, yet they and their group of friends eked out a sense of normalcy in a sea of dread and despair.

Alexia would later commit suicide by a single gunshot wound to the back of the head.

S’venia was overcome with both grief and fury; as were their mutual friends. And so, on a cold winters' eve, the group decided to take action in the memory of their lost friend and the South City Blues was founded on that very night. You had a hacker, a programmer, and a journalist when they started; but that would prove to be all that they needed. S’venia rose to the occasion and lent her heavily modified voice to the cause, initially speaking about the inability of Enforcers to adequately supervise the investigation in death of their friend. The message quickly changed, however. The more she spoke, the more S’venia found cracks to push through in the current political landscape. Eventually, the group discovered they had a following and ever since then, The Truth has been a steady flow of Anti-corporation and anti-politician soundbites.

After graduating, S’venia found work in the Reclaim District as a beat journalist; much to her family's dismay. It was here where S’venia forged a career that focused heavily on a fact driven approach that spared no details. At first the editors hated the message that S’venia tried to deliver. Yet the populace always loved a good hit piece, and her editors were forced to allowed to let S’venia to write freely about the issues that plagued the South City and more importantly, the Reclaim district. S’venia was forged from the fire that was Alexia’s passion to become “The Truth” here; as the grime of corruption oozed out of every orifice of the Reclaim district. A fire was snuffed, yet it emerged re-imagined and ever stronger. Every article, every interview, and every media bit she could control S’venia has dedicated her life to bringing the fight to those that fight from the shadows; though she still prefers the covert method. She hungers for the day when the politicians and corporations answer to the people.

She awaits that thought as she works alongside Dexter Campbell. The last eight months have been a roller-coaster of work for the campaign, and she is happy that their car is finally pulling into the station today.

Operative Information

AUGMENTATIONS: (What sort of Cyberware are you equipped with?)

Engitech Eye-Spy Camera and video recording contact.

One of the few pieces of tech she has, the Eye-Spy is a clear contact lens that allows for high quality photo and videos to be taken right from her perspective. The camera itself is very powerful, and surprisingly cheap (with everyone rushing to get the newest implant, older style electronics have dropped in price), with the ability to shoot video at 16k resolution and take photos at fifty mega-pixels for ultra-clear and easily edited photos. The camera is controlled by a few different methods. The first is a small physical shutter control device that she can covertly click when doing more covert research. The second is the control panel tattooed on the side of her head (a requirement by the government). She can simply press the bottom panel for a photo, the middle right panel for video, and top left for a live stream. The third is for voice control. S’venia can simply say, when she has it programmed for this function, “take a picture”, or “start recording” or something along those lines and have the camera get to work.

EQUIPMENT: (What are you carrying on the job?)

SKILLS: (Feel free to list a few and elaborate a bit.)

Writing – S'venia being the former journalist that she is finds that writing comes naturally to her; as it had for most of her life. Her focus is still on articles, though she refrains from publishing any op-ed's while on the campaign lest they be used against Dexter.

Personable – Thanks to her upbringing, and her moral code, S’venia finds it easy to make friends with most people. She is a willing listener to their problems and always will try and answer any questions they ask with an honest, and thought out response.

Photography – S'venia is a fantastic photographer, and would have made it a career if there was one in it; everyone has a camera than can take the pictures it seems. Furthermore, she is versed in photo editing which allows her to make sure every picture she submits anywhere looks like it was done by a professional.

FLAWS: (Aim for three or so. Equal or greater to your number of skills.)

Blunt – While honesty is a virtue along the way to having great character, sometimes it can come off on the wrong tone. S’venia is especially vulnerable to this if she is placed in a situation where she has to speak quickly, and not allowed time to formulate an answer.

Impious – S'venia has seen the darkness that lurks in the hearts of mankind. S’venia has eyes that have seen the scorched earth and desolate surroundings of her city. S’venia has ears that have heard stories of monstrous creatures outside the wall. If there was a god, then it’s not a god S’venia wants to meat.

Naïve - While she is a smart woman, she is often very naïve when it comes to certain challenges she has never encountered. She often thinks with the right attitude, and hard work, one can accomplish anything they set out to. S'venia knows that it is foolish to even suspect that to be a possibility, especially in South City, yet it is as much ingrained in her mind as the corruption that besets the city.

Has three tattoo's

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I'll have my CS up as soon as I can!
My character is virtually complete. Jesus this was the most intense character sheet I filled out haha

typing dis CS be like

Absolutely how I felt.
Question! How long ago did Campbell start running and how soon could we have jumped on board. I am thinking a communication director type of role now and I rather fancy what I have come up with thus far.
@The Bork Lazer
YE......Noooooo...No not at...nooo
I am going in the direction of a beat journalist who becomes enamored with the campaign platform of Dexter who also lives a double life on the VR net.

Has anyone grabbed the reporter role yet? Have a fancy for a character that I've yet found a home RP for.
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