Avatar of NoriWasHere


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11 mos ago
Current That was the worst three months of my life. Health is close to normal again. Here's to making the insurance company cry!
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1 yr ago
"Your copay today is $20,000" How about no.
3 yrs ago
Well, the "I am but an ally" to "queer af" pipeline is real.


I have gone by many names over my life, and the one I go by here is Nori.

I am a non-binary individual who has a love of participating in these stories and creating my own. I am incredibly chronically ill. If my illness flares up too much I may be pulled away.

Most Recent Posts

I’m currently editing together the section about our ship and what roles the crew will have.

Right now, I’m thinking of having these be the player classes:

Pilot ( one player )
Security officer ( one player )
Medical officer ( one player )
Gunner/Marine ( multiple players )
Navigation/Communication specialist ( one player )

These are not the only roles I’ll have, but I figure these are a good base. There are roles like dedicated mechanics, shuttle pilots, chef, and things of the sort that are available as well but these are roles that may end up being secondary roles.

Again, not a firm list but wanted to keep you all in the loop!!
A bit more information on the tone/setting.

I want to aim for something in the same vein as the expanse. Meaning I want this to feel more rooted in reality than not! I will hammer out some details and will look to start the OOC before long!
Happy to hear!!
Color me interested

Indeed I shall :)

It is the year 3145. Humanity has spread across the galaxy and has colonized hundreds of systems and thousands of planets. While this spread was not always done in times of peace, the skies have not seen a massive war in over a century. Many now believe that war is a thing of the past, that we as a species broke free of the violence coded within our DNA. Many fewer believe that anyone can oppose the Vexx empire even if they wanted to.

Whilst humanity has blossomed under the rule of the empire, and most have benefited from the advancements made within, not everyone has benefited equally.

In the outer reaches of the empire, far away from Earth, crime and corruption run rampant. The empire soldiers are, at best, willfully ignorant of the countless planet mobs and gangs and at worst willfully complicit in their schemes. The further away one finds themselves from the core worlds the more these planets feel cut off from the empire’s presence. Most systems owe their loyalty to their system and keep up a façade of support for the emperor. While people born in these systems have the same opportunities as those born in the core worlds, this is often on paper only. Growing up here meant never knowing peace and tranquility, all they have ever known was backstabbing and bloodshed.

It's about to get so much worse for these systems.

The Empire has grown tired of crime and corruption spilling out of the outer realm. Their fleets are now enroute, carrying millions of soldiers to squash any resistance to the way of the empire, to burn out the decay that has beset these planets, and to rule with an iron fist. This mandate, and the ramifications to follow, have the people talking about open revolt and tensions remain high across the galaxy.

Amidst the backdrop of looming war, a glimmer of hope can be found. In the case of you, you will be stationed on board the USS Traveler, an older generation hyperdrive capable frigate. You will be one of the first vessels to use its hyperdrive for humanitarian missions. Your first mission will soon depart. Medical supplies are needed urgently on a new colony on the far edge of the Outer Arm of the galaxy. Will your presence on these remote worlds help stem the tide of the coming war? Or will your actions be lost amidst the bloodshed to come?

- - - - - -

Shadow of the Empire will be a high casual story set on the precipice of Galactic War. I have a story plotted out but wanted to see if a story like this would garner any interest at this time. If anyone has any questions, feel free to let me know here or via a message!
@Hyyde322Yeah! Just waiting on one more post before continuing
The Return of Magic:
Act 1 - An Intro

Scene three- The house beckons

"Sorry, I didn't mean to actually damage nature. In any case, I did receive the same letter as you described. And my name's Leon. It's a pleasure."

Leon,” Alora thought to herself, “that is not the name I thought I would hear.” Alora truthfully did not expect to hear any name in particular, she however expected to get one that helped her figure out who he was. She gave the mystery man a simple nod in acknowledgement.

"I'm Elio. Just Lio is fine, though."

“Lio, it’s a pleasure to meet you.”

“Uh, Name's Cassandra or cassie, whichever one you prefer. Yeah, he said he had answers to what's been going on, but after seeing this dump, I'm kind of wondering if we've been lured here to be murdered”

Alora let out a laugh at Cassie’s response. “Well, if they did want to murder us they chose an amazing place to do it,” Alora paused as she took in the visage of the house, “the internet would love a murder mystery set in such a place.” Alora looked over the group again person by person. “Besides, if someone did want to kill us it wouldn’t make sense for them to bring us all together as I assume you all ha-" Alora paused as she realized the words he was about to say aloud to this group of strangers. Oh, this is insane. This is the moment where I will realize just how crazy I am. Like who actually believes in magic? As she became trapped in her thoughts her breathing once again became shallow and fast paced. Alora would not let herself be trapped in these thoughts for long, and she broke back to the present as she gulped in a deep breath and exhaled equally hard. Her eyes darted to the ground and shifted for a second until she saw a patch of nearly dead dandelions at her feet.

“I assume you all have some form of magic,” Alora said as she squatted down and placed her hand on the ground next to the dandelions. She took in a deep breath before she conjured forth her magic. In an instant the dandelions became more lifelike in both color and appearance. In an instant, the dandelion was brought to a bloom as the yellow flower erupted forth. “I can control plants, and nature, I guess? I can also feel what the plants feel hence why… your footsteps hurt.” As Alora pulled her magic back she looked up from the ground and towards the group. “A month ago I developed it. Thought I was going crazy at first. One minute the world made more sense, you know? The next minute I can feel the gust of wind on each blade of grass and it’s-" Alora exhaled as she focused her breathing once again, “so exhausting.”

“What about you all? What fun parlor tricks brought you here?”

Behind her the house groaned as a strong wind blasted across it's broken visage. The wind would flow down and crash across the group bringing an icy chill with it. The group would feel the wind ebb and flow across the group reminding them that the seasons marched forward regardless of their new found discoveries. Something would feel off about this wind, and each remember of the group would feel an unnatural chill fall down their spine.


I can accept a few more for sure! And we haven't progressed too far in the story yet so it is easy to join in. So feel free :)
The Return of Magic:
Act 1 - An Intro

Scene two - The house beckons

Alora's attention shifted from the house to a new, strange sensation behind her. "What..." Anora felt like someone had started standing over her, but the sensation was far away from her body. Her mind focused on this feeling as she tried to decipher what it was exactly. She could feel ridges overtop that dug deep into what felt like her body. "One, no two? One again, and now three, four," she thought to herself as these sensations grew in number and strength. Alora closed her eyes as she focused her senses on this new one. "Four, two, one, three," she began to count out the sensations in time. Each one would press down on her for a moment before pulling back up. After a delay, another sensation would appear in front of where the last one was. Before long, she realized that these pressure points traveled together in pairs.

After a few more moments Alora began to recognize the rhythm of each motion. "Are these..." she paused as she focused on it further, "Step, step," Alora muttered to herself, "step, step." A second later, and with wide eyes, Alora blurted out "shoes," as the realization set in that she was no longer alone. They turned around slowly, and in obvious pain, and her sight was greeted by three new, and perplexing faces.


The first, and closest, person she saw was this young man who looked to be no older than 18. His clothes appeared mismatched and strewn together with no thought for making it work as a whole. She shifted her focus and eyed up the second. This one was older than the first but appeared younger than Alora by a few years. His hair was a vivid blue with nary a stray of whatever his original hair color present. Alora figured this meant he was very good at doing it himself or had the money to have it done again regularly. There was something about his face that was so oddly familiar. Alora had seen that face before, but she did not know where.

The third face she saw was one that grabbed her attention more than the first two. She was also much younger than Alora, though she had a beautiful floral tattoo that grabbed Alora's focus. She had always wanted a tattoo, though she never had the time nor mental energy to commit to one. Alora's eyes rose up and rested on the eyes of this new woman, and lingered for what felt like an eternity before she realized she was making eye contact and pulled her focus away. As they did, her attention was brought back to the same crushing sensation as before and they winced in clear pain. She looked down at each individual's shoes and realized that they were in the exact spot she felt the sensation.

"Can you all get off the grass, it hurts." Alora pointed towards the grass, before motioning towards the gravel driveway nearby. "I am Alora, I take it you all got the same letter from a benefactor?"

- - - -

Much like Alora, the rest of the group would also find that their powers were much more intense in this area. Cassandra may find it harder to push out the voices in her mind and control her illusions, Leon would find it harder to control the destination of his teleportation and may teleport much further than he could, and Elio's control over his chaos flame would diminish as the flame grew in intensity. As well, a presence inside the house beckons each one to head inside. This presence is unlike anything the group had experienced. It felt like something incredibly ancient was looking at each one and commanding them to obey its instruction.
@The Man Emperor

Glad you find it interesting! Blood for the emperor, skulls for the golden throne!
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