Sounds good to me!
I do know she'd likely have some more Star Wars tier tech like laser weapons, my question was more along the lines of how quickly do they innovate in the weapons tech department? Like for example the graphics card in your computer can be significantly outdated in less than a decade. I guess what I'm trying to find out is how old should she be? I know you don't need an exact age, but I'm guessing you'd appreciate something narrower than, say, anywhere between 30 and 80 years old, lol.
So let's say there are cooler cyborg arms out there with artificial muscles, more in line with the MGR type design, how long until her buyer went "wow, the new models are way better?" Is her family still alive after all this time? That's where my head's at, in the finer details before I grab the CS and write the story version of all my ramblings.
I do think I want her to start in Atlas and end up on the surface later, yes. Probably not very happy with the government, so she'd be with the activists/rebels. If her tech is (relatively) old at the time of the RP it makes sense that even if she once served as a bodyguard for some rich guy when her tech was state-of-the-art she'd probably have been sold once something better came out, and no matter where you go it seems the military is generally not a very picky customer. Maybe her rescuers didn't even have to deprogram her, they simply caught her and a few others in transit when ownership was being transferred and just booted her up again before she could be fully reprogrammed. One day she's signing paperwork in the hospital, and the next thing she knows her heads-up display is telling her that an error has occurred: orders cannot be retrieved, report to your CO immediately.
Depending on how fast technology advances in this setting, a lot of time may have passed, do you have an opinion on that?
<Snipped quote by OddApproved>
I mean. Maybe it was just a weird server error, but I saw an image of, I guess, what looked to me like WoW universe OCs, a red devil-looking girl and a green guy, in a western comic style—no overly cutesy faces or any grossly exaggerated body proportions though, so I thought maybe that might be more of what you meant by "anime," and took a chance that something with a grittier mood might be accepted, even if the art style shared the namesake. It did look out of place, which is why I asked about it. I see what I assume is the correct image now.
You didn't give me an "oops, wrong image" or anything in your response, and I wasn't sure how to take that other than an emphatic "oh my god weeb trash alert, ew no, let me change the rules really quick." The third image is probably the least realistic of the three, but still considerably more detailed than what I put forward, so now I just look like an idiot, and... yeah. It seemed like a lost cause to try to defend any of my ideas. If "cloudinary" (never heard of that hosting site) pulled a fast one on me, I apologize for the sass.
<Snipped quote by Tsukai>
If body integral weapons are a problem for story reasons, like it needs to be possible for her weapons to get taken away, that's possible and we can work that out. If it helps, I did imagine her as more of a mechanical, "primitive model" whose armaments could be disabled or broken by sticks and stones if they were shoved in the right joints with enough force. On the plus side, her arm mechanisms would be primitive enough that surface dwellers could repair them—her brain, not so much. I'd want her to feel out of her element on the surface, handling surface weapons—like her arms could be disabled, someone hands her a bow and arrow and she's like "uh... what am I supposed to do with this?" I think that being a cyborg with heavy metal arms already gives her a huge advantage, so making her good with weapons in general (thank you for reminding me of the Jackie Chan ladder fight) is too much of a good thing. Filling those arms with weapons that can get jammed, twisted off, waterlogged, or just plain overheat when used too much gives me a bit more confidence in saying "yeah, this is balanced."
Following on that point about feeling out of place, I did want her to look at least a little inhuman at first glance; not uncanny valley terrifying, but just enough questionable features (white hair, red eyes, too-perfect face for example) that surface dwellers would know that she's not human and distrust her at first, even if she were dressed like one of them. Thought a "grittier" anime style might provide just enough of that effect, but now that we're here, try this on for size instead:
A fully artificial being suddenly becoming sentient would probably have a lot of explaining to do! By cyborg, I meant that she is part cybernetic, part organism. Imagine something at least somewhat human-looking on the outside, like the cast of Metal Gear Rising, but more mechanically primitive on the inside, like General Grievous from Star Wars Episode III. She used to be a normal person, once—possibly a terminally ill patient who hastily agreed to become what she did to go on living in some capacity, while her poor family receives a pittance in exchange for her service, her brain and some choice organs. As for why they wouldn't just make an android with a system that runs 100% on artificial intelligence, maybe this is a cheaper option, or maybe some powerful people are just sick and enjoy the thought that they have complete control over something that used to be a person with free will.
When I say she was rescued by activists, I didn't mean surface dwellers, but some "free the cyborgs" type people from below. If such a group doesn't exist, or aren't capable of disabling and kidnapping a cyborg, I'm fine with the receiver in her brain or whatever was controlling her having a factory defect, and my girl just casually playing it cool until she saw a chance to escape. I chose the deprogramming angle so that she could lose her memories from that time along with it and not remember any forbidden story knowledge you wouldn't want her to have. So, she could at least have been in the service of someone influential and interesting, and not just some minor B-list celebrity or throwaway NPC—could probably use some ideas there, if you're fine with that.
Please let me know if she's a welcome concept now that I've cleared up some things.
Hahaha, lool. I fucked up. :P
In order to keep the surname. Perhaps her husband took her name?