As the senior students begin to marshal the weaker to safety and create a barrier around the school walls, the Spirits begin to attack. Students fight back, fall, are carried away to the middle, and more take their places. The Spirits are vicious, but the students are intelligent and possess a wide variety of weapons and abilities, making it easier to fight off the hordes. Miss Headmaster watches, satisfied and proud of her return students, then directs her attention to the first years. One, despite his slight appearance, has managed to bring the lights back to full strength, and another creates a red shield. They seem to be holding up well under pressure--but it seems a few are missing.
She frowns. That fairy child... and the youngest Woloust sibling... Where did they run off to? She hopes they can fend for themselves, but if not... She should go search for them.
A Spirit shrieks from the middle of the crowd, and another bear-like one roars. The staff tend to the wounded; she will search for the missing.
Lalisa takes a breath, trying to concentrate with so much noise around her. That was the one thing she could never get used to, the noise. But she must if she wants to become strong. And she will become strong. She must.
Standing to face the Spirit in front of her and Feine, Lalisa starts to chant. Slowly, softly at first, then gaining volume as her spell takes effect. Oh Romeo, Romeo! wherefore art thou Romeo? The first words to pop into her head are those of Shakespeare, which certainly makes sense, and Lalisa channels her power into those words, chanting Juliet's part steadily. Her magic, while powerful, requires both energy and a spoken chant, though the words are different for each user. In this case, she's chosen to chant Romeo and Juliet, but it works either way.
Vines snake up her legs, quite literally planting her in a circle of green, and there is a great crack as the branches of a tree shoot from the ground to snare her opponent. In a matter of minutes, Lalisa transforms part of the great hall into a field of flowers, letting her vines wrap around random Spirits. She can't do many, of course. Already, the exhaustion is beginning to settle into her bones, a tiredness that has Lalisa struggling to stay upright. The first is always the worst. She sighs, stretching out her green-stained hands to summon a few more plants.
"What's in a name? that which we call a rose
By any other word would smell as sweet;
So Romeo would, were he not Romeo call'd,
Retain that dear perfection which he owes."
Even with her plants in place, the Spirit attacks faster than she thought it would, wrenching itself free from her trap to strike at her neck. Lalisa, losing her balance, tumbles backwards, letting out a squeak as she falls. The Spirit advances.
"Oh Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo--"