Avatar of OliveYou


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2 days ago
Current I don’t know if I’ll get used to hearing Nero’s voice in Dante’s body, but I’m confident that Johnny will do a good job!
8 days ago
Updated my interest check!
5 yrs ago
sorry for all the late replies, coming up on finals week and trying not to fail
5 yrs ago
*rises from the grave* haha school is cancelled so i can rp
6 yrs ago
finally home and at my computer - ready to get replying and gm-ing again!


Older, wiser, and hopefully cooler.

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@RumikoOhara@Poi aww thank you all so much <3 you're all so sweet >///<
@LetMeDoStuff alrighty then.
@HokumPocus it seems a bit shorter than the others, but... if you say so. thanks~
tell me if my post is not up to standards, I feel like i'm losing my (non-existing?) touch ^^'' sorry it's so messy aa

Elly May O'Meadow

It's been a long day for Elly. She had only arrived in the grand city of Cystra two days ago, and her internal clock hasn't quite adjusted yet. The jet lag had left her drained and exhausted, so she went straight to bed, and slept through most of the first day. The second day wasn't much better, but at least she had a nice takeout meal delivered right to her room; Japanese cuisine was certainly different, but Elly's always been adventurous when it comes to food. She stayed in, though, making phone calls to relatives and working on a few small projects of her own. So the food was good and the bed comfy--but Elly's not fond of crowds. And this?

This is a crowd. The auditorium is big, but with so many musicians, so many bodies... Elly grew up sheltered, maybe, but this is astounding. The director wasn't kidding with this project of his. He's got guts.

And with the amount of people taking him seriously, Elly muses, looks like this might be my chance after all. She initially was skeptical of this... thing, but then, all of a sudden, she's got a plane ticket to Cystra City and a letter of invitation to the Daywing District itself. That's when she started thinking this could be her big break in the world of music, her chance at fame. And money, because money. Elly isn't the richest girl on the block, and she'd love some fancier equipment. Her laptop's getting a little old.

The speech goes by quickly, thankfully, and when it ends, Elly jumps at the chance for a bit of peace and quiet. She may like a bit of company, but loud noises and lack of elbow space are not on that list. She meant to go straight back to her room, to the nice, clean bed and her quickly-becoming-favorite takeout place, but her mind decides she's spent enough time cooped up in her room. She needs to stretch her legs.

Her feet take her around the district--there's a pretty little park to one side, things Elly notes for later--and somebody is singing. She smiles. The volume of interest and people invested may be large, but in the end, they're all gathered here for one thing--music. Such a simple thing, and yet... Millions of dollars, millions of people have fallen in love with it. Including her. Music really does bring people together.

She sighs. Maybe some food would be nice, before she goes back to her apartment, or a cup of warm coffee. But the night air is welcoming--not too cold, not too warm, so she wanders around for a few more moments. Getting a good look at the garden is nice, and a little music is never bad. The singer has a good pair of pipes. Elly wonders if they'll meet later, if they can collaborate... she does need some new voices, as all her old partners have moved onto to bigger things. Getting successful while leaving Elly behind, like usual. It's tiring, but she can take it. She's tough. One day, her chance will come. Today? She's not sure, but with a bit of hard work, Elly's sure anything is possible. She's good at working. It's the talking that sometimes escapes her. She'll need to work at that.

Watching the crowd from afar, though, isn't that bad. She likes people watching, and these people are very interesting indeed. Though, if she were caught staring...
@Metamore <33 anything you'd like to be called? if that's okay with you lol
@Metamore please, just call me olive ^^'' that all sounds fabulous!
@Poi ah yes! i'm working on a post, just having a bit of trouble, but hopefully it will be out later today~
@Canidae thanks <3
@ReveTheDreamer alright!
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