Avatar of Omega Man


Recent Statuses

20 days ago
Current Been without good wifi for a couple weeks since the hurricane. Will get back to RP's and iChecks soon...
2 mos ago
Working on a new iCheck for a Justice League Unlimited revival. The new comic series has me feeling ten kinds of inspired rn....
3 mos ago
What happens when you combine the Titans and the X-Men to make a new Amalgam Universe? Come find out... roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
5 mos ago
Been too long since I've RP'ed....
11 mos ago
"I hope when I die it's early in the morning so I don't go to work that day for nothing..." - Me


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Hello out there! My name's Mason. I like a lot of random stuff like comics, Masters of the Universe, M*A*S*H, X-Files, conspiracy theories, as well as a good superhero themed role play! I'm more of a DC freak than a Marvel zombie but I did grow up on mutants and 3rd string heroes. Once in awhile I'll make a few micros in MSPaint for my RP's because I love designing heroes as much as I do writing/reading about them. I'm about to try and get another Amalgam Universe themed game off the ground, if you're interested gimme a shout!

My top RP's on the Guild:

Young Justice 2020
Justice League Unlimited
Titans of Gotham
Champions of Engine City
Marvel Reborn
Legion of Superheroes Return [stat based]

Top Characters:

Ditto - Young Justice series
Bulleteer - Justice League Unlimited
Leviathan - Titans of Gotham
Fastlane - Champions of Engine City
the Thing II - Marvel Reborn
Ultra Boy II - Legion of Superheroes Return

I've been RP'ing for awhile. I mostly RP to keep my writing skills up to par, and I generally RP between Casual and Advanced. I've been a member of the guild for quite a bit, pre Guildfall even. Ninety percent of the time you'll find me in some superhero themed RP or something based off of another fandom like MotU or Power Rangers. Currently in the process of developing my own comics!

Favorite DC heroes (I won't go into villains to save space) in no order: Aquaman, Hawkman, Green Lantern (Kyle Rayner), Superboy (the clone), Swamp Thing, Starman, Animal Man, the Ray (90's era), Impulse, Captain Atom, and Batman Beyond.

Favorite Marvel heroes list: Human Torch I & II, Capt. Mar-Vell, Black Bolt, the classic Destroyer, Havok, Multiple Man, classic Scarlet Spider, Spiderman 2099, Nova, and Colossus.

OTHER FAVORITES: Space Ghost, Haunt, the Maxx, Shadowhawk, Green Hornet, Madman, Doctor Star/Andromeda, the Phantom, He-Man, and Zorro.

Most Recent Posts

I'm home from work now if anybody needs anything. I'll be in the Discord soon-ish.

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They'll resemble the Kobra Cult from Batman Beyond...

Only uner the mask they're legit humanoid snakes now...

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Hmm havin trouble jumping into this battle scene, would it be OK if I waited til after and we did something like Batman introducing John to the rest of the Titans? Like him being initiated at that very moment?

I just noticed the Batman stuff in your CS. Since Jay's already in Cali I'd just have Bats give him the address to their T Tower through an email or something. Batman's back is broken still so he's not doing anything as Batman. Jay could tell Sideways, "a friend of yours from Gotham gave me the address..."

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@Weird Tales In your post you mention 'night air' but it's in the day time presently. LOL

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@Omega Man

You are the best.

I try for my peeps. Surprised you didn't like the longer hair. I'm still looking for alternate hairstyles for some of my females. The suit was originally something I'd made for a Gothic vampire character from a 1x1 a couple years back.

Nice team

It's barely half the players! I've still got Supergirl, Knight, Kid Solomon, Red Arrow, and the rest.


I just don't know how to respond to this, sir. LOL

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New banner I've put on the updated rosters in the opening posts of the OOC and Character tabs.

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@Omega Man

Depends. Will see how good Phantom is going to be.

EDIT: And here's take 2 with longer hair...

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@NecroKnight Of course... lol. You finally gonna drop that avatar from three RPs ago?

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"S'happenin' Cliff, going all the way to Midway City to play Snakes and Ladders?" Static asked, first to the teleporting station.

“Snakes in the garden of Eden, huh?” Knight asked also, coming in shortly after.

“Now you’ve both got me thinking ‘bout that Snakes on a Plane movie with Sam Jackson. What we’re likely dealing with is the Cult of Kob…” Robotman began to answer before Polymer swung into the room with his elastic arms.

"I'm in! Let's go kick some scales!" he shouted excitedly, "Also… how are we getting there?" the young hero asked.

"One day, I am seriously going to pull the wires out of that intercom if you keep using it, like some Football Announcer from Fox News. Some of us… are sleeping… or WERE sleeping!" Phantom replied coming in last.

“Code Yellow and the best time was ten minutes?! I don’t have time to explain the teleporter station, for now just stand on the circular discs on the platform. It’s like something out of Star Trek, might make you dizzy.” Robotman exclaimed.

The small group stepped onto the platform and Robotman was the last to do so. Punching the location in at the terminal, the man of steel and bolts cranked and clanked onto the platform and snorted from his mechanical nose.

Midway City…

When the group teleported to Midway they landed in the old HQ of Robotman, back when he was a solo hero. Before he helped to form the League. It was a bit dusty, as he’d made his home Metro Tower in recent years. It was a large underground bunker beneath a small house on the outskirts of Midway by some forests. There were mementos from past adventures, Muscle Car magazines, and a box of cigars all around the place. And the teleporting circle thingie that popped each Leaguer out on top of one another. Static, then Knight, followed by Polymer, Phantom, and then the three hundred or so pounds of metal man that was Cliff Steele. The group grunted as he sorta fell off of them onto his feet, with a metal smirk.

“The ladder to get out of the bunker is in the next little room. The reports mentioned the ‘snake people’ were just about half a mile east of here…” Robotman explained as the group still grunted and griped getting off each other.


Los Angeles…

"I can fix the blackout problem if ya'll keep him preoccupied, or I can see how much juice this bad boy can handle." Silver Bolt glanced over at her teammates for some added support.

“Let me open a rift and we’ll take this guy out in the middle of a desert or something away from the city. Less innocent people to worry about! Then you can light him up!” Sideways exclaimed leaping forward not noticing Bolt biting her lip again.

“What’s THIS? The junior Justice League?” the armored nutjob asked in amusement blasting electricity at the heroes.

With a nod Sideways grabbed the helmeted Human Bomb and threw him at the villain. The metahuman hero exploded and knocked the man in the metal suit back and into an already wrecked car thankfully without passengers in it. Sideways threw a rift under the bulky adversary and it dropped him smack in the middle of a desert in God knows where. The heroes fell through the rift afterwards, with ‘Bomb still reassembling his atoms and forming his body en route. Sideways hit the app on his phone to send out the team’s current location to the others. Silver Bolt began lightning up the enemy with her own electrical powers to hopefully overcharge his suit. However, it was able to absorb every bit of the energy thrown at him. Including the kinetic energy and heat off the explosion Human Bomb created. The suit now had enhanced electromagnetism, strength, and a personal electro-magnetic force field. Whip like tendrils grew from metal behemoth’s gauntlets and he managed to grab Sideways and Human Bomb. HB likely would’ve blown up but he didn’t want to injure his teammate. The two began getting electrocuted before a blur pulled both of them out of the guy’s tendril range.

The red and white blur slowed down just enough to be recognized as Impulse.

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