Avatar of Omega Man


Recent Statuses

15 days ago
Current Been without good wifi for a couple weeks since the hurricane. Will get back to RP's and iChecks soon...
2 mos ago
Working on a new iCheck for a Justice League Unlimited revival. The new comic series has me feeling ten kinds of inspired rn....
3 mos ago
What happens when you combine the Titans and the X-Men to make a new Amalgam Universe? Come find out... roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
5 mos ago
Been too long since I've RP'ed....
10 mos ago
"I hope when I die it's early in the morning so I don't go to work that day for nothing..." - Me


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Hello out there! My name's Mason. I like a lot of random stuff like comics, Masters of the Universe, M*A*S*H, X-Files, conspiracy theories, as well as a good superhero themed role play! I'm more of a DC freak than a Marvel zombie but I did grow up on mutants and 3rd string heroes. Once in awhile I'll make a few micros in MSPaint for my RP's because I love designing heroes as much as I do writing/reading about them. I'm about to try and get another Amalgam Universe themed game off the ground, if you're interested gimme a shout!

My top RP's on the Guild:

Young Justice 2020
Justice League Unlimited
Titans of Gotham
Champions of Engine City
Marvel Reborn
Legion of Superheroes Return [stat based]

Top Characters:

Ditto - Young Justice series
Bulleteer - Justice League Unlimited
Leviathan - Titans of Gotham
Fastlane - Champions of Engine City
the Thing II - Marvel Reborn
Ultra Boy II - Legion of Superheroes Return

I've been RP'ing for awhile. I mostly RP to keep my writing skills up to par, and I generally RP between Casual and Advanced. I've been a member of the guild for quite a bit, pre Guildfall even. Ninety percent of the time you'll find me in some superhero themed RP or something based off of another fandom like MotU or Power Rangers. Currently in the process of developing my own comics!

Favorite DC heroes (I won't go into villains to save space) in no order: Aquaman, Hawkman, Green Lantern (Kyle Rayner), Superboy (the clone), Swamp Thing, Starman, Animal Man, the Ray (90's era), Impulse, Captain Atom, and Batman Beyond.

Favorite Marvel heroes list: Human Torch I & II, Capt. Mar-Vell, Black Bolt, the classic Destroyer, Havok, Multiple Man, classic Scarlet Spider, Spiderman 2099, Nova, and Colossus.

OTHER FAVORITES: Space Ghost, Haunt, the Maxx, Shadowhawk, Green Hornet, Madman, Doctor Star/Andromeda, the Phantom, He-Man, and Zorro.

Most Recent Posts


Over a year ago the Justice League was forced to disband after false and damning accusations made by the United Nations. The founders went their separate ways; the Green Lanterns went back to space, and Aquaman went back to Atlantis. The world began losing trust in its heroes. After roughly a year and a half the governments discovered an alien sleeper agent in the UN as well as a plot to disrupt the world governments to set the world up for an alien invasion. Now in a time of crisis, the UN has lifted their ban on government sponsored super-teams.

Before they were shut down, the League had split up into several groups: JL Europe (lead by Wonder Woman), JL International (lead by Capt. Atom), JL of America (lead by Superman), as well as the JL Task Force (lead by Martian Manhunter). After a brief meeting with the various League mentors, it was decided rather than splitting into several teams like before it would be one larger group stationed in the Atlantic Ocean with an additional outpost on the moon. The Justice League Unlimited would be the world's first line of defense against any and all alien threats.

And what was the threat? The sleeper agent was a shapeshifting Durlan whose body-altering abilities are on par with that of the Martian Manhunter. There's no telling how many more of them are on Earth, there could even be one among the JLU!


I've felt inspired ever since seeing the news and the characters they'll be using in the new JLU comic set in what's currently DC's main continuity. So here we are again, another JLU roleplay from this guy. I've incorporated some of my favorite bits like the various teams existing beforehand and writing out big guns like GL and Aquaman. I don't know if I'll do the episodic type of format like in a few of the JL related RPs, but if enough people are game we might do that again. I'm looking for around 7-10 players for this, and I only really strive for a post a week per player. Any more than that and I'd need to find a Co-GM. To make the League seem larger and more *unlimited* I'll likely also have a slot for 'Background Hero' on the CS requirements as well as a 'Former Team Affiliation' space so you can be attached to one of the abroad JL's if you want. The Background Hero isn't exactly a secondary character, just somebody the GM's can use as fodder when shit hits the fan and somebody a player can speak for should they want their primary character to interact with somebody. I'm always available to do a little collabing, especially if we wind up using Superman, Wonder Woman, and Martian Manhunter as NPC's/Mentors.

As far as GM'ing goes I feel like I should mention I work long hours between Tuesday and Friday so most of my RP'ing is done during the weekends and Mondays. I'm also the type of GM to give players a bit of freedom, since this is really just one big collaboration. Players can control the enemies to a small degree and if there's any problems they can be addressed in the OOC or Discord server (assuming this moves forwards and we make one). A line or two of dialogue from an enemy and letting them take a few hits is perfectly fine in a post. Just make it interesting and in line with what's been established as the setting. If there's any questions about the enemies we're facing you can always ask about power levels, attacks, weaknesses, etc.

Reworked canon characters and originals are welcome. Character sheet requirements MUST include...


Personality: [five words best describing your hero]
Powers: [don't get too nuts]
Background Hero: [must be an existing hero]
Former Team Affiliation:
Potential Storylines: [How do you want your character to grow within the League? What do you want as far as a personal story? A friendship/rivalry in the JLU? A superhero girlfriend or boyfriend? Just give me a few bullet points…]


So that's it. Again, I'm hoping to get around 7-10 players for this. May or may not go with the episodic format where we split up into teams. I'd like to see a good mix of reworked canons and an original or two, maybe a villain trying to redeem themselves like Capt. Cold and Lex tried a few years back. Also! While Superman, Wonder Woman, and Martian Manhunter are listed in the story as mentors that doesn't take them off the table. If you got the chops you can totally take one of them for a spin, but I'm gonna be using Capt. Atom this time around. And if nobody wants the other big guns I can use them as NPC's where needed.

Who wants some justice?!

Location: Jumphaven, New York
Chapter Two: Disaster & the Danger Room

Interaction(s): @Omega Man - Kid Cannonball | @Crimson Flame - Ice Beast | @Silver Carrot - Marauder
@Half Pint - Orphan X | @Polaris North - Reactor | @Double - Spellbinder

Night Vision did what he could to not drive himself crazy. The woman he loved had been abducted by a cult. If he wasn't out on patrol trying to find a lead he was in the Danger Room beating up on holo-droids. He was barely sleeping and would only fall asleep out of exhaustion most of the time. He'd even been in contact with his old mentor, Dark Claw, and that's when you knew it was serious. Grayson was asleep on the couch in the living room type of area in the top of the T Tower. The tv was on and playing the news. It was talking about the usual stuff; the Tri-Sentinel's possible whereabouts, the relief efforts in Genosha and Marakoa, as well as some celebrity that was rescued by Spider-Boy in NYC.

"Anybody wanna try me on Street Kombat IX?" asked Gridlock looking at the other tv and the game system attached to it.

"I'm good, man. I think since Scott's passed out I might give the holo-droids a play through." Kid Cannonball replied while stretching and making his way to the elevator to go to the right floor for the Danger Room [it's actually colosseum sized and underground!].

Gridlock walked over to the other side of the living room or den or whatever it was and turned the video game on. He waited for somebody to join him but couldn't help hearing about the relief efforts in Genosha and Marakoa. He wondered if any of the team's friends or family were on the islands. Vic also thought about other heroes who might rejoin the squad during this time of meta-mutant crisis.

Down in the lower levels of the T Tower, Sam finally made it to the entrance of the Danger Room. He walked past the teleportation technology that was on loan from Grayson's connections in the JLoA and straight into the control room. After hitting a few buttons and selecting some enemies he pulled his goggles down and got ready for action. His yellow and red jacket were back upstairs in his quarters, but he had a white tanktop on with his suit's pants as well as his gloves. After stepping into the Danger room the holo-droids began taking shape into civilians and the surroundings shifted into a standard big-city block. The villains that took shape were a pair of familiar faces... Billy Infinity and the Scare-Crow!

Sam blasted through the air taking down as many duplicates of Billy Infinity as he could while chasing after the aerial adversary with wings and a scythe. If nobody else was going to tag along in the Danger Room, Kid Cannonball might just lose the match. After grounding the master of fear, KC went in close for a few strikes before the Danger Room mimicked the fear inducing powers of Scare-Crow. A gang of Billy Infinity's had caught up with the flying duo and now it appeared as if a bird like beast combined with a cornfield scarecrow had an army of humanoid meta-mutant monsters. Sam was completely tripping balls. He had never faced the Scare-Crow, he'd just heard somebody mention fighting him at the old school they'd just fought the Herald at and Sam figured he'd give it a shot since it was another flyer.
Location: Jumphaven, New York
Chapter One: League of Their Own

Interaction(s): @Omega Man - Kid Cannonball | @Crimson Flame - Ice Beast | @Silver Carrot - Marauder
@Half Pint - Orphan X | @Polaris North - Reactor | @Double - Spellbinder

Night Vision wasn't sure what was going to work. He'd faced the Herald plenty of times but he usually had a tighter knit team... and a telepath. Reactor fired at the brute with his arms forward in an attempt to rip the helmet off but lost his momentum the second he hit his adversary. Marauder and Ice Beast's attempt immediately after caught the juggernaut like man off his guard. Slipping on ice and avoiding an ice tiger and bird proved rather difficult. It could have been Reactor's actions, perhaps even a move made from Spellbinder, but in the end it was the borrowed ice talons of Anna-Marie that finally gripped the head piece and tore it from the brute's suit. A somewhat familiar scent was in the air, and it was anybody's guess as to how well Orphan X's senses were compared to Dark Claw's.

Even with Marauder's enhanced strength, there was only so much she could postpone the laws of physics. She was an eagle carrying a very heavy helmet, or rather, was being dragged down by it. Still, the helmet was now off, and with it, presumably that annoying force field.


Kid Cannonball created a sonic boom when breaking the sound barrier to fly by and crack the exposed jaw of Herald. Several of the remaining windows in the nearby school were shattered. Night Vision blasted the behemoth with his optic blasts, Reactor blasted him from a closer distance.

"Without Dark Bird we have to knock him out!" Grayson yelled at whoever could even hear him after the sonic boom.

Marauder shifted back into her usual height at the same time she released the helmet that had to have weighed over a hundred pounds. She would have called it her usual form but her usual form was not blue. She guided her fall from the sky to land right onto the Herald's shoulders before wrapping both arms around his head. Her bare fingers dug into his temple and she braced herself holding on until he passed out. She could feel just how much more life energy he seemed to have than the average person, so she was less worried about going too far and more worried about getting caught before she went far enough.

Back at the T Tower...

It seemed as if the structure was mostly back to normal. Only the lobby entrance took any real damage, and despite what Grayson thought the foundation of the structure was in no need of repairs. Gridlock and Spellbinder had heard the 'boom' seconds earlier.

"Maybe we should go check on Raven. Night Vision mentioned she had..." Vic started to say something before the power went out.

Spellbinder channeled some glowing energy into his hand to serve as a makeshift flashlight, "I'm... guessing that's not supposed to happen?" he asked rhetorically.

Suddenly there were dozens of duplicates of Billy Infinity (Billy Numerous + Multiple Man) attacking both of the young heroes, and when it looked like Gridlock was going to make a play... Gizmo Toad leapt into action stabbing some device into his alien tech side temporarily knocking Vic unconscious.

The door of Raven Grey opened. She was still fighting a telepathic war with her demonic father when Sebastian Frost, the Blood Diamond, walked into her personal quarters with a grin on his red crystal like face.

"Heeeeere here, Pretty Bird. Are you ready to face your destiny?" he asked with a whisper down by the ear of Dark Bird.

Minutes later the rest of the Titan X team had made it back to the T Tower with a helmetless Herald knocked out. The lights in the Tower were still out, and Scott Grayson knew something was wrong. That's when Doctor Strangefate came bearing bad news floating down from the sky after a flash of light.

"I'm sorry, Scott. I didn't make it in time. My step brother there was just a distraction. The Hellfire Cult has Raven." Strangefate stated to the onlooking team, as Gridlock and Spellbinder began to get their wits about them inside the entrance to the T Tower.
Since there's so many guests watching (5!), we could still use another player or two if one of ya has something in mind! Don't be shy!
Location: Jumphaven, New York
Chapter One: League of Their Own

Interaction(s): @Omega Man - Kid Cannonball | @Crimson Flame - Ice Beast | @Silver Carrot - Marauder
@Half Pint - Orphan X | @Polaris North - Reactor | @Double - Spellbinder

Ice Beast transformed into a snow covered gorilla and charged at the Herald. Orphan X leapt on his back last minute for a tag-teamed assault on the brute. After the Herald backhanded the little 'Claw off of the Ice Beast, Reactor took his shot and hit the behemoth directly. However, the monster of a man didn't budge even an inch. He was unstoppable. Night Vision blasted the giant enemy while backflipping and dodging a punching strike that saw the Herald smash through some nearby furniture. Marauder used her speed and reflexes to get behind the Herald and removed a glove to attempt to drain his life force and siphon some of his power. She didn't expect the guy's power to repel her away like some kind of magnet.

"We have to remove his helmet to disrupt his personal force field or there's no use... Spellbinder, you have anything that can protect the Tower, maybe shield it from Herald's attacks?" Grayson asked the rookie hero, "We don't need the building coming down around us because of structural damage..."

Kid Cannonball fired through the tight space and blasted out of the large opening Herald had created holding the villain. He was heavy to be sure, but in the air it made less of a difference to Sam. KC dropped the blue clad villain down in a rundown middle school's football field roughly two blocks from the T Tower. The crater Mal Duncan made was ONLY the size of a small car. The Marv Claremont Middle School had shut down years earlier after an attack from the winged Scare Crow, AKA Adrian Crane (Scarecrow + Vulture!). After thinking back on their encounter with the fear spreading supervillain of days gone by, Night Vision and the group closed the gap between the rest of the team and the juggernaut before them.

"Ya got LUCKY, Runt!" Herald screamed at Kid Cannonball as he picked himself up out of the crater.

"You ain't as tough as you think you are, big guy." KC replied as the others came in from different sides of the football field. The grass was high, the bleachers rusted and half busted. But the Herald was surrounded.

"What do you want now, Duncan? Who put you up to this?!" Night Vision asked, ready to attack.

"Where's your little girlfriend, Grayson?" Herald asked, taunting at the team's leader.

"You want Raven, you've gotta go through ME!" Night Vision screamed blasting the brute as the others charged for another team assault.

The Herald ripped up a piece of the concrete track circling the football field and threw it at the first Titan he laid eyes on.
Got around to making a Discord server. I'm working on making the 0th post in the Character Tab more than just an image. If you wanna come say hi or talk about Amalgam stuff here's the link!

Titan X Discord

Accepted Players/Characters

NPC/Mentor - Night Vision (Nightwing + Cyclops) AKA Scott Grayson - 27
NPC/Mentor - Dark Bird (Raven + Phoenix) AKA Raven Grey - 26
NPC/Mentor - Gridlock (Cyborg + Warlock) AKA Victor 'Vic' Stone - 23

@Omega Man - Kid Cannonball (Kid Flash + Cannonball) AKA Samuel 'Sam' Allen - 20
@Half Pint - Orphan (Batgirl/Orphan + X-23) AKA Laura Wayne née Cain - 25
@Silver Carrot - Marauder (Ravager + Rogue) AKA Anna Marie Wilson - 21
@Polaris North - Reactor (Damage + Havok) AKA Grant Summers - 24
@Crimson Flame - Ice Beast (Beastboy + Iceman) AKA Garfield 'Gary' Drake - 21
@Double - Spellbinder (Zachary Zatara + Scarlet Witch) AKA Zachary 'Zack' Maximoff - 18

Quick question for my next post. What powers will Marauder copy from the Herald of Cytorakk

I'd say he's generally just gonna give off strength, a little speed boost, and durability. However since his powers are somewhat supernatural, they may be unable to be copied for any long length of time. Cytorakk may not be keen on somebody using his power without permission. Rogue's had different outcomes trying to absorb Jugs power, depending on the writer and circumstances.

Also! The production plant I work in is getting some much needed maintenance tomorrow so I've got a four day weekend!
I'll try and get caught up reading on the IC this evening to start on a post. I generally RP during my three day weekends between Sat-Mon. I also accepted another CS combining Zackary Zatara with the Scarlet Witch to make Spellbinder. @Double will be in-game with us soon!
Finished the whole group shot now. I can't just not do the NPC's...

(and yeah I tweaked some of them ONCE AGAIN** from earlier lol)

** Gave Marauder a brown streak of hair to appear more Rogue-like, and tweaked Darkbird and Gridlock just another tad.
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