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@Tendo Okay, duly noted.

I'm going to start the IC today, and hopefully have it up by tomorrow morning at latest (if Hillan's sheet is done), but for now I'll share my ideas.

Basically, both groups will be involved in two parts of the same situation, though they won't really bump in to each other.

Kohl gets a job, however, he's unwittingly employed by a man working under Don Calliote, who has exploited Chester's debt to have him go on the job as well, which needless to say is less than legal.

Meanwhile, the Revolutionary Army is in a pinch, and has a number of wounded. Vice is sent off to retrieve some supplies while another NPC is sent to find a doctor who might be willing to work for them, finding Alex, though we can swap the places of the NPC and Vice if desired.

Oh, and Claribel is doing Claribel things, I guess. :B

That should set up the First Act, which could go pretty quickly.
Okay, so we have most of the sheets, but I think we can start talking about how all those plot threads are going to intermingle.

First I'm going to list off some NPCs on Pol Topelia from the sheets:

Dario Capper, dictator of Pol Topelia.
Don Calliote, criminal boss @Hillan's character, Chester, has some debts to pay to.
Alzac, member of the Revolutionary Army and current commander of @Tendo's character, Vice.
An unnamed doctor whom Alex, @Crimson Lion's character is looking for, possibly famous.
@Aldridge's character, Kohl might have an employer of some kind. Maybe he'll start of getting a job of some kind.

Now for the first act, I talked about it a little above, but I'm thinking about having it end with there being two groups. I'm currently leaning towards Claribel with Chester and Kohl, and Vice with Alex (and Alzac). And can explain my ideas to make that so, but if anyone has some objections or other makeups, let me know!

Also, as far as those NPC go, I think I'll be controlling the doctor Alex is looking for, Dario, and Don Calliote (though Hillan can if he wants). Kohl's employer seems pretty minor right now, so Aldridge can probably control him. The question is Alzac: Tendo, would you rather control him or let me control him? The latter might be easier.
Okay! So, we've got two sheets, and the other two are probably going to complete by tomorrow, so I think now's a good time to say some of my thoughts for the Pol Topelia arc. If you have ideas or suggestions, then please, add! Anyway, I'm hoping to divide the arc into three separate acts.

The first act will be the establishing one. All our characters will be introduced, the setting laid out, some plot things will probably happen, etc. My hopes are that by the end of it, the characters IC are split into two groups of allies, and everyone will have had a fight. Nothing much challenge wise, but enough to get them to show off their abilities and help solidify how everyone writes their characters fighting style.

The second one will have more of the plot as the situation on the island heats up, but by the end I'm hoping that the crew has all met up and is working towards a common goal, though not necessarily under the same flag quite yet. And probably more fights.

The last act will be the climax, wrapping up all the character's plotlines and the Topelia situation, with some more serious fights, before the crew is formed and they move on to the next adventure.

We're still waiting for the last sheets, but while I work on the IC, I'm hoping that we can discuss when and where the character plotlines are going to mingle and cross with the overall plot. We'll go into more detail later but that's my current idea.
We've got one accepted Swordsman character and one pretty much about to be accepted Shipwright character, but I wouldn't mind seeing another set of eyes on this!
Name: Claribel Donner
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Crew Position: Captain
Race: Human

Appearance: Claribel isn't particularly tall at all, not even hitting average height. At the very least, her figure is good, though she's been known to curse her 'stupid boobs' when they get in the way. Her skin is a bit sun tanned, and she has wide purple eyes. Her hair is pink and long, covering her ears and going past her shoulders. Her preferred outfit is a pair of boots with shorts, a short sleeved shirt, and a light coat. She typically has her weapon, an iron rod more than a meter long, across her back for use.

Personality: Claribel is about as carefree as they come. When it comes to people, she is generally pretty dismissive of most, often right to their faces. Her rudeness doesn't stop there, as her honesty often comes to mouth before anything resembling restraint. She is also stubborn and single-minded: when she sets herself to something she's probably not stopping until it's done. She can be quite clever when she has the care for it: combat, for instance. She also tends to take some things for granted, as her upbringing wasn't exactly the most normal.

One thing she cannot stand is the mundane, thought not because she dislikes it, but because it doesn't stick in her brain at all. She seeks interesting people and situations, sometimes to the point of recklessness. One might even say that's what she lives for. She certainly has a bit of rebellious, teenage spirit, as she occasionally does things if she thinks something interesting will come out of it.

Backstory: Claribel has been familiar with the modern sea of pirates for a long time. It was only a month after the execution of Roger when she was born aboard the passenger vessel her parents managed. It had been a lucrative business, but with the onset of the Age of Pirates, Flors Donner found his business failing as the common folk were too afraid to move far past their homes any more. As he struggled, the answer came to his from the mouth of his wife, Isabel, who said something he'd never have considered with the safety of his wife and daughter to consider.

Flors Donner became a pirate. But with a wife and child he could not afford to take a bounty, so while he flew the black flag symbolizing freedom, he never pillaged or killed. No, he targeted those who stole his business, aiming at pirates. Not at first, of course: while he was one of the strongest men he'd known, and Isabel was getting better with a rifle for those worst case scenarios, not pirate could work alone. Flors went from razed town to razed town, sifting through the ashes to find those who'd the Marines failed, and relighting their fire. And so the Inferno Pirates sailed to the day where the sight of their flag would strike fear in the hearts of pirates and hope in the heart of the common man.

As for the baby on board, Claribel's childhood was spent among the sailors, learning their names and their stories, picking up some useful seafaring knowledge and skills to boot. After a while, that was: not because she was young when she was taught. When it came to combat she learned much quicker. But while the crew initially believe it to be a matter of interest, or talent, the truth would be learned later. Isabel had become stricken with grief upon learning of the death of her parents, news of which was relayed to Claribel. And yet, some hours later, Claribel was upset, not sure of why her mother was sad. After being told once more, she was satisfied, until the next morning, when Claribel was once more confused about her mother's mood. She known that her mother was sad, but she couldn't remember why.

After she'd forgotten the death of her grandparents yet again, Flors was getting concerned, and began to seek out some medical advice. Claribel had always been a bit absent minded, but this was a bit much. After some study, there was a hypothesis that seemed to fit what Flors knew of his daughter.

Claribel had a memory disorder. She could only remember things that were interesting to her the first time. Otherwise, she would need to be told repeatedly. Even then, however, she still risked forgetting again after a while.

Claribel certainly didn't forget that. She even got a bit worried: what kind of things had she forgotten? If something became boring to her, would she forget about it one day? She couldn't just decide what was genuinely interesting to her or not either. After some thinking, she finally concluded that if she was going to have problems remembering things, then she should just get as many interesting memories as she could.

Through her teenage years, Claribel would finally start helping a bit more out on the ship, mostly aiding in the sailing until age fifteen, where her father allowed her to start fighting alongside the rest of the crew, where she showed that she did have a good deal of strength. But once the novelty of that wore off, she was starting to get bored: she'd been on the boat for her entire life, after all. She had to come up with something.

Then, almost two years later, opportunity knocked. After a battle with pirates, the crew looted a Devil Fruit, and Flors sent the quartermaster to work on getting a buyer. Claribel wasn't having any of that though. In the dead of night, she went to where the Fruit was kept and ate as much as she could stomach (less than half) before leaving the rest and leaving the boat in the middle of the night, only leaving a note explaining that she'd left. Chances are they were going to be pissed, but Claribel was happy. Not that she was now free: she always had been. But now all the adventures and stories she'd had with them were good memories, and would probably never become boring, so she'd never forget them.

But now alone, she wanted to start her own crew, one with a bit more ambition. She needed a boat and a crew, but was at a loss as to where to start. In her wanderings, she found herself on Pol Topelia, deciding that this large island was where she was going to make her start. But she wasn't going to accept just any old mook on her crew: nope! What kind of Captain would she be if she forgot who worked for her?

Long Term Ambition: To see if raging across the sea on the way to becoming Pirate King is as fun as it sounds.

Medium Term Ambition: To form her pirate crew on Pol Topelia. (Note, this is not meant to be a good example for a Medium Ambition of your own. Ideally, yours should be more involved with Pol Topelia)

Devil Fruit: Echo Echo Fruit, Paramecia type. Upon eating it, Claribel has become an Echo human. This manifests itself into two main abilities.

The first is her improved perception: she has an easier time hearing the echos and reverberations left by other things, and has better hearing for it. However, it's dependent on conditions: it a crowded street, there's so much noise it's hard to focus on any particular noise, but in silent room, she can probably hear the fast heartbeat of a hiding person. Aside from mere perception, she can't do much with it. Being able to tell if someone is lying or not based on their heartbeat would be to difficult even in ideal conditions for instance. Focus is also important: in the heat of battle, differentiating sounds is certainly trickier.

Her other ability is to create echoes where there otherwise wouldn't have been any. The only requirement is that she must be near the origin of the noise. Then, with her hands, she can manipulate the air to recreate the sound, one of her hands emitting pulses of faint white light as she does so. It doesn't need to be identical, however, as she can also manipulate where it goes, though some applications of her ability are unbeknownst to her, she can make a sound pass back and forth over a person, making them hear one thing several times, or she can redirect the whole wave at once onto a single point, creating a much louder resonance in a small area, attacking the eardrums. However, every time she makes a sound repeat, it steadily decreases in volume, like any echo. Deaf opponents or any with ear protection are more resistant to her abilities, as they can't hear her misdirections.

Fighting Style: Claribel is quite strong in her own right, able to wield her rod weapon with a good amount of speed and strength. However, she often uses it in tandem with her Devil Fruit, disorienting the opponent by repeating or otherwise changing the sound of her attacks, or creating bursts of sound and focusing them onto a single point (usually an opponent's head).

Notable Equipment: A smooth iron rod, a bit more than a half a meter in length.

Skills: Having lived on a boat her whole life, Claribel is well versed in sailing.
So yes, I'm starting something up. I think this RP could be neat: it has something a little different going for it that might catch your interest.

While it focuses on one crew, instead of using the slow as molasses method of one joining arc for one character, or the clustermess of all the characters joining in one lazy arc at once, instead, we will begin with one fairly big arc, with each of the characters on the same island, set to join. Each one has an arc, but they will be interwoven with each other and the main plot, the crew formed during or after the arc.

Maybe your character is a soldier in the island's army? Maybe they're a criminal? A rebel? A Marine currently stationed? A wanderer passing by? What kind of friends or enemies do they have on the island, and what are they trying too accomplish there? What about in the seas beyond? I highly encourage working with me and the other players to craft a plotline for your character!

Interested? Well, the OOC is actually up already, so pop on over!
Not currently accepting, but thank you!


Seventeen years ago, the world changed. One man of implacable zeal and indomitable will, Gold Roger, met his end after sharing with the world the existence of his greatest treasure. Lust, greed, and pride brought a slew of pirates, invoking the wrath of the World Government and the Marines, starting something more akin to a war in this new 'Age of Piracy'.

Some seas fared better than others: the Grand Line saw a boom of commerce as adventurers and pirates alike arrived, but with so many bloody accidents, costly miscalculations, and gruesome battles, the death toll seemed to rise much more. The East Blue remained mostly tranquil, as it had often been, as did the West. The North boomed loudly, but...

In the South, there was trouble. Though it was the largest of the seas by population, it did not have the peace of the East, the technology of the North, or the history of the West. Without the staying power of tranquility, craft, or tradition, the South saw the largest boom in piracy from the Blue Seas, some tales traded of chaos at Reverse Mountain where too many ships tried to enter simultaneously in the dawn light, rushing as if One Piece was just on the other side. Worse yet, the increased piracy left less of the able bodied to defend cities, making it all to easy for failed pirates to return to their seas with many undefended islands to plunder. Some failed pirates turned to other avenues of crime, abusing the fact that the Marines and law enforcement were spread thin.

Countries fell, only to be replaced with new regimes, just to fall once again. Marines, fatigued from the constant struggle, fell to corruption and greed to ease their burden. The seas have quieted in parts, but under the surface lies a thick layer of blight, and thundering skies approach.


Welcome to Pol Topelia

Nestled in sight of the massive Red Line, this fairly large, mountainous country sits in a strange flux. While lacking a Marine base, the three cities: the port town of Ostropa, the valley city Lillicoa, and the seaside capitol of Pol Stictid stand in peace under the rule of Dario Capper, military dictator of Pol Topelia. In the public eye, however, it is no tyranny: citizens pay their taxes and go about their lives peacefully, only forced to move under threat of attack from outsides, few of which have been particularly problematic.

However, despite the apparent peace, there is an air of uncertainty. A rumble of discontent. As the number of missing persons steadily increases, whispers of rebel activity are heard in the streets, prompting the arrival of Marines sniffing out any traces of the infamous Dragon. But talk of crime is unheard of! A purse snatcher can't go a block before being stopped cold, and yet...the slums of Pol Stictid regularly wax and wane with a frightening regularity.

Something is not right on Pol Topelia.

And where do you stand? Are you a rebel, fighting for your home? A soldier doing much the same thing? A wanderer caught up in the whole mess?

Regardless of your past, you have a certain fate awaiting, should you reach the break of the coming storm.


Still with me so far? Awesome! Well, if the previous bit led you astray, I assure you, this is a One Piece RP! Pirates! Adventure! Part of this is also experiment: I've tried all types of games. Form the crew all at once? Form slowly arc by arc? Crew already formed? Lots of crews? Just a handful? To be honest, I've had a few successes so far, but consider this another attempt.

I will be playing the Captain, seeking to form the crew, but instead of doing every member at once, one every island or every arc, or having it already formed, the crew will be initially formed after (or during) one fairly large arc centered on Pol Topelia.

The idea is that every character has their own plot, which can then tie to, or even already be close to, each other or the main plot. Perhaps the line started in their backstory or only when they reached the island, but the hopes are that they cross with each other before tying neatly.

As for after that, well, we'll get there when it comes!

For now though my Assistant GM, Hillan, and I will be accepting around three more characters! There won't be any reserved spots: the first three sheets I accept will be it for now. If you aren't accepted though, there will be chances later! If players drop or the arc concludes, we'll want more members!

If you're considering applying, consider filling out this small character sheet and posting it in the thread to give us (and others) an idea of what you want to play. HOWEVER, it is not the character sheet. The actual character sheet is farther down, and that is to BE SENT TO ME IN A PRIVATE MESSAGE. DO NOT POST THE FULL SHEET EITHER IN THIS THREAD NOR THE CHARACTER TAB UNTIL ACCEPTED.


This is the little sheet. You can either ignore this one or post in the thread if you have passing interest! Especially if you want a Devil Fruit, don't want to match position with anyone, or have plotline ideas! You do still have to fill out the full sheet, but this shouldn't take too much time at all.

[b]Key Info:[/b] (Optional) Anything quick you've decided on already. Name, gender, race, etc

[b]Future Crew Position:[/b] What crew position might they fill? Doctor/Navigator/Cook/you know the drill

[b]Devil Fruit:[/b] This section is mandatory if you plan on having one, but otherwise not needed. Please please give me a basic rundown of what it can do. You can flesh it out later, but if there's something I find objectionable based on my own personal rules, I want to say something before you write a five paragraph description rather than after and save you the headache.

Please no Logia types, Awakened Fruits, or Mythical Zoans. Also avoid any canon/filler Fruits. Be warned, I'm very picky when it comes to the Devil Fruit!

[b]Personality Jots:[/b] (Optional) A couple words for what you have in mind for their personality. Try to include some flaws if you could: it's not absolutely necessary at this point but it'd be nice

[b]Plotline Ideas:[/b] What position do you imagine them at the start of the game? What kind of plot do you have in mind that might tie with a possible arc?


This is the important sheet! Please PM this sheet to me upon completion! You can post it in the character tab when I give the go ahead!

[b]Name:[/b] No D initial!



[b]Crew Position:[/b] Captain is taken, and 1st and 2nd Mate will be decided IC

[b]Race:[/b] Should probably be human. I'm only accepting one Fishman/Merfolk at most though since they're rare outside the Grand Line.

[b]Appearance:[/b] If you use a picture, I want a written description as well. Pictures should be above the sheet and centered.

[b]Personality:[/b] At least two paragraphs

[b]Backstory: [/b]If they don't start on Pol Topelia, make sure to include them getting there and them getting involved in their plot.

[b]Long Term Ambition:[/b] Why does your character exist? What do they want to accomplish in their lives? Become the best swordsman in the world? A doctor that can cure anything?

[b]Medium Term Ambition:[/b] The character's goal in their plot on Pol Topelia. You can put any other details/ideas for the plotline here as well!

[b]Devil Fruit:[/b] See the above blurb in the smaller sheet for any info/restrictions

[b]Fighting Style:[/b] If they have a Fruit, here's where you describe how they fight with it. No Haki.

[b]Notable Equipment:[/b] Weapons and special tools

[b]Skills:[/b] Anything notable they can do that doesn’t involve fighting.


I'm expecting at least two paragraphs a post, but there's not necessarily an upper limit. If you throw out a novel of a post I would hope that you have a reason for it though, since if it goes on for a mile without any sort of interaction then it stops being much of a roleplay!

There's no specific time constraint, but I do expect you to at least take a minute to say why you are unable to post if you cannot. Life happens! I'm also really patient.

However, in the event you are dropped, there will be the issue of what to do with the character. Generally, I will be taking control of them and writing them out when possible. I won't be killing them: there's no fun or pleasure in that. This method also allows for a possible return, but that depends on circumstances.

Other than that, the normal! No arguing OOC, no OOC in the IC, listen to the Assistant GM Hillan, don't be a douche, use common sense.

Ask if you have any questions!


Character Roster

The Captain - Claribel Donner, the Pirate

The First - Chester 'Chad' B. Arnold, the Drunk

The Second - Vice, the Revolutionary

The Third - Alexander Storm, the Genius

Well, thanks for having me, but unfortunately I don't think I have as much time for this as I'd have liked. I'm gonna have to bow out, but good luck!
Man, I should really find myself some of that soundtrack so I'm not just listening to 'Stronger than You' over and ove-WHOOPS, played it again.

Also, if anyone's interested, an artist I know of just opened commissions for Steven Universe stuff in anyone has any monies. I might go for it, especially it the game kicks off.
@Saarebas Nope! She can sprout spikes from the ground, but I can even imagine how one would create an earthquake with that, except like, creating a bunch of spikes in a fault line, which would be a bit too subtle, thoughtful, and situational for Dani. And yes, her arm/hand must be touching the ground with the weapon activated to grow spikes at a range. I'll also add that should she be separated from the ground, the spikes she's grown remain, but she can't control them (to say, launch them) until she gets her arm back on the ground.
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