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Glad to have your interest! That is an absolutely understandable concern, but there are a couple ways to deal with it.

One is to chase one of the GM threads, like the Witch of Webs or Grime King. That way, you can write your own arcs as you please, but you can also get involved in some of the larger stuff in the Blue Sea through having me to play off of (albeit through NPCs rather than PCs), which could also result in paths crossing with other characters later down the line.

You can also join a crew! We currently have the Inferno Pirates under my character Rico, and Doc Tachyon's in progress sheet has the Vagabond Pirates under Hakka Jitte. We also have at least two Marines and a handful of other characters in the works, judging by discord conversations. I'd wait until the relevant character is accepted before going full in, but in general, you are absolutely welcome to PM another player regarding character connections (though you might need to join the discord/ask me if you want to know what the other players are working on)! I'm actually working on a character specifically for the Vagabond Pirates, and am even keeping ideas for the joining arc down to discuss with Tachyon in the future. If you reach out to me, I will gladly explain more about Rico as needed so that we can plan how our characters will start the Inferno Pirates proper, if that's how it goes. Of course, the obvious downside to latching your character to another player is, what if they drop the game? If I drop then the RP is probably over, but in the event of the next worst thing, as I talked about in the post, I'll do my best to work with the affected players to figure out how to continue your character's story in the absence of the missing player, but...

We do allow multiple characters! If you're writing on your own for a while, and not liking how things are going without other players to bounce off of, then it might be apt to temporarily retire the character until later in the RP when there are more options, and play a new one in the meantime. Obviously it's not ideal, but as long as the game's still going, there's potential for new ideas to come about, whether its something you can do with that previous character now that the game has advanced, or maybe you'll have come up with a character idea you're more interested in!

Hopefully I've helped alleviate some of your concern, but feel free to ask me if anything else comes to mind.
God Hillan steal my GM thunder why don't you. D:<

<Snipped quote by Hillan>

Thanks for the clarification, I kind of wanted to tie my char backstory origin and with either an admiral/vice admiral picking them up.

I will see what I can do to hammer things out.

Yup, feel free to PM me, or hop into the discord and shoot me a DM!

Hmm, so if say, I want to make a marine character that's starting out like Koby and making their way up. I have to make an entire marine crew of NPC or if there any leeway?

Cause I feel like I wouldn't be able to make an entire NPC crew of a dozen people and RP them well.

Hillan's pretty much on the nose. I think I understand the mindset you're coming from, in that having a full roster of NPCs fleshed out might help the verisimilitude/feeling of reality, which people tend to like in their stories. But a full ship of seamen is a lot of things you'd have to come up with off the bat. And that ironically it can be constricting too. That's a big part of the reason I deliberately decided not to even think about most of the Warlords/Emperors/Admirals, or even reserve Devil Fruits for NPCs, since I wanted to have room for player input. If you start off with a huge group of NPCs, while this section of the world would be more 'full', it would cut off potentially cool ideas later, or if you didn't like some of your initial ones, it'd be harder to go forward, which defeats the point of all the planning.

What I'd focus on first and foremost is your character and their story. You'll probably want at least a small handful to play off of: a commanding officer, a Helmeppo type peer, but they should be in service of your character narratively, be it as a comrade, superior, idol, rival, or some other form of foil. Beyond that, flesh the unit out as you go depending on what your needs are to tell the story of your character, instead of feeling like you have to go all out from the start.
Always looking for more interest! You're welcome to pop by the discord if you want to have the occasional chat while conceptualizing and writing out your character.

"The greatest flame is the one that burns within our people."

Accepted! Go ahead an post it in the character tab. Very clear concept with a solid throughline. It’s got enough detail to enhance the clarity, but a lot of room to develop, reveal, and expand. I don’t think I’ll get sick of the flame/sun puns, but god only knows. Beyond that, while I hope the RP has plenty of your typical pirate antics, one thing this sheet makes me excited for is seeing characters who couldn’t really function the same way in other One Piece RPs, at least not as PCs.

I’ll be posting the IC when we get one more accepted character!
“Tell me, Elders! World Nobles! What are you hiding!? What is in this world you’re looking down on that you’re so afraid of!?”

In the year 1632, Age of the Sea, these words rang out across Marie Geoise, the capital of the world, during the largest attack ever staged against the World Government. Avalon “The Devil” Duskar, the worst pirate in history, leading his infamous legion, staged an unprompted two prong attack on the Red Line. It took over a decade for the surrounding area to recover, and the loss of life on both sides was tremendous. The Warlord system was established, the Government forgiving the crimes of pirates to add another layer of defense after their major facilities were crippled, while the Abyssal Call was disbanded, Avalon and many of his most elite men vanishing from history. And yet, while the fallout was well known and researched, the question the world never learned the answer to was ‘why’? Avalon had supposedly circumnavigated the globe, becoming the first to reach Lodestar Island at the end of the stretch of ocean still known as the Devil’s Seas where he had reigned. Was he unsatisfied without lands to further conquer, though rarely heard rumors mentioned another island somehow beyond? And what did he believe the World Government was hiding from the world as he lashed out? While those sacrificed might know, their lips are sealed by 6 feet of soil as the World Government buries them with a sin of 800 years.


One Piece: The Devil’s Due will be a player-driven, open(ish) world RP set in a world of One Piece lacking any canon characters (which means some canon Devil Fruits will be available). Influenced by the Absolute Comics style Superhero RPs, my aim is to find a balance between multi group and single group One Piece RPs. Multi group games allow players more room to move, but often without direction. Single group games have more focused narratives, but are particularly vulnerable to the inevitable loss of players. With The Devil’s Due, players join under the expectation of being able to give themselves direction and work with other players to develop characters, conflicts, plots, and otherwise tell their stories without needing a GM every step of the way.

Want to write a character who isn't a pirate? Go for it! One player is currently working on a kingdom in which he'll be primarily playing the ruling party. Marines, Cipher Pol, Anti-World Government Rebels, journalists, bounty hunters: the world is your oyster to explore!

The OOC is already up, and you might notice that the game is in the Advanced forum. If you're fearful about that, I understand. But if your fear is 'Casual is already a lot much of the time, how can an RP demand more?' then you can quash that fear. In my opinion, the standard for Casual is too damn high! I know I can point out games in Casual that I think are more Advanced than this one. The OOC may be lengthy, but I know I don't have a 75 page lore document players should be reading (you know who you are <3 ) While by user standards, I could have posted the game in Casual to get more eyes and interest, I chose instead to go by site standards and set it up in Advanced where I think it belongs. I'm posting this Int Check in Casual as well because I know there are tons of people that typically RP in Casual who absolutely can meet the standards of the RP. So if that was a barrier to interest and entry then I hope to see you!
I’m a bit busy today, but can I claim three fruits for my character/crew? Listed below.

I’m really glad you asked, since that allows me to further clarify a number of things.

The short answer is no, I won’t be reserving Fruits. The criteria I’ll be allowing them is based on character sheet, so I don’t see a reason to, especially not for original Fruits.

More importantly, while I understand that you said you’re busy, and it is a very long OOC post, there’s information there that is still relevant to your request. One minor point is that a distinction between Logia and Paramythia type Devil Fruits is in artificial/processed vs natural substances. Steel is an artificial substance, and thus it would be a Paramythia type.

I also discussed multiple characters, and briefly touched on crew NPCs, but one angle I didn’t cover is types of crews (and I’ll edit the prior post to reflect this). In terms of the RP, Luffy’s crew would be entirely PCs, as all of them are highly developed, but not every crew needs to be like that. To give a more detailed example of crew NPCs, let’s look at Law. Bepo, while memorable, would be an important NPC, while Shachi and Penguin don’t even get visible eyes, let alone enough characterization to be more than NPCs. If he were a player in an RP, then Law would be the PC and the rest of his crew NPCs under his control, allowed due to the point in which the story takes place when he’s introduced.

Of course, your request might be for the long term, but since you were unclear, I just want to reiterate that a part of the RP is to have a focus on growth. If you were hoping to start off with 3 PCs and 3 Devil Fruits, then I’m sorry to say it, but that’s against what I’m aiming for with the RP. You’re welcome to start out with 3 characters, but two of them will be expected to be no more important or relevant than Bepo as the Heart Pirates Navigator. He has a role on the ship, memorable character with which to play off the others, but is ultimately tertiary to Law’s story. If you do want your other characters to have PC level importance like the Straw Hats, then you’ll have to wait to introduce them, like the other players have to wait to bring new PCs of theirs into the game. And as mentioned, I will be highly scrutinizing of Mythical Zoans, so if you really want to start the RP off with it, then I look forward to seeing an excellent character application where the Fruit is utterly integral to the character, rather than it being tacked on.

I hope I’m only jumping at shadows, and I am thankful for being able to cover some extra bases, but I hope that you give the OOC a good read through before you start your application, and I look forward to seeing it when it's ready!


“Yeah, it’s stupid. It’ll probably get me killed. But even if I take my licks, get knocked down...it’s when you get back up where life’s at it’s most fun.”

Growing up on an island predominately populated by the elderly, though he loved them and knew he was loved, in the corner of his soul he told himself ‘I never want to be like that’. Sitting around mourning what was lost, longing for the past, no longer reaching for something. Rico knew the present was the most fun and interesting. Whether it was playing pranks, enjoying games, or causing trouble, he did what he wanted to, and that was that. His ideals are something he carries with him into the outside world. Though more typically he’s chased away as a menace, like an exploding firework, he tends to leave an impression. It is hard to forget his proclamation of reaching the top of the pirate world as ‘King’, whether it’s recalled as an absurd joke or something more than that. But Rico knows there are cinders yet in the world, waiting to blaze into a mighty inferno.


Dreams and ambitions are a key component of the characters in One Piece. Luffy in particular has a tendency to push those who have them to strike out and finally achieve them after sitting still for so long. But what of those who try, only to fail? Sometimes they give up completely, and other times they manage to pick themselves back up.

Rico deliberately doesn’t want his life to simply burn away to nothing, and there isn’t anything sadder to him than a dream gone unfulfilled. Purposefully aiming to inspire people, Rico clicks best with those who believe they’ve already met the end of their ambition, as he would aim to relight their flame. In the original story I planned for him, I wanted his crew to be made up entirely of people who’d already tried to realize their dream, in contrast to the Straw Hats who had yet to take their first step. I won’t be that stringent with any other PCs interested in joining the Inferno Pirates, but as long as members fit the idea of ‘passion being ignited’ then they’ll be more than a good fit for his crew! In the long term he aims for the title of Pirate King, but in the more mid term, I foresee a conflict with the Tianyan Empire...


Organization: The Inferno Pirates
Position: Captain
Starting Sea: West Blue
Devil Fruit: Rico has eaten the Spark-Spark Fruit, a special Paramythia type. He is a firework human, able to create sparks, rockets, and explosions in a procession of colors. Shooting off rockets from his finger tips, turning his arm into a Roman Candle, or spinning to achieve the effect of Catherine Wheel are all example applications of his power. His body is immune to typical blades or bullets, strikes against him leaving traces of lit of gunpowder like a sparkler. He doesn’t take well to either fire or water. Water keeps him from igniting, making him vulnerable to normal attacks and preventing his typical ones. Fire, on the other hand, makes him detonate prematurely, keeping his powers from being controllable and risking any near him, even himself. In his nightmares, he becomes fully immolated and explodes into nothing, but that wouldn’t really happen...right?




“Get down!” “Where is it coming from!?”

Marines scrambled about the downtown road, ducking behind corners and under short stairwells. Once the noise calmed down they peeked their heads out, desperately trying to find the gunman aiming for their life. The nearby restaurants and shops were packed, the once busy street made deathly silent with the whole street hiding away. Despite the supposed hail of gunfire, no one was harmed...yet.

“Oi!” The Marines jumped at the noise, as though it were a flintlock pistol. Bushy mustache bristling, arm covered with tattoos raised, Commander Lindsay called, “Heeeeey! You guys need to chill out. It’s not like one bullet would kill you, probably. They seem pretty small.”

The Marines complied, spreading out their search area with trepidation. One civilian whispered to another, “Wait, those gunshots didn’t really-”


Another burst of noise rang out, the common folk ducking their heads, while the Marines started to get bolder, instead charging forward. “I saw someone!” came a cry. The squad of Marines charged the building, surrounding it, only for both groups to meet on the other side, no one else in sight. “Where did-”

“Hey, is that someone on the roof?” Lindsay noted.

“Whoops!” squeaked a red haired man in a black coat with red fluff trim as he ducked. “Tch, guess I got cocky…” Turning about, he crouched at the edge of the building, reaching his hands out and flexing his fingers like writhing spiders. Tiny white snap caps, no larger than a finger tip, fell about, hitting the ground and exploding in overly loud pops. The Marines hopped about, avoiding the non-existent gunfire, before realizing the nature of their foe. Meeting their glares head on, he said, “Yup! It was meeeeee!” Sticking out his tongue and pulling his eyelid down a bit, he explained, “Y’all looked bored as hell! Now you’ve got a story to take to your wives and kids back home when they asked how your day went. No need to thank me~ Man, I’m so smart.” Rico paused, looking up as the roof shook underneath him, turning to see Marines clambering up to meet him. “O.”

Rico looked around for an escape route as the group on the roof charged him. Trying to leap to the next building over, Rico lost his footing, instead plummeting down. Unceremoniously, the Marines parted, Rico crashing onto the ground. As he tried to scramble up, they jumped him, dog-piling the miscreant, hands reaching to keep him pinned. “Hey! Get off! Bastards, I’ll…” Rico’s hands gripped the ground and pulled himself forward, the motion accompanied with a sizzling noise, sparks flying as his body parted to slip through the crowd. There were shrieks of pain from the light flames, no more dangerous than touching a cigarette, but making up for it in surprise. Rico, the firework Human, hopped to his feet and broke into a run, leaving a mystified military behind him.

“What the heck just happened?” “Witch! He’s a witch! Burn him!” The Marines sputtered as they gave chase. “I don’t think we could burn him if we tried.” “He ain’t no witch, he’s one of those Fruit gobblers!”

“Don’t say Fruit gobblers!” Rico cried out, rockets firing off from his shoes with an unsubtle ‘pssshhhhhh’ as he made a leap over a small river, the bridge a block away, a trail of smoke left in the wake. “That makes it seem weird!”

“YOU’RE PLENTY WEIRD YOURSELF!” the Marines called out, their pursuit staggered.

Increasing the distance between them as he made for the docks, Rico admitted, “I mean, they got me there…” Hurtling himself around the crowds, he ignored the shouts and screams aimed his way as he charged at the Marine battleship, just as the other squads were starting to get a bead on him. Reaching the edge of the dock as they closed in, he placed his hand against the hull, turning to proudly proclaim, “Safe!”

The Marines stopped dead, looking at each other in confusion. “I’m shafe...dat means…” Rico began, vision going lopsided as his speech slurred. His energy leaving him, he slipped from the dock, plummeting straight into the sea.


When Rico came to, he was sopping wet, facedown on the wooden planks of Tolsom Fold’s harbor, the feet of Marines walking about as they cleared away spectators. Jostling his wrists, they were bound by a pair of handcuffs, and Rico still felt rather tired. “Huh? Why can’t I get out?” Rico mumbled as he was dragged to his feet, Commander Lindsay facing him.

“Sea Prism Stone, kid. Messes with you Fruit users.”

“See-what!? I didn’t see nothin’!” Rico gasped, before being pulled away. His only partner on his trip to the brig was a blank expression. Left in his cell, he growled, “Come on! You guys are no fun.”



C H A R A C T E R:
C H A R A C T E R:
P L A Y E R:
P L A Y E R:
C O L O R:
C O L O R:
O R G A N I Z A T I O N:
O R G A N I Z A T I O N:
S E A:
S E A:
Annabelle Pond
West Blue
Catherine Coriander
Melody Island & Dragon Blood Faith
East Blue
Kurozumi Haku
East Blue
Luna Nox
North Blue
Maxwell Anders
Saw-Tooth Pirates
South Blue
Morgan Brand
Solstone State, Sunstrider Kingdom
West Blue
Ram D. Imelda
Blue Horned Pirates
North Blue
Inferno Pirates
West Blue
Sol Luminos
North Blue
Ryugu Kingdom, Fishman Island
South Blue
Valery Shimamoto
North Blue

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