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2 yrs ago
Every few months I stop by here "just because". I've been doing so for like a decade. However, every once in awhile something really GRABS me and I stay for awhile. I live for those moments xD.
3 yrs ago
The og X-Men: The New Era turns 10 years old soon! I can’t believe how many amazing people I have met thanks to this RP, or the multiverse that has spawned from it since then. I love you all so much!
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3 yrs ago
Coming back to this Guild and reconnecting with old friends is genuinely one of my favorite things in life. Much love to all of you who have been so wonderful to me over the years <3.


Help, it's again!

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Ummmmmmmm Holy shit this looks like a lot of fun! I would love to join this but I must ask: Would it be acceptable to post two paragraphs or so if I only play one character? I love advanced, and I take a lot of pride in my rp, but I'm not sure that I have the time in the day to write as much as you guys do every single time. I know that the rules say a max of five lines, and I would never be that short, but what about two paragraphs or so consistently?
inkosi yamakhosi said
ok thanks

No worries :), I'm glad to help lol.
I'm very curious
Barksdale said
Awesome, thanks. Just one more question, how long has it been since the shit hit the fan? Since the majority of people knew that things were well and truly screwed I mean? It seems very recent, but I want to be sure so I don't contradict anything.

It is pretty recent. I think it's only been a couple of days or so and that things are just now really starting to get terrible, but Anna is the gal to ask in order to know for sure :D
Anna ' s the lady in charge around here so it's really her call, but I do believe that it's still open :)
I posted :D. Let me know if it works for you boss lady, if not I can fix a few things if I need to. I tried to leave it open to a response before he really tried to "save" her.
Only seconds had gone by, but Maddox had gotten a chance to listen to the voices coming from around the corner. At first there seemed to be conflict but that seemed to die down a little bit. His curiosity was peaked when he the voices he had been listening to sounded so...young. He could tell that most, if not all, of the people over there were freaking teenagers. He shuffled forward, still crouched, hoping to get a better view point on the teens and ended up leaning behind a stand near the corner of the room. Looking around the corner he spotted them, not exactly what he had imagined when he heard gun shots and yelling, but he was correct that they were all young...younger than him at least. Not that he was old or anything he reminded himself mentally, but his teen years had definitely come and gone.

Maddox was looking at a strange group of people; a read head, and blonde girl that seemed to be on oxygen, a country boy with a gun, and an...Asian girl. 'Wait...' He thought to himself. 'This sound like the setup to every stupid fucking "walk into a bar" joke that I've ever heard....you've gotta' be kidding me.' The thought made flash that handsome, but dangerous smirk that his crazy ex-girlfriend told him time and time again that she loved so much before she cheated on him with his buddy...He digressed. The smirk faded away as he once again remembered where the hell he was and just why it was that he was there...the dead were walking the earth. Looking each of them over from his stealthy vantage point he realized that despite what he had thought before...he wasn't ready for this fight. He knew that he could be a dick sometimes but he wasn't about to beat up a bunch of teenagers, especially one that looked sicker than all hell...and he didn't know what he was going to do. For now, Maddox figured, it was probably best if he just stayed right where he....'Ah shit.' His inner voice rang aloud in his head, not even letting him finish his previous thought. As he was looking at the oxygen toting blonde, she crumpled to the ground like a sack of potatoes. He knew it had to be something to do with her oxygen and instinctively he almost rushed towards her, but immediately reminded himself that he wasn't the hero type. He had all but decided to just leave things be, and had even began turning to leave the area, but out of the corner of his eye he saw a word printed on the cart that he was leaning against that he just almost couldn't even believe...OXYGEN...was printed in bold yellow letters and he could see the rack on the top of the cart which held, yeah you guessed it...fucking oxygen tanks. He looked up towards the sky and shook his head at the gods that he didn't even believe in and hesitantly grabbed a canister that felt full and began to stand up from his place of observation.

"What the hell?! Do something. She was fine a few seconds ago…do something!"...Maddox heard the country boy spout out...something about the guys cocky face...and that hat...he could already tell he wasn't going to like him.

"Hey bub, she could probably use this." Maddox said, lifting his hands up in the air to show the teenagers that he was holding a weapon and to put the oxygen tank firmly on display for them to see. "I come in peace." He spouted almost sarcastically, his smirk returning momentarily as he approached the group. "By the way...shouldn't you guys be in school or something?" His question was hypothetical, an ice breaker if you will, and he motioned to the gun toting redneck to let him help his friend. "She doesn't look like she's doing to hot buddy. I'm not going to hurt anybody...I'm here to..." He almost struggled to get the word out of his mouth and he still couldn't believe he was even doing this..."help."
Okay I'll go check it out :-D
What a fantastic dynamic they'll have :-D! A thirty something metal head ex con with an attitude (and maybe a heart of gold if you dig deep enough lol) and a bunch of teenagers!

I'm fine with however we set it up boss lady :), I just wanted to ask you before in case you wanted to be the one to set it up.
Whoop whoop welcome Barksdale! lol :)

I'm really debating on how I should introduce Maddox to the rest of the peeps in the hospital. I kind of set up the potential that a small herd of walkers could interupt the party, and if that happened he could help take some of them out so that everyone could escape together, but that's if you guys want to go that route. If not then idk really because Maddox is kind of a (misunderstood) ass hole lol, not so much that he would rob you guys or anything, but I'm not sure he would just pop out and say howdy. Any ideas?

@Paige, they did lol! I'm sure they didn't mean to though and things can always be edited :).
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