Avatar of PapaOso


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8 days ago
Current Take me with you
17 days ago
I love Princess 😘
2 yrs ago
Every few months I stop by here "just because". I've been doing so for like a decade. However, every once in awhile something really GRABS me and I stay for awhile. I live for those moments xD.
3 yrs ago
The og X-Men: The New Era turns 10 years old soon! I can’t believe how many amazing people I have met thanks to this RP, or the multiverse that has spawned from it since then. I love you all so much!
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3 yrs ago
Coming back to this Guild and reconnecting with old friends is genuinely one of my favorite things in life. Much love to all of you who have been so wonderful to me over the years <3.


Help, it's again!

Most Recent Posts

wolverbells said
I AM EXCITED NO MATTER WATI've got to get my badge to start teaching and them wash car and lord help I have to clean the house and then I have to go to my other job and god no so much too little time.

Sad day! I'm actually off tomorrow and it feels like a far away dream and fantasy becuase I haven't had a day off in 19 days :(
AllOurPrettySongs said
I'm an old fashioned gal, sir Shields. We duel with pistols at lunch time!None of that dawn hogwash. I want to sleep in and get some things done before I die.

Can we go out and eat together one last time before one of us meets the cold grasp of death? Twas always our favorite thing to do with each other :)
Whisket said
Don't mind me I'm just gonna triple post the same thing and not apologize

That was happening to me bad yesterday!!! Is there any way to delete posts now on the new site?
FortunesFaded said
xD is there really another bartender?I'll change the profession to something similar, don't worry :P And to think I almost made him a Software Analyst!

Lol no worries bud! My character is a dive bartender but it was sort of an "in between jobs-job" kind of thing. He had just gotten out of prison and so it was sort of the only place that would take him. There's no reason that you'd have to change it unless you just really wanted to. A software analyst in a zombie apocalypse would probably turn out being pretty damn handy in the long run once society got put back together....if that ever happened I mean lol.
AllOurPrettySongs said
The ultimate betrayal! I challenge you to a duel, sir! Or madam!

Definitely a sir lol! And will we die by sabers or dueling pistols?

wolverbells said
I can't wait to see your cs! I've got myself a busy day tomorrow.

I keep changing my mind sbout what kind of character I want him to be but by the time I finally get him up I'll be excited as hell :D. Oh, and why are things going to be so busy?
AllOurPrettySongs said
Shields, my love! Finally thou hast return...eth.

Alas, it has been hours but I have returned to you all....I was going to bring enough cookies for everyone but I dropped them by accident...and by dropped I mean ate.................don't hate me! Lol
@FortunesFaded, another bartender in the group? We're always going to be drunk lol jk.
Normally I can post at work but our inspector showed up today :(. I planned on getting all of my work done then working through my CS but that has not been possible....sorry guys. I'm off tomorrow however so if not tonight there's always then :D.

Btw, I literally went to bed last night with a goofy smile on my face because of how kick ass and awesome all of you guys are !!!!! 1,000,000 friendship points to each of you
Barksdale said
In the comics it says at first 'they' (the government) were telling everyone to get together at schools and churches where they could be easier protected. Maybe we should all meet up like that.

I agree, but I definitely feel like we need some form of game plan :). Whataya think miss Anna?
Barksdale said
I think I'll stay out of the whole ex-son saviour, Russian soldier storming situation right now. That shit don't need to get any more complicated. xDI do have a question for the Russian though, why would they send someone on an Intel gathering mission who doesn't speak the language? Seems kind of illogical, I imagine there's hundreds of Russian soldiers who are bilingual. Just saying, haha. I suppose the whole limited English thing makes things interesting though. :D

Very curious indeed brother :)
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