Avatar of PapaOso


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8 days ago
Current Take me with you
16 days ago
I love Princess 😘
2 yrs ago
Every few months I stop by here "just because". I've been doing so for like a decade. However, every once in awhile something really GRABS me and I stay for awhile. I live for those moments xD.
3 yrs ago
The og X-Men: The New Era turns 10 years old soon! I can’t believe how many amazing people I have met thanks to this RP, or the multiverse that has spawned from it since then. I love you all so much!
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3 yrs ago
Coming back to this Guild and reconnecting with old friends is genuinely one of my favorite things in life. Much love to all of you who have been so wonderful to me over the years <3.


Help, it's again!

Most Recent Posts

@Cinderella Man Awesome!
I'll be posting a GM PC soon too so that's four characters so far
@Kaalee Val'a is awesome :)! She's accepted.
Anyone else interested?
@Wisp That's really cool, I look forward to seeing him in play. It's very plausible for mutants to be a bit ashamed of themselves, especially in the beginning.
@OneWayOut I forgot to say that Veronica is accepted :)
@Wisp Jackson is accepted :). I love the character and you really made him come to life here. I can't wait to see his back story!
@Wisp I love that wiki :), I've used it dozens of times over the years.
@Turboshitter Either way is honestly fine with me, I've always been a fan of IRL characters mainly because it's easier for me personally to visualize them. I'd prefer just IRL mainly for the same reason that you mentioned about mixing them with artwork but as long as it's not ridiculous or anything I'm open to either.
@OneWayOut I love Veronica, and I initially was going to disallow healing factors, but I'll let you have it on one condition lol. If she sustains enough damage to kill someone she would die. Meaning that she can heal superficial injuries and even more severe ones but if she got shot in the head, stabbed in the heart, or something fatal like that she would most likely die before she could heal. Does that make sense?
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