Avatar of PapaOso


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2 yrs ago
Every few months I stop by here "just because". I've been doing so for like a decade. However, every once in awhile something really GRABS me and I stay for awhile. I live for those moments xD.
3 yrs ago
The og X-Men: The New Era turns 10 years old soon! I can’t believe how many amazing people I have met thanks to this RP, or the multiverse that has spawned from it since then. I love you all so much!
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3 yrs ago
Coming back to this Guild and reconnecting with old friends is genuinely one of my favorite things in life. Much love to all of you who have been so wonderful to me over the years <3.


Help, it's again!

Most Recent Posts

Nathan was startled by the approach of his cousin. He jumped slightly when his name was mentioned but relaxed a little bit once he realized who's mouth it was coming out of. Desperately he closes his journal and puts it in his lap as though he was guilty and it was his "stolen item"; he didn't mean to come off like he was hiding something but he realized a little too late that he did. Him and his cousin hadn't been close in years but honestly it was nice to have at least one person he knew here. Processing the young man's comment all Nathan could think about was how much he hated being called "Nate"...Though it wasn't like he was going to confront his cousin about it so he just moved on from the thought.

"You know me..." Nathan said awkwardly trying to be sarcastic with his tone. "Always one of the social ones." He faked a smirk and makes eye contact with his family member; but only for a second. He hears Jason mutter something in Spanish under his breath. He uses this as a chance to make the dreaded small talk. "What was that you just said? I've never been good with languages; and why the hell are you speaking Spanish anyways?" Again he smiles synthetically, even forcing out a small chuckle that he was sure wasn't as convincing as he had hoped it would be. Clenching his jaw in anxiety he waits for a response, looking past his cousin in hopes that their interaction wouldn't bring more commotion his way.
Can't wait :)
The first IC post is up, it's nothing special but I figured I'd go ahead and get it up for you guys :). Feel free to introduce your characters and interact how ever you want to; it'll be "free roam" until the banquet begins in a few in story hours.
The Ashford Institute for the Gifted

The day before classes.

The fancy gates of the Ashford Institute for the Gifted opened up five days ago and mutants from all over the world began to arrive and settle in to their new homes. Some of the students have come from homes that accepted their "gifts" and allowed them to come here to hone their abilities and learn to better control their mutations, while others have come from less accepting environments and have been banished from their homes and forced here as punishment for what they are; most though come from somewhere in between. This is a place of sanctuary for our kind, mutant kind, and like the Xavier School stands as a place of hope and privacy to those like you. It's a school, a training facility, and hopefully it will become a home for the students that have left their lives behind to come here. Whatever happens though it will be an interesting journey to say the least. This is a fresh start for you all; a new era if you will.


Nathan looks on at his journal as he finishes up the last line of the song he has been working on for the last few days. It's one about the darkness of the world and the way things are as opposed to how they should be, and he can here the sound of the music in his head as he sings the lyrics internally. If only he was brave enough to sing them out loud he new that he would like what he heard because in all honesty he had a pretty good singing voice but he just didn't want to share it...he didn't want to open himself up the possibility that someone reject the only thing about himself that he really liked.

Looking up from the old school, leather bound journal he looks around the incredibly impressive student lounge inside the dormitory building; there was everything from pool tables to a bowling alley and everything in between, and currently there were more than a dozen students around; hanging out, getting to know one another, and having fun like normal people. All of these people and all of these things to do and Nathan was sitting alone in the back corner of the room just hoping that no one would wander his way. Being his first time truly away from home he hasn't quite figured out how to adjust to all of this, and more importantly he dreaded the idea that he would actually have to at some point. Especially since in just a few hours they would all be attending the first official event of the school year, the "Welcoming Banquet", and yes it's mandatory...he checked. The thought of attending such a thing gave him shivers down his spine as he looked back down to his journal and began erasing the beautiful song that he had just finished.
Also I'll have the IC up at some point tonight. I DM a d&d group Friday nights so I'll be mia for a few hours :)
I agree, to start out with I won't put a hard limit but simply ask that everyone be respectful when posting, and use common sense to determine if you are posting too much.
@TheTwistedOne I normally don't do strict posting orders, but I'm open to it. What do you guys think?
Okay so here are the Roommate Assignments.

Grey Hall
Veronica & Daniella
Florence & Valentina

Summers Hall
Jason & Caspar
Jack & Jack (because it's too good lol)
Adam & Nathan

Am I missing anyone lol? Also, how does this sound to you guys?

@Wintergrey There are two dorm halls, so it will be separated by gender since there will be younger kid there as well.
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