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Every few months I stop by here "just because". I've been doing so for like a decade. However, every once in awhile something really GRABS me and I stay for awhile. I live for those moments xD.
3 yrs ago
The og X-Men: The New Era turns 10 years old soon! I can’t believe how many amazing people I have met thanks to this RP, or the multiverse that has spawned from it since then. I love you all so much!
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3 yrs ago
Coming back to this Guild and reconnecting with old friends is genuinely one of my favorite things in life. Much love to all of you who have been so wonderful to me over the years <3.


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The Ashford Institute for the Gifted; the place that is your new home. Perhaps you’ve never truly had a home to begin with or maybe you had loving parents, friends, a lover, a life before you became one of the “Gifted”. Whatever came before is the past and now you are part of the future; the next step in human evolution. Mutant. That is what they call you, and the Ashford Institute is a place where your kind belongs. You have been accepted into this academy, which you have learned to be the sister school to the Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters; the home for the X-Men. By you having been selected to come to this institute to train your powers, learn what it means to be a mutant, and to be accepted by others like you, your old life is over and a new one has begun; potentially the life of a future among the X-Men yourself. Are you ready?

You’ve been at the institute now for about three and a half weeks. Mostly you’re time has been taken up my medical exams, physicals, tours, introductions, and the Institute’s two week long orientation. Now that all of those things have wrapped up it’s time for your journey here to truly begin. Today is a big day; it’s the first day of the Academy and your first assignment is to meet in the Training Center, or the TC for short, bright and early at 7:300 AM. You aren’t exactly sure what’s going to happen once you get there but you were told to bring a change of clothes and to wear closed toed shoes. What does the future hold here at your new home? Will you fit itn? Will you truly become one of the X-Men? Only time will tell...but that time starts now.


Beep...Beep...Beep...Beep. Nathan awakes to loud sound of his alarm clock. It says 7:00 AM, and unfortunately that means that it’s time for him to get up. It feels like he hasn’t had a good nights rest since the night he got here, but truly he knows that it’s been far longer that since he’s had a good night’s sleep. The first few weeks here at the Academy flew by, and Nathan was very much out of his comfort zone here. Meeting new people...new “mutants”, and all of the activities and nuances that came with being in a place like this had been more than a little overwhelming for him but he was doing his best to adapt...though he feared even his best might not be good enough.

As he got out of bed and prepared for what was in store for him today he thought his time here so far. He hadn’t made any friends, hadn’t really talked to anyone other than when he had to, and other than his roommate, who he’s only seen for maybe a few minutes a day other than when they’re sleeping, he doesn’t really even know anyone's names or anything about them. He knew that this would have to change, that he would have to change; that he couldn’t like he used to anymore and that he wasn’t alone any longer. It was a new start; a fresh start, and hopefully it would be the beginning of good things to come.

The outside air was brisk and almost wintery as he walked towards the massive, metal coliseum looking building that was deemed the “TC”. As he placed his hand on the fingerprint reader it beeped at him approvingly and a robotic, feminine voice spoke out to him. “Welcome Nathaniel.” The doors opened and he walked in to see a large, circular room with hallways leading to diferent kinds of gyms, training areas, swimming pools, and one hallway where Professor Pierce and Professor Everose were waiting for him. He couldn’t believe that he was the first to arrive...how awkward. He looked up above the professor’s heads to see a sign indicating that this particular hallway led to a room labeled “Danger Room”. It was Professor Everose, in her sweet and soothing voice that spoke first.

“Good morning Nathan...Are you ready to meet your new team?”.
@knighthawk The game is going to start with you guys meeting your assigned "team" for the first time (which is each other). Though you guys have been at the school for about a month now so you all would have formed relationships with other students to some extent, but seeing as there is about 100 students you don't necessarily have to know each other at all. At the very least you've perhaps seen each other before around campus and at orientation.
@Divine Darkness you're accepted :).
@Shard I've learned this lesson the hard way, so I hear you loud and clear.
Okay guys, bare with me a little longer. Just when I thought that I was going to be able to sit down and post it started snowing again and now everything is back out :(..............I'm so done with this winter and it just freaking started. Expect the IC later tonight if possible or tomorrow sometime. I'm sorry to keep you all waiting but I think that it will be worth it!
Of course our characters don't have to be from California or even the United States.
@Divine Darkness@Heathen California works for me, I think that having 2 schools on opposite sides of the country works well.
@Shard I just mean that it's going to start off with a bang :).

@Divine Darkness I'm open to this. I'd think that it probably shouldn't be in New York since the original school is there and this is like a second branch of that school. What do you think would be interesting?
So here's the game plan boys and girls. We are going to be starting off kind of in the middle of the action for an introductory scene and then transition from there into more sandbox style play. Though a lot of this game will be character driven with opportunities for "free roam" and such things there will be more organized scenes such as missions and main plot moments and that kind of stuff. For this first scene we're just going to jump right in because it's going to act like an introduction to not only the players but the characters as well and then we can develop relationships and flesh out the school as we go along :). How does that sound to everyone?
You es very welcome!
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