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and the only prescription is more cowbell!
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Every few months I stop by here "just because". I've been doing so for like a decade. However, every once in awhile something really GRABS me and I stay for awhile. I live for those moments xD.


Help, it's again!

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<Snipped quote by ShieldsOfWar>

I don't have normal functions.

Well then return to your abnormal functions
I fucking love this game!!!!

That is all lol. Resume normal functions.
Adam heard the crash and instantly began running towards the window. He could see the students engaged in combat. His instinct told him to rush out and stop it...but why would stop an opportunity to test themselves? He recognized the kid they were brawling with; Isaac Miller. The kid was nearly invincible. He pulled his watch / communicator up to his mouth.

“All staff. This is Pierce. Do not intervene in the fray outside. I’ll handle it. Trust me”. He continued to watch the students battle. They were working together nicely. He opened the window and dropped down from the second story, landing silently like a cat. He stayed low and watched from a distance; ready to intervene if necessary but hoping to see them resolve it themselves. Either way he knew that he’d eventually have to get statements and deal out punishments, but for now he’d just watch.

@Damo021 Clearly it got resolved lol. Glad to have you in our crazy...sometimes terrifying world

Interactions / Mentions @KatKook@Almalthia@Burning Kitty

Nathan looked up at the girl standing over him. Even with his body battered he got lost in her eyes for a second. He was still in shock from this escalation, but eventually he made sense of her words.

“I...uh, think my ribs are broken.” He didn’t break eye contact with her as she caringly scanned his injuries. “Your freckles are beautiful”. He panicked; berating himself about letting those words slip out. He looked away out of embarrassment and saw that the situation still hadn’t settled. He saw an opportunity to help. Nathan despised his powers...but he HAD to do something. This was his fault after all.

Forcing himself into a seated position proved more difficult than he thought. He cringed in pain as he held his hands out towards Isaac. At that moment someone moved past him. He recognized the girl; her name was….Khloe? Yeah, that was it. Khloe put up a wall of ice between the flying girl and Isaac. Luckily, Nathan could still see enough of the aggressive man for his powers to work. He activated his abilities and could feel the blood running through Isaac’s body. Straining, he held the blood in place with all of his might. If this worked it would restrain Isaac so that he couldn’t move. Rage filled his mind and a part of him wanted to take things further...to HURT this bastard. He fought the urge and just tried to hold him still.

(At this point Isaac is basically frozen solid. You can see the anger still on his face. Though the sensation of having his blood held in place is obviously uncomfortable and his eyes begin to water.)

@Damo021 Feel free to jump in the Discord my friend. The invite link is on the 1st OOC post.
The blast crashed into Isaac’s torso with a concussive blast. More dust filled the area. A still quiet settled on that moment...As the dust began to clear a bit Isaac’s form is seen prone and pushing himself back to his feet. His clothes are torn and tattered from the blasts, and his face is twisted in rage.

“Why can’t you mind your own fucking business. You and the cunt get away from before I hurt you like I did this little bitch.” His hand stretches out towards Nathan, who is obviously shocked to see the intervention. What do you do?

As you are gathered in the courtyard getting to know one another and discussing plans for the rest of your day, a sudden...loud crash erupts from about 20 yards away. Dust fills the air as you all look to see what’s going on. There is a small crater on the ground and one of your fellow students lies there...motionless. It’s Nathan Caldwell. He’s obviously injured to some degree and blood trickles from his ear and face. A moment later a figure approaches from the direction from which the student came from. You recognize the young man as Isaac, another of your classmates. He hovers in the air and lands inches from the crater. He presses his foot down against Nathan’s leg, who in turn comes to consciousness and screams out in pain.

What do you do?

Location: Kaylee Everose’s Private Room

Kaylee’s hands ran through her hair as she washed it. She massaged her scalp and just let the hot water run over her head and neck. To her there was nothing quite like the feeling of a nice, hot bath. They were therapeutic to her...always had been. She let herself lay back against the tub and simply relax for a moment. She was in heaven.

The day had gone well for her. Classes were productive, most students behaved well enough, there weren’t even that many absences. It felt good to be teaching again. She reflected on being forced to resign from her job at the private school of her dreams. All because she was a mutant...She was thankful that the chancellor didn’t out her as the “freak” that he referred to her as, and simply allowed her to walk away. She shook the thought from her mind. This was relaxation time after all.

A knock erupted from the main door to her room. It was just barely loud enough for her to hear from the bathroom. Kaylee sighed...deeply. “One moment!” she yelled out, forcing herself to step out of her heaven and dry off quickly. She wrapped herself in an Ashford Institute branded robe and made her way to the door.

“I’m sorry to bother you, but…” The student, Nathan Caldwell, stopped speaking as soon as he noticed the Ms. Everose in her robe. He accidentally let himself look her over before awkwardly snapping his eyes towards the ceiling. Kaylee noticed the student’s wandering eyes but kept a straight face despite laughing in her head.

“Yes Nathan…” She responded. “Is there something you need?”

“Um...I...Just...Yeah, I just wanted to see if there are any tutors or programs to help students...well me...with calculus?”...Nathan finally lowered his eyes to hers. “This was the first lesson and I’m already lost.”

“You’re already lost?” Kaylee asked followed by a sarcastic laugh. “Well then. I’m sure we can find a fellow student to help tutor you, or you could always come by during my posted office hours and I could help you then.” She smiled at him, still a bit frustrated that her bath was interrupted though she understood that it wasn’t his fault. She noticed though, that the student carried something behind is eyes. She couldn’t quite make out if it was sadness, fear, anger, or something else entirely. He seemed like a sweet kid if not a bit on the shy side. She couldn't recall seeing him interact with any other students though, and figured this would be a good opportunity for him to do just that. “I’d recommend trying to get to know some of your peers. Make some friends, ask someone on a date, have fun. In the meantime I’m sure you’ll find someone to help you with your math homework.” She laughed sweetly. “There are plenty of brilliant minds on this campus. However, if you ever need help down the line, I am always happy to help. So don’t hesitate to ask.”

“Oh...okay.” He clearly didn’t expect, or like, what she had to say. His cheeks turned visibly red when she suggested asking someone out. An awkward chuckle slipped out. “I understand. Thank you Ms. Everose.”. She watched him turn and leave nervously. It humored her when people were shy around her. She genuinely cared about every student on this campus, it was in her blood to care about her students, but she couldn’t help getting a kick out of awkward situations. She debated getting back in the bath as she closed her door behind her.

Location: Dr. Ashford's Private Office

Dr. Ashford’s fingers wrapped around the crystal tumbler. He raised the glass towards his lips and breathed in the aroma of a perfectly aged scotch. Between sips he breathes in slow and deeply. His lip quivered and his eyes closed tight for longer than an awkward moment. A knock at the door erupted and broke the silence. Ashford’s eyes opened violently...angrily...but he calmed himself. “Come in Pierce”. He spoke, his feint Welsh accent coming through. The door opened fluidly and his associate stepped through; making his way over to the bar area of the office and grabbing himself a brew out of the fridge before approaching the good Doctor.

“The students are mostly settled. Attendance wasn’t perfect, but I’ll change that in due time. Most of them seem like they’ll adapt pretty well. Of course there are a few...at risks...among them, but with the proper tutelage and training I think everything is going to be okay”. A long silence settles as Adam takes a few gulps of his beer. Dr. Ashford stands from his place and turns toward his right hand man with a smile. He then steps over to the large bay window that overlooks the courtyard. Spotting the group of students that appear to be displaying their abilities to one another, he watches them as he responds.

“Xavier was right to allow me to put my trust in you and Ms. Everose. This term will test us in every way I’m afraid. Things will go wrong. However, our staff is adequate and we’ll overcome every single obstacle we face. Of course the students are the priority, but do not forget our other goals my friend. We’ll achieve something together that not even our brilliant friend Xavier could be capable of”.

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