Time: 11 AM
Location: Athletic Arena / Execution
Mentions: @Tae Lady Mina & @Helo Leo
Cassius was perplexed by the depth of feelings brewing within him. He had expected to feel nothing but apathy and perhaps disdain meeting his
new family. The fact that there was more to his feelings on the matter almost irritated him. He scoffed at the idea of longing to be a part of these Damiens. Though his scoff could not hide the ember of desire growing within him. Having actually met his father and sister…he felt
different than he expected. He quickly put the matter out of his mind as he made a pitstop on his way to attend the execution.
Climbing the inn stairs, he whistled to himself the song that the establishment's resident bard had been singing below in the tavern. Finally, he found himself at his rented room. Not the usual type of room fit for nobility such as those with the blood of house Damien flowing through their veins…but one perfectly suitable for a bastard like himself. It was comfortable if perhaps a bit cramped, but it was exactly the type of room that Cassius was used to. Once he unlocked the door and stepped inside he looked to his bed, where his shield was propped up against the wall next to most of his weapons. The shield, painted with the symbol of the Iron Wolves, had been missed upon his back throughout the events of the morning. It was almost strange not to have it on his person, but he figured that showing up to the Damien estate armed to the teeth was the wrong move if he wanted a face to face with the Lord of the house. So he left it here, along with his favorite axe and armor. Of course he was never truly entirely unarmed; he had a couple of daggers on his person, and a pair of knuckle dusters stowed away
just in case. It was a dangerous world after all.
Cas walked over to the bedside table and grabbed the bottle of wine he had procured the night before. Drinking a nice sized swig straight from the bottle, he let out a joyous exhale. It had already been a very eventful day and every eventful day was made far better with a little wine in the belly.
Weapons, Women, & Wine. The three things that came closest to godhood in his eyes. Not that he was exclusive to women, in fact he loved to taste any and all beauty that the world had to offer…but
Weapons, Women, Wine, the occasional Fella, & everything in between just didn’t have the same ring to it. One day he’d find better words for his “gods”, but for now the three Ws would just have to work.
He felt renewed after his quick drink, and despite wanting more he knew that if he was going to make it in time for the execution he would have to keep this brief respite as short and sweet as possible. He closed off his bottle and returned it to the nightstand, taking one more look towards his weapons and armor. He had grown so accustomed to them that he felt far more comfortable fully equipped than he did even in the most luxurious of fine clothing. He imagined this would probably never change, but perhaps his days of wearing armor day and night would soon be mostly behind him. He didn’t know what the next steps were in this journey, but as always he was intrigued and open to anything. Would he actually move into the Damien estate? If so, how long until he was kicked out, exiled, or worse? Finding out would be part of the fun. For now though, he would shift his focus to whoever was about to be executed.
With only a few minutes to spare Cassius found his place at the athletic arena. He had expected a hanging, perhaps a beheading…but the empty pyre and stake was quite a surprise. Death by fire was an
extreme form of execution. It was usually saved for the worst kinds of criminals and for those who consort with
dark magics and other
vile arts. He had only ever seen one person put to death this way. He saw flashes of the woman’s face as she screamed…the flames licking her body and charring her flesh in his memories. Immolation was a terrible death. He questioned if anyone truly deserved such a fate.
When they brought out Cameron Nesworth and tied him to the stake, Cassius stared at the man’s eyes. He had the face of a killer; scarred and twisted with ill intent. He looked like a villain. High Treason was his crime…among others. The accused man began ranting and raving his final thoughts. Cas listened thoroughly, but turned his eyes to the crowd. He was interested in the kinds of people who would choose to attend such an event. He knew why he was here, but assumed that he was probably the only one in attendance there to actually pay respects to the man’s final moments.
Who do we have here? he thought as his eyes fell upon the woman with the ravishing red hair.
See, there’s always beauty to be seen. Even in the strangest of places. The woman’s red hair was eye-catching, but the rest of her was just as beautiful. Her fair face was flawless like perfect porcelain. Her eyes were a soft gray-blue; stormy and elegant. The tall black boots and well-fitted bodice framed her body in a way that was both seductive and full of class. Perhaps when this was over he would have to introduce himself.
As the accused man’s chilling last words came to an end, the pyre was lit and the process of watching a man burn to death commenced. Cassius did not look away. The moment deserved reverence and he would deliver his respect to man’s final moments best he could. He watched as the man struggled against his chains. Then, he saw the man’s demeanor change as the flames grew and began to engulf him. The laughter that poured from the accused man was maniacal and bone-chilling. Cas focused through the flames to settle on the man’s eyes. They were looking directly at someone…but who?
He turned his attention back to the crowd and scanned the faces of everyone in the direction of the man’s gaze. Above all else that same woman with the perfect red hair stood out. He could see the fear in her eyes. Something was
happening to her. Cassius looked back to the burning man. His eyes were hard to see through the flames that had fully engulfed him…but Cas caught a glimpse of them through the dancing fire…and they were glowing red like devilish beads of light. He turned once more to the woman just as she began to stumble and fall. Was he hallucinating the things he just witnessed? Had Cameron truly been looking at this woman? Was he affecting her in some unnatural way? His eyes…had they really been glowing red? It all happened so fast. Cas’ mind was racing as he watched from afar as the woman fell into the arms of the man next to her. At least someone was there to keep her from injury. Who was she? He
had to know if what he saw was real or if he was finally losing his fucking mind…but for now he would simply watch and hope that the woman was unharmed. Cassius let his gaze turn back to Cameron Nesworth one final time to make sure the man was actually dead. He sure looked the part. Cassius could feel a danger in the air. The feeling he used to feel the night before a battle. It was invigorating but not to be taken lightly. The hairs on the back of his neck stood straight. What in all the fucks in the world had he just witnessed?