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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by princess
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Member Seen 16 hrs ago

Location: Park of Sorian
Interaction:@Lava Alckon Farim

Anastasia's gaze moved from game to game silently as Farim spoke. She swung their enclasped hands back and forth before meeting his eyes. "Let's start with the ring toss!" She told him abruptly, a smile crossing her face. She liked the big fluffy stuffed animals admittedly and had barely given the other games much attention. So then Anastasia pulled him along just as he suspected and without a second thought. Even if she had wanted to, it would have had to get in line with all the other thoughts knocking on the door of her mind.

Her family, Darryn, and the party were all subjects that had become one dark cloud that loomed over her. The cloud would rage with thunder in any long stretch of silence, threatening to rain down at her the second she stopped running. So that's just what she would do, as she always had done.

She'd keep running.

She tilted her head to glance over her shoulder as she had just about led Farim to the line then smiled at him warmly. The wink had not been lost on her. It reminded her of the wink of strangers that had lured her in with empty promises and sweet words of affection. There was no telling what kind of man he was just yet, but if there had been anything she had learned, it didn't really matter. Even brief moments of attention were better than none at all.

"I used to be really good at this one! I played it every summer when I was a little girl... Maybe we can win Thara a friend!" Anastasia giggled and pointed at a stuffed hawk. She touched his bicep with her free hand delicately and gave him a flirty smile, "I'll try my best but I have a feeling you'll probably be better at this.."

Out of the corner of her eye, she did notice her guards make their way closer. They undoubtedly knew her inclinations, but it also could have been due to the rising frequency of whispers of her name. Sorian never did get used to their princess wandering about on her own so freely. The children on the line's attention had been stolen away from the ring toss and were now gazing at Anastasia and Farim.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by princess
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Member Seen 16 hrs ago

Time: 9am
Location: Ballroom
Interactions: @Terrance420 Alden @Apex Sunburn Wasun Sjan-dehk
Mentions: @Silverpaw Wulfric

King Edin leaned in and watched curiously as the man allowed them to unarm him for a moment, before his attention was stolen by Wulfric speaking to the Shehzadi. My perfect son continues to be perfect. Doing what's right for the family. I know he'll smooth things over. Ugh.. Oh no." His eyes fell on his other two sons. He tried to hone in on their words but their body language was giving it all away nonetheless. Callum and Auguste being so indecisive. You choose the woman, not let them choose you! Assert your dominance from the beginning you fools! His face scrunched up with his distaste for his son's choices.

Remembering the mysterious man in his ballroom, he shook away his thoughts and looked upon him. "Much better. Come forward. Guards, make sure to flank him as he makes his way over to my vicinity. " Just as he asked, the guards would escort Sjan-dehk forward. "Now give me your name and reason for appearing. I doubt you are here to seduce my sons and surely hope that's not the case." A nervous laugh fell off the end of his sentence, "I will hear you out for a brief time. I am a very busy man!" Recalling his added manners had perhaps scored him some points prior, he added again, "Thank you." He glanced quickly over at Alden to make sure he was paying attention and nodded encouragingly to him.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Conscripts
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Conscripts An Atom Trying to Understand Itself

Member Seen 21 days ago

Locations: Sorian Park -> Vikena Estate's Drawing Room
Interactions: Charlotte @princess, Devan @Prosaic, Lorenzo @FunnyGuy

"I'm not surprised by that actually, even if not for what I saw earlier." John gave an amused grin as he rested his cheek on his hand. "I've interacted with many of these personalities. They're often scary until you learn the venom." The doctor said rather casually, unaware of his peculiar word choices would make him come off. But he was partly right. Snakes are the slim lethal predator until the prey is immune to their poison. John might seem like a doormat to the people who were willing to walk over him, but he could read them fairly well himself.

While the topic of marriage was still in the air, John felt a tug within himself upon hearing both of them lamenting being arranged. He was not exactly in their shoes, since thankfully his parent didn't care much about it. At least not yet. But still, that feeling where your worth as a human being is what kind of prestige you can bring was just...messed up. "Marriage is such a tool nowadays." He replied to Charlotte, shrugging. "I met a colleague while in the fields that's getting married to this older woman who he hasn't even met once. He's younger than I am. All 'cause she's from a noble household so he could have the prospect of advancement."

If John were to be honest though, no one really liked that guy anyway. He had this massively inflated ego of being born in a noble house but not being born into a household that held any sort of power, so he always felt the need to prove himself, or rather give off the veneer of importance. Regardless, his parents were the main driver for this kind of nonsense, not him.

He finished his cup of tea before requesting a refill. As the maid was fulfilling that request, he glanced over to Devan, or rather the newspaper that she just gave him. "Caesonia News is such a waste of a dead tree everyday." He commented, rolling his eyes, remembering reading the same exact garbage that the man was reading this morning.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by ReusableSword
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ReusableSword The (not so) Mighty.

Member Seen 16 hrs ago

Location: Hunting Area
Interactions:Shehzadi Mayet @13org, Shahzade Munir @Infinite Cosmos
Mentions in order:

“Thank you for letting me join you, I agree most of the others here look inexperienced in anything aside from shooting fish in a cask.”

Roman listened to Mayet with interest, she was quite knowledgeable in her understanding of the ecosystems in her kingdom. Many things that were listed he had seen and many he had not. They all seemed to be fantastic creatures in their own right. He was sure that they would have some unique uses for both weapons and armor as well as ideas on how to improve his own designs for individuals that requested a more natural look.

Nodding in agreement when she began talking about hunting bandits. An unfortunate thing to happen but one that must be dealt with for the stability of the region, if ignored for too long small bandits can become large warlords if given the time and power.

The sound of a horse found his ear first as he was thinking about what to reply with when he heard a familiar voice. Talking about the scorpion then the way that we were to track prey and again about the possible lack of prey in this area. He wasn’t wrong about the last part this place had been hunted rather well through the last few decades being so close to a main city.

“Those beasts sound magnificent, they remind me of the mighty creatures that prowl my home land, snow cats, ice bears, brown bears, great moose, Packs of winter wolves, and caribou that migrate for miles in herds of thousands across the bleak tundra’s. The scorpion reminds me of the stone crabs, slow cumbersome behemoths sometimes twice the size of a horse sometimes more, snap a full grown pine tree in half with one of its giant claws. They scour the beaches and the ocean depths of the North Sea. We made a specific Warhammer with an edge on one end to break the shell of the creature.”

Roman smiled remembering found memories of the beasts.

“But here, the forest has been hunted many times, most of the big game driven out and predators killed. Might still get lucky and find a remnant or an escaped specimen from the zoo. The most dangerous thing you may find out here is these other blokes.” Mentioning to the other groups around them, “easily excited with no discipline, no care for what is behind the target. Keep your wits about you.”

“Shahzade Munir, Good to see your doing well. Don’t tell me you don’t know how to read the forest and how it moves and breathes. The game will be small but fast and agile with a slight possibility of something larger. Try not to get shot and I’m sure we will be fine.”

A small slight but he meant it more as a tease than an insult. Roman was sure that they would be able to at least get something and hopefully it would prove to be useful back at the smithy.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Apex Sunburn
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Apex Sunburn Justified text enjoyer

Member Seen 3 days ago

Mentions: @Princess Edin

The guard commander snapped to a smart salute and turned back to Sjan-dehk. Furrowed brows and lips pressed together in a thin crack upon his stony visage loured at the Viserjantan captain. Whatever doubts and misgivings he had, however, remained unsaid. With a crisp wave of his hand, the rest of the guards took up positions on either side of Sjan-dehk. “Calmly now, stranger. Keep your hands by your side and no sudden moves.” He nodded to his guards and turned, leading the way towards the king.

It was all quite strange. Deep in his heart, Sjan-dehk knew he should feel intimidated – even cowed – by this display of power and authority. The amusement he felt came as a surprise even to him. Perhaps it was how unnecessarily careful the guard commander was behaving that did it. What could Sjan-dehk do to the king as an unarmed man? Saunter up to him and slowly beat the man to death while everyone patiently watched? Just the very thought was incredulous enough to make him want to laugh. Thankfully, he managed to keep it to just a flash of an impish smile.

You worry too much. Too much stress. Not good for health, no? Sjan-dehk said to the commander, voice light-hearted and kept low. The look the man shot over his shoulder told him that the advice was neither wanted nor welcome. Sjan-dehk merely shrugged in response. Just advice. Captain to captain, yes?

He kept quiet as they passed the princes. As the king drew nearer, Sjan-dehk became all too aware of his lack of preparation. If only he had committed more of the tutor’s script to memory. Though he had looked it once over before leaving his Sada Kurau, he now wondered just how much of it he could reproduce with both accuracy and the proper customs. Neither did he feel properly dressed. Much as he disliked wearing the overly-smooth silks and overly-decorated robes of courtly dress, they would certainly suit this situation better than his simple captain’s garb.

Well, it was all too late for that. Sjan-dehk would have to – like any good sailor – tack to the winds and turn to the waves as they came. He tugged on the thin scarf between his clothes and armour, pulling it up and tighter around his neck to straighten out the creases. Whatever laces and drawstrings that kept his attire on his person had been tucked somewhere secure when he first threw them on, but all the same he gave himself cursory glances and surreptitious pats to make sure. The least he could do before speaking to the king was to make himself look as neat as possible.

"Now give me your name and reason for appearing. I doubt you are here to seduce my sons and surely hope that's not the case. I will hear you out for a brief time. I am a very busy man! The trailing laugh at the end aside, the king’s words were a touch stricter and harsher than before to Sjan-dehk’s ears. Not that it was unwarranted, of course. Sjan-dehk was likely interrupting something important and – as he had long ago learned the hard way – kings and queens were loath to have their schedules disrupted.

Even so, the king still had the politeness to end his words with a, Thank you.

Now it was up to Sjan-dehk to repay that little bit of courtesy with some of his own. Slowly, and using both hands, he pushed his hat up and back. It hung by its chin-straps on his back, and revealed his scarred and weather-beaten face. How was he supposed to act, again? The tutor had instructed him on certain actions and gestures, but those were for someone lesser than a king. Surely going through those motions in front of a king would be a mistake.

And so, Sjan-dehk simply did what he knew. He hadn’t met a monarch who didn’t enjoy seeing a display of humility and self-deprecation.

Sliding his left foot back, he dropped to a knee. At the same time, he brought his open left hand up to his chest. All the while, he kept his head bowed and eyes averted. It all felt so false and melodramatic, but a court demanded courtly things. For now, he was just an actor with a part to play. Your grace, he began even as his mind raced to recall the proper words. This one… What was that word again? Apologises for… If only he had practised a little more. Interrupting court.

He cleared his throat, bringing his left hand forward to meet his right above his head, directly between the king’s eyes and himself. The fingers and thumb of the latter wrapped around the base of the former’s thumb. This one is Wasun Sjan-dehk. Captain of Sada Kurau and fourth lesser marquis of Jafi. Servant of Viserjanta and her most eminent and wise, High Queen Daraya, second of her name. Sjan-dehk made a note to thank the tutor later; though his tongue tripped over a syllable here and there, the words were still flowing a lot smoother now that he had memories of the script to fall back upon. Of course, he was certain he had missed a word or two here and there, but the king was a busy man. Surely he would appreciate it if things were kept short and to-the-point.

This one was sent with ships to your city to trade. We sailed for many weeks, He continued. All he had to do was focus on recalling the script. Then he would be done here in a short order and back aboard his Sada Kurau. But pirates attacked us days ago. Lady Adiyan, the– he cleared his throat as he tried his damnedest to remember the specific word, but ultimately failed. –one who speaks on such things, was injured in the fighting. This one apologises for her absence.

After so many words, he could finally address his real reason for being here. This one and Sada Kurau captured the pirate ship and crew. It was a damn good fight. Sada Kurau razed the bastard. A little grin crept across his face as memories of the fight began to fill his mind; of the perfect stern rake they had inflicted on the Celestine; of the pirate’s confidence turning to dread; of the swelling ecstasy of victory filling him at the end.

Then his mind caught up with his mouth. Perhaps the words were flowing too smoothly. His cheeks heated up and he drew in a sharp breath. ...As this one’s crew say, your grace, he quickly added, hoping the king wouldn't take too much offence by his brief slips of the tongue. In his mind, Sjan-dehk apologised to the tutor. Best he finished things up quickly lest he sabotage his own efforts thus far. This one is here for two reasons, your grace. The prisoners are people of your grace’s land. This one would hand them to your grace’s court for…your grace to decide what to do with them.

He paused to catch his breath and consider his next words. How best to offer a king the Celestine while also highlighting its dismal state? This one also offers you the ship this one captured, your grace, but she is very badly…damaged, your grace. Her mast and stern, they are spoiled. Her hull has many holes. She needs a lot of repairs. But this one captured her in your waters. So this one must offer this ruined and…unworthy ship to your grace. That was probably good enough. It had to be; he didn't know enough words to vocalise the rest of his thoughts.

Sjan-dehk let out a long breath at the end. That was enough polite and courtly speech and mannerisms to last him a good long while. Now he just had to hope the king was in enough of a rush to end this quickly.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Blizz
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Blizz Grand Chancellor Supreme of the Wizard Council

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Time: 11am
Location: Sorian Festival
Interactions: Sadie Camilia @Potter

Gods help her, what was it with every woman in this city being so drop-dead stunning?

"I certainly wouldn't mind some company. The General scooted over on the bench, ignoring whoever was potentially disappointed in the the girl for talking to her, and flashed a smile. ”I was just stopping to eat on my way through the city. The food here is simply wonderful.” Judging by this woman’s dress, Lyra could tell she wasn’t lying about being a princess. Lyra, being dressed in a red uniform of a country that people here didn’t know existed, stood out in her own way.

”I am certainly fortunate to sit in the presence of a princess. I am Major General Lyra Carris. It is an honor to make your acquaintance.” Nothing Lyra said had the tone of simple platitudes, she sounded genuine in her appreciation of the woman’s company.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by SausagePat
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SausagePat The Sausage Fiend

Member Seen 4 days ago

Location:: Ballroom
Interaction:: @Helo Callum


Ruby wasted no time moving in front of the other girl and taking a seat in front of the handsome prince with luscious dark hair. She had thought she was going to have to wait in line all day to finally have a chance to talk to these pretty money-bag boys. Ruby decided to delude herself into thinking that Prince Callum had invited her personally to sit down and also to completely ignore his indifference. ” Thank you for choosing me to speak with yew.” She neatly pressed down her skirt like she thought all the rich noble women did when they sat down.

” I sincerely hope that yew did not take yewr pick until now. Those other girls are wonderful, but do they know about making grand pots? I, personally, have created many exquisite dishes for one to eat out of…. Woooould yew like me to make ya one?” Ruby blushed as the words quickly rushed out of her head and she sat there silently for a moment. There was an awkward pause as she digested that her words could be taken as strange by some. She could still save this though. ” My name is Ruby. I come from a family of culture and social status. I am refined, dignified, rich, and exquisite.“ She lifted her chin up and gave him a charming smile, at least in her mind. She was utterly pleased.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Lava Alckon
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Lava Alckon

Member Seen 19 days ago


Location: Sorian Park
Mentions: Anastasia @princess

Farim felt a sense of excitement as he felt his hand tugged, rushing along aside Anastasia. Her outward positivity was a big change of pace for today, and a very welcome one. His mind was stuck on all of the bad things occurring since he came to Caessonia, and to have this moment to just let all of those negative memories take a backseat was something he was grateful for.

He held onto her hand as they approached the ring toss stall. His eyes traced the actions and technique of those who were still throwing rings instead of casting sudden glances towards the two of them. His attention came back to him as he felt a gentle touch along his arm. Her smile only warranted him to return it in kind, his cheeks turning a subtle shade of red while she talked of winning a stuffed animal. “A friend for Thara, or a friend for you, princess?”

He chuckled lightly and fished a small coin purse from his pocket. “I did like to toss small rings and rocks growing up. As a young boy, my … friend and I used to try and land them in the openings of pots.” He paused for just a moment as he recalled a memory of his long gone friend. Despite the slight falter he made sure to finish his thought. He guided her towards the back of the line, ignoring any stubborn gazes coming their way.“No matter who lands the winning shot, I promise to give you the prize you most desire!”

He smiled at her, his hand still clasped onto hers. He felt he may be rather bold and forward for having just met this woman, but he was having such a fun time that he desired to just enjoy this time with the princess. The movement of her entourage was not lost on him either, and as he looked up once more he confirmed that Thara was still overhead. “Thara keeps herself, and me, very busy anyway. But I’ll let her know you thought of her.” He casually spoke as if he could talk to falcon directly. He gestured towards the various prizes with the hand holding his coin purse and looked into her eyes directly and with a softer tone asked her a question. “Which one do you like the most?”

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Helo
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Helo Wonderlust King

Member Seen 3 days ago

Time: 11:00 am
Location: Ballroom
Interactions: Ruby @SausagePat

Callum was surprised at how quickly the fair-haired stranger made her way to his table. She spoke with a hint of an accent more common in the less-than-affluent parts of Sorian than with the nobility and she looked at him with hopeful, mismatched, eyes. He was pretty sure if she were one of Sorian’s eligible high-class and wealthy noblewomen he’d have at least heard of her. Edin certainly enjoyed listing off all eligible noblewomen and commenting on which features he approved and disapproved of during his insufferable marriage speeches. But Cal kept his suspicions to himself and simply went along with the ruse.

“That is a rather impressive pedigree Ruby. I’m Callum, it is a pleasure to meet you.” He offered the required polite smile with the greeting. Her boast of social status, wealth, and refinement did little to impress him, but the unusual offer of a handcrafted pot was far more charming. “No one’s ever offered to make me a pot, I think that’d make a wonderful gift.” Callum added. She had seemed more enthusiastic and earnest when she had offered him a pot than when she spoke of noble heritage, he tried steering the conversation back to that.

“As for hesitating to make my pick; the king was talking and my ears have this terrible habit of turning off when he does so, seems I tuned back in just in time though, eh?” Callum spoke with a grin. He tested the waters, waited to see her reaction to his small slight against the king.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by princess
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Member Seen 16 hrs ago

Location: Park of Sorian
Interaction:@Lava Alckon Farim

"The prize I most desire!? Aren't you sweet? " Anastasia excitedly got on her tippy toes to get a good look at the selection. Her voice deepened almost into a slight growl as she grew passionate over her choice,"Oooh look at that big bear! Let's get that big bear!" The line moved rather quickly from that moment with many failing to get a ring on a bottle. It had always been a bit harder than it looked. There were three rows of five bottles spread out on a small table and people were coming up to a line painted in the grass. It was coming to her turn and the fellow hosting the game was quick to recognize her. He was well dressed with a little sun hat and a most impressive mustache

"Step right up, step right up! ...Oh your highness, please go right ahead! The bottle in the center will get you a big prize! Three rings for you, princess!"

The pressure was certainly on since now that he had referred to her that way, people were paying a lot more attention ...But Anastasia really liked that big bear so she was going to try her best not to let that get to her. With a confident smile, she winked at Farim and moved forward. She took a ring and tossed it forward... Only to miss! Nonetheless she giggled it off as the ring clattered against the table and then fell into the grass. "Oh that was just a warm-up throw. I got it!" Anastasia turned to smile at her audience and Farim.

Anastasia focused her vision, honing in on the center bottle best she could. Truth be told, her vision wasn't the best. She managed to then get her other two rings around two bottles back to back as she tossed them both with overconfidence. She had certainly managed to pull that off with simple dumb luck, though she did not tell anybody else that. "Yay! Woohoo!" Anastasia clapped for herself, enthused with her victory. Sadly, she could not take home one of the big stuffed animals. There were a ton of small ones that were cute too anyway. They had seemed to have most generic species that kids enjoyed: bears, cats, dogs, birds, tigers...

"Well if I can't have the big bear then I will have to have two baby bears please!" The man smiled at her and obliged her request, handing her two little bears. One had a yellow ribbon around its neck and the other had a pink ribbon around it. She then moved out of the way so Farim could take his turn.

"You can do it Farim! Get the big bear! We'll have the whole family! Wooo!"

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Heartfillia
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Time: 10:30
Location: Archery Range
Interaction:@PapaOso Cassius,

“Y-you are not my brother…” Crystal said quickly. She held her books tightly to her. “My father did not cheat on my mother…” She added. Rather weakly. Of course she believed he loved her mother, the way he treated her as well as his two daughters did not work with a man who would walk out and cheat on them. She was about to say more when suddenly Sir Mathias decided to walk up to them.

Her voice caught in her throat as her cheeks flushed. ”I um …” she started, looking to Cassius then back to Mathias. ”T-thank you Sir Mathias..” She gripped the books to her chest again. Wanting to give him a book but feeling extremely awkward about it now. Clearing her throat as he walked away she looked back to Cassius then again to Mathias

She watched him walk away before looking at cassius. ”There's no way I believe you at your word. Anyone can claim to be a part of a family. I'll let father deal with you.” She sighed and looked to Jacob to grab him by the arm, while Liah pulled her sword from her sheath.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by PapaOso
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

Time: 10:35
Location: Archery Contest
Interaction: @Heartfillia Crystal, Jacob, Liah / @Rodiak Mathias

“Y-you are not my brother…” The fancy girl retorted quickly. She was holding her books tightly as though he was going to try and rip them from her hands. “My father did not cheat on my mother…” She added feebly. Just as Cassius was about to respond a figure appeared. The man looked like the poster child of young nobility. He was the perfect blend of pretty and strong. Momentarily, Cassius saw nothing but another entitled noble in this man…but there was more to be seen. On the surface he seemed mellow and elegant, but there was something else about him resting a bit deeper. He was a warrior. Cassius was sure of it. He could always tell. The controlled movements…the presence of adeptness...the eyes. He had no doubt that this man was a capable combatant. Thank heavens he wasn’t as boring as Cassius initially perceived. The man acknowledged him, but just barely. The arrogance alone won a sly smirk from Cas. The man cleared his throat and spoke…really just to the girl in the cream colored dress.

"I apologize; I can see this is not the best of times." He folded his hands behind him and seemed to struggle to find more words to say. "It was lovely to see you. I will be by the stands if you need me, Lady Damien. And if you need any help, do not hesitate to call for me." As the man finished his bit, Cassius turned to his supposed sister. He watched her face blush and eyes fixated on the pretty man. Perhaps the pup was in love. Noted. Finally she responded.

”I um ….T-thank you Sir Mathias..” was all she was able to get out. She was flustered. It was hilarious. Cassius looked to the ground. It was all he could do to not chuckle at the awkward cuteness of the interaction playing out before him. He was an asshole, sure, but he wasn’t going to ruin this moment for either of them. The man bowed, smiled, and walked away without any additional acknowledgment of Cassius at all. His sister watched him walk away like an abandoned puppy. She quickly turned back to him though, and picked her previous thought up like nothing had happened. ”There's no way I believe you at your word. Anyone can claim to be a part of a family. I'll let father deal with you.” Cassius watched as his sister looked to the behemoth with intent. He always saw the beautiful redhead with her draw a blade. He looked at the armed woman, raised his hands cautiously and smiled.

”Now now…no need to cause a scene. Let’s all go to father dearest together shall we? Don’t get me wrong, I would love the opportunity to get to know you and that blade a little better…but alas…me and the big guy are already courting one another.” He sarcastically motions to the giant of a man named Jacob. ”So…I propose this. The two of you escort my dear sister and I to our father together. No blades. No bloodshed….and he’ll be able to clear all of this up.” He looks towards Crystal. ”How does that sound my lady?”
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Lava Alckon
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Lava Alckon

Member Seen 19 days ago


Location: Sorian Park
Mentions: Anastasia @princess

Farim couldn't help but find the mannerisms of Anastasia rather cutesy and adorable. But based on how she acted and talked this morning she was far from some naïve little girl trying to get her newest toy. He felt there might be something more to the girl than she let on, but this was neither the time nor flash his calculating side. He watched miss after miss of the folks in front of him, his hands growing slightly warm and nervous now that he realized he was up next. Back home it was as simple as tossing it with a flick of the wrist into some peddler's pot or a loose bottle left on the street. But here, there was a crowd, and he felt that his exuberant and flashy garbs as well as the company he kept only drew more and more eyes to him.

Farim took notice of Anastasia's stance and throws, first observing the mix and how she played it off so casually. He smiled in turn and gave an enthusiastic thumbs up with his right hand. "Exactly. Just a warmup. You've got these next two." He said, his smile not faltering once as he witnessed her sink the next two shots just behind the center bottle. He couldn't help but clap with her as she excitedly proclaimed her victory. As she brought her two bears back to Farim he realized that now it was his turn to put his money where his mouth is.

"You can do it Farim! Get the big bear! We'll have a whole family! Wooo!" Farim took a moment and looked towards the man running the stall, and did his best to remember how everyone had thrown it as well as how she had thrown it just now to sink it around the necks of the bottles. They were much thinner and taller than what he expected, and realized this may be a lot more challenging than he initially thought. "Oh what cute prizes you have won. I'm sure they will be happy to keep you company in your chambers. As for the big one..." He swallowed slightly and let his body shiver as if to shake the nerves off of him. "It would be my pleasure." He collected himself and approached the stall, reaching for the rings that were handed to him by the game owner.

"Well well well, Prince Charming! Looking to score a nice prize for the lovely princess? Can't say I blame you. Same as before, three rings for you my good man. Get her highness that coveted bear and score some brownie points~." The man gave a sly tease to Farim, no doubt eliciting a slight rush of red to his face. Farim took a slow breath and stood his legs slightly apart, and began to take aim for his three attempts. At first, he was getting used to the weight of the ring, and shot it clear over bottles onto the other side. He rolled his shoulder, as if to play it off as a warm-up, and threw another ring, this one bouncing off the rim of the bottle just left to the center. So close! He thought to himself, lining up his final shot. Just as he brought his hand back for another toss, Thara let loose a loud "CAW!" that startled him, causing his hand to throw the ring far to the right. The ring juggled around the rim of the bottle before the force of the throw caused it to fly off the rim and onto the ground. Farim reflexively put a hand up to his face in a mixture of shame and embarrassment. Three shots. Three misses.

Good going, "Prince Charming" Farim said this to himself mockingly as he took a step to the side. He turned towards Anastasia with his face more obviously flushed than before. His hand went up and behind his head to nervously itch and scratch at it, but he kept his posture and stood tall with a smile on his face. "You know. I guess you're just that good of a shot! I am sorry I could not get you that bear though..." He added a hint of sadness to the end of his sentence before shrugging it off and focusing on what they could do next. He looked at her and offered his hand once more as his facial features began to relax to a more gentle smile and posed a question to her. "Would you like to play some more? Perhaps another game? Or maybe you are hungry? I honestly could go for anything. This is all so much fun!"

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by JJ Doe
Avatar of JJ Doe

JJ Doe

Member Seen 5 days ago

Darryn Fletcher & Ríoghnach "Riona"
Location: Danrose Castle Infirmary
Time: 11:00
Interaction: Darryn @princess

Riona watched the doctor’s face light up with a triumphant smirk when he saw her step into the infirmary. He stood up from his chair, arms spread wide, not in welcome, but to show some invisible audience that the day he was to be proven right had finally come. All of which quickly vanished the second Darryn followed in. His arms dropped down to his sides.

The maid stole the smirk the doctor intended for her. “Sorry to disappoint, but I still don't need or ever will need your services, Quack.”

The doctor clucked and shot a look at Darryn. “Aren't ya supposed to be dead or somethin’ already?”

“Aren’t you supposed to be taking care of the ill?” Darryn had shot back indignantly.

“Yeah, but when ya get paid more as a mortician, takin’ care of the livin’ ain’t really worth the trouble, ya know?” Despite his complaints, Quack started gathering things for Darryn’s treatment. “We even ordered the casket and everythin’. What a damn waste. Ya sure ya ain’t have any plans of droppin’ dead today? Ya look like ya already have one foot in the grave, might as well hop right in.”

He shot him a glare through the strands of hair that fell in his face. After a moment of brooding to himself, he turned his body to face Riona. “It’s not that bad.” He told her with a wince.

Riona arched an eyebrow. “Uh-huh. Could’ve fooled me. Come on.” She guided Darryn to the closest bed and carefully sat him down. “And seriously, Quack, do your f**king job.”

“Why waste the good stuff when we gotcha witchcraft crap? Double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn and caldron bubble.”
“First of all, it’s not witchcraft and you damn well know it. Just cause Darryn isn’t going into a coffin today doesn’t mean I’m switching places with him. Secondly, what’s the point of this infirmary if you're not going to use all this? Stop trying to short-change us.”
“Yeah, yeah. Whatever ya say. I’m just bein’ frugal. That’s all. We don’t get as much as the fancy medical chamber. Gotta cut corners where we can.” Quack placed a bowl of water on the medical cart and rolled it over to the bedside. He pointed his chin in Darryn’s direction. “Ya know the drill.” Riona nodded, placed her satchel and cape to the side, then began washing one half of Darryn with a damp towel while Quack cleaned the other half.

Each scar on his back felt alive with the pain of the strikes even though some time had passed. But it was nothing compared to how he felt. “Are you doing alright, Riona? They aren’t working you too hard, are you?” His voice was low and rather dull, but the care was genuine underneath the tone.

Riona scoffed weakly, “Don’t you worry about me. I’m not the one who got beaten half to death and was about to be executed before lunch.” She pressed the towel gently against the injuries. “Are you doing alright, Darryn?” Quack’s scoff came out much harsher than Riona’s. They both knew it was a stupid question.

“Physically, I’ll live.” Darryn said lamely. “Just got a lot going on in my head. Trying to figure out what’s real… Just feels like a nightmare right now.”

“Ya gotta concussion too? What’s there to figure out?” Quack twirled the towel in his hand and snapped it against Darryn’s back. “Does that feel like ya sleepin’?” A whip in the face from Riona’s towel backed the doctor away. “Agh! Damnation quean! Clearly somethin’s wrong with his head if he can’t tell the difference!”

”GAH!” Darryn turned around, ready to throw something at the doctor. ”Seriously fuck off!”

“Change the water. It’s getting really dirty.” Riona shooed the doctor and sighed when he did leave to change the water. “You’re in shock, Darryn. I think it’s… taking a while for you to process what happened to yourself.” Better be careful when he finally does, she reminded herself. How he handles this after it all sinks in, could be the difference between the path to a (possibly slow but still) healthy recovery and a downward spiral. At least, that was what the others before Darryn taught her.

“I’ve processed.” The stableboy turned on Riona. His voice lowered for the doctor not to hear. “I just don’t know about Annie I guess. This morning I had accepted all the sweet words she gave me were lies and she was no different than her selfish father… I had even thought her brother was in on it. But the both of them stood up for me.“ His shoulders slacked.

The strong tone in his voice was crumbling. His voice started to shake with anger and he clenched his fists as he continued after a pause. “As uncertain as I feel, I still feel furious with them… They disregarded me and so many others as if I meant nothing. Just let some servant take the blame, right? Then she kept up the charade so she can continue to toy with me ? …I bet that’s what it is… ”

Riona stayed quiet as Darryn spilled his heart out. Faintly, she heard the voices of others (the people who left, the people who struggled to stay, Lady Morrigan, herself) behind Darryn’s trembling words. They resonated as one. Quack returned with clean water and the two resumed cleaning him when she finally found her own voice amongst the many. “You’re probably right. They’re using us. As useful pawns, punching bags, a favorite pet, charity work, or just something to pity. It doesn’t matter. We’re not their equal in their minds… and it always will be… always be about them. How they feel. How it’ll affect their reputation. How they want to be remembered. They don’t actually care about us.”

Riona’s words made Darren’s eyes dart around the room as if searching it for the answers. “No…Annie’s not like that…” His tone shifted to uncertainty but the emotion remained all the same. He seemed like he had about to say more when the doctor moved over into earshot.

“Take off ya pants,” Quack cut in. Two pairs of eyes turned to stare at the doctor. “What? Are ya tellin’ me Darryn was leanin’ on ya like a walkin’ stick because his legs were in pristine condition?” He looked down at Darryn, “Sly one aren’t ya? Well, whatever gets ya over that ridiculous crush of yas.”

Darryn stared at him then suddenly stood up. He stumbled forward but intently got his footing for a few steps. He leaned against the wall. “ I am not taking my pants off. I am fine.”

The doctor rolled his eyes and his head back, complaining at the Gods above. Can you believe this? He seemed to say to them while moaning, “Ya damn nipper. No one’s tellin’ ya to take ya undies off too. Ya want me not to fix ya damn legs or not? If it makes ya feel any less embarrassed, none of us here are interested in what ya packin’.” He glanced over at Riona. “Amirite?”

Riona rubbed her eyes, “Darryn, I get that this quack doesn’t know the first thing about bedside manners, but he can help you get better. I can wait outside for a bit and I’ll come back when he’s done.” She pointed at the clean clothes, “You can change into those.”

“Ugh. Alright.” He sighed and moved back over to the bed. He sat back down and decided to cooperate to get this over with. After the doctor had tended to him, he changed and awaited Riona’s return.

As soon as she closed the door behind her, Riona pressed her forehead against it. “Annie’s not like that”? After all that, he’s still trying to protect her integrity? Gods, she really has him whipped. Darryn needed to leave, soon. Before it was too late. She stood like that until she heard her name.

Without Riona, the doctor stitched up all the open wounds with surprising speed and grace. He used poultices for good measure and administered a dose of painkillers. All in all, he treated Darryn as any decent doctor would’ve. If it weren’t for the fact that he was an unlicensed medical practitioner, Riona might’ve nicknamed him differently and entrusted him with Kristoph. Quack was working on a leg splint when he called her back in. She studied Darryn, “Looking better already. Anything I can help with?”

“It’s ya turn to comfort the babe. He’s been a right whiner.”

Riona simply hummed and sat down next to Darryn on the bed. She fidgeted with the hem of her apron, “Hey, Darryn… What did you mean by ‘Annie’s not like that’? You just told me yourself that she lied to you, toyed with you, and that she’s selfish as her father. How’s that any different from ‘using us’ or caring more about themselves than us ‘lesser people’? Or are you referring to how she ‘stood up for you’ for the mess she caused? The bare minimum, no, less than bare minimum, she could’ve done for you?”

The maid waited for the stableboy to answer, but he didn’t. Not immediately, so she waited longer. The silence started to stretch long past being comfortable. Quack looked up from the splint and then exchanged glances between Darryn and Riona. He let out an exasperated sigh, throwing his arms into the air, “For Pete’s sake! Edin’s a pig; I bet 20 silvers that the prince is a serial killer; I’ll bloody pay 20 silvers for anyone who can tell the princess apart from any other rich bairn; and for a lad who says he doesn’t want to spread his seed, real suspect that the youngest chap loves takin’ trips to the brothels and hasn’t…” His fingers cut the air. “Snip snip. Ya think he and Edin are competin’ for how many bye-blows they can make or somethin’? HA!

The sharp exhale, a noise that could be mistaken for a laugh, sounded acrid. Riona didn’t have to look at his face to see how much the topic repulsed Quack. Not that she blamed him. If she hadn’t felt slightly (just a little, tiny bit) defensive, she’d laugh right along with him. Is he wrong, though?

“It’s all for show.”

“There. Now stop bein’ so jumpy, you funk. I’ve heard all kinds of slander in this room.” He returned to the splint, mumbling incoherently.

Riona crossed her arms and tried again. “You said you’ve processed what happened, but honestly? I don’t think you actually did. Is ‘Annie not like that’ or is she no different?”

“No.. She’s .. She’s a good girl. She stood up for me and tried to help me this morning… I was wrong… Wrong….“ He was muttering quietly now so that only Riona could hear. Darryn had not only switched his tune suddenly, but his irises were dilated and unstable as his gaze cast down toward the floor. His fists was clenched. He was barely audibly as he mumbled to himself. ”But then she asked me to take them there. Her and Callum always have me sneak them out… Maybe they just didn’t know… But then again I knew… I knew where we were going. I have to know because…” Darryn had been a little off recently, but the strange smile pulling at his lips despite his stress could have certainly unsettled those around him. He put a hand to his forehead.

The lines on Riona’s face deepened as she stared at Darryn. Why is he acting—... Sh*t She scrambled off the bed then grabbed his face. “Darryn. Hey. Darryn. Look at me. Hey!” She tapped Darryn’s cheeks repeatedly. “Hey, hey, hey! Come on Darryn, look at me in my eyes. What did they do to you? Do you remember?”

Quack raised both of his hands, “Ey, I did nothin’.”
“I know that, I’m not talking about you.”

Darryn looked up upon the assault on his face as his eyes widened with surprise. He grabbed her wrist tightly, ”What do you think you’re doing.” He said lowly and angrily.

Riona’s muscles tensed, the spike in adrenaline rippled from her to the other man, who also froze. A silent exchange passed between Riona and Quack. The doctor moved away from his patient. He wandered over to the trolley, as nonchalantly as he could, where he opened a bottle and covered the mouth of it with a cloth. She swallowed. “Darryn, you’re acting weird and I think it’s getting worse. Focus. Please. What do you remember?”

Darryn stared at her as his expression fell and his face took on some semblance of normality. ”... Sorry. I’m sorry, Riona. You’re right… I’ve been weird.” He dropped his hand from her wrist with shame. “I…It’s not what they did to me here. It was what I had to do for… ” He bit his lip. Darryn didn’t want to lie to her but he couldn’t tell her everything. Not only was it dangerous to speak about, but he wasn’t sure if she’d involve herself in some way. “I have been going through some other… things. Sorry.” He sighed and smiled at her. ”Thank you for caring about me.”

He started to rise from the bed, ”And thank you for your help. I mean it. You’re truly kind Riona…I’ve always appreciated you. ” Maybe it was best he kept some distance. He hadn’t expected it all to affect him so soon. But what choice had he had? It wasn’t like he could escape his role nor his fate. Darryn knew maybe his best chance would be to leave, but there was a part of him, a part of him that honestly scared him, that wanted to stay here and take his revenge.

But there was something he needed to know before he went down that path.

Riona watched Darryn move with open skepticism. He wasn’t making any sense to her. Why was he flip-flopping so much? Did someone get to him? Who, if not those loyal to the Danroses? She clasped her hands over her chest. “Darryn… are you in danger?” She stepped in front of him, blocking his exit. “Because, if you are, you can tell me… Please tell me.” She looked at Darryn, desperation creeping into her voice.

Darryn stared at her sadly but did not immediately reply.

“T-that includes being a danger to yourself. I… I don’t know what’s going on or why you’re not being straight with me right now, but whatever is doing this to you, if it’s messing you up this much, it isn’t good.”

The faces of past employees flashed across Darryn’s features, overlapping one another to create a face she was both familiar with and didn't recognize at all. Some she barely knew, others she knew intimately. They came from various backgrounds and they all came to work for the Danroses for their own reasons. The one thing they all had in common was that they left the castle broken in mind, body, and spirit or dead. Many tried to soldier on. They reasoned with themselves that what they were enduring was worthwhile, or they somehow convinced themselves that the suffering would only be temporary. They tried and tried and tried until one day, they snapped.

Just like her cohort—Quack’s sister who started training the same time Riona did. They worked alongside each other for years and they were friends for just as long. One night, Lady Morrigan ordered her friend to deliver a nightcap to the king. She never returned to the servants’ quarters that day. When Riona finally spotted her, she asked what happened. Was she okay? “Nothing,” her friend replied through a brittle smile, “I’m okay.” She wasn’t, but she tried to be and that took a toll on her. With each passing day she deteriorated, even breathing seemed to drain her. Every time they met, Riona asked how she was doing and her friend lied every single time. When she tried prodding her for an honest answer, she evaded. So Riona gave her friend some space, hoping she’d tell her when she was ready to. Three months later, Riona found her friend hanging from the ceiling.

“And if whatever it is has anything to do with the Danroses, the castle, or this damn city… then you need to leave. You have to quit this job and move away before it kills you. Don’t stay here. These lot are not worth sacrificing yourself for. They don’t deserve your devotion!” She glared at Darryn, though her anger wasn’t directed at him, “You’re no plaything and you are not nothing! How, HOW DARE she choose some host’s identity over your life! Does she really feel so deprived that she’d rather sacrifice a life than lose a place to party? If she cares SO DAMN MUCH, SO GODSDAMN GOOD, why isn’t she HERE? Why’s she out THERE hanging out with her friends, the ones she partied with all f**king night, WHEN YOU’RE HERE? YOU’RE THE ONE WHO NEEDS COMFORTING NOT HER!” She sucked in a shaky breath, “HOW DARE THEY USE YOU LIKE S-SOME, SOME, SOME DISPOSABLE TOOL!” Riona’s hands trembled as she forced herself to lower her voice. “You can start a new life away from all this f**king bullsh*t. If you need support until you can stand on your own two feet, we—” Quack’s loud sneeze cut Riona off. He sniffled a bit and mindlessly touched the items on the trolley, pretending to organize them. “I… can help. I—” Quack coughed this time. “I can help,” she reaffirmed and left it at that.

Darryn was silent as she had gone on. After she had finished, he gently took both her trembling hands and comfortingly rubbed the backs of them. ”It’s going to be okay, Riona. “ He then smiled at her though his voice was hollow and serious as he continued, “Maybe you should take that advice too. I am going to…” He winced as he stood on his own two feet. “I am going to go to my room for now. But know this and take it to heart, Riona… The Danroses aren’t the only ones you need to worry about. “ Darryn held her gaze a moment longer before slowly making his way out of the infirmary.

The remaining two stood there silent and still as stone until the door clicked shut. “Why did you stop me?” Riona turned to Quack just as he screwed the lid back onto the unlabeled bottle and tossed the drenched cloth into the bin. “He needs help.”

“And ya weren't listenin’ to a damn thin’ he was tellin’ ya.” Quack pointed in the direction Darryn left. “I ain’t lettin’ that anywhere near the sanctuaries. I ain't risking it. We can’t.”

That. The word thrown at Darryn stabbed her in the heart and gutted her in one fell swoop. Riona shifted her weight. “Then we’ll place him in some other hideout. We can check what’s causing… whatever that is and maybe we can treat it.”

If it’s treatable.”
“We have to at least try.”
“Do we now? Because my gut’s tellin’ me that whelp’s in the type of trouble we’re not ready to handle. And if ya actually were bloody payin’ attention, then ya’da also noticed he admitted he’s involved with some mighty sleazy people whose names don’t start with Dan and end with rose.”

“So what? It doesn’t change the fact that he needs help. Just because his situation isn’t like your sister’s doesn’t me—”
Riona bit her lip and averted her gaze from Quack, instantly regretting the last nine and a half words that tumbled out of her mouth.
“Don’t… weaponize her against me. Not for him.”
She kept her eyes locked to the floor, rubbing her arm. “Yeah… that wasn’t fair. I’m sorry.”

A long sigh escaped the doctor and he began cleaning up as if that helped to distract himself from thinking of his sister. He did this until it calmed his nerves enough to speak again. “Speaking of unfair, thankless jobs, some payments need to be made.”

Riona nodded, “Okay. I’ll head over to the bank.” She picked up her belongings and rifled through the satchel. She pulled out the coin purse and turned to the doctor, ready to toss the purse in his direction. “Hey, were you serious about—”

“Keep it,” The doctor interrupted, “for the next poor sod. Though…” He eyed the satchel, “I know who’d appreciate that.”

For a time she just stood there with the purse in her hand. “You’re really not going to help him… are you?”

The old chair groaned under the doctor’s weight when he plopped onto it. “No.” He massaged his eyes. “But… I’ll keep an eye on him.” And that was the best she was going to get from him.
“Thanks.” Riona started towards the door.

“He’s right about one thing,” Quack said as she reached for the doorknob. “The Danroses aren’t the only ones having shady dealings.”
“Even if the Danroses all spontaneously die, there’s still gonna be problems that need solvin’.”
“I know.”
“Ah. So, it’s an us problem and not a ya problem. Gotcha.” The chair screamed in protest as the doctor leaned against it. “It’s not gonna affect ya cause.”

“Now who’s the one being unreasonable?” Riona spun around, hands on hips. “I thought I made it pretty clear from the beginning that I’ll help where I can, but I have my own priorities.”
“That ya did.”
“‘So’, unless these mysterious ‘others’ are directly responsible for my family’s death. Then they’re not a priority.”
“I hear ya loud and clear. Yar devoted to gettin’ yaself killed just to flip the bird to the aristocracy instead of fightin’ the good fight.”

She narrowed her eyes and then shoved the door open without a word.

“Ya coffin’s still in storage if ya be needin’ it.”
“Still won’t be needing your services.” Riona faced the undertaker who buried more people than saved as a doctor. “The witches they burn get dumped in shallow graves. Helps to cut back on fertilizers.”
“...Huh. I thought I was the one bein’ frugal. Stingy bastards.”
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Potter
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Time: Morning
Location: Archery Range -> Festival at the Park
Interactions: @Aerandir Verrick & @Blizz Lyra
Sadie’s Dress, Shoes & Hair

A sigh of relief almost escaped Sadie. The stranger didn't mind her company, and even scooted over for her. With a broad smile, Sadie tucked her hands under her dress and sat down. There, she unclasped her hands over her lap and faced her. While the woman spoke, Sadie analyzed her mannerisms and dialect. She seemed genuine and relieved to have company, which also made Sadie glow inside.

”Pleasure to make your acquaintance, Mj. General,” Sadie bowed her head respectfully, then returned to her normal posture; seated up straight, hands folded, and her attention entirely focused on her. ”The fortune is all mine.” Sadie continued speaking and tried to hide her excitement at meeting someone new. ”So you’re not from here I take it? Where are you from? Your outfit is great!” Sadie gestured to her and then refolded her hands. ”What do you think of the food and Caesonia yet? Any opinions, even bad ones?” Her tone became teasing and a smirk painted across her lips.

Playfully, Sadie leaned over to her and lowered her voice: ”The Varian Kingdom’s kinder - but you didn’t hear it from me!” With a giggle, Sadie leaned away and looked over to watch some of the guests playing games or buying food. Though her mouth watered inside and her stomach yearned to try them, she ignored it.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Potter
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Mentions: @13org Mayet, @Infinite Cosmos Munir, & @ReusableSword Roman
Location: Entrance to the forest near the shooting range
Time: 11am

Hanna surveyed the newcomers, particularly the Alidasht. Hanna couldn’t decide what to focus on first: the tiger, her ring blades, or the small but mighty Shehzadi. The Varian blacksmith cuaght her eye as well. This would be entertaining for sure! With a smirk, she turned to the others and gave them a warning glance. ”If you have any shred of common sense, you will stay out of their way.” Hanna indicted Mayet, Munir, and Roman with a quick flick of her hand.

”Allow me to explain the rules to you.” Hanna cleared her throat and gathered everyone’s attention, then continued. “There are animals ranging from small to very large in these woods. The size of the game you bring back will determine how many points you receive. The hunter with the most points will get to bring the best game home while the rest will get to select one each. The rest will be used for a grand feast tomorrow.” She smiled and waved them forward. ”Good luck!”

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by SausagePat
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SausagePat The Sausage Fiend

Member Seen 4 days ago

Location:: Ballroom
Interaction:: @Helo Callum

Ruby gave Callum a huge smile. She took his hand and shook it vigorously, snorting a bit as she did this. She kept shaking his hand. Ruby knew she had to pounce as soon as Callum admitted his opinion of pottery. “I’ll make you like ten pots. Or more. I can make you more than that. How many pots do you want? What color pots do you want?”

Then Ruby decided to regard his final statement about that goofball father of his. “Oh let us not be concerned with the king’s babbles, my dear.”Ruby blurted, attempting to redirect his attention to her. She put her hand out, half-expecting him to kiss it like she imagined prince’s did for elegant women. Ruby gave it a little wiggle as she held her down-faced palm toward him. Then she batted her eyelashes. “Let’s talk about pots.”

She could not believe she was really talking to a prince right now. If he liked her, this could finally be the key. Jack and she had never been lucky before. She was tired of constantly losing and today she was going to win. It wasn’t like these noblemen had any hearts. She had been well warned that rich people were cold, evil people who greedily hoard money while everyone else struggled and starved. All she needed to do was stay on his good side and she could wiggle her way into the royal world. Ruby thought, I just have to keep my stupid feelings out of this and forget about Kazumin for now. He wouldn’t like a girl like me anyway.

As she faded out of her thoughts and back to the prince, she remembered that she had pots to impress him with. She took her hand back and reached into her bag excitedly. Ruby pulled out a miniature teacup pot and showed it to Callum, holding it with her pinky in the air. “This was one of my first creations! Do you see the intricate design on the side, it looks like a little worm? Well that was the theme—worm pot.” She inspected it with uncertainty. Ruby had no idea what the design was. She had truthfully forgotten. Reluctantly, she offered him the pot with an open hand. It had a bit of dust on it, but she loved this pot because she made it with Jack several years back. She smiled and wondered if Jack still had his.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Tae
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Time: 11 am
Location: Entrance Hall of Sorian Castle
Attire: Outfit. Hair, and Makeup
Mentions: @Helo Callum, @Inertia Auguste, @Silverpaw Wulfric

“I would like you to get close to the royal children.” These were the orders given to Saiya by her Sultan. Simple sounding orders, but not something that would easily happen overnight. No matter what, Saiya was up for the task and the best place to start would likely be at The Princes Court event today. She knew many would be going to swoon over the princes and likely many would be dressing to impress so she knew she had to wear something to catch the eyes of others. It was true that the warmth of her skin, the shape of her eyes, and her typical dress would likely be enough already to get people talking as the Alidasht seemed to be quite the talk, but perhaps she should go a little bit extra. So she’d retired to her rooms right after her meeting with the Sultan in order to get ready.

The lehenga and choli she decided on was rather vibrant in color, which truly wasn’t that unusual for her culture, but Saiya felt like it may be a bold choice for Caesonia. She then had another servant help her with her hair and makeup, wanting to break away from her normal of having her hair pulled up, but also didn’t know if she was completely comfortable with leaving her hair down. The servant started to pull her hair up, but Saiya stopped her. ”Leave it down today please. Let’s try something different.” She said as she gave the woman a soft smile. She got a quick nod and soon her hair was curled and left loose. She found it strange to feel the loose strands brushing against her back and shoulders, but she took a deep breath and smiled at her reflection. The look was finished off with some makeup and some of her mother’s jewelry she’d inherited after her death. She went to place the veil on her head, but stopped once more and decided to just drape it across her arms instead as she didn’t wish to cover up her hair.

She now found herself standing in a line of excitedly chattering women, waiting to be permitted in to see the three Caesonian princes. She was part of the next group to enter, but was patiently waiting for the group before her to finish up. She could hear several whispers around her, some complimenting her looks while others scrutinized her. ”Who is that? Is she one of the Alidasht princesses? She’s frighteningly beautiful.” She could hear one girl whispering to her friend. ”Lydia, you know they’re not called princesses! Besides, she’s not that pretty.” Her friend huffed in response and Saiya had to suppress a small laugh. She certainly was drawing the attention of others, that was good. Now to just see if she could catch the eye of one of the princes.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Terrance420


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Sir Alden Drake Plannington

Location: Ballroom
Interactions: @SausagePat Wasun @princess King Edin
@Helo Callum, @Inertia Auguste, @Silverpaw Wulfric @SausagePat

Alden was listening to “this one’s” strange tale. A merchant ship coming from a far land for trades and so happened to best pirates in battle, and even captured a ship, although left in ruin. And it would appear their bard in the matter was injured as a result. Thus Alden and the King were left to communicate with someone whose speech was mediocre at best. A true brute who enjoys the intricacies of danger, as his expressions would insinuate as he was attempting to explain himself. At the very least his speech is more advanced than “your grace” ever could imagine to be

Alden glanced at the king briefly, wondering if he even understood anything this man had said, let alone his name. Afterall, he couldn’t even remember Alden’s name correctly and refuses to correct himself on the matter. Alden left out a silent sigh to himself. If his story is true, he didn’t pose a threat at this moment in time. He had wished to finish with this discussion as quickly as the man in front of him did.

“ Thank you for addressing yourself, and the situation that has befallen you, Wasun Sjan-dehk. You came from far away, yes? You must be wearied from your travels, especially considering the adversaries you have fought. We appreciate that you have brought the pirates here, and we will address them appropriately later. We are also adamant with the injuries that Lady Adiyan had endured, and wish her well in her recovery.”

Alden looked at King Edin, signaling that he was done speaking, and the man could be dismissed as he had nothing to hide. He looked around the room to see how the princes were holding up in hopes to see at least something interesting happening at the moment. They seemed to be conversing, but not with the one’s he had suggested. It wasn’t really a detriment, but he had hoped to see the king’s blood boil from it. Alden had a brief smile picturing the instance himself, but it didn’t matter at the end of day. It wasn’t vital to what he had in mind for “your grace”.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Rodiak
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Rodiak 𝔪𝔦 𝔪𝔞ñ𝔞𝔫𝔞, 𝔪𝔦 𝔥𝔬𝔶, 𝔪𝔦 𝔞𝔶𝔢𝔯

Member Seen 1 mo ago


S O R I A N P A L A C E , 9 : 3 0 A M

I N T E R A C T I O N S :

M E N T I O N S :

She tucked away her contradicting thoughts and emotions clouding her mind into a tiny, pretty wooden box; Zarai was ready to take on the court. Newfound motivation

"So, who should I pick first?" She tapped the side of Sir Barrios’s arm with the back of her hand, eyes darting from Callum to Auguste and Wulfric. She had thought she would want to start with Wulfric, but now seeing two of the women from Alidasht in the audience, she was willing to skip everyone and head straight to them. Forget the princes, forget her happiness and freedom; she’d exchange it all to be with one of them. Was marriage between two women legal in Alidasht? Oh, that would be a good conversation starter. Or would it be strange if it’s a genuine question? She should have asked Fritz; he probably knew the answer.

"My Lady, that is a bit of an inappropriate question. To pick between them would be—"

"Oh, spare me the whole good knight stuff and tell me."

"Lady Zarai—"

"Ay andale, no le voy a decir a nadie." She tapped the side of his arm again, encouraging him.

"Prince Auguste," he coughed into his hand, looking around to see if anyone had heard. No one had.

Zarai looked his way, catching his eyes and welcoming smile. Nice choice, not bad, Zarai thought with a nod. "Sir Barrios, take me to the prince." She folded her hands neatly on her lap, smiling as the knight behind her pushed her chair to Auguste.

She bowed and lifted the sides of her yellow dress in a modified curtsy, and the knight bowed low when they finally approached the prince. "Prince Auguste," She greeted with a smile. "It looks like we are both here against our will." She glanced over her shoulder to her knight, who still stood behind her. "Sir Barrios, you can wait by the door; I’ll call for you when we are finished." She couldn’t have him eavesdropping on their conversation and

Sir Barrios looked at her then the prince before nodding, bowing, and walking back to wait for Zarai’s signal.

"So," Zarai turned back to Auguste, placing her elbows on the table and resting her cheeks on her hands. "Ignore the bruises and let’s get straight to the point and not waste our limited time. Hmm, on that note why do these things last so little? I doubt you can make a meaningful connection this way." She shrugged, already done with that train of thought. "What are you looking for in a… wife. Are you even looking?" She said the last word as if she had bitten into something sour and did little to hide the fact.
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