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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Ojo chan 42
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Ojo chan 42 The flower withers, as I walk by

Member Seen 20 min ago

Yosri Dali Kadir

Location: :Festival at the park
mentions: @Lava Alckon @Tae
First post: Hello there, call me Dali

His first steps on dry land, were as unsteady as he had feared. Days on the twisting and turning waves of sea, had given Dali a sway in his step. Perhaps others would assume he was drunk, which was not that unlikely for him, but not this early on the day. The haze of alcohol and other, bad for your health indulgences, were best kept until the shroud of darkness had set in. He took in a deep breath, the salt on the wind was stinging his nose, but not as much as the first day on sea. He had never traveled over the sun kissed sea's, to seek the knowledge beyond them. The land beyond them a great mystery to be diven into, to discover and unravel new secrets. He could not wait to discover what these lands had in store for him, what the gods had planned for him.

Dali paid the sailors well to make sure they would not go through his belongings to find better payment. His cargo was precious and perhaps....a tad dangerous as well. With all his potions and concoctions safely tucked between straw. His instruments neatly wrapped to make sure each and every one of them would survive the voyage. His cargo would be delivered to his room, wherever that might be located. He was sure he would be somewhere near his fellow kin, now all Dali needed to do was find them. So, still with a swaying step, he swung his bag with belongings, to precious to leave behind in the hands of salty sailors, over his shoulder and walked further into the harbor of Sorian.

"Inshallahs" he muttered as he walked through the streets. this world was so very different from where he had come from. Their houses were build differently, their choice of dress was so very different from what he was used to. Dali stuck out like a sore thumb, and his hopes of finding his kin rose with each step. He reached his hand up to touch his head jewel, dangling on his forehead. He tapped it two times, each for one of the greater gods. Dali sighed, followed by a deep breath, and returned to his journey. Each step was one closer to where the gods needed him to be, so he kept on walking. Trusting in the Djin of the wind, to guide him as they had on the seas. His place to be, turned out to be a festival of sorts. The people of Sorian had come here to be entertained, and spend time with their loved ones and family.

Dali stopped in his steps, and looked at a big brother trowing balls at a stack of cans. If he toppled them, he would win a prize for the little sister tugging at the hem of his shirt. The boy trew and hit, but not all of the cans had been toppled over. He still had one ball left to make it count. With determination in his eye's the boy trew... and missed. Sad and angry he bit his lip, and turned to his sister, who had that typical pouting disappointment only little girls could have on their face.
"I am sorry, I have no more money on me. We need to go find Mother and father first" he said and the pout on the girls face grew more. Dali laughed and pulled a coin out of the purse hidden beneath his flowing garment.
" here son, try it one more time. if you have faith, surly you will hit your mark" Dali said and tossed the coin to the man behind the stall. As expected he did get a very strange look from the boy, but when the game master handed him three more balls, the boy went back to work.

Dali looked as the first ball was trown, and missed. "Djin, guide him" he said soft and watched as the boy took a deep breath, focused and trew the ball again, and hit. The cans fell with a clatter on the ground. With only two left standing besides one another, the boy tossed the ball one more time. Determination and concentration plastered on the boys face. Dali turned around to walk away, he had faith that the ball would hit its target. and it did not take him more that five steps to hear the sound of cans hitting the ground and a loud cheer to follow that noise. Big brothers always looked out for their younger siblings, an unwritten law. How long had it been since he had last seen his older brother... or Saiya.

A long awaited reunion was destined to happen here, in this strange land. And who else would he meet here? What else would be his plight to fulfill. Dali's step, now less that of a drunken sailor, continued on. Perhaps his kin would be here, or the Djin had not blown him into the crowded temporary streets of this festival.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by princess
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Member Seen 16 hrs ago

Time: 11am
Location: Ballroom
Interactions: @Terrance420 Alden @Apex Sunburn Wasun Sjan-dehk @Tae Saiya

King Edin watched Wasun Sjan-dehk take his leave. There goes sundick. Phew. Now I can focus on my sons. He did pause as he noticed the man knock into a beautiful woman in revealing, orange clothing. One of his brows lifted as his gaze lingered. She was a looker, but... His eyes moved on their own accord. Perhaps too much of one. It was absolutely Alidasht garb but he wondered if the Sultan had sent a whore to greet his sons as some payback. Had that sexy yet absurd woman been talking to his sons? His eyes narrowed. Maybe it was a peace offering or maybe she was offering her services as an apology for all the problems the Alidasht were causing him.

Yet she hadn't offered anything to him.

He glared at Wasun Sjan-dehk briefly before glancing toward his sons. It was better he averted his attention elsewhere before he got too tempted by such a siren. He had enough concubines anyway.

Lady Crystal and Lady Ariella... Fine choices. Calbert will be pleased if something could work out between his daughter and one of my sons and that Count is indeed one of my favorites. The Edwards have also always done good work for me. This will do much better... But where is my wife anyway? Thought she'd show up too to oversee this.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by princess
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Member Seen 16 hrs ago

Location: Park of Sorian
Interaction:@Lava Alckon Farim @Rodiak Nahir @Potter Layla

As Farim had protested, she looked over her shoulders, "You said you wanted to spend more time with your family! ...Don't worry I won't leave you." She called back to him with a wink. As the two of them moved up to the girls, Anastasia found herself eying the two gorgeous women while Farim spoke. " Hi girls!" She greeted casually with a smile.

Her expression changed ever so slightly at Nahir's words, but she kept up the smile, "Yeah that was all a shitshow. Sorry that all happened and sorry I lost my cool! I am gonna figure out what happened last night and I promise I'll keep you all in the loop... But no worries about your uncle. I would absolutely lose my marbles on anyone that tried to threaten my brothers."

Anastasia was glad they didn't want to dwell on the subject. She hadn't considered that they might want to ask her about it, especially considering they had forgotten multiple hours of a party. Anybody would have questions.

The other pretty Alidasht princess had something to say as well but Anastasia picked up on the difference in tone from Nahir. She was a spicier one but Anastasia did not mind that. "Farim is so sweet to bring you food. I could eat him up like candy!"

"..As for the game, let me think darlings. Hmm.." She spun on her heels thoughtfully. Her gaze returned to the three Alidasht, " That cup game over there seems simple enough. Surely at least one of us would win a prize?"
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Tae
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Time: 11 am
Location: Outside Sorian Castle
Attire: Outfit. Hair, and Makeup
Interactions: @Apex Sunburn Sjan-dehk

His embarrassment wasn’t lost on Saiya, however she chose not to acknowledge it in hopes to keep from adding to any embarrassment. ”Well you are a good man, Captain. One of the best I’ve met since coming to Caesonia and you aren’t even from here.” She gave a dip of her head in appreciation again. He reminded her some of her brothers, how they would do what they could to protect her from her father because it was the right thing to do. Or perhaps he reminded her more of Kahrem and his kindness. A twinge of sadness gripped at her heart as she thought of the lost Kadir sibling. She needed to move her thoughts elsewhere so as not to be lost in the grief of old wounds.

She latched onto the mention of her ‘father’ and a small sigh escaped her as she realized how bitter those words had tasted on her tongue as she called Hafiz her father earlier. ”Well he certainly likes to think he’s strong and powerful.” She mumbled, but then let another giggle escape her as she was reminded of the sight of the women. It had been rather satisfying to see their fear. ”It was rather funny, wasn’t it? Quite fun knocking people off their high horse.” For a moment, Saiya found herself glancing out towards the town and debating on what she should do with the rest of her day. She was unsure of what the Kadir children had decided to do and so she couldn’t say where they were.

Her attention was caught once more by Sjan-dehk. ”While I appreciate the offer, I do not wish to keep you if you need to return. I’m truly unsure of where to go next, perhaps I shall find some food and maybe go to the festival in town.” She said, thinking out loud some and plotting her next steps. She had yet to really eat yet today and knew that was something quite important to do. Hopefully the festival would have some interesting and yummy things to eat. She had yet to be really impressed by Caesonian food, deciding much of it was far too bland for her. She was missing the curries and spices from home.

”Will you be in Caesonia for long? I would very much like to come see your Sada Kurau at some point if you will be here for a little while. I’m sure she is absolutely beautiful.” Perhaps it appealed to her free spirited and adventurous heart, but Saiya had always found ships rather interesting. They could take you so many places and on so many adventures, it was a way one could truly be free. Deep down, Saiya wished for that freedom and longed to one day see the world, but the likeliness of that happening was slim. She was likely destined to spend the rest of her days watching over the Kadir children and serving them in whatever way they needed. It didn’t keep her from daydreaming, however.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by PapaOso
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

Time: 11 AM
Location: Athletic Arena / Execution
Mentions: @Tae Lady Mina & @Helo Leo

Cassius was perplexed by the depth of feelings brewing within him. He had expected to feel nothing but apathy and perhaps disdain meeting his new family. The fact that there was more to his feelings on the matter almost irritated him. He scoffed at the idea of longing to be a part of these Damiens. Though his scoff could not hide the ember of desire growing within him. Having actually met his father and sister…he felt different than he expected. He quickly put the matter out of his mind as he made a pitstop on his way to attend the execution.

Climbing the inn stairs, he whistled to himself the song that the establishment's resident bard had been singing below in the tavern. Finally, he found himself at his rented room. Not the usual type of room fit for nobility such as those with the blood of house Damien flowing through their veins…but one perfectly suitable for a bastard like himself. It was comfortable if perhaps a bit cramped, but it was exactly the type of room that Cassius was used to. Once he unlocked the door and stepped inside he looked to his bed, where his shield was propped up against the wall next to most of his weapons. The shield, painted with the symbol of the Iron Wolves, had been missed upon his back throughout the events of the morning. It was almost strange not to have it on his person, but he figured that showing up to the Damien estate armed to the teeth was the wrong move if he wanted a face to face with the Lord of the house. So he left it here, along with his favorite axe and armor. Of course he was never truly entirely unarmed; he had a couple of daggers on his person, and a pair of knuckle dusters stowed away just in case. It was a dangerous world after all.

Cas walked over to the bedside table and grabbed the bottle of wine he had procured the night before. Drinking a nice sized swig straight from the bottle, he let out a joyous exhale. It had already been a very eventful day and every eventful day was made far better with a little wine in the belly. Weapons, Women, & Wine. The three things that came closest to godhood in his eyes. Not that he was exclusive to women, in fact he loved to taste any and all beauty that the world had to offer…but Weapons, Women, Wine, the occasional Fella, & everything in between just didn’t have the same ring to it. One day he’d find better words for his “gods”, but for now the three Ws would just have to work.

He felt renewed after his quick drink, and despite wanting more he knew that if he was going to make it in time for the execution he would have to keep this brief respite as short and sweet as possible. He closed off his bottle and returned it to the nightstand, taking one more look towards his weapons and armor. He had grown so accustomed to them that he felt far more comfortable fully equipped than he did even in the most luxurious of fine clothing. He imagined this would probably never change, but perhaps his days of wearing armor day and night would soon be mostly behind him. He didn’t know what the next steps were in this journey, but as always he was intrigued and open to anything. Would he actually move into the Damien estate? If so, how long until he was kicked out, exiled, or worse? Finding out would be part of the fun. For now though, he would shift his focus to whoever was about to be executed.

With only a few minutes to spare Cassius found his place at the athletic arena. He had expected a hanging, perhaps a beheading…but the empty pyre and stake was quite a surprise. Death by fire was an extreme form of execution. It was usually saved for the worst kinds of criminals and for those who consort with dark magics and other vile arts. He had only ever seen one person put to death this way. He saw flashes of the woman’s face as she screamed…the flames licking her body and charring her flesh in his memories. Immolation was a terrible death. He questioned if anyone truly deserved such a fate.

When they brought out Cameron Nesworth and tied him to the stake, Cassius stared at the man’s eyes. He had the face of a killer; scarred and twisted with ill intent. He looked like a villain. High Treason was his crime…among others. The accused man began ranting and raving his final thoughts. Cas listened thoroughly, but turned his eyes to the crowd. He was interested in the kinds of people who would choose to attend such an event. He knew why he was here, but assumed that he was probably the only one in attendance there to actually pay respects to the man’s final moments. Who do we have here? he thought as his eyes fell upon the woman with the ravishing red hair. See, there’s always beauty to be seen. Even in the strangest of places. The woman’s red hair was eye-catching, but the rest of her was just as beautiful. Her fair face was flawless like perfect porcelain. Her eyes were a soft gray-blue; stormy and elegant. The tall black boots and well-fitted bodice framed her body in a way that was both seductive and full of class. Perhaps when this was over he would have to introduce himself.

As the accused man’s chilling last words came to an end, the pyre was lit and the process of watching a man burn to death commenced. Cassius did not look away. The moment deserved reverence and he would deliver his respect to man’s final moments best he could. He watched as the man struggled against his chains. Then, he saw the man’s demeanor change as the flames grew and began to engulf him. The laughter that poured from the accused man was maniacal and bone-chilling. Cas focused through the flames to settle on the man’s eyes. They were looking directly at someone…but who?

He turned his attention back to the crowd and scanned the faces of everyone in the direction of the man’s gaze. Above all else that same woman with the perfect red hair stood out. He could see the fear in her eyes. Something was happening to her. Cassius looked back to the burning man. His eyes were hard to see through the flames that had fully engulfed him…but Cas caught a glimpse of them through the dancing fire…and they were glowing red like devilish beads of light. He turned once more to the woman just as she began to stumble and fall. Was he hallucinating the things he just witnessed? Had Cameron truly been looking at this woman? Was he affecting her in some unnatural way? His eyes…had they really been glowing red? It all happened so fast. Cas’ mind was racing as he watched from afar as the woman fell into the arms of the man next to her. At least someone was there to keep her from injury. Who was she? He had to know if what he saw was real or if he was finally losing his fucking mind…but for now he would simply watch and hope that the woman was unharmed. Cassius let his gaze turn back to Cameron Nesworth one final time to make sure the man was actually dead. He sure looked the part. Cassius could feel a danger in the air. The feeling he used to feel the night before a battle. It was invigorating but not to be taken lightly. The hairs on the back of his neck stood straight. What in all the fucks in the world had he just witnessed?
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Tae
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Time: 11 am
Location: Vikena Estate
Interactions: @princess Charlotte, @JJ Doe △△△
Outfit: Dress, Stockings, Boots

Thea’s brows knit together as the Count introduced himself in a rather odd manner. She didn’t think long on it, however, as he complimented her on her eyes and she felt a slight blush cross her cheeks as she began to grin at him. ”Oh, well thank you. I actually don’t often get compliments on it. My father always said it was unsightly and an unfortunate imperfection.” She said, a small and nervous laugh escaping her. She wasn’t sure why she shared such a detail as it only made her upset internally and wishing for a drink, but here she was. She barely heard the other ramblings he went off on as she worked to keep ahold of herself.

It wasn’t until he addressed the kitten that she was pulled back to reality and she let out a gasp. ”Lottie, I didn’t realize you had a kitten! Oh my goodness, he is so cute!” She squealed excitedly, feeling a little silly that she was just now realizing the little darling was there. She quickly stood and moved over to the little thing, slowing as she approached him and growing real quiet as she knelt down beside Champion. ”Hello, you sweet little thing.” She began giving him scratches under his chin and just loving on the sweet baby for a moment. She then sat down beside him, allowing him to climb all over her if he so wished.

She then glanced over as Fritz mentioned sweets, another smile lighting up her face. ”You spoil us, Count Fritz. I do hope you all know, though, that when it comes to chocolate I won’t fight fair.” She said with a small giggle.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Tae
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Time: 11 AM
Location: Execution at the Athletic Arena
Attire: Outfit
Interaction: @Helo Leo @PapaOso Cassius

Whispers. There were so many whispers in the darkness. The sound was overwhelming and Mina almost wanted to scream, but she found she couldn’t. She was suddenly being shaken awake and a child's voice reached her ears. ”Mina! Wake up! You’re having a nightmare again!” The familiar voice said and Mina’s eyes flew open as she gasped for air. Glancing around the room, she realized she was back in her room..no, not her room, or at least not the one she’d been familiar with for a long time. She was in her old bedroom in her mother’s house.

Mina quickly glanced over at the mirror and saw her four year old self staring back at her. Sitting on the bed beside her was a little boy dressed in an old suit that seemed to be falling apart a bit. Her head now turned to look at the figure next to her. Elijah?” Her small voice sounded weak and tired and she rubbed her eyes some as if she didn’t believe her eyes. ”Of course, silly! Who else would it be?” He said with a small giggle and then she was throwing her arms around him in a tight hug. He hugged her back, giggling again, but then his face became sad. ”Mina, was it a bad nightmare?” He asked her and she thought about it for a minute, but shook her head some.

”It wasn’t bad, but maybe we go climb in bed with Mommy anyways.” She said as she slowly pulled herself out of her bed and grabbed her stuffed rabbit. Bare feet padded on the floor as the small girl in a white nightgown walked down the moonlit halls. Before long, the pair were standing at the foot of her mother’s bed. ”Mommy?” She said as she poked her mother, waiting for Selina’s eyes to open. ”Mommy, can Eli and I sleep with you tonight? I had a bad dream.” She said as her mother sleepily looked at her, a moment of irritation crossing her features.

”Mina, baby, we’ve been over this. You know Eli isn’t-” Selina began saying, but now Mina was irritated as she interrupted her mother. ”Yes he is, Mommy! He’s right here! Why do you keep saying he isn’t real?!” She stomped her foot angrily, endlessly frustrated with her mother. ”Mina…” She started again with a sigh, but this only escalated things more. ”No Mommy! Stop it! Stop saying he isn’t-” ”Mina stop! This needs to stop!” Mina jumped as her mother snapped at her and tears brimmed in her eyes. Immediately Selina regretted her outburst and her eyes softened as she looked at her daughter.

”Oh Mina, I’m sorry baby. Come here, of course you can sleep with me.” She said as she reached for the little girl, picking her up, but Mina now noticed something. Her mother looked right at Elijah and that was fear in her eyes…

Mina began to convulse in Leo’s arms for a moment and those around them began to gasp in panic while watching the scene. People began asking if they should call someone to help, but then Mina stilled. Almost as quickly as it happened it ended, but Mina was no longer breathing.

Darkness had once again consumed Mina’s consciousness and the whispers returned once more. She wanted it to stop…no, she NEEDED it to stop. Her head was pounding, but then she heard something within the whispers. Her name, someone was calling her name! She grabbed onto that sound, focusing on it and tried moving towards it. Slowly it got more and more clear, almost sounding like her mother calling to her. ”It’s time to wake up darling. You can’t give in yet, you’re stronger than I was. Come on Mina. Wake up. Mina.” Slowly the sound morphed into a different voice, that of a male.

“Mina?” Leo had said, but for a very long and concerning moment there was no response. Mina didn’t take a breath and people were beginning to ask if she were dead. Suddenly, Mina sucked in a gasp and her eyes flew open as she looked around wildly in a panic. Her eyes then found Leo’s and she felt tears sting her eyes as she began to realize she was back. ”Leo…” She choked out before throwing her arms around him in a hug as she trembled. ”I’m okay. I’m sorry. I’m okay.” She wasn’t sure if she was saying it to reassure him or herself, but she kept repeating it for a moment before she let go of the man. She slowly got herself up, brushing herself off as she glanced around.

”Apologies for worrying anyone. I suppose the heat got to me or something.” Mina said with a small laugh, but she was still so pale. Her eyes fell on a man who seemed to be looking at the burning dead man now, finding him a little curious looking, but then her gaze moved on. There seemed to be more people around now, but something seemed off. Did that man have multiple stab wounds? And who would bring their newborn baby to something like this? Why were they still staring at her? Wait, was that…Elijah?
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Apex Sunburn
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Apex Sunburn Justified text enjoyer

Member Seen 3 days ago

Mentions: @Tae Saiya

A sheepish smile found its way onto Sjan-dehk’s face. “You are…Most kind, your ladyship,” he said with a short and muted laugh. There was a fluster in his voice, and he waved his hands in front of him as if he were warding off the compliment. Such words were opponents he never quite learnt how to deal with. All the more so when it came to ones he felt were undeserved. Once more, he bowed his head to Saiya in gratitude. He had a little grin on his face when he straightened himself. “But maybe ah…Unfair? To the city. Big place, yes? Many people. I…Hope there are more good people here.”

It was a wish for the both of them. Provisioning and maintaining a ship was expensive business, and all it would take would be an unscrupulous carpenter, smith, or merchant to make it even more costly. Possibly deadly, even. True, such people were rife even throughout the Viserjantan islands, but at least Sjan-dehk had learnt – through many, many painful lessons – how to play their game. Here? The Caesonian way of doing things was utterly alien to him. He could be fleeced and he’d never know it.

Well, it was just another problem for him to solve. At least he had Avek; that man could be tasked with procuring spiced wine and pickled vegetables, and somehow return with several extra tuns of rice wine and salted meat. Sjan-dehk hoped his skills would translate well to this entirely new city.

And that brought his mind back to his most pertinent task at hand. His crew still needed orders. Wandering the city with Saiya was out of the question, but he could at least accompany for some small part of the way. “Then ah…Please let me walk with you to the gates.” People were still pouring through the archway in an endless torrent. Surely they couldn’t all be here for the king and his sons? Sjan-dehk shook his head slightly. Being royalty wasn’t easy. It was times like these that made him thankful for his low rank.

As usual, Sjan-dehk casually rested a hand on the pommel of his sword. “You can ah…Hold…” He trailed off and tilted his head towards his free arm. “If you want.” From what he was seeing, that was how men and women walked together in this city. Better for him to get used to it sooner rather than later.

At the mention of his Sada Kurau, Sjan-dehk beamed. Beautiful was putting it lightly; she was absolutely gorgeous. The comeliest of ships he had ever laid eyes upon, and he had seen many ships. “Yes, Sada Kurau is very beautiful,” he began, but stopped himself before he could launch into a soliloquy extolling his darling ship’s virtues. Saiya had a question and request he needed to answer. “We should be here for ah…A few weeks. You are welcome to visit. Would be my…Pleasure to show you Sada Kurau.”

There. Now he could extoll.

And that was what he did. As they walked, he spoke at length about his ship. About how her svelte lines met the water with such grace; how her alluring, narrow figure sat upon the waves, and how her beautiful curves could break and ride even the roughest swells the sea could throw at her; how she sang her quiet, whispering song to her crew every time her billowing sails caught the wind at just the right speed and angle. But she wasn’t just a pretty ship. No, Sada Kurau was also a fearsome warrioress. Whenever she chased her prey, only an expert hand and deft touch on her ropes could control her. Only the best sailor could keep her dancing like a butterfly about her enemies; always just out of reach, but constantly spitting fire and steel. Only the most patient would learn of her wonderful qualities, of her quirks, and realise that they only made her all the more beautiful.

Truly, Sjan-dehk couldn’t ask for a better partner. The Gods and his Ancestors could offer him the finest divine vessel, built from the peach wood and rigged with braided silk, but he would still choose his one and only Sada Kurau.

It was only when they passed beneath the portcullis did he realise that he had been practically speaking about his ship non-stop since they started walking. That realisation came with a deep blush that climbed up his neck, and he looked away. “Apologies, I did not mean to ah…Talk so much.” It had been such a long time since he could talk about his ship to anyone – everyone he knew either crewed the Sada Kurau themselves, or had their ears talked off about the ship ages ago – but it wasn’t much of an excuse. He brought a fist to his mouth and coughed into it. “Rude of me.”

He stepped away from Saiya and, placing his hand on his chest, offered her a deep bow. “Have a good day, your ladyship,” he said and stood back up, a friendly – albeit still somewhat awkward – smile on his face. “It was my…Pleasure to meet with you. Hope to meet again. You are welcome to ah…Come on to Sada Kurau when you want.”

With a tip of hat towards her, he turned on his heel, and was off.

“Master Hai-shuun!”

The heavy thuds of Sjan-dehk’s boots against the wooden pier were matched only by the loudness of his voice. His carpenter peeked his head over the gunwale of the Celestine, face covered with sawdust and dark hair matted and glistening with sweat. “Welcome back, captain!” He shouted over the cacophony of hammering and sawing behind him, and the shouts and yells coming from the Sada Kurau just to the left of Sjan-dehk. “Do we know what to do with the Celestine?”

“Make her look pretty for now, master Hai-shuun!” Sjan-dehk stopped, craning his head back to look up at the man. “This city’s run by a damn king, and he’s sending people down to have a look, so stop all big repairs and just patch up her hull. I’ve already told him what a shitheap she is, so hopefully whoever he sends won’t be expecting much.” He paused, placing both hands on his hips and looking between his feet, tongue clicking as he tried to remember what else he had to tell Hai-shuun. “Oh, right, and have the prisoners ready to disembark!”

Hai-shuun let out a low whistle. “A king? I thought a duke ran this place. How long do we have?”

Sjan-dehk looked up, shading his eyes with a hand and squinting at the sun. He chewed on his lower lip for a moment, then looked back at Hai-shuun. “Not long. Less than two hours at most, and that’s if they show up exactly on time.”

The carpenter didn’t immediately reply. Instead, he looked over his shoulder, mouth moving in an inaudible mutter and fingers tapping an irregular beat against the Celestine. When he looked back, his concern was plainly visible on his face. “That’s not a lot of time, captain, and with thirteen pairs of hands gone, I’m not sure I can make her–” he patted his hand against the ship “–looking even reasonably presentable. I might be able to get it done if you send me more crew from Sada Kurau.”

“I can’t send much, they’ll be coming aboard Sada Kurau as well.” Sjan-dehk spat out a curse beneath his breath after his response. He should have foreseen this; his crew was good, but not good enough to have two ships ready for inspection in such a short amount of time. True, he was in a rush to settle the issue of the Celestine, but he still should have argued for at least one or two hours more to prepare.

But he didn’t, and so he had to work with what he had. He closed his eyes and tapped a rapid beat with his foot against the pier. “Okay,” he let out a long breath and said. “I can send Azwan and Sohn-Dahn over with half of the gun crew and all of the boys. It’s mostly rigging work we’ve to do on Sada Kurau, so I think Sahm-tehn and I should be able to handle it with his men pulling most of the weight.”

“What about Avek? That lout’s doing nothing, last I saw.”

Sjan-dehk shook his head. “Not for long, he’s not. I’m sending him over to Sudah to bring some stuff back here to show the king’s people.”

Hai-shuun guffawed. “Him? Are you sure, captain?”

That got a mirthless chuckle from Sjan-dehk. In truth, he wasn’t sure either. Avek might be a good haggler and better talker, but the sort of people aboard the Sudah weren’t the most receptive or accepting of his ways, to put it simply. “I’ll have Mursi go with him as well.” With their combined expertise, they should be able to bring back a varied selection of goods for Edin’s men to have a look at. The master-at-arms would also be able to help communicate with the crew of the Sudah should Avek prove to be too uncouth for their overly-refined tastes. “If you need, I can have the sharpshooters over to help.”

“Don’t bother, they’re all helpless with this sort of work,” Hai-shuun called back. He still looked unsure but nodded anyway. “I can’t promise miracles, captain, but I’ll do my best to make this tub look decent.”

Sjan-dehk gave him a thumbs up and a smile. “The best is all I can ask for, master Hai-shuun.”

The carpenter snapped to a smart salute, then returned to his duties. From the pier, Sjan-dehk could hear him barking off a litany of orders in rapid succession. Even as he fast-marched himself to his ship, his hands were already loosening the straps and strings of his belts and armour. By the time he ascended the gangplank, he could just shrug off his belts and pull his armour up and over his head. “Thank you,” he said with a nod to the crewmen who picked up his effects. “Bring them to my quarters, please. Except the carbine, that one goes to master Mursi's workshop.”

He rolled up his sleeves and began making his way to the quarterdeck. The yards were still laying on the deck, their sails untied and still in the process of being checked for frays and tears. Loose ropes laid about like coiled snakes. Unhitched tackles and hooks hung from guardrails, and tools laid strewn everywhere as was the men who used them. A long sigh left Sjan-dehk’s lips. It was going to take a lot of work to get his Sada Kurau ready for the king’s men.

Well, then he had better pull his weight as well. He secured his sleeves just above his elbow and raced up the steps onto the quarterdeck. “All officers to the quarterdeck on the double!”
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Lava Alckon
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Lava Alckon

Member Seen 19 days ago


Location: Sorian Park
Mentions: Anastasia @princess, Layla @Potter, and Nahir @Rodiak

Farim found his eyes darting about to keep up with the conversation as his energy began to steady-out. He took in a breath and listened to the women talk, a scowl forming on his face at the mention of his father and his wicked nature. You are far too reserved about his shitty disposition, cousin. He kept his rants and toxic words to himself, not wanting to worsen the mood anymore with the mention of a sensitive topic such as this morning, and quickly let his face return to a more neutral expression.

"Asalamu alaykum, to you as well my cousins. It is quite good fortune to find you both here and enjoying yourselves on such a nice day. You are both looking about as radiant as the sun god, but what else is new?" He smiled, chuckling lightly as he observed the conversation of prizes and games. The three women seemed ready to bring something home, and he looked over to Thara still on his shoulder. "Well, girl, go and stretch your wings some more for me, and have some fun in the air." He spoke to the falcon before giving a single sharp whistle, and Thara took off flapping into the sky for some eager gliding and people watching, or at least that's what Farim would tell himself.

"I am happy you at least mildly enjoyed the food, cousin. They really did try their hardest for it." He reminisced for a moment about the lovely staff that had gone above and beyond for some random figurehead from another land. It struck him as odd yet wholesome even if the notion was to try and buzz up more business. But as a businessman, he could hardly fault them. He stowed the prized bear in a secure place under his silk robes and let his other arm curl, much like a snake, along the arm of his cousin. His eyes glanced over to Anastasia with a bit of a grin as he spoke next.

"So three lovely princesses and a trade-prince link arms and are ready to take over the park with our good looks and dashing skills. This definitely turning out to a fun day." His attention turned to Anastasia who mentioned the cup game, and he thought back to the usual scammers on the streets who made a quick gold piece from unsuspecting passersby. He also smiled at the times he'd managed to beat such peddlers at their own game. "This cup game sounds fun, let us make our way there and enjoy the day! Sorian Park, look out, the Shehzadi have arrived~!" He spoke the last words not at a shout, but definitely loud enough to draw a few close witnesses towards the spectacle, but he really didn't care. He was happy and having a good time with his family and his new friend.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by princess
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Member Seen 16 hrs ago

Time: 11am -> 12pm
Location: The Athletic Arena - The Execution
Mention:@Helo Leo @Tae Mina @PapaOso Cassius

The hooded woman had watched with mild interest, her legs crossed as the man was brought out. She was ever so still, her arms crossed and her boot bopping slightly with anticipation. Her long plain cape shrouded her face as a smirk played across it. Her dark hair fell out from the hood, moving with the breeze.

Nesworth. I expect a show.

Her shrouded gaze shifted upward. It landed on the small balconies around the arena that held her camouflaged men and women. And so do they.

She twisted her own spyglass in her hand. The young Darius met her eyes and she responded to his nod with her own. That was his cue. The question was not if she could trust Darius, she knew she could. He was eager to please and pull his parents out of poverty. She knew what that felt like enough to know he would obey. But would he succeed? The question was if Alibeth could rely on him and what better way to know than to put the young man on execution duty.

He spoke well enough; he said all the right things. But Alibeth still noticed each and every sweat bead as it rolled down his skin. You wouldn't hurt a fly, would you? ... Glad I brought a woman for the job. Cameron took the chance to speak to ramble on like a lunatic as she suspected. However, he revealed more than she had thought he would. It was almost too much, yet it was worth the risk if she could weed any other of the fools out today. Those on the balcony knew to watch the crowd closely now, looking for any suspicious reactions.

Alibeth knew very well she'd still be the first to spot any. She untwisted her legs and sat up straight, her spyglass in hand. Bringing it to her eye, she gently moved it over the crowd as the man screamed. Certainly, she did find some reactions that did not align with her wishes. So she marked the fools, even before her guards inevitably would. The subjects always showed their true colors when they thought there was no one to catch them. It was all too similar to a teacher not attending a classroom for a day. The children would feel free to shout, yell and take out the toys from their backpack. The toys that the teacher did not normally permit in her classroom. One, two, three, four... The unfaithfuls will grow in number as long as he reigns. But I shall disparage them in this instance.

The Queen knew Cameron Nesworth would reveal himself just as he was. Her eyeglass fell on his burning frame. Many would not have noticed the gleam of his red eyes, but she did. Her smile grew as the breeze had picked up. Oh how you denied it all. I knew you'd reveal yourself to me finally. She set the eyeglass in her lap and watched as Darius struggled against the flame. He eventually was able to put it out in the sand. This was an ideal situation considering Nesworth's capabilities. More importantly, this was enough of a display to perhaps make the other little performers known to her. Alibeth raised her head. She remained still amongst the mixed reactions to Nesworth's death. It wasn't long before she thought to herself, I see quite a few of you. There will be more blood for this crowd then. I am sure even this terrible death will not deter you vermin. She rose to her feet once she felt she had what she needed. I'd love to finally meet the cat who keeps bringing these rats to my door.

With a lowered head, Alibeth had planned to leave at that moment. That was when she noticed a girl just a few seats ahead of her faint. She paused in her footsteps and watched the commotion play out over her shoulder. Now this is interesting... Lady Mina Blackwood. Executions are not for the faint of heart. But you must know that. Could it be that you're a player in my game?
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by princess
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Member Seen 16 hrs ago

Good Afternoon Sorian!
It's now 12pm.

Time: Afternoon - 12 pm
Location: Sorian

Mentions: @Helo Leo & Callum @Tae Thea, Saiya, Mina @ReusableSword Roman @Rodiak Nahir, Matthias, Zarai @JJ Doe Ryn & Riona @Aerandir Verrick @Conscripts John @Infinite Cosmos Munir @Potter Sadie & Persephone @13org Mayet @Heartfillia Crystal @samreaper Kazumin @Silverpaw Wulfric @Inertia Auguste @mantou Wystan @Terrance420 Alden @Lava Alckon Farim @PapaOso Cassius @Prosaic Devan & Kieran @Apex Sunburn Wasun @Ojo Chan 42 Yosri

11 am Events Status

- The Execution of Cameron Nesworth at the Athletic Arena.
This will come to a CLOSE now. Please leave this event.

- "The Pathetic Duke and His Rat" is NO LONGER showing at the Edin Theater.

- Festival at the Park
The festival continues all day into the night!

- The Prince's Court
This event is continuing on until all conversations have ceased.

- Hunting in the Forest
This event can continue on if wanted, but it is recommended that the characters report their hunts to Hannah and the event comes to a close soon.

12 pm Events Beginning

- Kazumin is expected to appear at the Damien household.
Please keep Calbert's offspring away for the time being

- The Bazaar stalls are opening with food, jewelry and other items to purchase

- Swimming at lover's lake
Life protectors(lifeguards) are available all afternoon to watch over swimmers as swimming is now permitted in Lover's Lake!

- Painting at the Museum
Come learn to paint abstract art!

- Bull Riding at the Athletic Arena
As the execution finished and staff began to clean up the mess left behind, preparations for the next event have been put into action. A bull-riding event will begin at 12:15pm.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by samreaper
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samreaper Laughing Imp

Member Seen 3 days ago

Kazumin Nagasa

Time: 12:00 pm
Location: Park
Interactions: N/A
Mentions: @princess Calbert

Unlike the previous carriage ride this one had been quiet and uneventful to Asteroth’s relief. Whether it had to do with Kazumin not wishing to push his luck and worsen his already dour situation or the more likely reason that he was just tired and the exhaustion finally caught up to him.

Evident with the way he sat there with his head tilted back trying to get what sleep he could. Physically he seemed fine thanks to the nice clothes and make-up, but beneath the surface his body was still sore and ached with hunger and exhaustion. Precisely while the Baron sought to bring preparation.

A sharp kick to his foot to jostle the slumbering blonde who woke with a start.” Hm..wuh? Are we there yet?” Mumbling the question with a vain attempt to rub the sleep from his eyes.

A brief shake of the head was Asteroth’s first response. “Not quite. We shall be arriving shortly and I intend to remind you to be on your absolute behavior.” He stated the reminder coolly before reaching beneath his shirt where he procured and tossed the small bag he pocketed earlier onto Kazumin’s lap. “Take a small dose of that before we arrive.

Kazu blinked in confusion and uncertainty as he casually picked up the bag and held it up to see the contents to be what looked to be white powder. “ What’s this? Some slow acting poison or something? This your way of murrrdering me with witness?” He joked elongating the word murder in a tired voice.

A sharp inhale followed with a slow exhaling sigh. “No, you simpleton. Just take a small hit. Do it now.” A waving motion of his hand for him to get on with it. “Worry not, simply medicine to help keep you awake, at least for the duration of this brunch.” Saying nothing more on the matter nor elaborating on what exactly the powder was.

The drowsy blonde peered at him accusingly for a moment then gave an indifferent shrug of the shoulders. “Fine, whatever gets me through this bore of an evening. And if the count chose to be stingy on the food I will complain, you can be sure of that.” And he meant it considering this to be his last chance at an actual good meal most likely.

Um..how do I take it?” He inquired with a raised brow.

An indignant sigh from the Baron. “Just pour a smidgen on the back of your hand and..I suppose in a somewhat crude way of putting it..snort it.

He eyed the man with a queer gaze but once more shrugged his shoudlers. “Odd way of taking medicine but okey dokey boss man!” A mock salute given as he did as explained.

Just a smidgen! I remind you.” He burst out suddenly.

An outburst that nearly made him jump and drop the bag. “Jeeze, alright! No need to get your britches all twisted, old man.” Grumbling his annoyance as he carefully poured a tiny amount onto the back of his hand.

Just as the carriage rolled to a stop did he snort it. Next thing Kazu knew he felt like he just got kicked by a horse and with it an intense burst of energy that crashed through his body washing away the fatigue and aches in an instant as he was on his feet having not even noticed when he jumped up. “Whoo! Fuck I feel good!” He exclaimed; unsure of how to explain it but he suddenly felt like he could jog all around the kingdom…twice.

We’re here! Come on, let's go go go. Can’t keep old Calby waiting!” Kazu spoke in an almost hyper manner while bouncing on his feet now feeling both eager and anxious for this brunch.

Without giving Asteroth a chance to respond, the drugged up Kazumin bounded out of the carriage.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by princess
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Member Seen 16 hrs ago

Time: 12pm
Location: Vikena Estate
Interactions:@Tae Thea @JJ Doe △△△
Attire:Dress, Booties, Hair ribbon

Charlotte had smiled as Count Fritz had started about Thea's eyes. She glanced at her as she said gently. "Thea's eyes are really magical to look at. She's very blessed. " Her head tilted back to Count Fritz as she listened intently, giggling finally as he pardoned himself." Your grandmother's eyes sound lovely too. Sharks are beautiful creatures. I used to read about them when I was younger. The ocean very much fascinated me. Oh, and you need not worry about prattling. We love to listen."

She then gasped and put her hands over her mouth upon seeing the gift basket. She managed to hold her tongue so the man could fully speak, but she was most delighted someone would bring her sweet Kier and Champion gifts. Passionately, she felt they were most deserving of all the gifts in the world. As she watched him feed a treat to Champion, a sense of bittersweet nostalgia came over her. An image of her father feeding a treat to their family dog Lullaby, in the same position as Count Fritz, replaced reality for a split second and she downcast her gaze. She was mildly aware of Thea playing with Champion, smiling at her in simple reply. I suppose it's a lie we tell ourselves that time makes these sorts of things easier. Never seemed that way to me... I haven't had a chance to think about how different it is to be in this home for the first time without mother or father here.

Her head rose up in time to hear Count Fritz explain they would all get three cookies. Delilah let out a triumphant noise before anyone else could and rose her fist in the air with excitement. She had quite the kick in her step as she left to fetch more tea. Charlotte had been about to follow her and offer her assistance, but then Count Fritz's voice found her ear. She was not quick to answer. Oh that's right. I took this man on a wild goose chase last night and now he's brought my whole household cookies. Even my pets... How am I going to tell him Lorenzo was apparently in the garden the whole time?

The deep chime of the grandfather clock filled the room as it struck 12 noon.

"He's home safe and sound..." Her eyes wandered to Thea as she filled her in. "Lorenzo was missing last night after the ball and Count Fritz was kind enough to help me look for him. Thankfully, we did find each other this morning and he's just in his room right now. He did say he would return but he may have fallen asleep after some trouble we found ourselves this morning... "There was one more pause before Charlotte addressed Count Fritz once again, "But um, really, thank you for everything. You really are kind, Count Fritz."

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Blizz
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Blizz Grand Chancellor Supreme of the Wizard Council

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Time: 11am
Location: Sorian Festival
Interactions: Sadie @Potter | Verrick @Aerandir

”Caesonia is a bit far for just passing through if you are from Baltyria.”

The presence of someone else behind Lyra elicited a sense of trepidation from her. The General was a combative woman, always on alert against a threat. That this man offered the Princess something to eat, opposed to her snack, implied he did it out of security, which further implied he was with her in some formal capacity. A bodyguard, perhaps. It meant nothing ultimately, but what stuck out to Lyra was that he seemed to be marginally familiar with the kingdom she had came from. That was certainly an interesting thing to her, but internally, Lyra knew that navigating around what he knew would be a challenge. What did he know of the place? She could not simply ask, as that would imply she was offering information. No, she had to think carefully about what tidbits of information she would and would not compartmentalize into a mental box, just to let him peek inside.

In the moment between his next question and her response, that was exactly what Lyra did. Their eyes locked, and Lyra didn't so much as blink in the face of this strange man's scrutiny. ”To my recollection, there never has been a party who’s traveled out of there…for any reason. So why now?”

"I am retired. My days as a warrior on a battlefield are behind me, and I've decided that I will let them stay there. Caesonia is far enough that the troubles of a militant life will not reach me. I heard that it was beautiful this time of year." That was her story. It was dismissive and concise enough that it gave Verrick a believable answer. War was harsh on a person, and who could blame them for retreating far away from it? Her mind was formulating various responses to multiple questions he could have asked. I'm wearing the uniform to signify I'm not to be bothered with. I look young because you're trying to flatter me. I came here and not to Alidasht because I don't like sand. The sword is a going-away gift from a friend. Being in the presence of royalty, and the general public, was something Lyra also took note of for navigating this conversation. Word would surely spread of the foreign woman in uniform from a distant kingdom, but for the time being, others were content to enjoy the festivities. If Verrick pressed and accused her of being suspicious, he'd look bad in the company of a princess. The General was content to leverage every degree of insulation, social or formal, that she had to keep herself at arm's length from both of these people.

Information was a weapon of the battlefield, and Lyra knew battlefields like the back of her hand. It was paramount that she maintained her cover if she wanted to find what she was looking for.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Helo
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Helo Wonderlust King

Member Seen 3 days ago

Time: Morning, 12pm
Location: Athletic Arena
Interactions: Mina @Tae
Mentions: Dr. John @Conscripts

“Fetch Dr. Williamson. Immediately.” Leo snapped an order at those closest to him as Mina began convulsing. Fainting was one thing, fits were entirely another. Many around them panicked, but Leo did not, he put that effort into action. He kept her head cradled so she couldn’t knock it against the wooden seating and tilted towards the side, to keep her from choking. It ended a few frightful seconds later. Whoever had asked if she was dead was lucky that his attention was entirely focused on Mina.

Her chest's subtle rise and fall had stopped for several moments too long before a sudden gasp brought her back to consciousness. He echoed with a small sigh of relief and returned her hug. One he was not forced to tolerate, nor did he worry about whether it was appropriate, because comforting a shaken friend mattered much more than how such things were seen in Caesonia. “Nothing to be sorry about. I’m glad you’re okay.” Leo spoke just as she let him go. As Mina returned to her feet, Leo followed and stayed close by her side in case she was still unsteady.

Despite Mina’s attempts to convince herself that she was fine, peaked and panicked would be a more accurate description of how she looked as her eyes darted around the crowd. “It is rather hot here, and the air is entirely unpleasant, would you care to escort me out of the arena? Somewhere with a bit of shade.” He offered his arm to her, a polite and transparent attempt to remove her from the situation that had caused her distress.

“I sent someone to try and locate John.” Leo hoped whoever it was would not just simply return with any doctor, potentially one of the many crackpots in Caesonia, instead of the rational Varian. “We should wait for him as well, ensure no one has slipped you anything.” He whispered the last part. He was not convinced Mina was fine; watching a man burn could cause a fainting spell but not some sort of seizure. These events involved far too much mingling around the common people and it would be too easy for one of them to slip poison into food or drink.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Tae
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Time: 12 am
Location: Outside Sorian Castle—->Festival in the Park
Attire: Outfit. Hair, and Makeup
Interactions: @Apex Sunburn Sjan-dehk, @Ojo chan 42 Yosri

As Sjan-dehk went on to tell her all about his ship and Saiya listened with genuine interest. The thought of the freedom he had, the adventures he’d been on, Saiya found herself longing for the same thing. Her mind wandered as she walked arm in arm with him towards the town. She was a little surprised, however, when he began apologizing for talking so much. A small giggle escaped her as she shook her head, looking up at him. ”Please don’t apologize for talking about something you love. I enjoyed hearing you speak about your ship and it makes me even more eager to come visit.” She said with a grin, letting go of his arm and dipping into a curtsy.

”The pleasure was all mine, Captain. Enjoy your stay here and don’t hesitate to call on me if you need anything or just need a friend to talk with. I’ll also be sure to come to the docks here soon to visit.” She bid him farewell before continuing her walk towards the festival.

The park was bustling with all sorts of people and Saiya couldn’t keep from grinning some as she wandered through the crowds. In an odd way it reminded her of the bazaars back in Alidasht, with all the people and stalls with shop owners yelling out their goods. Not long ago, she was dreaming of adventure and freedom, now she was longing for home and the familiar scents. She thought it was interesting how one could long to be away from their home yet miss it at the same time.

She found herself making her way up to the Nutty Delights stall, buying a bag of the mixed nuts as she realized she was rather hungry. Her stomach thanked her for finally putting some sort of sustenance in it. As she began to walk away, Saiya noticed a little girl looking longingly at the candy floss being sold at sugary delights. The little girl looked to her older sister, but the older girl shook her head sadly. ”I’m sorry Addy, we don’t have the money for that.” She told her little sister and the look of sadness yet acceptance that crossed the little girl's face made Saiya’s heart ache. Before she knew it, she was approaching the girls and kneeling down next to them.

”Those sure do look yummy, don’t they? I’m thinking of getting one, but I’m just unsure which flavor I want. Which one do you think I should get?” Her soft voice and kind smile helped keep the girl at ease and soon little Addy was smiling shyly back at Saiya. ”Um I think you get the ‘atermelon.” She said, struggling to say watermelon which only made Saiya smile more. Saiya began to nod as she looked at the woman running the stall who’s attention was on them now. ”Could I get one of the watermelon ones please?” She asked and the woman nodded with a smile. A few moments later, Saiya had paid for the sweet treat and was now handing it over to the little girl. ”You enjoy that now and don’t forget to share with your sister, okay?” The little girl nodded and both girls thanked her before running off.

Saiya watched them for a moment longer before she heard the sound of music and began heading in that direction. She came upon a small group of musicians coming to the end of the current song that they were playing. She stood in the small crowd, smiling as she listened happily. ”Now, journey with us across the sea as we explore a few exotic songs in honor of our guests from Alidasht. Perhaps we can transport you to those mystical lands through our music.” One of them said before beginning a song that Saiya was actually rather familiar with. She found herself swaying to the song and softly singing the absent words when she met the eyes of the man who had originally spoken. He grinned at her and she politely smiled back, appreciating their willingness to play different songs.

As the song came to an end, he began to motion for Saiya to come over. She blinked at him for a moment, but then stepped forward with a quizzical look. ”Fret not, my lady, I merely saw you singing to our song and was curious if you were skilled with your voice?” He asked her quietly, keeping a friendly tone to try and put her at ease. Saiya laughed a little and shrugged before she spoke. ”I do enjoy singing and dancing, though my voice is certainly not the best out there. I can hold a tune, however.” The man’s smile grew even more, almost in excitement. ”Would you be willing to sing a song with us then? Perhaps you know this one?” He plucked out a few notes and she immediately knew it. ”Are you sure? You haven’t even heard me sing, you may regret asking.” She said and he simply laughed before addressing the crowd once more.

”Ladies and gentlemen, we have been blessed to have a songstress from the very sands of Alidasht here today. Let’s show our support and encouragement as she lends her voice to our next song!” Saiya turned to watch people giving her applause with wide grins and she knew she wouldn’t be able to get out of this easily. It wasn’t like she was unused to performing, anyways, so she took a deep breath as the musicians started the song.

”Oh, imagine a land, it's a faraway place where the caravan camels roam. Where you wander among every culture and tongue. It's chaotic, but, hey, it's home…” Saiya began, not just singing, but adding a bit of flair to the performance. The crowd quieted once more, becoming entranced in her words as she continued on. ”When the wind's from the East and the sun's from the West and the sand in the glass is right. Come on down, stop on by. Hop a carpet and fly to another Alidashtian night.”

Before she knew it, she was entranced in her own performance as she danced and sang. Her voice traveled over the crowds of people, drawing in more and more. She was coming to the end of the song and that’s when her eyes met those of someone she realized she was familiar with. ”A fool off his guard could fall and fall hard out there on the dunes.” She finished, her eyes never leaving Yosri as she grinned at him excitedly. The crowd began to cheer and shout and she faintly heard the man thanking her, but she was distracted now. She did manage a bow to the crowd before moving towards the man she had spotted. ”Yosri, is that really you?” In her distraction, however, she didn’t notice two teenagers laughing and running through the crowd before it was too late. They collided into her, sending her careening towards Yosri with a gasp.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Ojo chan 42
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Ojo chan 42 The flower withers, as I walk by

Member Seen 20 min ago

Yosri Dali Kadir

Location: :Festival at the park
mentions: @Lava Alckon @Tae

The festival was buzzing with life and laughter. Intresting tales floated all around him, and Dali stopped more than once to listen to them. Admire the way their tellers spoke,weaving tale after tale. Truth laced with grandeur to make the stories all that more intresting. He enjoyed them,and more than once spoke tales himself. About the far away sanddunes, that shifted with each dark moon. The dessert winds bending and shaping the sand to its will. The heat scoarcing everything that was not resilient enough to withstand its deadly touch. He was born for this. To stand infront of people and preach, speak and share in their laughter and amazement. He spoke about his gods, and their tales. But not to long, as he had other stories to listen to after he was done speaking.

Not far from where he and his story sharing companions had settled down, a group of musicians took their place. It caught his attention as they began to speak about his home land. He had not noticed many others from Alidasht around, yet they were here. Hastily he stood up, earning strange looks from his new found companions. He gave them a gentle smile. "what better way to be tempted by the taste of far away spices, than music on the tip of your tongue" he said poetical and turned to look at the musicians.

Apparently they had roped in a young lady from Alidash origins, to sing along with them. He laughed softly and shook his head. He prayed the poor lamb was not to crowd shy. She proved him wrong, from the silence rose a siren. Tempting the crowd with her song and intriguing them with her mysterious tune. She knew how to amuse them,how to amuse him. And when she soun,the world stopped for a moment. Everything blurred but her, as pure joy rose from within his ever enthusiastic being. He knew those eye's, he recognised the woman singing infront of him.

"Saiye" he said and for a moment, he could see her back in the temple. Offering secret prayers to her father. Her pure intent so radiant as he stood guard to make sure no one would disturb her prayer.

He chuckled as she sing the last sentence,and he felt as if she was calling him a fool. His poor heart.

He made his way through the crowd after her song was done. He grinned as she called him by his old name. How much time had passed since they had last spoken. She had been taller than him, that was for sure.
"Inshallahs Habibi. Only my father inists on calling me as such" he said,and wanted to reach for her hand.

Instead,the gods literally pushed her into his arms. He stepped forwards to catch her just in time. Holding the precious desert rose in his strong embrace.
"come now habibi. Do not go falling head over heels for me just yet" he teased her "how long has it been since we last saw one another? Years? I am sure you were bigger than me,Inshallah" Dali suppressed a laugh as he helped her find her steady feeling again. By the gods did it feel good to see Saiye again. Seeing her filled him with a sense of nostalgia. To home and the honey glazed dates he used to bring to his mother and Saiye.

"you can call me Dali, Saiye" he had helped her steady,but still held onto her hand. "how is life treating you? Has it been kind?"
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by princess
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Member Seen 16 hrs ago

Calbert & Kazumin

Part 1

The door swung open powerfully with a loud thud as it hit against the walls of the Damien estate. Calbert stepped out. His narrowed gaze was on the blonde man bounding toward his house like it was his birthday morning. Why is he eager? His eyes drifted toward the carriage behind him. He could see Lord Asteroth inside. Calbert sighed and glanced over his shoulder. “Put the gun away for now.” He murmured to a nearby member of his staff.

Though he’d have to hold back more than he wanted to, he still did not intend to be humble about his thoughts. Even if he did bring Lord Asteroth, Count Calbert outranked him and would make sure that they both knew that he was aware of Kazumin’s antics. Looking down at Kazumin, he could not help but contort his face in disgust, his blue eyes locked on his cowlick as his mouth scrunched up.

“...We’ll wait for Lord Asteroth to join us.”

Lord Calbert would soon lay witness to the carriage door flying open and from it, Kazumin bounding out like an excitable child. But most eye-catching was the poor driver who found themselves unfortunate enough to have the door slamming into them from the abrupt bursting of the door. With Asteroth just exiting the carriage, everyone within the immediate vicinity bore witness to the dazed driver stumbling backwards against one of the horses which panicked from the impact and kicked though thankfully narrowly avoiding a direct hit of the individual, the same could not be said for the driver’s arm as he was knocked and sent sprawling to the hard concrete floor.

Oh shit!” Kazu cursed through gritted teeth clutching at his hair. “Fuck..I didn’t see you there, Steve. Let me-” The cowlicked blonde motioned to make his way over to the injured driver when Asteroth’s hand clutched his shoulder.

A small but quick jerk of the shoulders had the ward pulled back towards the baron. “Leave it to me. You have done quite enough.” His voice was a harsh whisper that oozed unbridled wrath, his bearded face a bright red from a mixture of fury and embarrassment. The count’s presence the only thing sparing his tactless ward another biting reprimanding.

The baron wanted nothing more than to shove Kazumin back into the carriage and ride off after this, but the count was already present and waiting and he knew very well how Calbert detested being kept waiting. “Now I have to take care of this so you will have to go on without me. You are to extend the proper courtesies and apologies… and whatever that booze fried brain of yours tells you to say..you ignore it! So help me if you embarrass me any more this day…” Every word whispered like icy daggers hinting of cruel promise followed by a vice like squeeze to the shoulder.

All the while Kazu’s eyes were whirring in the eye sockets to Steve then to the count then to Asteroth and then a squirrel he spotted munching away at a nut on a nearby tree. Rapidly whirling to each of them in quick multiple concessions struggling to focus on one of them or the myriad of emotions circling within him. Half of Asteroth’s biting words are muffled by the loud erratic drumming of his heart.

Do you hear me boy? Get up there and let the count know I shall be along shortly.” Said while prying dagger like fingers from his ward’s shoulder.

His last words and the painful pressure of his fingers releasing did the trick in getting Kazu to focus his attention on the count waiting at the top of the steps. His thoughts of chasing the squirrel to get his nuts brought to an end. “Yes sir, you can count on me!” Kazu responded with a stoic expression and salute only to melt back into his usual wide cheeky grin.

The young blonde who had been exhausted and barely able to make it up a set of stairs previously was gliding up the steps. Practically hopping up them in fact as he reached the top in a manner of seconds only to come to a skidding halt upon reaching the second to last step.

Suddenly Kazumin bowed lower than normally needed. “Greeting Lord Count Calv- er Calby no..Calbert! I am most gracious and honored to have been given an invitation to your wondrous estate to share in brunch.” His tone was upbeat and excitedly chipper even if he didn’t know what brunch was but as long as it meant food he was fine with whatever. “Hm..oh and apologies from Baron Asteroth as he is a bit indisposed at the moment but shall be with us shortly.” Looking back over his shoulder to see him and a few others trying to help Steve causing a pained shout to echo out which Kazu cringed with guilt, making a mental note to make it up to the man later then turned his attention back to the count with that big grin plastered on his face once more.

Calbert immediately grimaced at the young man’s greeting. What is with him… He supposed that Kazumin was eager as he had not suspected the nature of their discussion. Nonetheless, he still struck Calbert as immensely odd. His brows slightly raised once he heard that Lord Asteroth would not be immediately joining. His gaze followed Kazumin’s briefly to the indisposed fellow who had been kicked by the horse. “I see. Well, that’s alright as there are some subjects I’d like to converse with you privately anyhow.” He stepped out of the way and gestured Kazumin inside. Once he would step inside, the front doors would slam shut.

He tried to remain standing in place but the powder (whatever it was) left him anxious and fidgeting in place. All the while that wide smile remained plastered on his face while the corner of his right eye twitched every so often. His attention nearly wandered back to the squirrel until Calbert spoke up after he strangely remained quiet even after giving his introduction.” Eh? Speak privately? Well alright.” A shrug of his shoulders thinking nothing of it as he followed after the distinguished count with a bounce to his steps.

The entrance hall was large and mostly a sight of beige marble. Two colossal pillars held up the balcony of the floor above them, where staff members were glancing down with curiosity as they leaned upon the railing. The room was not all too occupied with only a few chairs and a piano spawn across the granite floor, which had a black and white diamond pattern. There were also token splashes of blue symmetrically on each side of the room. Cool colors were a recurring theme throughout the manor.

“Kazumin, right?” He forced a smile and stepped up to him to stare down at him coolly. Though forced, Calbert had years to master even making his most forced smiles look genuine. “Follow me to the dining room. I have a brunch set out for us to talk over.” He glanced over his shoulder to meet the eyes of the man that had hidden the gun prior. He gave him a curt head nod and then folded his hands behind his back.

I am going to make him regret he was ever born.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by JJ Doe
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JJ Doe

Member Seen 5 days ago

◆◆◆◆◆ "△△△" ◆◆◆◆◆◆◆
Location: Vikena’s Estate
Time: 12:00
Interactions: Lady Charlotte Vikena @princess; Lady Thea Smithwood@Tae

Lady Vikena’s update, while concise and intended to assuage the count’s concerns, only sprouted more questions. He made sure to say, “What a relief to hear that,” and to a certain extent, he wasn’t lying. Duke Vikena‘s return was welcome news. What troubled him now was how “safe and sound” the duke truly was.

△△△ cocked his head to the side. “Lady Charlotte, if you don’t mind, can you give me,” Lady Smithwood caught his attention, “us, the details?... What precisely happened?” Perhaps a fresh pair of eyes would prove beneficial.

The longer and more detailed recounting of the events that transpired happened over tea. Lady Vikena did most of the talking, with the occasional commentary from △△△, Delilah, or Nathaniel—who briefly stopped by to check if the guests were properly tended—interspersed throughout. △△△ and Delilah took over the talking to fill in the gaps in the story Lady Vikena missed or wasn’t present for. △△△ conveniently omitted his encounter with Peter in the garden from his account. They had decimated the rationed cookies and tea by the time they reached the end.

Delilah left the room to remake the tea and bring in the chocolates along with a deck of cards, at △△△’s request. After deliberating whether they should have a proper meal for lunch instead of snacks, he steered the conversation back to Duke Vikena.

During the entire recounting, △△△ could not shake the feeling of doubt in Lady Vikena’s tone. A subtle shade, not opaque enough to disregard the possibility that her father was right out of hand, but nonetheless present. She may eventually accept his explanation as the truth.

One more voice. One more voice could tip the scales. All △△△, a third-party who was there with her most of the night, had to do was agree with her father and the tale would become fact: Duke Vikena was in the garden the entire time.

“He said he was in the garden, under the shade of an oak tree.”

△△△ would not, however, be that voice.

He fixed his eyes on Lady Vikena’s. “But he wasn’t. We searched the garden. You, Ms. Delilah, Mr. Nathaniel, Mr. Benjamin.” Peter and Wayra’s owl. “Everyone in the house searched every inch of the estate. He wasn’t here. You are not wrong, Lady Charlotte.” △△△’s firm expression softened as he added, “Not taking your father at his word isn’t a betrayal.” As much as he loved his family and as much as he would do anything for them, not even △△△ believed every word they said. Especially not the ones passed down through the generations, eroded and glorified by the passage of time. “Intuition is not a skill to be overlooked, detective.”

Delilah reentered the room with the requested items. She handed the deck of cards to △△△ and began serving the tea while he shuffled the cards with a practiced flourish. He asked what card game they, staff included, should play to win their right to eat mouthwatering chocolate—chocolates, if luck favored them.

As he continued to shuffle the cards, △△△’s mind wandered to the conversation he had with Dr. Williamson not long ago.

“Do you recall the party I mentioned in the library? The very exclusive, invite-only, secret party? Well, it turns out,” △△△ paused, “and you didn’t hear this from me, as it seems the Crown wants to keep this incident a secret to avoid public embarrassment... Well, it turns out two of the royal children took a number of the ball guests to this party.” He placed the deck of cards on the table and slid them to the side, leaving behind a trail of cards in its wake. △△△ picked up one end of the trail to create a wave with the cards. He rode the wave with his thumb, passing it to his other hand when it reached the midpoint. He pushed the cards back and forth while he continued to talk. “What’s very interesting about this particular party is that every single person who attended—…” A slow domino effect rippled down the ribbon spread to completion, the end result showing that there was nothing unusual with the standard suit. All 52 cards were accounted for. “Now suffer from varying degrees of amnesia regarding the events of last night.”

He reassembled the evenly dispersed cards into a deck before reshuffling them. “I cannot claim with confidence that your father participated in this party. However, this incident brings up a… possibility you should take into consideration.” He took the top card from the deck and, after showing it to his spectators, he flipped the card over to look at what he chose. Ace of spades, upside down.

‘Ace of swords, reversed,’ his grandmother whispered. She leaned in to inspect the card, her dark eyes twinkling with keen interest.

But for whom?

‘Did you ask the Cards beforehand?’

‘Oh love,’ △△△’s grandfather leaned in from the other side. His lighter brown eyes regarded the card with far more skepticism. ‘I think you’re asking a bit much from regular old playing cards. I mean, if it were that easy, everyone would make a fortune gambling. Don’t you agree, lad?’

△△△ flipped the card again. “The possibility that magic is involved.” He noted the others’ reactions as they realized that the card he held was no longer an ace of spades, but a blank card. Before they could jump into any hasty conclusions involving transmutation, he revealed the second card hidden behind the blank card. “And not of the parlor trick variety.”
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by ReusableSword
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ReusableSword The (not so) Mighty.

Member Seen 16 hrs ago

Location: Hunting Area
Interactions:Shehzadi Mayet @13org, Shahzade Munir @Infinite Cosmos, Hannah @princess
Mentions in order:

It took roman a bit longer than he thought to join back up with the others, he wasn’t trying to hide his footsteps since he already bagged his prey that he held under his arm. A small trail of blood and water followed behind him through the lush green forest. It was the middle of summer, and the plants were in full bloom, flowers, small birds, and critters were abundant throughout the peaceful forest with only the occasional man-made sound piercing through the veil.

Walking up into the clearing he heard Munir call out to him, and he waved back with a smile. Stepping up closer as not to yell yet still giving the man a quizzical eyebrow raise at the again improper mention of his name. Munir was surely upset in his own way roman was sure.

I had to dive after this beaver but still a good catch, this pelt will fetch a good price at the market or make a good fit for some clothes. I even heard that the perfume companies buy the scent glands.

The beaver itself was about 4 feet long and weighed about 70 ish pounds by his count. A fine beaver for sure. He again seemed to approach Nala with just as much care as before, not showing fear but respect.

“Munir this is not the first time I have met you and I would presume us to be at least on friendly terms. So I must ask you, did my small joke about your hunting skills upset you earlier? You know very well that my name is Ravenwood, yet you have given me a few names so far today that are not my own.” He paused a few steps away from them with a smile.

“I do hope that this is you trying to be funny and not some underlining ailment you have not mentioned to us.”

He paused for a moment before bending down in front of Nala and offering the heart of the beaver to her, being careful of his fingers the heart was about the size of an apple.

“at least none of us came back empty handed. Some meat is better than nothing. Im sure the gods will approve of even this.”

glancing to Mayet with a smile.
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