Avatar of PatientBean


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Current Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me.....
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It's Valentine's Day but it's not too late for anyone to express their undying love to me
2 mos ago
2025: Time to enter my Villain Era
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2 mos ago
New Year, Same Me. Because since when was I the problem?
3 mos ago
Happy Holidays! Because I HAVE to be that person :)


Well now that I got the customary "post once" requirement out of the way....


Welcome to my safe space. Well, about as safe as one space can be, I guess. If you are here looking for something, I am very sorry to disappoint you, but I made fresh cookies! Come sit a spell.

I guess I'll do some more in-depth stuff about myself. My name is Nick and I am 33 years old living in Illinois. I am a therapist and clinical responder (which is a fancy way of saying I go out on police calls to provide mental health assistance). Been doing therapy for a few years now and I absolutely love it!

I am a gay, cisgender man. I came out last year in January (smack dab in the middle of a pandemic. Timing was always my downfall). There is still much I am learning, but I am proud and happy to be who I really am and not have to hide it anymore!

I am an avid gamer, especially roleplaying games (cue surprised and shock noises). I also enjoy writing and reading, especially mysteries. I am not new to roleplay, I promise. I have been doing it for years now in different formats. I am experienced, even if it doesn't seem like it.

I use humor as a coping mechanism for sure, but I also like laughing and enjoying myself. Life can be pretty sad and upsetting for the most part and I don't want to add to it.

Whew! That got deep!

I will be poking my nose around in spaces and hoping to jump headfirst into this. Some interests I have in terms of roleplay settings include superheroes, DnD, science fiction/fantasy, mysteries, thrillers, horror stuffs, apocolypse, and espionage. And I am a fan of most things pop culture. If you have any suggestions or possible roleplays you think I would love, please let me know.

Otherwise, stick around! This is gonna get wild!

Most Recent Posts

Sabine Bassard

Location: Stark Hall: Room Six -> Cafeteria
Costume: She-Ra
Skills: N/A

With memories snapshotted in the moment, forever embalmed on the internet, Sabine linked up with her friends as they made their way to the dance. Each speaking about what they were going to do, Sabine's mind wandered, especially when Dorian mentioned the announcement of the teams. Sabine, truth be told, had been mulling over that ever since the fight where they won. A victory didn't necessarily mean that were on the fast track, especially if the other team proved they had the powers, the teamwork, and the know-how to be able to manage. She was sure they did a great job, but it still bothered her.

She shook herself out of it. Now was not the time to panic. It was a dance, she was with her friends and her smoking hot girlfriends, she would damn well enjoy herself to the point she forgot about it the next day (and that's saying something given her powers).

"Oh I am definitely down for a haunted house. Also gorging myself on candy until I enter a state of shock. As for dancing, course we are dancing first Danni my love. Everyone can get a turn." Sabine eyed Leah, wondering how uncomfortable she was. Sabine gripped Leah's hand and squeezed. "I know you want to run out of here screaming, but it means a lot you are here with us. We'll have fun and make the most of it! Is there something you really want to do?"

Peregrine Mayfield

Location: Asteroid
Skills: N/a
Fit Of The Day

Peregrine facepalmed as Robert continuously put his foot in his mouth. Truly a spectacle to see, but she figured the others handled it better than she did. Especially Guin. They had bigger problems too. Such as finding Cortez and punching him in the face so hard he couldn't use his powers.

Or what the others suggested. A group attack would surely work, right? Or it would cause further damage to an already crumbling space station. Either way, it was good vibes.

Perry moved to the others who joined them. She didn't know everyone fully but it was still nice to have the group back together. "Worse comes to worse I can punch him in the face again. That felt really good last time. Like, no joke guys, it was downright therapeutic." She moved her way over to Neil. She had gotten along with him the best thus far. She waved, happy to be reunited with him.

"Solid plan though. and look at us, all working together and shit. I'd call for a group selfie if it felt like people would join in or if I had my phone. Mainly the latter. Anywhoodle, shall we go Super Saiyan this mofo and get off this rock?'
Sabine Bassard

Location: Stark Hall: Room Six
Costume: She-Ra
Skills: N/A

Sabine felt a warmth in her as her friends all rushed their support. "I don't know who did it and we will find them in due time, but let's not let them ruin this night and have our looks wasted." She posed for picture after picture, with her girlfriends, with Danni and Dorian, with everyone. A simple matter of moments and it filled her with joy.

Her mind wandered to Leah though. She knew Leah fairly well now and could tell the girl wanted to be anywhere else doing anything else. Still, she looked hot. Sabine was happy to have two beautiful girlfriends in her life. Whoever the hater was that decided to hack her wouldn't get her down as she added the photos to her story.

Once satisfied all the pictures were done, Sabine checked the time. "Ok seriously, we are burning proverbial daylight. Let's get going to the dance already." Sabine had a surprise for her girls and she was chomping at the bit to get them there.

Prudence Knight

Location: Limbo
Skills: N/A
Spells: IN/A

Prudence felt herself even more invigorated after the battle. Her new form had benefits to it. She felt stronger, faster, more agile. She wanted to test her limits, but felt it an inopportune time. Prudence cast a weary eye on Runa. The blind woman still worried her. Her motives were unclear whereas the others wore their hearts on their sleeves. Especially the men called Jack and Max. It was laughable how women were called the weaker sex due to emotions.

Prudence felt nothing for Edus' demise. That would sound cruel but she didn't know him. And even if she did, death was a part of life. Since her own parents were taken from her, she had learned to see death not as an unfortunate necessity but perhaps a blessing in disguise.

"My goal remains the same. I wish to leave whatever hell this place is and be back to my own time. Whatever other things need to be done to further that, I suggest we get started. No sense lingering around this tea party of death."

Peregrine Mayfield

Location: Asteroid
Skills: N/a
Fit Of The Day

Once back with the others, including Bethany, Guin, and Pietro, Perry felt a bit better. They just needed to get the others and get off this stupid rock. Robert spoke up referring to Pietro as Magneto Jr. She wanted to deck him then and there. What was it with some people feeling like children were just extensions of their parents? They were their own person with their own feelings and wants and quirks.

Robert did have a point though, mainly in leaving Magneto and the rest of those idiots to their fate on here. "We still have some friends to find first. Once we get everyone together, then we can be rid of this place." This meant continuing forward though and possibly running into more people who would attack them. Possibly even Cortez. And considering the powersets of their team as a whole, it would be very bad should they get amplified.
Sabine Bassard

Location: Stark Hall: Room Six
Costume: She-Ra
Skills: N/A

In a matter of moments, Sabine's worry surrounding her hack was destroyed as she saw her girlfriends and her besties came to her defense. She saw Aril and Leah first, both dressed in their costumes. April looked adorable and Leah was...wow. When was the last time she saw Leah in a dress? Never, right? "Both of you look amazing! April, you really shine in that costume and Leah. Damn. All I can say is damn. I know you are probably way out of your comfort zone but you should wear dresses more often. You kill in them."

Dorian and Danni both also made their efforts to assuage her fears. "You guys. So sweet! It'll be fine. Let's enjoy the dance and we can worry about the hack after. My real fans know I would never post something like that. But your support means the world!" She gave both of the boys a hug as Maddie and Percy made their way into the room.

Percy and Dorian started being adorable. "You two are so cute! Not te cutest couple at the school though, because we queens took that crown long ago," she said referencing her girls, "but still cute!"

Maddie complimented her too. She hadn't interacted with her before much, but if her new change in relationship with Dorian was an indicator, perhaps it was time to start speaking to more people outside of her circle. "Thanks girl! You look awesome too. These costumes were a wonderful idea. We pulled it off well."

Soon everyone was gathered for a group selfie so she shuffled alongside the others. She was truly happy in this moment.

Once the picture was taken, she checked her phone. She saw more comments big ignored them. "Ok guys we should get going. I am so looking forward to this!"

Prudence Knight

Location: Limbo
Skills: Curse Magic/Hexing
Spells: Infestation

Prudence saw her paramour start attacking the others, leaving them to sort it out. Prudence lightly chuckled. It amused her seeing worthless beings destroy each other. Saved her the effort. As she turned to face the other enemies, she felt something collide with her head. She stepped back, expecting to feel pain. Instead, she felt...fine. It hurt a bit, sure, but it was like her body had grown stronger.

She scanned and saw the demon who threw the brick at her. She called forth a hex to send a swarm of bugs at it. At first, some ants came forward, crawling slowly toward her prey. She could almost see the demon laughing at her. So she tried again, unleashing another force from inside. This time, a large swarm of hornets came upon the demon, circling it, biting and stinging. The cries of pain fueled her as her target slowly succumbed to its pain and fell.

Prudence heard Runa's attack. Prudence hesitated. Did she want to help the woman out? As she weighed the pros and cons, it seemed the others came to her defense. All the better. Once this battle was done she wanted to talk to the old woman. Her tentative allies were proving useful, at the very least, even if she was still angered by the presence of the men.

Peregrine Mayfield

Location: Asteroid
Skills: N/a
Fit Of The Day

Perry could concede that it would not do well to face Cortez while Mary had the Phoenix Force behind her. If his powers amplified it, it could destroy the whole asteroid and them with it. But even then, they had to take care of him. He was too dangerous to let loose. Who knows what trouble he could cause later of not?

"Perhaps we can knock him out someway? Or find a way to bind his powers? Either way, he needs to be stopped. And we need to get off this rock, so finding the others should be first priority. Hopefully soon before the explosions and water and electricity take us all down. They really didn't think this place through." Perry knew who created this facility and she wanted the words to sting.

As she moved forward, movement caught her eye. She glanced and saw a woman's figure. Curious, Perry strode forward. "Hold on guys..."

The woman looked to be in her 30's with blonde hair. She was wearing a jumpsuit that Perry clocked as something an astronaut would wear. The woman turned to look at her. "You can see me? I have to admit, I didn't think anyone would." Perry took this to mean this was a new spirit. Perhaps one that manifested when Cortez amplified her powers or maybe she had been moving around since they all got here. Either way, Perry was happy to see a fresh face.

"Hi, yes. I can see you. Name's Peregrine, but you can call me Perry. Or Peregrine. Whatever you are comfortable with. So I am guessing since you know people can't see you you know that you are....?" The woman chuckled. "Yes, I know I am dead. Have been for....I guess a few years now? I was on a space station that blew up. I managed to get my crew on board an escape vessel before it happened. Have been floating around in space since."

Perry wondered if she had heard about the space station explosion, but it wouldn't surprise her if the news suppressed it. It would cause panic. "Well, I am glad I found you. If you would like, you can commit to traveling with me. I could use more help." The woman appeared to think about it before responding. "Yes, I would like that. It's been a while since I was back on Earth. I will like to help. My name is Mary Elizabeth. Pleasure to meet you Peregrine." Once it was done and sealed, Perry felt herself surge in energy. She always liked that feeling of connecting with a new spirit. It made her feel whole.

Once that was done she turned to continue following the others. It probably still looked weird to see her talking to herself, but since thee incident, she hoped they understood her powers better now.

Prudence Knight

Location: Limbo
Skills: Curse Magic/Hexing
Spells: Bewitched, Storm's Chosen

In a matter of moments, everything went to hell. Prudence would have laughed at how predictable it was had there not been some changes within herself. She felt different. Evolved. Whatever was in that cup she drank from had finally taken its hold. She felt both stronger and weaker like she needed something to make her complete. She craved blood. She could almost sense it in the others.

But now was not the time for that.

Their 'hostess' had sent more demons at them. One quickly took care of Ed. Prudence wouldn't shed a tear, but she also did not want him dead. He had proven himself adequate. Everyone else felt the call to arms, unleashing their potential at their enemies. One person, another man, started screaming at the top of his lungs at how to kill the demons. Prudence rolled her eyes. "We have already fought them before, you fool. Be quiet and let the grown-ups handle things."

Prudence looked over at the demon that came near her. She called forth her favorite hex, hitting the target. She moved her hand over her body, allowing the demon to take her in. "You do not wish to hurt me. You are mine as I am yours. Please, help me. Take care of your brethren here so we may be together for eternity." With that, the demon would start fighting its own.

She glanced over at another, seeing it as the most likely to cause harm to them, and sent a lightning bolt out. It hit its mark, but barely registered. Still, she had managed to hurt it.

Another of theirs was now a young bear cub and they still had a little girl and a blind old lady who, while powerful, elected to do her own thing.

Things were not looking well.
Sabine Bassard

Location: Dorm Room -> Stark Hall: Room Six
Costume: She-Ra
Skills: N/A

After adjusting the last piece of her costume, Sabine stared at herself in the mirror. She was absolutely thrilled with how she looked. Her and her friends had all decided on a group costume this year. She didn't remember who suggested She-Ra, but she was glad for it. Not only did she love the show, but with her sword and blonde hair, she made the perfect She-Ra. And her costume only highlighted that.

As she was checking herself out, her phone buzzed. She ignored it, assuming it was one of her friends asking how long she would be. But then it buzzed again. And again. And again. Sabine sighed and picked it up, seeing messages from her socials. Only....the messages weren't about likes or views. But comments. And not her usual assortment of positive and complimentary comments, but mean ones. Vile ones. She quickly pulled up her page and saw where the comments were originating. She didn't recognize the post, but it was clearly a picture of her. And the message on it was....well she didn't want to repeat it, even in her head. It was a brimming cocktail of homophobia, transphobia, and some sexism thrown in.

Her followers had to know she wasn't like that. But the comments didn't seem to get that. She scrolled through it, reading some to herself. I hope you die xoxox. Always knu u were a hartless bitch. They went on.

She needed to do some damage control. She was clearly hacked. She quickly changed her password and re-set up the two-step authentication. She got on live and waited until she saw the viewer count go up before she started speaking. "Hey all. I wanted to clear something up with you. I know you all saw that post of mine and how absolutely horrendous it was. In a time of fake apologies I do not want to add one more into the mix. Those of you that have followed me know I have been transparent in my beliefs and who I am as a person. I was hacked and whoever did so wanted to ruin me and the community I have set up here. I intend to investigate this and find out who did it. But I wanted to share something that, hopefully, will be a show of good faith. I am in a relationship with two wonderful girls. Out of respect for their privacy, I will not share who they are unless they give me express permission. I have been with them for a while now and love them both. Whoever attempted to attack me wanted to ruin this and I will not let them win. And I hope you all won't either. I can't stop your opinions or feelings and I encourage you to explore them. But allow me to try to undo the damage done."

Sabine kept an eye on the comments as she spoke. Some were negative still, but a majority of them were supportive. She hoped she had done something to help mitigate this. Whoever hacked her had technological knowledge far surpassing the average person.

She shook it off. Now was not the time to dwell. She had a party to get to. She quickly grabbed her phone and sword, sheathing both, and made her way to Danni and Dorian's room. As she approached, she noticed Percy and Madalyn hanging outside, both dressed up nicely. "Nice costumes you two. Did we knock already or are we just chilling in the hallway?"
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