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Current Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me.....
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2025: Time to enter my Villain Era
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New Year, Same Me. Because since when was I the problem?
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Happy Holidays! Because I HAVE to be that person :)


Well now that I got the customary "post once" requirement out of the way....


Welcome to my safe space. Well, about as safe as one space can be, I guess. If you are here looking for something, I am very sorry to disappoint you, but I made fresh cookies! Come sit a spell.

I guess I'll do some more in-depth stuff about myself. My name is Nick and I am 33 years old living in Illinois. I am a therapist and clinical responder (which is a fancy way of saying I go out on police calls to provide mental health assistance). Been doing therapy for a few years now and I absolutely love it!

I am a gay, cisgender man. I came out last year in January (smack dab in the middle of a pandemic. Timing was always my downfall). There is still much I am learning, but I am proud and happy to be who I really am and not have to hide it anymore!

I am an avid gamer, especially roleplaying games (cue surprised and shock noises). I also enjoy writing and reading, especially mysteries. I am not new to roleplay, I promise. I have been doing it for years now in different formats. I am experienced, even if it doesn't seem like it.

I use humor as a coping mechanism for sure, but I also like laughing and enjoying myself. Life can be pretty sad and upsetting for the most part and I don't want to add to it.

Whew! That got deep!

I will be poking my nose around in spaces and hoping to jump headfirst into this. Some interests I have in terms of roleplay settings include superheroes, DnD, science fiction/fantasy, mysteries, thrillers, horror stuffs, apocolypse, and espionage. And I am a fan of most things pop culture. If you have any suggestions or possible roleplays you think I would love, please let me know.

Otherwise, stick around! This is gonna get wild!

Most Recent Posts

Prudence Knight

Location: The Twilight Pass
Skills: Cursing/Hexing
Spells: Storm's Chosen, Infestation

All at once they unleashed their assortment of spells. They were managing to take down a few of the Greed-Eyed Ones. However, according to Jack, they were running out of time. This called for creativity. Prudence felt a tap on her shoulder. In any other instance, she would have hated being touched without consent, but she noticed her vision change. The darkness around them churned and she could see. Jack had given her some aid.

She hated owing someone something.

They had more important matters to take care of though. Prudence summoned her storm cloud again, but this time she also summoned a swarm of mosquitos. She combined the two and sent it after the monsters. The storm cloud rumbled and crackled with energy, unleashing its swarm to the masses. The mosquitos were alight with lightning, but they did not die. It would be as if each little creature had its own lightning storm inside of it. And mosquitos were annoying at the best of times.

With each bite, it would not only infect the beings, but it would also send its shock throughout its core. Prudence hoped that would be enough to obliterate a number of them. Sure enough, 100 of the monsters succumbed to her spells. Prudence allowed herself a sly smile, admiring her own abilities.
Sabine Bassard

Location: Cafeteria
Costume: She-Ra
Skills: Anything she can muster

Sabine was on top of the world. She intended for the remainder of the night to be full of mirth and joy. But such things do not last.

Sabine gazed over at the haunted house as Leah pointed it out. It was true that those leaving looked out of it. Almost drained. Surely it wasn't that scary, was it? Leah decided to go check it out. "God, she's so cute when she charges headfirst into parts unknown." She looked over at April and squeezed her hand. "Let's go see how our big, brave girl is handling it."

Sabine went in after Leah, intending to catch up to her. As soon as she entered the house something felt....off. She couldn't put a finger on why, it was more a gut reaction, but then the walls around her warped. Sabine held on. Was it something she ate? No it had to be the house doing this. She attempted to call Leah's name, but she couldn't get the word out. Sabine closed her eyes.

When she opened them, she was no longer in the haunted house. Instead, she was on what looked to be a stage. She looked around her. Sure enough, she was on a huge stage. There was no audience, but for some reason Sabine could feel tons of eyes on her. What the hell was this? She was still dressed like She-Ra. Was she knocked out and brought here? Surely the school wouldn't allow that to students, even if it was a haunted house.

Sabine perked up when she heard footsteps. Heels on the floor behind her. She turned and saw a woman. Not just any woman though. She recognized the blonde hair. The sword attached to the woman's back. It was like looking in a mirror, but a mirror that aged.

Sabine was face-to-face with herself.

The woman was her but older. She was dressed in a skin-tight leather ensemble. Her hair was tied up in a jagged updo, but the length hit the woman's knee. The woman also had sunglasses on and was chewing what looked like bubblegum. When the woman spoke, her voice was deeper than her own. "Regarde ce que le chat traรฎnait" she said. Look what the cat dragged in. "Is this some sort of joke?" Sabine asked in response. The woman laughed. "Was I this oblivious in my younger years? Bah, no matter." With a speed Sabine couldn't quite figure out how she mastered, the woman launched forward, punching Sabine across the jaw and kicking her backward. Sabine fell on her back. She rubbed her jaw and could taste blood in her mouth.

"Je suis toi du futur, mon amour. Should have been obvious." Sabine picked herself up. Her from the future? "This is an illusion then. From the haunted house. What are you here to send a message?" Future Sabine laughed again. "Yeah, a message. It's a simple one. I. Am going. To kill you. Full stop." Future Sabine launched herself again, though Sabine was a little more ready for this. Sabine took out her sword and slammed it into the ground, force shield blasting out. It hit Future Sabine and sent her back, but she didn't fall. "Still a little girl with her toys? C'est mignon. You still got a ways to go."

Future Sabine took off her sword. It looked like her own, but it was warped, curved, and somewhat darker. Future Sabine slashed and hit the force field. It went down quickly. Sabine attempted to swing, but she saw Future Sabine gaze at her. Sabine felt something enter her mind. "I could have so much fun in here. Twist it all so you forget everyone you've ever known. Those two girls you are so in love with? Gone. Your father? Done. Your....oh wait...oh you don't know yet."

Sabine shut her eyes and entered her own mind space. She saw Future Sabine. "Get out of my head!" Sabine spoke and sent a wave of energy at her future self, sending the woman flying.

Sabine opened her eyes again and saw Future Sabine fly backward, landing hard. Future Sabine pounded on the ground. "Finally!" She flipped herself upward. "There's that fire. There's the old Sabine. Deep down you know it's there. Festering. You are just too weak to let it out. Poor little Sabine. All the world's a stage and, yet, you aren't the lead. All eyes on you and you fail every time. Food is stronger than you." Sabine ran forward, sword outreached, but Future Sabine caught it with her own sword.

"Imagine what you could do with your powers. No one could tell you no. You could literally manipulate the world's order." Sabine shook her head. "That's weakness. There's no strength in manipulation." Future Sabine chuckled. "Keep telling yourself that. One day you might actually know your full potential." Future Sabine kicked Sabine in the chest, sending her back, but Sabine held firm. "I know how dangerous I can be. It's why I hold myself accountable."

Future Sabine gestured around her. "There's no one here to lie to except yourself. Face it. You have no one but yourself to trust. Everyone is afraid of you. Do you think you have a future with your girlfriends? Your friends? Your team? No one will ever trust you. In the back of their mind, ironically, they will always question you. Is their memory real? Did you alter them to fit your needs? An argument with your girlfriends turned into them begging for forgiveness. Your father and stepmother, your step-siblings, never fully believing you when you tell them something. No superhero would ever let you near them. You're dangerous. The sooner you realize it and forget this stupid belief you can be a hero, the better. But you'll figure that out one day. Possibly soon."

Sabine felt her heart quicken as her own worries and concerns were laid bare before her. She wanted to challenge her future self, but how could she? She knew herself.

Sabine dropped her sword. Future Sabine raised an eyebrow. "Oh? You're giving up? I expected mo.." The thought couldn't be finished as Sabine had ran up and decked her future self, causing Future Sabine to sprawl backward. Sabine stood on top of her. "Let's get one thing straight. You are right. I live with those thoughts every day. But I am better than that. I am better than by doubts and indecision. I am better than my fears and worries. I am better than you!"

Sabine raised her hand to her temple, entering her own mind. She saw her future self in her own memories.

"I don't know if you are actually me from the future or if you are just a figment, but either way, I own you. Let this be a lesson to you and myself. I win. I will always win." Sabine began altering her own memories, erasing the woman before her. Future Sabine began to slowly disappear, a smug grin on her face. Sabine kept the memory of her victory though. Kept it as a reminder. "You are nothing but a memory now. And we both know what I can do to memories." With a final snap, Sabine erased her future self from this plane.

Sabine took a moment to collect herself. She felt her emotions welling up. Soon the room distorted. She felt herself fall forward, but she did not hit the ground. Instead, she fell and found herself right up on her own two feet, back in the haunted house again.

Sabine looked around her, taking in her surroundings. She took a few deep breaths. She felt sore and hurt. Had it been real? Either way, the damage was done.

The damage would always be done.

Quinn listened intently. It may have looked like she was being ambivalent to those around her, and truth be told she couldn't care less about them, but she was still hearing them. After all, she would be working with them, much to her disappointment. She knew the preventions set up for her to protect the others. It wasn't like she hadn't been controlled before.

As the others continued, a bright pink spark barged in. Another recruit it seemed. Quinn fought off the urge to vomit. Could these idiots be more predictable? A "couldn't care less about the rules so let me show up late and have an attitude" type. If this were a movie her character would be ridiculed for hitting every teenage rebellion trope known to man.

Quinn rolled her eyes behind her mask at everyone introducing themselves. What was this? Kindergarten? "Ethos. Move along though. We aren't here to hold hands and sing kumbaya together. We're here to get shit done." Quinn returned to her resting state as the others continued anyway.

The pink blur, Shattercrash, then asked about their powers. What the hell was this? And people blindly answered? They were going to get themselves killed by being so open with each other. They weren't friends. This wouldn't be some teenage drama story where the unlikely so-and-sos learned to respect each other. If any of these people died, Quinn would not bat an eye.

Quinn gave an exasperated sigh as it was her turn. "My powers? Fine. I can make a nice old grandma stab her grandchildren 20 times each. I can make a warlord in a foreign country give all his belongings to the poor. I can make a narcissistic bastard who beats his wife run and play in traffic. All with a simple touch and a command."

Quinn looked over at one of the guys. Richter she thought his name was. "I shouldn't get close enough for you to touch me, but other than that you're just a normal person - pepper spray you, throw a knife, anything to keep distance and keep others away from you. Definite Striker vibes, maybe Master or Trump ratings too?" Quinn started laughing. Not like a little giggle, a full on guffaw as she held her stomach. Once done, she wiped a fake tear. "I dare you to fucking try me."

Quinn spun on her heel and took her seat. "Are we done with the fucking icebreakers yet and can we move on to what we are called here to do? The room is beginning to stink with all the bullshit being thrown around."
Well isn't this a lovely thread.

I'll stay by saying thank you to @Lord Wraith for being an amazing guy and for creating an RP that I genuinely loved and felt so honored to be given a space in. It might not have worked out for reasons outside of our control, but damn if I am not joining every project you come up with. And the man can make a character sheet like no one's business.

I'd also like to give a special shout-out to @Morose for being an amazing storyteller and @BlueSky44 for her work as well (even though the dice hate us all).

"Protecting the world and for what? To be disregarded? No more!"
The Eternals
Wardens of Judgement | The Celestials
Multiverse 668 - Prime | Open

W H A T I F...?
W H A T I F...?
They were created with one goal in mind: Protect humanity at any cost. Created in human image, they were given this task and set about protecting and ensuring humanity continued. They were warned never to step in or overextend themselves. But after countless wars and tragedies, it began to take its toll. Why be granted so much power only to watch those you care about burn? And even with their aid in all matters of human life, they were never credited. Never thanked. Never rewarded. Good people can only be good for so long until the cracks start to show.

P L O T ( S ) & G O A L ( S )
P L O T ( S ) & G O A L ( S )
I am generally here to create worthwhile stories. This would be my first go-around in writing for a whole team, though my intention is to have each individual Eternal get their moments. I am also open to collaborating with others, especially if you feel a specific Eternal would be valuable for your story. I plan to play these guys as Antiheroes, possibly entering into Villainous routes also. I am using the same models a appeared in the movie, though there are definitely some changes (Ikaris is around, Ajak is around, etc.).

What If... The Eternals Movie Had A Competent Team Of Writers On Board?

Truly don't know if you meant that as a compliment to me, but ima take it anyway

Prudence Knight

Location: The Twilight Pass
Skills: Cursing/Hexing
Spells: Storm's Chosen

Prudence nodded at Runa when she realized the woman wouldn't be able to see her. "On my signal then." Prudence waited until Jack stepped up, preparing her spell in the meantime. She watched as Jack used his means of corralling the beats before them. Prudence hated to admit it, but she was impressed by the man's skills. Perhaps men weren't as useless as she once thought.

Once he had done his job, Prudence stepped forward, "Now!" Prudence unleashed her Storm spell, attempting to summon a cloud big enough to fry as many of them as possible. She managed to summon a dark cloud above them crackling with energy.

The cloud sent out bolt after bolt, each one hitting one of the Green Eyed Ones. She managed to clock, by her count, 15 of them. It did some damage, but not enough to completely obliterate them. She hoped Runa could make up the numbers.
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