Character Quote:"At least radio's set to make a comeback!"
Name: Waverley Linn Watts
Aliases: Waves, Feedback
Age: 23
Birthday: February 11th, 2001
Ethnicity: African American
Birth Place: Manhattan
Gender: Female
Pre Outbreak Occupation: Stage Technician / Pirate Radio Host
Languages: English, Morse Code, semi-fluent in ASL

Appearance Height: 5'6
Weight: 121 lbs.
Body Type: Slim
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Dark Brown and Purple
Skin Tone: Light Brown
Tattoos/Scars/Piercings: Rose on her chest, Illuminati triangle on middle finger, Foreign script going down her bicep, Pierced ears
Personal Style: True to her history, Waverley's style could best be described as grunge. Her closet is filled with a mix of thrifted clothes and merch for indie bands she knows. She tends to dress for durability, buying clothes that'll last so she doesn't have to worry about updating her wardrobe too often. Her usual go-to is a band t-shirt, a sturdy military jacket, a pair of jeans, and running shoes or boots.
Dependable * Trusting * Friendly * Restless * Lighthearted * Awkward
Sexuality: Homosexual
Relationship Status: Single
Personality: Once a socially anxious, dorky mess, Waverley's grown into a much more self-assured version of herself. While she's by no means suave, she tends to bumble her way through conversations with a confidence that often forgives her her dorkiness. Waverley's primary tool in social situations is her overwhelming affability. Thanks to her time at
Beyond the Veil, she believes in the good of the collective, community being among her highest of virtues.
Having spent her late teens and early twenties largely on the wrong side of the law, Waverley doesn't have much respect for authority. She'll tend to stick up for the underdog and has trouble putting away her morals in the name of practicality or safety. She also has trouble sitting still; if she falls into a routine, she'll start to feel the itch to move onto the next thing. Her broadcast helps with this, as she's able to use it to explore pretty much anything she's interested in.
Character Alignment: Chaotic Good
Habits: Biting things (Earphone wires, erasers, ect.), talking to herself as if she’s on air (especially when nervous)
Hobbies: Pirate Radio, People-Watching, Comic Books, Music Discovering and Reviewing
Fears: - Cats: Her family had a mean cat when she was a little girl - she's been wary of them since.
- Rising Fascism: Every punk's biggest fear.
- Law Enforcement: Anyone with a gun and the legal backing to kill is someone worth fearing.
Likes: - Music
- Dogs
- Coffee
- Watching People Make Art
- Rats
- Nerd/Punk Culture
- Abandoned Places
Dislikes: - Police
- Reality Television (will still hate watch)
- Math
- Bigots
- Landlords
- The Ultra Wealthy
- Selfish People
Pre Outbreak Skills: (Pick five skills that they had before the outbreak happened.)
- Radio Knowledge
- Tinkering
- Improvisation
- Morale Boosting
- Perception
Post Outbreak Skills:What Do They Carry On Them: This includes your clothing, jewelry, your wallet, your id, your keys; cash (denote which country), a picture, lighter, cigarettes, weapons you may carry, shoes, purse, bag, pistol and so forth. If it is not listed you are not carrying it. Again, keep it grounded in the real world. Limited to spots provided.
- Clothing: Dark green military jacket, jeans, black concert tee with the words 'Echo 2020 Tour' emblazoned on it, military surplus combat boots, socks (worn thin), bra, and underwear.
- Wallet: New York State ID, $17.25 USD, Debit Card ($47.38), magnifying card, Allen key, bottle opener
- Old Purple Jansport
- Park Bench Armrest
- Old iPhone (8) With Lightly Cracked Screen (loaded with tons of music)
- Cheap Mobile Police Scanner
Life Before The Outbreak Waverley Watts was born to a middle-class pair in a relatively well to do neighborhood in Manhattan. Her mother was a police officer, while her father worked in distributions, though of what, she never knew. He died when she was young, not long after her little sister, Riley was born. She was too young to remember the specifics of his death, and her mom refused to talk about her daughters' father much at all; a stoic woman by nature, she tended to avoid showing emotion like the plague. They had to downsize after his death - move into a smaller apartment in a more affordable neighborhood. This is the life Waverley remembers growing up; a small two bedroom where the upstairs neighbors often wore heavy work boots, and the downstairs neighbors played their music too loud. Life was always so loud for Waverley. Her mother was gone enough that she didn't have to deal with it, and it didn't seem to bother her sister, who had a talent for blocking out the noise with her schoolwork and her projects.
It shouldn't be any surprise that Waverley glommed onto music at a young age. First it was her mom's old radio, then eventually an iPod shuffle, then touch, then eventually an iPhone once she got to her teenage years. She always kept the radio, though - something about it always made her feel less alone, like she was a member of a collective, all tuning into the waves as one. It was how she'd discovered she was a lesbian, and how she found her first girlfriend. She'd been fifteen, freshly off the high of buying a cheap walkie talkie with some money from her first job - scooping ice cream down at a local shop. She'd been switching between channels when she first heard her: Rose. Waverley could hear her braces in her voice, the light impediment they caused. She'd had crushes before, but she'd always just written them off as friendships. With Rose, from the very beginning, it was undeniable.
The pair quickly became each other's best kept secret. They lived close by, but rarely were able to meet - they lived close to one another, but Rose's parents were rich and overprotective, and Waverley usually had to stay at home to help take care of her sister. They might as well have lived across the country from one another. But they both had their walkie talkies, and their phones too, when Waverley finally got hers.
When Waverley was seventeen, her mom found out about the two of them. She'd raised her daughters Catholic just as she'd been raised, so to say she took the news poorly would be an understatement. It quickly devolved into a fight, one that lasted for hours. The final straw was when Riley stepped in to defend her sister. It was a well-intentioned act, but it pushed their mother over the edge. She went on a rant about how Waverley had turned Riley against her, about how she was
infecting the younger girl. She swore that she'd do whatever it took to protect Riley.
Which in this case meant kicking Waverley out.
Waverley packed the few things she had, including her walkie talkie. She thought about asking Rose if she could stay with her, but she knew it wouldn't be fair. Coming out for Rose meant two kids becoming homeless that night, and she couldn't ask her to do that. So instead, she told Rose that she was going to be gone for a while, but that she loved her. There was a finality in that call, they could both feel it. So, they stayed on the channel as long as they could, until the bus carting Waverley away from home drove out of range. That was the last time Waverley talked to Rose to this day.
Waverley spent a few months homeless, drifting from place to place, shelter to shelter. She stayed in Manhattan, not wanting to move too far away from her sister. Eventually, she found herself drifting in the Lower East Side. It was there she discovered
Beyond the Veil, a dodgy bar and music venue. The owner took pity on Waverley, offering her a job. She started out as a waitress, but not long after, she showed proficiency with the bar's sound equipment and scored herself an unofficial apprenticeship from the bar's sound crew.
Beyond the Veil was the kind of punk venue that valued community aid, and they were able to offer Waverley exactly that. She bounced around on a few couches until she was able to afford rent, moving in with a girl from the bar, another homeless teen. Over the next few years, Waverley got pretty good at working the bar's tech - as well as other electronics. While she was usually able to keep herself afloat on the money she made at the bar, this wasn't always the case. She often had to take part in more elicit business when rent money was due, fixing up stolen and salvaged electronics for cash. She never really felt guilty about it; usually the folks she helped needed the money more than whoever they stole from needed their stereo or what have you - at least that's what she told herself. Plus, it wasn't like she wasn't already a criminal, between the vigilante vandalization and her illegal radio broadcast.
Waverley started Manhattan Underground Radio when she was twenty-one - what started as Waverley fucking around with old second-hand broadcasting equipment gradually grew into a full-on hobby. The Manhattan Underground, hosted by Waverley's radio alter ego Feedback, became somewhat well-known in the Manhattan punk scene for its music, reviews of indie bands, political rants, tips on community aid, and its tracking of local police communications and patrols. It streams online as well as on air, with the Manhattan Underground Radio website also displaying whatever otherwise unused radio frequency Waverley's using for the current broadcast. While she's had a few close calls, she's yet to run into any trouble she couldn't dodge.
Survivor's Personal Journal:
Theme Song: Io Wants a Gun by Gina YoungExtra Information: Leandra Sticks it to the ManGot a soft spot for Shaun of the Dead - was one of my favorite movies when I was a kid.
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