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I wanted to do the mini-update but writer's block coupled with... other stuff made it real hard for me to write them. Thus, a normal update.

Sorry guys.
Seraph Academy

Western Gate

The girls' attention was caught by the small explosion from your Dark Javelin. Even Nur was surprised when you used magic to stop everyone.

With a 'Tsk!', the girls immediately bailed away, not wanting to deal with a pissed off Elf, leaving you and Nur alone. The silence lingered awkwardly until it was broken by your charge. "How?" She whispered. "How are you so strong, Seleth?" She remarked about you, though you felt she was not talking about your actual power.

"I know who you are, Seleth. People talk about you all the time. Behind your back. When you're not around." Nur continued. "And I know you've heard them. It was practically impossible not to." She then looked straight at you in the eye. "How? How can you shrug all that off? How can you still show up looking proud as ever? Is it an Elf thing? Does your goddess grant you some sort of power?"

"...I envy you. I wish I was as strong as you." Nur finished. "Is it true you defeated the Princess? I mean, judging from the way you look right now..."

Academy Infirmary

~~~ @AzureKnight (LIS) ~~~

Doctor Elma did not appear to believe your words but having nothing to say anything in reply, she nodded and feigned trust. You knew this since her expressions gave it away. "You seem to be in fine condition, Princess. Only a few minor injuries, if it can even be called that. I heard you managed to cast a blessing on yourself before you were knocked out?"

"Anyway, you should be good to go in an hour or two. Well, you can actually go right now but you can rest more if you want to." The Beastkin doctor bowed before leaving.

But just after Elma left, you had a new visitor. One who you likely did not expect. "Lisianthus." Your own mother greeted you, a tone without emotion. "I assume you know what had transpired in your last match. And I assume you know that almost everyone in Zauberheim, nay, Razelia knows about it by now."

"Needless to say, your father is extremely disappointed in you." Your mother revealed quickly as if she waited a long time to say that. "He expected better from you. Had you lost against someone like Varjan then it would've been a bit understandable but to a no-name Dark Elf? Have you learned nothing from the training and grooming your father puts you through? Do you know how much effort he puts in you? Did all of that go to waste?!" Her voice was rising and her next words would have been yells but she controlled herself.

"You are to go back to the castle as soon as possible but you must be devoid of shame if you would do that." Those were her final words before she left you alone.

Southern Gate Town

~~~ @AzureKnight (HIS) ~~~

Your ploy worked! Endangering two important figures diverted attention from you, allowing you to make a clean, quick escape.


Time passed and day turned to night. You meet up with Annabelle back at her hideout and she was not happy at all. "I've heard that there was a scuffle earlier. An altercation between agents of the crown and a duo of outlaws. One of whom was a black-armored man while the other, a woman in red." Annabelle began. "No one was killed in the fight. Save for a Juan de la Cruz. And the man in the black armor was apprehended." She revealed the result of your ploy.

"I'll admit, you did a good job on Juan. However, Keith is far more knowledgeable about our operations. He practically knows as much as I do which means we are all but compromised if he decides we're not worth his time." She berated. Pinching the bridge of her nose, she continued. "How did the altercation go anyway? How'd you and Keith end up in that situation?"

"Did the agents ambush you? Did something stupid happen?"

~~~ @Frozen0Titan (KAZ & TIB), @CitrusArms, @AzureKnight (ENI) ~~~

Hisana had hurled several more of the deadly cards at two directions. A few aimed at her ally Keith North and a few at the unconscious Juan de la Cruz, who was slung over Kazudain's shoulder.

The cloaked stranger teleported Keith and himself away from the dagger cards, securing the surrendering mercenary. However, Juan was not as lucky. Due to Lumina attempting to take Juan from Kazudain, the group could not stop the incoming razor cards. Lumina, herself, was grazed by them and cutting some of her hair. Ultimately, the cards landed on Juan - one on the nape of the neck and two on his head. Perhaps it was a mercy that he died unconscious, thus painless.

"Gods damn it..." Ecthel got up after drinking Kazudain's elixir. He still clutched his closed wounds as if they were still there. "At least we have one." He referred to Keith who was, for some reason, embracing the hooded man who was caught up in all this. "I think we need to say sorry to that guy. And start getting some answers too."

~~~ @ZAVAZggg ~~~

Before the sharp cards of the woman of red hit Keith, you managed to teleport him and yourself away from certain harm.

"Whoa! That was close!" Keith exclaimed. "I could've been swiss cheese from that." He then gave you a tight, affectionate embrace. "My hero~!" The mercenary squealed like a village maiden. "Even though the cards couldn't have hurt me because I'm immortal and my body heals any wounds that have been inflicted in a matter of seconds. Or minutes depending on the damage."

"Hey, sorry for the whole attacking you thing. Seriously, why are you wearing such a suspicious getup?" Keith asked, still embracing you. "You're gonna get in a lot of trouble because of that. Like me."
I'd say you can post but I'm about to post myself so I'd say just wait a little longer.
Eddie & Dorma

"Well... She has a piano on stage... Oh, I bet it's gonna be something very peaceful... Or graceful... I don't know... Water-like?"

"I'm sure it will be." Dorma responded to Yosafire's attempt to answer her.

The Demon looked left and right for any sign of Froze or anything that might interrupt this magical moment. Once the coast was clear, Dorma scooted closer to her idol and enjoyed the Sea Witch's performance.


"I suppose I do... I just never expected to see you here... Or ever for that matter..."

Eddie was in (false) disbelief. "Wha?! How dare you! I helped you escape and you never expected to see me again? You're so mean, Sam!" The actor pouted childishly at the shark familiar. "I thought we had something special, man. Something deep. Something that rivaled your bond with Wadanohara. Are you saying that's all fake? It was all a lie?" Eddie put on his most melodramatic acting ever.

He then smacked Samekichi's back. "Ha! I'm just messing with ya, Sam. So, how's the Sea? No more creepy-crawlies crawling about the creeks and the cracks? Ugh, I swear those Red Sea guys came out of someone's nightmare."

Pox, Lashiel, Ashton, Flame, River, Nale and Gangraena battled the dark-filled guards in their own ways. In a matter of seconds, the revolt had the upper hand and the guards were left in tatters, helpless against the powers of the prisoner heroes.

Kedvin produced a single key, also seemingly made up from multiple materials, and used it to unlock the cuffs on him. He then goes over to the two prisoners who started the revolt with him and also freed them from their shackles. It appeared he had made some sort of skeleton key that worked on all of the steel cuffs. Or perhaps there was simply one key design for all the cuffs.

He then went over to those who joined him in the revolt, unlocking their cuffs and allowing them full movement to continue the fight and revolt without hindrance.

"Mind filling me in on why you're looking so pale? Seen this before?"
Christian Selphia

The other prisoners, now huddled closely under the tables, only stared at Chris with fear-filled eyes.

Before anything else could happen, the doors into the mess hall swing open and caught everyone's attention. Into the mess hall formed an army of guards. Once they were assembled, a figure walked to the center, a figure who stood out from the rest. He was leaner than the guards but still appeared strong, gold painted most of his armor save for the sash and the mane on his helmet which were purple. "What's going on here?" He asked in an annoyed tone.

The Adonis-built prisoner charged the golden man but the latter unsheathed a normal-looking sword and with one quick dash with sword at the fore, the prisoner was instantly bisected, his two separated parts falling to the floor. With that, the guards behind the golden man charged and the remaining two of Kedvin's company charged as well.

"Damn it! The cav's 'ere!" Kedvin cursed as he finished freeing the last of the prisoner heroes. "We'll probably die but we'll die tryin'! Am I right?!" He told Gangraena as he joined the fight.

Kedvin's company were quickly and promptly overwhelmed by the guard army. The black-haired prisoner had his face bashed in by the steel rods of the guards while the other had his arms torn off from his body and left for dead. Kedvin himself fought bravely and valiantly but with one, mailed punch to his face, he was sent to the floor where the guards immediately surrounded him and started beating the life out of him.

The rest of the guards went for the prisoner heroes. Their numbers were beyond count and more poured in from the entrances. The golden man stood at the back and watched the scene unfold. He appeared vulnerable. Appeared.
Yeah, I'm good. Will post soon.
Sorry for the limited update but I really need @AzureKnight's post to continue. Once he does, I'll add the mini-update.
Seraph Academy

Western Gate

On your way out of Seraph Academy and back to the Radiant Cathedral, you took the path of the Western Gate. What you found on the way there was not a quiet exit after your incredible victory against the Princess. Rather, you encountered a scene you were all too familiar with being Seraph Academy for years.

Some four female students surrounded a girl backed to a wall. The girl had long, black hair with light skin free from blemishes and the like. Her red dress was simple but it complemented her body shape well. She was, to put it bluntly, beautiful. She was still the target of insults and mockery despite her prettiness. Or perhaps because of it.

You hear slurs, derogatory terms, insults. The bullies had quite the vocabulary with them, unleashing their poisoned and prickly words upon the red-dressed girl who stood there and just took it with an expressionless face. You knew this girl. She was infamous for being targeted for persecution. She was talented and pretty, there was no doubt about that. However, she was also meek and timid, making her vulnerable to those who envied.

Nur was her name and it appears someone has to save her yet again.
Latest update brought to you by @Lumiere and edited partially by me.

The constant taps and tings were soon heard by the present guards and they halted their idle activities. Gangraena's loud remarks about them summoned their full attention and some of them began to head over to the table of commotion.

"Th' names Kedvin..." one of the nearby tablemates muttered in response to Ashton in between bites, making the motion look fluid enough that it was almost difficult to tell he was the was speaking. He was a lean type in their late twenties, early thirties at a guess, with a swimmer's tone, a widow's peak of black hair ran tightly wavy in a quaff over the right side of his face almost to the point of touching his brow. Dark hazel eyes peered out from under a strong brow, moving constantly as to never give the impression of actual attention, though strongly implying they were scarcely missing a single detail. A scar ran up their right nostril to a healed gash which took out a bit of their brow with the scar of it healing, an unfortunate clip keying into a profession that was hardly a stranger to violence, but one that seldom saw a helmet, at least one of proper design.

As soon as the nearest guard approached, Kedvin drew what appeared to be a shortsword; an amalgam of spoon-shaped imprints and seams bent and honed into an edge and tip, likely crafted from two dozen or so spoons. How they were shaped was anyone's guess, though.

"Ah hey! Hold 'is for me!" Kedvin said, grabbing the guard's arm and pulled them down enough to run the blade between their breastplate and helmet, just between where their collarbone and throat would be. From the depth, it seemed like it was a serviceable blow, and it was reflected by how the guard spewed an inky cloud of tendrillic wisps that curled and grasped at the mass that quickly left their body before the suit of armor heavily toppled back with a crash against the table.

Two others followed suit with similar knives they tore from their clothes, likely loosely sewn against the inside of their prison garb, quickly ganging up on another two nearby guards. One had short black hair to a nearly faint fog of hair against their otherwise bare scalp. With hazel eyes much like Kedvin, theirs were accented with an outer ring of a gold-ish hue.

The third man, however, was an Adonis of ebony endeavor, standing over seven feet tall with long dreads tied into a bun of sorts. Cold chocolate eyes blinked out of the shadow of their own brow as they looked up and moreso grappled with a guard to render them free of their footing and punch them to the ground with a small dagger of meshed spoons.

The six remaining guards guards in the hall all rushed towards Kedvin and his company, their sticks of hard steel at the ready. They would probably overwhelm the three-man revolt. Unless others were to join them and give them a helping hand and a fighting chance.

But looking at the other tables, the other prisoners only looked in shock and horror as Kedvin engaged the other guards and had no intention of joining in. Could there be a reason?
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