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Alright then.

Since there's already two of you, we can have two or one Companions. Pick who you would like to appear (Though, I recommend just 1).


Did you draw that?

Oops, looks like I forgot about her.


There, it's all fixed.
Due to lots of stuff on my end, there won't be an update this week.

I'm sorry for the inconvenience.

However, @13org can still continue his quest normally. You can also respond to conversations with other players.

Let's just hope the enemy doesn't hit your Torso very much.


@Skyswimsky @GreenGoat

Alright we're all set. Let me just set up the IC which might take time since I'm pretty busy at the moment. Also, this session will just be a standalone, a sort of test run to see if we (importantly me) got the mechanics down. This also means that Karma and Favor Points may not mean much in this run.

I've also created an original mechanic for Nechronica: If you don't have much confidence in a run and want to improve your Dolls' chances in completing a Session/Campaign, I can provide you with Companions. The Companions are human survivors who, despite having different goals, will accompany the Dolls in their adventure.

Unlike the Undead, these Companions have normal HP and custom weapons. They are immune to Madness but will provide party-wide or targeted Conversation Checks. They can also be targeted with Support Maneuvers and the like. However, the fight will still end in defeat if the Dolls are destroyed or go completely crazy even if the Companions are still in action. (Although, if the Dolls can't fight anymore but still has Parts, the Companions will keep fighting)

Overall, the Companions will make the atmosphere less bleak... as long as their dice rolls are true. Again, this is just optional. So are you interested?

P.S. I'm changing the Damage timing skills to one per turn because I saw some Damage timing skills that says they can be used multiple times per turn (Stacy's Protect and Baroque's Regeneration).

Same category. If you want a Tier 2 Armament, you have to get a Tier 1 Armament.
Luminous Citadel


~~~ @CitrusArms, @AzureKnight (ENI) ~~~

"Tell you what. I can go and put your memory to the test. Then we'll know if you're on the mark or not."
Lumina Lusteria

"Are you... are you taking me seriously? Again?!" Keith burst into laughter again. "Ahahahahahaha! You... you're... I like you! I really, really like you, Beastie! I hope you survive whatever's coming 'cause boy oh boy, the world's gonna be a sadder place without you around. Haaaahahahhaha!"

Once Keith calmed down, he continued. "Okay, to make it clear: I'm not from the future. Time travel doesn't exist. Okay, it does but not the way we think it does. Oh, and I'm not Athos." Stifling a giggle, he added. "You said you're chasing a calamity foretold? You came to the right place then 'cause whatever's going to happen here, it's gonna be big and it's probably going to affect the entire world. Again, I don't know the specifics nor will I tell you how I know these things. That, you can take seriously."

"And I'm not sticking around to find out." Keith grimly declared.

"Greetings, brigand, you can call me Enishi. Although, I'd rather we skip the formalities and get down to business. I understand that in addition to working with this Orlov woman, you were also alongside another. Does the name Hisana ring a bell? The young woman who we saved you from getting sliced up from? Athos-san tells me that Hisana wants to kill you, and that she'll be coming after you. If you're truly willing to cooperate with us, then it will make it easier for me to deal with that woman. After all, I can't see you being enthralled by the notion of being stabbed, sliced, or otherwise decimated by a flurry of playing cards."

"Oh, Hisana! Your girlfriend, right? Yeah, I know her. Annabelle asked me to recruit her for the operation. She wisely accepted instead of getting beaten to a pulp by Zauberheim's golden boy."

"Yeah, she's probably gonna come after me. Not only does she want me dead but I'm pretty sure Orlov herself is gonna want me dead too since I pretty much wrecked her entire shindig by revealing ourselves to the authorities." Keith replied. "I guess you can follow me as I leave Zauberheim. That's probably the best bet that Hisana would show up to kill me."

"Not that she can, though. I'm immortal, after all."

Northern Gate Town

Suspicious Gym

"Is there a rear entrance? We could enter from there, first, and if things so south... If there's no upper floor, I can fire off a signal. I'd hate to hit someone with that, though."
Lumina Lusteria

"Nice meeting you then, Captain. And you too, whoever you are, but we can introduce ourselves later. We could really use some sneaking in like she said, and it'll be nice too if there's some holes to crawl in. Just... make sure our armor isn't loose enough to clank too loud. Tell some people to secure the exits too in case anyone escapes."
Halleine Castoran

"Very well. We shall post some men guarding the main entrance, ready to kick them open once we give the signal. Meanwhile, us three will circle to the back and try to find a rear entrance and take the criminals by surprise." Vitalion said the plan. "As their base of operations, I'm sure they have an alternate exit should they get discovered. Like what's about to happen now, hahaha!"

Vitalion, Halleine and Lumina left behind the main force and went around the gym. The alley behind the building was not spacious but it was enough room that the gym had a sizable pair of cellar doors that likely lead to a room beneath the gym. "There it is." Vitalion grabbed both of the doors' handles and his hands began to glow brightly. The handles then melted, unlocking the rear entrance. "Let's go."

The Head Captain took point and descended to the gym's basement. The flight down the stone stairs did not take long and the trio found themselves in a spacious room filled with long, empty tables and lots of crates and boxes of varying sizes. There were also a few people inside, sorting out equipment and putting them inside crates. The trio realized that this was the lab where the drugs were made and it was currently being evacuated.

The people in the lab stopped in their tracks once they saw the trio appear. "We didn't exactly have any place to hide." Vitalion remarked to Halleine and Lumina as he pulled out his sword and the people in the lab scrambled in panic.

"Damn it! They're here!" A woman in a black and white dress screamed. She had long, blonde hair and crimson red eyes. She looked young but had command over everyone in the lab. "Someone take care of 'em! Then it's every man for himself!" She barked an order before bolting off upstairs, likely to the gym proper.

Several people followed her upstairs while five stayed behind to battle the trio. The four grabbed some short swords and spiked cudgels while the last one went over to a box and began rummaging through its contents. "The guardsmen will be waiting upstairs. Let's take care of this!" Vitalion told Lumina and Halleine.

The Head Captain charged and began fighting one of the two swordsmen. The criminal was clearly outmatched and so, the other swordsman joined in. That left the two cudgel men and the one on the box.

South Of Zauberheim

~~~ @AzureKnight (HIS) ~~~

Tomorrow arrived and you found out that Keith had been released from custody and had immediately left Zauberheim. He had not gone far though, he was likely just at the outskirts.

And indeed he was, you saw Keith heading away from Zauberheim playfully twirling a staff and singing a tune. "The coconut nut is a giant nut. If you eat too much, you get very fat. Now, the coconut nut is a big, big nut. But this delicious nut... is NOT a nut!" He was completely alone and there was no one else in the road. It was the perfect set up for an ambush. Or so it seemed.

Regardless, it appeared Keith was oblivious to your presence. "...from the coconut familyyyy!"

Seraph Academy

Main Arena

"So, Varjan. I always respected you, you know. The prodigy of the academy. I get it though. How heavy the expectations of everyone else feels."
Seleth Thenri

"Do you, Seleth?" Varjan spat. "Do you really?"

Before you could answer, a thunderbolt loudly struck a position beside you. Soon, more bolts struck at the arena continuously and randomly. Some even struck near Varjan but the prodigy was undeterred. They probably would not even hurt him. With the environmental hazard set up, Varjan began the fight truly.

Varjan raised his right foot and brought it down the arena, shaking the floor and throwing you off balance. Maybe even off your feet. You are reminded of your first tournament match with Sir Eats-A-Lot. Regardless, you were distracted and only when you recovered you saw that Varjan was no longer there. You immediately realize he was behind you and you turn.

The boy prodigy was indeed behind you and pretty close. Close enough for him to seize your neck with his right hand while his left one curled into a fist and began burning with fire magic. He raised the fist and aimed for your face. It was no mystery what he was trying to do.

But at least now, you were able to react.

The Grand Palace

Palace Garden

~~~ @AzureKnight (LIS) ~~~

Yesterday, you dutifully returned to the castle and faced the judgment of your father. While his calm words were but a simple expression of disappointment at your defeat, you felt that they meant more than just disappointment. After rebuking you, he immediately dismissed you, never calling you again for the rest of the day, leaving you to eat dinner by yourself.

The next day arrived and you were still left with the cold shoulder. With nothing to do, you find yourself in the palace's beautiful garden. Its serene, quiet peace always lifted your spirits. "Hey sis!" A familiar voice greeted you. It was your little brother Lutz with a happy smile on his face that fell immediately. "Hey uhh, I know we kinda left you alone yesterday on purpose but..."

"I just want you to know that father didn't mean it. I mean, he kinda did but-but I'm sure he'll forgive you. I mean, it was kinda the most important tournament in Razelia but-but you'll make him proud anyway! I'm sure of it." Your brother attempted ease you. "I'm sure an opportunity will present itself. And then it will all be alright!"

Right-o! We just need to wait for @Skyswimsky and we're all set.

I see.

Well, just set the Treasure fetter to 0 for now and we'll see if that's what's intended or not.

Although, I'm pretty sure the Madness Points for 'Dependent Upon Treasure' is 0 or else you might get Broken-Hearted before the fighting even begins.

Also, I assume your Treasure is located in your Torso?
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