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It's alright, two is more than enough.


@GreenGoat @Skyswimsky

You two can fill in the Fetters part of the character sheet.

So you two now have another Fetter towards each other as well as 'Dependent Upon Treasure'.

Looking forward to it~

I'll probably be offering players a choice of having NPC companions so they don't have to optimize builds and go for whatever they want.
Recruiting Forde Briar
~@Lmpkio (TCA), @AzureKnight (VRA)~

"We are simply visiting. We won't be here very long - for we are seeking someone of interest. Do you know of anyone named Forde Briar?"

"You're looking at him, madam." The dirt-covered boy revealed. "Now begone! I've had enough of people." He went back to digging up the grave.

"We need your help, sir. Us and this fellow named George." An approaching Haley suddenly spoke up from behind Titanica and Vară. "Hey, you two. I hope you don't mind a bird flying alongside you."

"Let me be clear here, ladies." Forde responded. "I hate people. It was people, who got me in this mess in the first place."

"What mess?"

Forde snickered. "Well look at me, Harpy! Look! Scrambling around, looking for maps, half-insane!" The boy motioned to himself. "I haven't washed in six months, my hair's falling out, my mind's going. And it's all. Because. Of. People." He declared before going back to his business and looting the carcass within the newly-dug grave.

"I can certainly smell that he hasn't washed in six months." Haley remarked to Titanica and Vară with disgust. "What happened?" She went back to Forde.

"What happened? My partner! He stole half my map!" The grave robber exclaimed. "I never would've done that to him! Never! Now, look at me." Forde continued looting the corpse.

"I'm not keen on helping a deranged grave robber but we need him, right? Do you two think we should help the guy out?" The Siren asked the two monster girls.

Herbal Medicine 2
~@Lmpkio (MOR), @Stern Algorithm~

"You don't have to worry about me," the girl replied confidently, "I'm exceptionally knowledgable when it comes to medicine. And I'm not easily as susceptible to hallucinations thanks to my magic. I should be fine."

"I'm pretty sure that's what Freyr said last time." Neil replied.

"I can't thank them enough for teaching me all this - yet even now I'm still learning something new everyday."

"Well, Morgan. You're sure gonna learn a whole lot this day." Neil said nervously. "But seriously though, your entire people are like, herbalists and apothecaries? That's pretty awesome."

The small party reach Ambran by midday. The town was as busy as always, wagons hauling cargo to and from the city with lots of active stores lining the sides of the streets. The people were mostly human though there were some who hid in hoods while others simply looked off. Neil led Morgan and the Altissima sisters towards Darren's apothecary shop.

The apothecary's location was well away from where all the people were. While it was not hidden, the medicinal store was definitely not within the way of a passerby. Neil knocked on the door and called out the medicine man himself. "Hey Darren? It's us, the guild."

"Ah, you guys are here! Please, come in, come in!"

Neil opened the door but did not enter. "I'm... real sensitive to his 'Huwana' stuff so I won't be joining your session. Sorry." He explained. "I'll be waiting here just in case anything happens though. Still, be careful you three." The boy assured the monster girls as he beckoned them to enter Darren's shop.

Once they were inside, Morgan and the Altissima sisters met a middle-aged man who appeared as cheerful as a child. Bespectacled and wearing the robes of a humble alchemist but already balding. "Ah, welcome, welcome! Oh, is the rabbit person not with you? I see. Well, I don't blame him. Things, err, happened the last time so I understand his reluctance."

"But the Huwana he used is no more, I have a new and improved version of the herb. I made a few alterations on the formula to make it more conducive to monsters." Darren expounded. "Oh, you must be wondering what 'Huwana' is. It's an anesthetic that I made myself. Its fumes relieves pain and gives a sense of peace which could be great for painfully wounded people. But it's currently banned by the Alchemist Guild and I'm trying to unban it."

Darren then prepared an incense burner, which likely contained the 'Huwana', and set it in the middle of the room. "I'm eager to see if I had made any progress on this so please, sit back, relax, and let the medicine do its work." He lit the incense burner and thick smoke began to fill the room though neither Morgan nor the Altissima sisters have yet to smell it. "Oh and, do you three have any questions? I would love to share more about my original prouct."

Laying The Foundations 3

"Bart exploded huh? That the reason why the door out front? Had a hole in it? I guess that would explain why that kid Neil was in a bad mood."
John Clark

Talia chuckled. "Bart and the hole were two completely different matters. Although, you said Neil was in a bad mood earlier? Why?"

"How many horses and what kind of stable? This gonna be an internal or external stable? You thinking of doing traditional style or more like a barn? They both got their advantages and disadvantages but I'm sure you know more than I do about it so I'll let you make the call. Do we have the materials for this or are we making it from scratch?"
John Clark

"Oh uhh, external. We've already made some fences for the horses so we'll just build the stables inside it. And uhh, we're just doing traditional since we don't have the materials to build a barn. Don't worry, we have the materials. I've been gathering them for the past few days." Talia replied to all your questions. "Finally, I don't know much about building. Us Cyclopes are more blacksmiths than builders. It's just that I've been venturing into construction lately."

"In fact, you seem to be the one who is knowledgeable about building things. Are you some sort of engineer, John? I'd love to know more about construction."

Liberation At Any Price
~@ShwiggityShwah, @Restalaan (YNG)~

(I'm a wait for Ozzy's decision first)

~@13org, @Restalaan (DIT), @AzureKnight (NAG)~

(@13org will be GMing this quest)

The OOC has already been posted~!

Alright! I shall eagerly await your character.

It's all ready!

Let me know if I missed something, something is wrong or something is confusing. Also, if you're the only player who will be playing, don't fill in the Fetter part of the character sheet.

P.S. If you've got any friends, do you think you can maybe toss an invite to this RP their way?
A world in which humanity has met its end.
A world in which everyone has died.
A world in which nothing more can die.
In which naught stirs but walking corpses.

The protagonists of Nechronica are the girls of this world unfortunate enough to possess hearts - the Dolls.
To put it simply, it is a game in which the players become zombie girls and fight against other zombies.

The one who caused the dead to wake - the ruler of this shattered world - is the Necromancer.
The Necromancer serves as both the master of the game and the archenemy.
For it could be none other than the Necromancer who gave hearts to the Dolls.
For in a world filled with mindless puppets, the Dolls - they alone whom possess wills of their own - are no more than toys.
For the tragic comedy wrought by the foes sent against them is a delightful spectacle.

Since Dolls are already dead, they will find no rest when they are broken.
The peace of death came to an end long ago, just as did the world itself.

As we have a cup of tea, beneath these skies as gray as lead-
let us tell the tale of this long, long epilogue.

The original Rulebook (and other stuff) has been translated over here.

PDF of the translated Rulebook.

Adapted Rulebook


You can read more about the setting over at the website located above.


Here will be described the modified various mechanics that are featured in this version of Nechronica.



And now begins Seleth TherapistThenri's hardest battle yet.
For example like, combat, the one with the highest action points acts first. I simply concluded from the structure given that it's 'their turn' until their Action Points are lower or equal than someone else's. But it's not outright stated. Or, if I recall right, it states that each doll is able to hold only 3 Madness on each fetter initially. While before that the rules say the Fetter can hold up to a maximum of 4 points.

For the combat parts, I have made some examples in the adjusted rulebook so just hold on for now. But yeah, that's how Action Points and the 'Count' works.

As for Madness, each Fetter can hold onto 3 Madness Points before entering Madness. So once it goes 4, that Fetter enters Madness.
(Lumina is in Timey-Wimey Ball right now. She can continue conversing with Keith but she's also at the next day at the gym raid. Sorry for the confusion.)

Luminous Citadel


~~~ @CitrusArms ~~~

"Z'at you, Kieth? I've got some questions t' ask you. Nothin' to do with your bein' in here, mind yuh. Just wanted to know more about why you're so eager to leave the city. You mentioned some kind of catastrophy, before, hadn't you?"
Lumina Lusteria

Keith tilted his head."Why are you talking like that? You just look silly, you know?"

"Anyway, yeah, disaster's coming. I was supposed to be way away from here several pa-- days ago but one thing led to another and now here I am." Keith said. "Although, I am promised release after this so it's bye-bye Razelia soon anyway."

"And you guys better not renege that deal!" Keith suddenly shouted. "Or else! Or else... you'll, uhh, you'll hear from my lawyer!"

"Oh and to save you some time so you can head over and beat the crap out of Orlov, no, I don't know the details of the upcoming catastrophy." The mercenary continued. "All I know is, it's happening soon. How do I know that? You see..." Keith began whispering. "...I'm actually Athos from the future." The guards banged a weapon at the bars, startling Keith away.

"Jeez! Can't you guys take a joke?" The mercenary crossed his arms. "Anyway, yeah, I don't know the details so don't bother asking. Just know that whatever's coming, you can't stop it. Well, maybe you can but do you even know what's going to cause the disaster? Hell, I don't know what's the cause."

"Long story short, kid, get out of here as soon as possible. Before you get caught up in whatever s***show's coming." Keith leaned back. "Now, got any more questions?"

Northern Gate Town

Suspicious Gym

A small task force made of the Athos' investigators and several knights and guardsmen of Zauberheim had gathered discreetly near a conspicuous gym. According to Keith, this place was a front for the drug operation. While normal gym activities happened during regular hours, shadier things happened at night. It was closed right now but the force had the authorization to barge in and act like they own the place.

Keith noted that they would encounter the mastermind here, a blonde woman named Annabelle Orlov. The prisoner advised that they arrest her soon since she likely already knew the authorities were on to her and might bail out of Zauberheim to evade capture.

Sir Vitalion was known to Halleine but he was familiar to the investigators as the knight who fought with them against Keith and Hisana in the attempt to apprehend Juan de la Cruz.

"No idea what to expect? Kind of concerning when you say that for a mere doping den. But it is really concerning when they say a pack of the most wanted rogues are running it.

I'l be curious though, what do you have that makes you... ready?"
Halleine Castoran

"Well, I can swing my sword and shoot beams of light from my palms." Vitalion joked. "But I'm serious though. I have fought a member of this 'doping den' and she was quite capable. Likely a veteran mercenary."

"Now that we're all here, I'd normally start with introductions but I'm afraid we don't have time for it. The kingpin, well, queenpin of this operation might be leaving soon so we cannot dawdle." The Head Captain looked at the gym. It was a plain gym with 'Kill Moves' marked above the entrance. Quite large in size and the structure itself was mostly made of stone. It was inconspicuous in every single way.

"So how do you all want to do this? Do we go in quietly or just kick open the front doors?"

Seraph Academy

Main Arena

"Varjan? Doping? ...that is difficult to believe, Knight. Why would a prodigy need drugs? And why tell me, not those running the tournament?"
Seleth Thenri

"They will not believe me, madam." The Lot Knight replied. "More than that, they may just see it as an attempt to besmirch the boy's name... and invite unnecessary trouble to my kingdom."

"I don't think he is a regular user, however." The knight added. "He did not seem... used to it. It looked it was his first time." The Lot Knight looked to the arena. "I think he used the drugs because he fears you. You defeated the Princess, after all. An unexpected turn of events. I think that rattled him, made him try to guarantee his victory against you."

"But... that is just what I believe. You are pretty close to Varjan, why don't you ask him?" The knight joked.

"Not much to be done about it now. Thank you for the warning, Knight. I shall attempt to be cautious."
Seleth Thenri

"You can attempt more than that, Dark Elf." The Lot Knight stopped you.

"Varjan has ingested and imbibed a lot of drugs. I mean, a LOT of drugs. More than an average person can handle." The knight said. "Varjan may not be an average person but that can't be good for his being. He may be standing there at the moment but he's going to burn out sooner or later."

"That's your key to victory, Dark Elf. Forgive me but I doubt you could beat him in a straight fight." The Lot Knight continued his advice. "What you have to do is outlast him. Hold out until he burns out. It shall not be easy, I admit, but it's the best shot you have." The knight then bowed. "I thank you for listening to me. Heed my words, Dark Elf, and may your goddess be with you."

You and the Lot Knight parted ways with you heading off to face Varjan truly this time.

Your eyes adjust to the brightness as you enter the arena itself. It was a large, round platform with glyphs and markings on the floor. Surrounding the arena were the immense and filled to the brim audience seats. The loud murmurs grew louder when you appeared. The confluence of thousands of words made them just sound like babble so attempting to make them out was futile.

At the fore was your opponent, the infamous Varjan Caldeyron, the boy prodigy who breezed through the tournament. He did not look much different from the last time-- No, that was not true. There, you saw on his cheek, a dark blue color drawn like roots of a tree. It was then you realized those were his veins, as if some evil corruption had tainted his blood and was now flowing freely inside him. You also noticed he was panting and a little bit jittery but his glare was focused on you.

The referee quieted the crowd and explained the rules of the fight. You already heard it before and likely so did, Varjan. "And without further ado, BEGIN!"

Varjan quickly thrust his arms towards the sky and the bright, sunny day immediately turned dark. The crowds went with an 'Ooohh...' as the rumbling of thunder came with the gray clouds. Varjan turned back to you, waiting for you to make your first move.
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