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The guild could use a dedicated spellcasting mage.
About the extra character, dunno if i'll make one or not XD

Usually, I recommend a second character so you yourself don't get held up in case one of your characters get held up. But ultimately, that's up to you.

Ah. Well, the Necromancer is just the GM of the RPG and that's about it.

I'm almost done with adjusting the rulebook. Are you still interested?

Anyway, if we do this, the first run will be just one test Session to see if my adjustments work or not (and to also test if I actually understand the RPG).

I'll just have them catch up once they make their choices.
Liberation At Any Price
~@ShwiggityShwah, @Restalaan~

Yang had caught Ozzy in a lock and would not let go until the latter either give up in going after the Varjan-related mission or breaks the lock. "I know he wants to get killed by being a monster and heading off to Varjan territory but please don't do it for the Varjans, Yang." Haley said.

"And why are you so keen on Bart's side, anyway? Ya got the hots for him or something?"

Recruiting Forde Briar
~@Lmpkio (TCA)~

Making your way towards the south of Pravar, your trip was surprisingly quiet and uneventful. Despite your proximity to the Order territory and the measure of your power, your presence was all but ignored. You arrived at your destination in peace.

The areas south of Pravar were of grasslands and ruins. It appeared that this place may have been something of a town once but whatever was left were being reclaimed by nature. In one of a chapel's ruins, you hear the sounds of dirt being dug. Heading over to investigate, you enter the chapel's cemetery to find most of the graves dug up and desecrated.

You immediately find the perpetrator, red-handed as he tossed away another pile of dirt from his shovel. From his appearance, he looked like a young boy almost similar to Neil just with black hair. His clothes were simple but they were dirtied by all the soil and dust. His eyes told you that he was not entirely there, they twitched and darted from to and fro.

He really seemed into his digging activity before he was forced to acknowledge your presence. "Who are you?" He asked bluntly.

Herbal Medicine 2
~@Lmpkio (MOR), @Stern Algorithm~

"Hey you three, let me come with you." Neil caught up with the Moth Kaiju and the Liliraune. "Freyr tripped hard when he inhaled those herbs. Had him running around screaming about plants. It was... weird. Thankfully, no one got hurt. I figure I should be around if the same thing happens to you."

And the small party was off, heading towards Ambran. Since John had no use for the wagon, the Altissima sisters rode on it once more with Neil offering to push it for them. The trip was uneventful with very little happening in the barely-populated road though traffic increased as they got close to the town.

However, Neil found himself staring at the Altissima sisters as he pushed their cart. His eyes were glued at their legs, particularly their flower and the pool of nectar within, as if he was enchanted by them. Perhaps that was the case as he absentmindedly pushed while his eyes roamed all over the Liliraune's floral features. Regardless if he was noticed or not, Neil blinked and realized what he had done.

"So!" Neil almost shouted as he broke free from his own trance. "Uhh... uhh, you guys are like, herbalists right? So uhh, where'd you- where did you learn the craft? Did you learn it... in school or something? Mentors?"


"Looking around, I'm kinda questioning why I was asked to join when someone of your talent is here. Certainly gonna make me feel kinda useless but I'll get over it."
John Clark

"Oh, I wasn't invited by Bart." Talia replied. "Rather, I came to be here after... it's a long story, really. I-I'll tell you some other time. Just know that I wasn't invited or anything." It appeared the subject made her uncomfortable.

"You said you were stressed. May I ask what about?"
John Clark

The Cyclops sighed. "Recent events. The problems just kept piling on top of each other."

"Latest of which is... Bart. He kind of exploded last night because some of us decided to get involved in Varjo-related quests. He didn't like that since it could put the guild in danger. I don't think he's cooled off yet." Talia explained. "But we needed the gold and more than that, it's just... the right thing to do, you know?"

"So, that's why I'm forging stuff. To keep my mind off it for the time being." Talia's single eye looked up as she remembered something. "That reminds me. I posted something at the Quest Board. I'm asking for help constructing a stables for our horses. Leaving them exposed to the elements is just asking for trouble."

"Are you interested in helping out?"

~@13org, @Restalaan (DIT)~

(@13org will be GMing this quest)

Cool! I'll get to work on the OOC.

Meanwhile, I recommend going through the rulebook and planning your character for now. Ask any questions you have~

Well, I can make this work with one character. Will you be okay with that?
We're going to wait a bit for @AzureKnight to post so I don't have to make adjustments in the future.

Also, I allow @ShwiggityShwah to post in response to Yang's actions towards Ozzy.
Radiant Cathedral

Western Gate

"So tell me, Nur. Are you PATHETIC? Are you a fool? Are you so WEAK as to act on such impulses? You endure such insults daily. You are not as weak as you think you are. All you can do is make a promise to yourself........."
Seleth Thenri

Nur was listening intently at first, inspired by your words, the deadness in her eyes regaining life. But as you continued, she stopped listening. Stopped completely, freezing in place like a statue with her eyes wide.

A bloodcurdling scream echoed throughout the shrine. "I'M SORRY!I'M SORRY!I'M SORRY!I'M SORRY!I'M SORRY!I'M SORRY!I'M SORRY!I'M SORRY!I'M SORRY!I'M SORRY!I'M SORRY!I'M SORRY!" Nur screamed, repeating the mantra over and over again. The quiet home of Aylama shattered by one single girl. Try as you might, you could not get her to stop or to respond in any way at all. She only sobbed and apologized. "I'M SORRY I'M WEAK! I'M PATHETIC! I'M SORRY!"

Her deranged cries attracted attention from the other patrons of the cathedral. It all happened fast, surreal even, and the next thing you knew, Nur was being escorted out of the holy grounds by a pair of Dark Elves.

With that little incident over, the rest of the day went about normally. Well, as normally as it could after witnessing a mental breakdown.

--- THE NEXT DAY ---

Seraph Academy

Main Arena

Today was the big day. Thanks to your unexpected victory against Lisianthus, the Princess of Razelia herself, you would be the one to face Varjan instead. Indeed, very few was unsurprised by your win. Some didn't even believe but the results spoke for itself.

Your departure from the Cathedral was not quiet. Practically everyone in the Radiant Cathedral had gathered to see you off, offering their supports and prayers for your battle against Varjan. They said that if Aylama had granted you victory against the Razelian Princess herself, she would surely see you through Varjan as well. They even prepared a special carriage for you to take you to Seraph Academy.

Being inside the wagon, you could take the time to savor the sights of the final days of the Grand Academy Tournament. Things were livelier than normal in the city square though you could see that most people were heading the same direction as you, toward Seraph Academy. It was no mystery to you that they were going to see the grand finals of the tournament.

You soon reach your destination and upon stepping out of your carriage, you were received with much fanfare. As you walked to the main arena, students and teachers alike greeted you and wished you the best of luck. Even from those whom you were certain disliked you. You were told to head to the arena as quickly as possible for Varjan was already there and waiting.

But as you entered the main arena, just before you enter the actual field of battle, you were greeted by a familiar face. "We meet again, Dark Elf. I congratulate you for making it this far in the tournament, beating even Lady Lisianthus." The Lot Knight with the sleepwear armor motioned you to come closer.

In a shallow gap in the wall, somehow a secluded area away from the eyes and ears of the public, the Lot Knight continued. "I am very sorry for this, Dark Elf, but I need to talk to you. You see, your opponent Varjan... He is cheating." The Lot Knight revealed. Perhaps you wondered why a prodigy like Varjan would need to cheat. "I saw him using, well snorting... something when I came to see him. I have reason to believe those are enhancing drugs."

"I know it sounds crazy but you must believe me."

Luminous Citadel

~~~ @smoken ~~~

Another day, another coin.

At least, that was how things were before the Grand Academy Tournament arrived. Then, it was practically work all day. The festivities have increased the burdens of the guardians of Zauberheim but such was their duty. However, a recent incident have drawn the majority of the city guard's attention.

An investigation started by Athos, the Court Mage of the royal family, uncovered a crime ring within Zauberheim that ran a profitable operation selling illegal drugs and enhancers. With the Grand Academy Tournament ongoing, the targeted customers was obvious. A small clash in the Southern Gate Town showed that the ring was not just a bunch of schemers, they had dangerous people among them. Dangerous enough to reliably stand up against the authorities.

Fortunately, a member of the operation was captured and had spilled everything with strangely little coercion. With the mastermind identified and her whereabouts knows, it was time to deliver the final blow.

You were called to assist in the arrest and you would be joining the investigators as well as elements of the city guard. On the way to the rendezvous point, you met up with a knight-looking person wearing silver armor and the colors of the city guard. "Ah, Lady Castoran. Well met."

While he knew you, almost every knight in Zauberheim, maybe even Razelia, knew him. He was the famed Sir Vitalion, a master in both the arts of the sword and the magics of Amalya. He was one of the greatest Arcknights of Razelia, even friends with the King himself. However, one day he suddenly left the Arcknights and signed up as a simple guardsman in Zauberheim. No one knew why but regardless, he was soon made Head Captain as he was better leading guardsmen than serving as a grunt.

"I am glad that a knight of your caliber would be joining us. I shall be honest though, the foes we will face have a LOT of tricks up their sleeve. I have no idea what to expect." Vitalion said as you and him exited the Luminous Citadel. "I'm sure you have been briefed about our mission but still, do you have any questions? Any thoughts about it?"
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