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Kazenosuke's House


Kazenosuke wast still holding off Camael at which hour the next waft of attacks cameth. The dancing swordsman hadst to bethink apace and did start by spinning pushing the draconic familiar hence a did bite ere spinning to giveth his scabbard did thrust enow force to stumble Camael hence.

His bodkin wast a blur to dispel the shadow rats from Zeka. He then ramm'd his bodkin at one of the incoming shadow clones and dispelling t, leaving only two remaining. He did kick one hence once moo and crouch'd down to throweth ov'r his shoulder the last one. They weren't eliminated, but t didst buyeth him enow time f'r the next attacks.

Kazenosuke hath tried to useth only his scabbard to block Vivian's downward leggeth strike, only f'r the icy leggeth to wend through and hitteth the dancing swordsman. Just in time f'r Vară's fiery orbs to lunge at his position and explode.

The swordsman wast launched, leaving a smoke trail, past Zeka's fog and to the wooden walls of his bawbling home. After his corse did slide down to the did grind, Kazenosuke hath used his bodkin to prop himself back up. His forks wast wobbly, one couldst sayeth he wast on his last forks. Clutching the area whither Vivian hitteth him, he did point his blade at the almost victorious yokai. "You. bethink t's ov'r. ? I've still did get some square hath left in me. "

The three taskforce members would eke notice yond a huge number of crows has't gather'd in the trees surrounding the square. They hath seemed ingraft, just curiously watching the hurlyburly unfold. But clearly, they wast not. The taskforce couldst coequal detect faint traces of charm within those folk

Unknown Forest


~ @The Irish Tree (MAT) ~

"Oh and Takeshi couldn't come, he was busy dressing up as a miko! For...some reason. I didn't really ask."
Matsuri Okitsu

The shinobi wench didst not appeareth to beest interest'd in talking, as the fires hath continued to burn the forest down. In fact, the lady hath brought out that lady sickle weapons and hath seemed to beest getting eft to start a square with matsuri until the young Inari hath said that lady last sentence.

That lady weapons wast still out, but they and that lady posture wast anon did relax. Any fighting intent wast anon gone. "Thou has't mine own ears, yokai. Doth not waste those folk. " The shinobi hath said coldly and apace. "Spare nay details. Bid me everything. " the flames wast dying down 'round those folk, but still did illuminate enow yond Matsuri couldst still see the shinobi.

Terauchi Temple

~ @Enkryption (UMI & RCD), @AzureKnight (KIR & LAV) ~

The refugees were still distrustful of the taskforce, despite Umami and Ripcord humbling themselves to them. They were drawn in when Kirei joined them in renovating an old and unused shrine at the corner of Terauchi Temple. Things were going pretty smoothly, the taskforce even gathering quite a crowd of an audience, until Lavinia joined them and assumed some things about the Claremont sisters. Things that struck a nerve with the siblings.

"Uh, oh. Looks like they're about to fight."

"Let's get out of here before we get caught up in all that."

The refugee crowd was listening in on the commotion inside. They dispersed before anything... loud happened, and they were all gone by the time Lavinia and the Claremonts resolved the misunderstanding.

Ayu, having noticed the fleeing villagers, went inside the newly-refurbished shrine. "Hey, do any of you mind explaining to me why people suddenly fled from here?" The spymaster's eyebrow raised when she saw a large kiln in place of the old shrine she knew. "Wait, isn't this the-- Ugh, never mind. I suppose it's dedicated to no one anyway."

"Now then, what did you all do here that warranted people freaking out?" Ayu jumped to conclusions before noticing the mark on Ripcord's neck. "Whoa, and what's that on your neck?"


Takeshi did listen intently to Tomi's introduction and explanation of that lady situation. He gather'd yond the lady wast from an 'alternate shizuyama' as the lady mention'd. A similar, but different ordinary from the implications. The young lord couldst only wonder at how a seemingly simple dragon couldst accomplish such a feat. Peradventure thither wast moo to this Tomi Oro than hath met the eye? 'r peradventure the lady wast simply falsing through that lady teeth. Although, dragons wast not famous f'r their deception.

"Even you, Takeshi. I met you from where I come from, but you are wholly different, down to your scent. So, I do not know how, but it seemed I have slept my way to an... Alternate Shizuyama. Somehow?"
Tomi Oro

Takeshi stoodeth his did grind at which hour Tomi did get closer to him, although he didst bite his lips at which hour the dragon's visage wast very close to his. However, Tomi wast only interest'd in the smelleth of his hair. How different t wast from the takeshi yond the lady kneweth.

"Definitely a Tomi thing to do... Just my luck!"
Tomi Oro

Clearing his throat and his fluster'd visage, Takeshi madeth his reply. "So. thou art from an alternate shizuyama, an alternate ordinary. I doth not knoweth if 't be true this. 'travel between worlds' is possible. I doth not coequal knoweth if 't be true thou art simply falsing to me. But f'r anon, i shalt believeth thee. Besides, t's not like i has't evidence to the contrary. "

"well hath met, then. Madam Tomi Oro. " takeshi madeth a brief bow, but he hast other questions to asketh. "May i asketh, what doth thee plan on doing anon? Thou sayeth this is not thy shizuyama, not coequal thy own ordinary. I would very much appreciate thy aid 'gainst the Varjan invasion of mine own home, but I would eke understandeth if 't be true thee hold nay obligation to this lodging and would prefer to leaveth and behold f'r a way back home. "




"So, who's that? And why're we hiding from her exactly?"

"Her name's Katelyn, a Salamander who's also pursuing Aun." Iskah answered. "And we're not hiding."

After that declaration, the Lizardman rounded the corner and walked up to Katelyn the Salamander. The fiery lizard monster, meanwhile, noticed immediately and... appeared happy to have seen Iskah. "Ah, Iskah! You're here too!" Katelyn gladly greeted the unamused Lizardman. "Still pursuing Aun, I wager?" She asked while patting Iskah on the shoulder. Vanessa would notice that the Salamander was a head taller than the Lizardman.

Iskah, meanwhile, stopped Katelyn and responded. "Yes, and I wager you are as well." She eyed Rie, who can only give a sheepish laugh. "I see you've recruited others to help you in this quest." The Lizardman remarked.

"And I see you've also made friends of your own." The Salamander looked past Iskah to see Vanessa either behind the Lizardman or still back at the corner. "A Dark Mage, huh? Now how did you manage to get a Dark Mange working for ya? Did you promise her a man once you get Aun or something?"

Iskah frowned, eyes narrowed and unamused, at Vanessa's affectionate gesture to the head. "...Please don't do that again."

"Anyway, you're probably right. He's gone back to the capital and... likely preparing for our arrival." The Lizardman then released a long sigh. "This is going to get tough... but hey, I've got you now. I bet... well, I hope they're not expecting someone like you." Iskah smiled confidently.

"So, what do you wanna do now, hm? Chase after him straight away? Do some sight-seeing? Find that Gummy Dummy who abandoned her cart?"

"While I'd like to go after Aun right away, I think we should look for Rie. At the very least, we should say our farewells before we leave her behind." Iskah decided. "Let's head back to where we left her cart and start from there."


Iskah led Vanessa back to the spot where the latter found Aun and where the wagon full of goodies was carelessly left behind. The Lizardman was the first to round the corner of the alleyway... and suddenly raised a hand to stop Vanessa from following. She quickly went behind again and silently motioned for Vanessa to join her in peeking what she saw.

Once Vanessa did so, the two monsters observed that Rie has returned to her surprisingly untouched wagon... along with someone else. The Gyoubu Danuki was speaking with another monster beside her transport, a lizard monster much like Iskah but her scales were a dark red and her tail sometimes glowed like an ember. It was no question that she was a Salamander, and this particular one wore a slitted metal mask that covered only her face. Her presence here agitated Iskah, she was someone that the Lizardman recognized.

"Damn it, I knew I'd see her again." Iskah muttered to herself. "And it looks like she found friends of her own. No wonder Rie followed me to find Aun." She then released a long sigh. Perhaps Vanessa should ask Iskah on who the Salamander was?

"I'm told your son has gained victories against my Varjans... with the help of yokai."

"I'm sure there's more to it than that."

"Hehehe... Ohh, you pretend we are different. But we fight for the same thing: To have a homeland free of the yokai."

"I've done exactly that with duty and honor. Kept order to my home, and justice to my people. You are nothing like me."

"And neither is your son... but his name is bound to your legacy."

"A legacy is more than a name."

"Ah, true."

"Your family has ruled this land since the beginning, yes? Your ancestral castle was your domain... until now. I look forward to making it my own, while I leave you here to starve to death. Alone, and pathetic. Let that be your legacy."

Komatsu Bay

The taskforce elected to all head back to Terauchi Temple posthaste. A decision that worried Ayu a bit, but ultimately respected. "Very well. Take care on the trip back to the temple. I'll be right back there too as soon as I can."

"And I'll be... somewhere. After this little stunt, I doubt I can do business with the Varjans anymore." The merchant Shizuka complained.

Before they left, however, Liliana cast a powerful healing spell that covered the vicinity. The crowd of battered and beaten villagers present watched with awe as small motes of green light fell from the sky. They recoiled when the motes approached and entered them, but relaxed when these small wisps did nothing but heal wounds and relieve pain.

With their health reinvigorated, the survivors of Komatsu Bay bid their taskforce saviors a more hearty farewell. Hopefully, this attitude will still be there when the Lady Kyouko's forces make landfall.

Shizuyama Wilderness

~ @Restalaan (GRI) ~

The mercenary bent backwards to avoid Gringor's horizontal swing, and continued deftly evading the attacks sent his way. All the while keeping his swords on their scabbards, making no move to retaliate. "If this is the joke, it isn't very funny or impressive." He taunted Gringor. His hands, however, were still on the hilts of his sheathed swords, ready to unleash them at a moment's notice. Possibly when Gringor finally has him cornered.

Terauchi Temple

~ @Enkryption (ALI & CRL), @The Irish Tree (EUL), @Rezod92 ~

Takeshi bore witness to the... strange fusion of Alice and Carroll that unleashed a powerful aura, and the subsequent splitting of them by literally being pulled apart by Eula and Kerry. The young lord mostly had no idea what exactly was going on, but it seemed the monsters did. He did know one thing, though: They were close to each other. So close, in fact, that his presence there was unneeded.

When Eula and Carroll left to be alone with each other and to leave Alice and Kerry alone as well, Takeshi also left as well. The young lord spared one last glance at Alice's unconscious form before finally leaving.


The peace did not last long, however, when the powerful aura from before was unleashed again and something blasted off into the forest outside Terauchi Temple. It was no secret to Takeshi on who that was, especially when Eula and Kerry followed not long after.

"Just what is going on here?!" A provoked Revuel approached Takeshi after speaking with the Hangai sisters. "There was not one, but two, waves of powerful energies washing over the temple! So powerful that even the lay people that are the refugees here are unnerved!" He then looked to the forest where the monster couples went to. "I saw the Madams Kerry and Eula leave. Should we follow them?"

Takeshi smiled softly. "No need. I believe they can handle... whatever this is. Besides, I'm pretty sure it's something very private between them."

Indeed, Kerry and Eula soon returned with Carroll and Alice.


~ @AzureKnight (HIN, ATS & SHI), @Enkryption (ALI & CRL), @The Irish Tree (EUL & LIL), @Rezod92, @Crowvette, @Restalaan (SKA) ~

A couple of hours later, the taskforce members who liberated Komatsu Bay have returned to Terauchi Temple. Takeshi's eyes widened when he saw them arrive, and quickly moved to greet them. "You've returned from Komatsu Bay!" He said as he approached. "And without Ayu. I assume you've actually kicked all the Varjans out of there and Ayu stayed behind to handle repairs?"

"That is probably the case, milord." Revuel joined the conversation. "Lady Kyouko has just informed me that she has engaged the Varjan blockade. Particularly, the section near Komatsu Bay. She would not do so if the port town is still under Varjan control."

"Then... then that means--" Takeshi could barely contain his excitement. "We're ready. We're finally ready to find my father and rescue him!" The young lord's eyes shone with hope. "I will gather the others and tell them of this news. Then we can... we can--

"Milord, please calm down." Revuel interrupted the almost-jittering Takeshi. "Let the taskforce have some rest first. Look, the Fairy is fast asleep and the Lich looks to be paler than normal."

"Y-You're right." Takeshi replied. "I'm sorry..."








"So no, I won't be reconsidering my contract with Iskah."

The Incubus Knight was taken aback by Vanessa's angered response, completely caught surprised by the Dark Mage's unexpected commitment to the sanctity of the word. He could only stand there, wide-eyed, as Vanessa unloaded unto him. When she was finished, the flustered and embarrassed Incubus Knight cleared his throat before replying. "...I have indeed gravely insulted you with my brazen assumptions, Madam Vanessa. For that, I sincerely offer my deepest apologies."

"I suppose you are one of those weird Dark Mages then." The knight chuckled softly. "Iskah is very lucky to have someone as devoted as you... and very unlucky for me." He then sighed in defeat, lamenting that Vanessa was not open to negotiation regarding her partnership with Iskah. "Looks like I'm gonna have to shake you and Iskah off the hard way. May the best party win, eh?"

"Just be warned, you and Iskah's antics might land the two of you in trouble. That and, the royal capital isn't safe all the time so you two may get hurt. Badly." The Incubus Knight said. "I'll do my best to protect both of you, of course, but I can't be vigilant all of the time." Looking back to Iskah who was still playing with the children, he released another sigh. "Well, I've taken too much of your time. Time for me to go. See you around, Dark Mage!"

The Incubus Knight then hopped back and clutched an oval, dark blue pendant he wore on a necklace. Strong winds blew around him and a blue light surrounded him. The lights grew very bright before quickly fading out, but the Incubus Knight was no longer there. Iskah was finally free of the children after the latter's caretaker called them all inside. She attempted to catch Aun before he could teleport but to no avail.

Iskah could only plant her face on her reptilian palm at the development. "...I see Aun, at least, could spare some time for you. What did you two talk about?" Despite what it looked, Iskah trusted Vanessa and her question was of genuine curiosity.
Komatsu Bay


"Ayu, are you sure about this? This may have...unfavorable outcomes down the line if we're not careful..."
Shizuka Kannazuki

Ayu smirked before replying, still looking at the awed crowd. "I think they liked it."

She then turned to face Shizuka who carried the unconscious, barely-alive Na'kratz. "We'll keep a closer eye on this guy then, since we lost the previous one. And no idea on who Serek'uar is, but the Sapphire Princes of Varjo are the most powerful spellcasters in the Varjan hierarchy. This Serek'uar must be a special one then, to be leading an entire armada. I... don't look forward to the day when we have to face him."

"And Lord Hideo is just in Kaneda Castle? That's... pretty close honestly. That's just at the border between Onrai and Saikoten." Ayu was genuinely surprised at the information. "I wonder why they hold him there..."

"But I know I made Queen Titania proud today! When Alice hears about this, she'll probably say like: 'Oh my!' And...other...royal things. But I can't wait until she comes back!"

Ayu chuckled at Liliana's outburst of pride. "Indeed. Madam Liliana was quite incredible in the field. The Varjans didn't know what hit them."

A familiar, short and rotund figure then approached the gathered taskforce. "You did it, yokai! You did it!" Shizuka the swindler merchant congratulated. "I knew you could pull something like this off. Never doubted for a second!"

Ayu frowned at the merchant. "You tried betting money against them!"

"Ahhh, but that bet never went through, did it? Which means I didn't hold true to it." Shizuka the merchant tried to excuse himself.

Before anyone could respond, an orange light peeked from the horizon. Ayu and the other Shizuka had to cover their eyes for a second before beholding the morning sun. The night was over and the rain had stopped, the thick clouds have scattered to make way for a beautiful view of the dawn. Morning light shone brightly on the liberated port, which made Ayu chuckle at the coincidence.

She made no remarks on it as she addressed the taskforce. "Again, you did a good job here today, taskforce. I will be contacting Lady Kyouko as soon as possible so she can get her fleet here before the Varjans even think of retaking Komatsu Bay." Ayu started. "You should bring the news of Lord Oja to his son immediately. That said, you guys look battered so I won't oppose to any of you taking some time to rest and recuperate. I will stay here to greet Lady Kyouko's fleet and help the people get back to their feet somewhat."

"Lots of bodies to clean up too." The merchant Shizuka complained immediately.

Terauchi Temple

~ @AzureKnight (HIN & ATS), @Enkryption (ALI & CRL), @The Irish Tree (EUL), @Rezod92 ~

"It went well. Varjans had captured her, but we freed her and received some useful information. But, we still need to verify the validity of it. ...E-Excuse me, Lord Takeshi. I'm running low on fuel,"
Eula 039

Eula took off before Takeshi could respond. A moment of awkward silence passed before a concerned Takeshi spoke up. "I'll check in on Alice and see what Revuel is talking about. I'll see you all later. Do let me know if anything new comes up." And with that, the young lord also left.

~ @AzureKnight (HIN & ATS) ~

Watching Takeshi leave, Revuel was left with the Hangai sisters. "...I do not oppose entering relationships even in the middle of war, but taking to the bed to consummate them is a tad bit too far." The ex-Warlock complained, unaware of Atsuha's relationship with Skarsneek. "I suppose monsters can't help it. Some monsters even take to battle just to find a mate." His glowing eyes fell to the sisters whose appearances reminded he was before monsters. "...No offense."

"It is also puzzling to me that Takeshi shows great concern for the Sir Alice. Are they the best of friends or something? Maybe something more?" Revuel wondered to the Hangai sisters.

~ @Enkryption (ALI & CRL), @The Irish Tree (EUL), @Rezod92 ~

Eula had reached the stunned Carroll first before Takeshi, who arrived shortly after. "Oh, funny running into you again, Eula. Enjoying Shizuyaman rice, I see." The young lord remarked at the rice ball in the Automaton's hands. "And hello to you too, Carroll. Is Alice awake? I just want to ask--"

Takeshi, along with Eula and Carroll, all bore witness to the... compromising position that Kerry and Alice were assuming. The young lord gulped at the sight...


An arm each wrapped around Eula's and Carroll's necks, friendly headlocks courtesy of Takeshi. "Well, well, well! It seems our esteemed friends over here are quite busy! Why don't we leave them be for now and talk to them later?" The young lord suggested, attempting to drag the Automaton and the Cursed Sword away. "Really sorry, you two! Just pretend we never showed up, okay?" Takeshi apologized to Kerry and Alice as he tried to turn around with the two other monsters.







"Oh, right. I suppose you can call me Vanessa, Incubus Knight. Or Nessa, if you prefer."

"A pleasure to meet you then, Madam Vanessa." The knight replied, unable or seemingly unable to read Vanessa's frustration.

As the orphanage children continued to play and harass Iskah, The Incubus Knight watched the Lizardman begin to entertain some requests to begin getting the orphans off of her. "Iskah... isn't a Lizardman, you know?" The knight started. "Once a moonless night arrives, she'll show her true form. Well, if you find her in that time." Vanessa would know that monsters with those traits were known as Doppelgangers, monsters born from the unrequited feelings of human men.

"Unless you're one of those weird Dark Mages, I doubt you're helping Iskah out of the kindness of your heart." The knight continued, still watching Iskah play round with the children. "She must have promised you something in return. Money? Naaahhh, you don't look like you're strapped for cash. Gathering ingredients in a dangerous location then? A willing volunteer for an experiment?" The Incubus Knight got pretty close for his guesses.

He then shifted his gaze towards Vanessa, a grin on his face. "If I offer you double and more of what she promised, will you, perhaps... reconsider your contract with Iskah?"

Iskah lit up at Vanessa's reply, and nodded with determination. The two monsters then made their way to Aun's position at the edge of town.

The Dark Mage and the Lizardman arrive at their location. Iskah's eyes widened when she saw Aun casually leaning beside the entrance of a building. The building in question appeared to be a sizeable but simple manor of sorts, made of white stone. Two-stories high, windows close to each other indicated this was likely a boarding house or orphanage. Twin doors above a couple of steps served as the entrance, the Incubus Knight being the only soul so far to be seen.

"Aun!" Iskah drew her sword once more. "I challenge you to a duel!"

"Aw, but what about the children?"

Iskah blinked in confusion. "What children?"

Aun then quickly knocked on the double doors to the building. "Hey, kids! The Lizardman is here!"

A few moments passed before a horde of human children poured out of the building and surrounded Iskah. "Ah! Hey, wait!" The Lizardman was forced to sheath her sword as she tried to address the kids who bombarded her with questions and invitations. "Wait, wait! I really can't--!" The flustered Iskah tried gaining control of the situation, but to no avail. Some of the kids began touching and patting her reptilian tail, completely mesmerized by the monstrous appendage. "H-Hey, that tickles!"

Iskah was completely occupied by the orphans, leaving the Incubus Knight free to stride over to Vanessa and strike up a conversation. "Hey, Madam Dark Mage. Are you free to talk?" He waved with a cheeky smile. "I'm not gonna do anything untoward, so long as you aren't. I just wanna ask some questions."

"I'm the Incubus Knight, by the way. You can call me Inky for short, like how the other knights call me." The knight then made a formal bow at Vanessa. "I can kiss the back of your hand if you'd like."

"But you just leave finding your hubbie to me, alright? Just like when I fetched you earlier, my little minions will come and let us know once they've found him again."

"Alright. I'll leave that to you." Iskah nodded. "And yeah, I lost Rie. You're also right that it is kind of weird that Miss Rie is very carefree about her goods. Very uncharacteristic for a Gyoubu Danuki. Maybe she trusts the Ortusians that much? Also uncharacteristic for her kind too, though..."

"We should probably look for her later. But we both agree that it's not our fault if something gets stolen off of her cart, okay?" Iskah chuckled. Not even a second after, Vanessa's summons detected Aun's energy signature. He was at the edge of Pagras in the direction of the kingdom's capital, seemingly getting ready to skip town to escape the monsters hounding him. Vanessa and Iskah could definitely catch up to him, even if he hitched on a horse and started riding away.

The lizard monster noticed that the Dark Mage felt something. "What's wrong, Vanessa? Have you sensed Aun already?"
Komatsu Bay


"Give it to 'im Whimsy! Please!"

Another wave of magma spewed forth from Liliana's magical sword. The Varjan Elite was, indeed, stopped dead in his tracks as the molten rock washed over him and instantly encased him solid.

With that Varjan defeated, the warrior Fairy turned her attention to the remaining stragglers. A few Warriors and Brigands left, all of whom still had courage to try their lucks against Liliana and Ayu. They approached with axes and swords drawn, but something happened that caught all parties' attentions.

“Na’Kratz is dead! Your leader is dead!"

The remaining Varjans beheld the helm that Skarsneek raised, and immediately believed the male Goblin's words. They all dropped their weapons and scrambled away as fast as they possibly could, screaming and sobbing as they vacated the fortress town. They did not even spare their fallen a single glance and soon, all the Varjans who could leave did so.

Ayu patrolled a few of the streets and saw no more signs of the Varjans. At least, any who was still awake. Their occupation of this town was undoubtedly over. The spymaster could barely contain a laugh. "We... we did it! We did it! The Varjans are gone! We did it, taskforce! We've liberated Komatsu Bay! The Varjans are all gone!" She yelled at her yokai allies as she rejoined them.

Her echoing shouts did not go unheard. The Shizuyamans that had the unfortunate fate of living in the brief Varjan occupation began emerging from their homes. They were beaten and battered, covered in wounds and bandages. But there was light in their eyes, hope born from Ayu's yells. The Shizuyamans of Komatsu Bay all gathered around the taskforce over at the manor, whispering and wondering if what they were seeing was true.

"Did they... defeat all these Varjans?"
"I... I think they did."
"Unbelievable... These are not normal yokai."

"These are not your average yokai." Ayu addressed the crowd, striding to them and motioning at the taskforce members. "They are the Taskforce! A mighty band of powerful yokai, here to destroy the Varjans! Sunder their armors! Shatter their weapons! Sink their ships with a flick of their hands!" Ayu entranced the peasants with quite the showmanship, hyping up the taskforce.

Ayu's tone and confidence in her tall myths inspired even more hope from the crowd. They whispered to each other for a moment before all bowing at the taskforce in full gratitude. Ayu had a satisfied smirk as she stood beside the liberators of Komatsu Bay.

Shizuyama Wilderness

~ @Restalaan (GRI) ~

“Here, Gringor has a joke. Dead funny joke.”

"Really? Can't wait to hear it~"

The mercenary stood his ground as Gringor approached, tossing away the crossbow and putting his hands on the hilts of the swords strapped to his waist. Gringor could almost see the smile hiding behind the mercenary's mask. Whoever this warrior that Varjo hired, he was not afraid of the male High Orc or his axe. Gringor will need to watch out for any tricks up the merc's black sleeves.

Terauchi Temple

~ @AzureKnight (HIN & ATS), @Enkryption (ALI & CRL), @The Irish Tree (EUL) ~

Takeshi was left in the dust at the entrance to the temple grounds when the Hangai sisters went after someone who blinked past the arriving group. The young lord could not be completely certain, but he could swear it was Alice whom the sisters chased. Takeshi wanted to follow, but the yokai were too fast and his horse was nowhere nearby. He could only sigh as the yokai taskforce seemingly troubled themselves with each other again.

Shortly after the Hangai sisters left, Takeshi would see that Eula has returned. "Oh. Hey, Eula. How was your search with Sorae? Did you get that girl Kana back?" He greeted the Automaton. "I just arrived here myself along with Kikyo and the Hangai sisters plus some prisoners we freed. But, uhh, I think I saw Alice leave in a hurry and the sisters went after them sooo... there's that. Kikyo and the prisoners have already went inside."

Before any of them could speak more, the spellcaster Revuel Arvida approached out of his armor and wearing only crimson robes. "Ah, Lord Takeshi. I'm glad you've returned safely. Greetings to you too, Madam Eula." Revuel nodded at the Automaton. "May I have you privately, milord? I have news for you regarding the Sir--"

But Revuel was interrupted when the Hangai sisters returned with Carroll and an unconscious Alice. "Ah, the Sir Alice. Thought of the devil, it seems. I have some words for-- Oh, he's knocked out."

"Uhh, why do you refer to Alice as if she's a guy?" Takeshi asked.

"Because that is the truth of it, milord." Revuel answered. "For you see, Sir Alice and Madam Kerry has... made love to each other recently." The spellcaster revealed, but decided not to go into the important details. That would be up to Kerry or Alice. "They are, by all accounts, a couple."

"Two women loving each other does not necessarily mean 'husband and wife'." Takeshi frowned as he pointed out.

Revuel spent a moment forming his words. "Well... Sir Alice possesses the male organ so I went with that conclusion."

Takeshi's frown disappeared and raised an eyebrow. "And you know this... how?"

Now, the spellcaster was at a loss for words and decided to pass the ball. "I... think it would be best if Sir Alice explained it to you himself. As soon as he wakes up, of course."


The warm waters of Shizuyama's hot springs never fail to relax the nerves and ease pains. As the Hornet soaked in them, she would overhear two peasant women passing by.

"...You know who drove away the attackers of this temple?"
"Yes, it's the yokai taskforce... led by the Island Lord's son."
"Wait! The Oja who survived Sanjo Beach... is young Lord Takeshi?"
"The one who defeated the Frozen Ridge Bandits when he was sixteen."
"My brothers couldn't stop talking about it... Then there's hope for us."






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