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As she continued to tend to the soldier’s wounds, Dana scowled inwardly after Astrelle made her comments. This wasn’t the time for snide remarks. They needed to work together if they were going to make it through this situation alive, something Vanna seemed to be well aware of. Quickly snapping orders, she instructed Astrelle and Nicole to help Dana bring the soldier to the control room, while she and Penny kept the Void occupied. Unsurprisingly, Dana was in complete agreement with that course of action. After all, the soldier still needed help, far more help than Dana could hope to provide, and the control room seemed like a good place to get it.

“Just try to relax,” she told the wounded man, while giving him her most reassuring smile. “Everything’s gonna be all right, I promise.”

Noticing the man’s attempts to reach for his rifle, Dana leaned over and grabbed the weapon by its shoulder strap.

“Don’t worry, I’ll hang onto this for ya,” she told him, while slinging the weapon over her shoulder. “You just hang onto me, okay?” she added as she helped the man up. Unfortunately, Dana wasn’t exactly the strongest girl, and her slight frame struggled to support the soldier’s weight. “Uh, can I get a little help, guys?” she asked Astrelle and Nicole with a sheepish grin.

Before they could respond, the sound of an inhuman screech drew Dana’s attention back to where Penny was facing off against the Void. She watched in horror as the malign creature hurled the bespectacled girl into the wall with considerable force. Dana’s eyes went wide at the sight.

“Penny!” she cried out in alarm.

Dana desperately wanted to help her friend, but with the soldier still restricting her ability to fight, what could she possibly do?

As the train’s doors slid open, Steph found herself facing a bearded man with fiery red hair.

“Greetings, young Oracle!” He declared with a welcoming smile as Steph and Peter disembarked. “I am Tornel, leader of the Brotherhood of Wizards and advisor to the King of Solace. It is my great honor to welcome you to the Castle of Solace,” he added. “Please, right this way,” the wizard instructed, while gesturing to a flight of stairs. “There is much to discuss.”

“Thank you,” Steph replied with a smile of her own. “But please, just call me Steph.”

“A-And I’m Peter,” her companion added shakily, awed to be in the presence of not just an Oracle, but the leader of the Brotherhood of Wizards as well. “I-I’m an apprentice to Master Minoc.”

“I see…” the wizard said thoughtfully, before the sound of a distant rumbling caught their attention. “I regret to say that you have found us in the midst of a siege at the moment,” Tornel explained. “A vile servant of the Dark Lord Draygon has chosen to do battle with us. I would have swiftly put an end to him with my magic, but I am loath to reveal my true power unless absolutely necessary. Thus, one of the king’s strongest paladins was sent out to slay the fiend, but it would appear he was unsuccessful… To make matters worse, the magical sword the paladin wielded is now in our foe’s possession, and he is using its power to great effect. That sword was the most powerful weapon in the royal armory,” the wizard continued. “Aside from my mightiest spells, I know of nothing that could stand against it, especially when wielded by such an inhumanly skilled hand...”

“Perhaps this might help,” Steph suggested as she retrieved Minoc’s package from her backpack. “Minoc told me to give you this. I think it might be a weapon of some kind.”

Steph allowed Peter to lead her deep beneath the mountain, to where the transit tunnel was located. Along the way, she both despaired at how much of the technological infrastructure of her time had been lost, and marveled at how much had still managed to be preserved. It gave her a sliver of hope that, with enough effort, the world she knew might be restored.

“Here we are, Miss Stephanie!” Peter announced excitedly. “Master Minoc’s greatest achievement, the Sub-Surface Railway! It’s only one segment of a vast network, which it is believed once spanned the entire world, but it is hoped that one day we can reactivate the other segments as well!”

“That’s great to hear,” Steph told him with a smile. Despite being so primitive, at least when compared to what Steph was familiar with, it was actually rather amazing what these people had been able to accomplish. From what she had seen so far, the planet’s geography had been drastically altered. The fact that they had managed to get even a single segment of the transit network up and running was nothing short of miraculous. “In fact, I’d be more than happy to help you with that project. At least, after all this is taken care of,” she added, while patting her backpack. She had a fair idea of what it contained, but she wasn’t about to open Minoc’s package until they had safely arrived at the Castle of Solace. “Oh, and, uh, just call me Steph. I’ve never really been too big on formality.”

“Oh! My apologies!” the apprentice stammered. “It’s just that, well, you’re something of a living legend to us. I mean, to be part of the generation honored to see you awaken, to accompany you on this journey… I-It’s more than I could have ever imagined!”

“Hey, relax,” Steph told him, becoming more than a little unnerved by all the hero-worship being directed towards her. “I'm just a regular person, same as you. I’m certainly not some mystic ‘Oracle’ or whatever.”

“B-But, your powers…!” Peter protested.

“I can only do that stuff because of technology,” she explained. “Just like the technology you used to get this train up and running. It’s not magic,” she added as they boarded the train. “Just science.”

“Well, it’s still amazing,” Peter said as he sat down across from her. “After all, it’s not like anyone around here can do stuff like that.”

A low hum filled the car, and neon lights glowed, as the train’s various systems came online. For a moment, Steph felt like she was back in her own time, the events of the past few hours little more than a dream. Unsurprisingly, Peter quickly brought her back to reality.

“Looks like we’re on our way,” he observed as the lights outside the window began to pass by at an increasingly faster pace, before disappearing completely. “It’s incredible how this train doesn’t even need a crew. A machine-mind takes care of everything!”

“It’s called a computer,” Steph pointed out. “And that’s nothing compared to a full AI.”

“AI?” Peter asked.

“Artificial intelligence,” Steph clarified. “A machine that can think and reason just like a human.”

Peter gasped. “Such a thing existed in your time?!”

“Yeah, a lot of them did.”


The journey was a remarkably swift one, thanks in no small part to the train’s inertialess propulsion system. Steph was very grateful for this, for a number of reasons. Bringing an end to Peter’s incessant barrage of questions foremost among them. The young apprentice was just about to ask for more information about pre-cataclysmic space travel, when a tone sounded, followed by an artificial voice informing them that they had reached their destination.

“Ah!” Peter gasped, having been broken out of his awe-inspired fixation on Steph. “It look’s like we’ve arrived! Welcome to the Castle of Solace!”

Continuing to provide illumination, Dana cautiously led her fellow candidates into the darkened corridor. They had barely left the cabin, when they were approached by a pair of soldiers. One of the soldiers began to inform them that there had been an emergency (no kidding…), before he was suddenly yanked back into the darkness by some unseen force. Not wasting a moment, his companion whirled around and opened fire on the unknown attacker, the glowing discharge of his magitech rifle revealing the identity of their enemy.

“Holy crap…!” Dana gasped as she beheld the void’s terrifying appearance, as well as the following horrific sight of it impaling the second solider and pinning him to the wall.

With a roar of outrage, Penny charged the creature, a crackling orb of lighting clenched in her fist. The strike staggered the monster enough for it to release its hold on the soldier, giving Dana the opportunity she needed.

“Hang in there, pal!” Dana called to the wounded soldier as she rushed over to kneel down beside him. “I’ll get ya all patched up, so don’t worry!” she added, flashing him reassuring smile.

Even with the increased quantity of Nox providing additional power, Dana wasn’t sure exactly how much healing she could perform, but she knew that keeping a positive outlook was crucial in situations like these. As she set about her work, she only hoped that her new friends could finish what Penny started and take care of their monstrous foe for good.

Steph listened in silence as Minoc answered her questions as best he could. She felt her chest tighten when he told her that over 150 years had passed, and she couldn’t help but give voice to a small gasp when he said the name Julie Anderson.

“Julie Anderson…” Steph whispered after Minoc had finished. “T-That’s my mom…”

With the knowledge that her mother’s journal now resided at the Castle of Solace, Steph found herself even more eager to begin her journey there. Perhaps it would have information on her parents’ fate. If they were still alive somewhere, or…

She felt her eyes begin to moisten.

No, she chided herself. Now’s not the time for that. Focus on the task at hand, that’s the most important thing.

But first…

“Thank you, Minoc,” she said after a moment, while taking his hand and giving it a gentle squeeze. “For the food, for your help, for watching over me all those years… For everything.”

Steph smiled as she gave the old wizard a hug.

“Okay, Peter,” she announced with renewed determination once the embrace had concluded. “Lead the way!”

“Huh,” Steph noted, as the last of the strange beasts simply turned and left, following what looked like a bear. “Well, okay then,” she added, while giving voice to a relived sigh.

She was a little shocked by how easily she had managed to dispatch the creatures, as well as how natural and effortless it had felt. It was almost like she was some character in a video game, and for a moment she thought that perhaps she was dreaming, or stuck in some kind of VR world, but no. Now that she had a moment to catch her breath and refocus, she quickly became convinced that the world around her was all too real…

It was about then that she heard a voice coming from the building behind her. Turning around, she was greeted with the sight of a small, elderly man. He had a long grey beard and a pair of orange goggles over his eyes.

“Oh, uh, hi,” Steph said somewhat shakily. “I-It’s okay,” she added, trying her best to sound reassuring. “I’m not gonna hurt you. My name’s Stephanie. I’m kinda… new around here…”

A few minutes later, and Steph found herself in a cozy home. It belonged to Minoc, as the elderly man was called. He offered her some food and a drink, which Steph graciously accepted. She listened in silence as he went on to somewhat awkwardly explain her current situation. The fact that Minoc’s grandfather had watched over her pod confirmed that she had been asleep for a very long time indeed… Minoc then went on to ask if she was familiar with the creature she had killed. She shook her head. After telling her that the harpy was named Jub Jub, Minoc explained that he was a member of a society of wizards, alchemists, and archeologists who discovered the various cryostasis pods scattered across the world. It sounded as though the world had experienced a drastic technological decline, as if what her own eyes told her wasn’t proof enough, and she couldn’t help but allow a sullen sigh to escape her lips. Minoc then asked about her own pod, which was now nowhere to be found.

“Oh, yeah…” Steph replied hesitantly. “I needed a weapon to fight those things, so I had my nanites reassemble it,” she explained, holding out her sword. “Just basic nanotech, really.”

Minoc was quite impressed. As an archeologist, he had spent many long years unearthing the technology of the past, but he had never encountered anything like what Steph possessed. He had, however, found information on biogenic technology, which caused Steph to noticeably perk up. Her uncle had been a pioneer in that field, and while Steph was far from an expert herself, she was well aware of the amazing possibilities such technology presented. She was glad that at least this remnant of her world’s knowledge had survived to be of use to this vastly more primitive age. Minoc was getting more excited too, as apparently, some of his fellow wizards/researchers/or whatever had unlocked some of the technology’s incredible potential. His comment about “the enemy”, however, made Steph a bit uneasy.

“Enemy?” Steph asked.

Minoc then proceeded to tell her of Lord Draygon, a being who was apparently some kind of monstrous dark lord, like the kind found in old stories. It sounded a bit ridiculous to Steph, but if the harpy she had killed was anything to go by, the situation was no laughing matter. Draygon had many powerful creatures in his service, Minoc went on to explain, but the forces opposing him had access to the works of the “ancients”, and that included her…

If they could trust her.

The village she had just saved was a pretty pacifistic place, Minoc informed her, and he was wary of her incredible potential for violence.

“Hey, I completely agree!” Steph protested. “I’m a scientist, not a fighter. I-It’s just… I saw those things attacking your village, so I wanted to try and help in whatever way I could. I-In fact,” she added after a moment’s thought. “Didn’t you kill one of those creatures yourself?”

Conceding her point, Minoc said that he wanted to trust her, but that the decision was not his to make. For that, she would need to travel to someplace called the “Castle of Solace”. Minoc then asked if she could turn her sword into a backpack.

“Uh, yeah, sure,” Steph replied, before instructing her nanites to reassemble her sword into the item in question.

Minoc handed her a tightly woven bundle of cloth, which she placed in the backpack, before sealing it up. The wizard instructed her to present the bundle to someone named Tornell once she had arrived at the castle. Apparently, he was the leader of Minoc’s order of wizards/scientists/archeologists/or whatever, being the “wisest and strongest” of them all.

As for how she’d get there, Minoc actually had a pleasant surprise in store. Somehow, he had access to a functioning segment of the global subsurface transit network, which led directly to the castle. This meant that no matter where in the world the castle was located, they would be able to reach it in a relatively short time, and in relative safety as well. But that wasn’t the only surprise. Insisting that she shouldn’t make the trip alone, Minoc told Steph that his young apprentice, Peter, would be accompanying her.

“Oh, wow… The Oracle…” Peter said in hushed awe upon entering the room. “I-It’s very nice to meet you!” he added with a great deal more enthusiasm. “And it will be my great honor to accompany you on your journey!”

“L-Likewise,” Steph replied with a smile, a little taken aback by the young apprentice’s reverence.

Before they departed, Minoc inquired if Steph had any questions.

Well, yes. She had a LOT of questions… Still, she figured that most of them would hopefully be answered upon meeting Tornell. Therefore, she decided to stick to the ones weighing most heavily upon her mind.

“Uh, you wouldn’t happen to know how long I’ve been asleep, would you?” Steph asked. “Or what happened to my parents? They were in the same complex as me. That’s to say, the same place you found my pod,” she clarified.

Dana smiled and nodded as Penny gave her explanation for why she preferred Altea over Alexis, knowing that everyone had their own unique tastes and that Penny’s opinion as well as her own were both completely subjective, and thus, completely valid. And that was perfectly fine. After all, such differences usually led to some of the best discussions, at least in Dana’s personal experience. Indeed, just after Penny had finished describing her sisters, Nicole had joined the conversation, professing her love for Eradicator II.

“Oh, totally!” Dana agreed. “I’m a big fan of that series, too! And you’re right about the second being the best,” she added after Penny voiced her own thoughts on the series. “But, like, isn’t that the case with most series? The second installment is usually the best one. I mean, ya got Aliens, Wrath of Khan, Empire Strikes Back, Judgment Day…

By this point, the conversation had shifted to home cities, leaving Dana to take up the role of a passive listener. Hasta sounded really cool, and she couldn’t help but feel that it was a shame they weren’t heading there instead… Still, Palmyra was probably cool too, in its own way. After all, it was home to Nova Lux Academy! That alone made visiting it something to look forward to.

If they ever got there…

“Woah!” Dana yelped as the airship shuddered violently. She then felt her heart stop as a glowing, red eye appeared outside the viewport. It departed moments later, but it still left Dana more than a little shaken up. She had never seen a void up close before, and she doubted any of her fellow Ars Magi candidates had either. Before she could confirm that by asking, or even glancing at their faces, they were all thrown into the air by a massive jolt. Dana was sent flying into the rear wall, slamming her head in the process. The vessel finally regained control a few seconds later, but before Dana’s dizzy mind could even take note of that, the lights flickered off, bathing the room in darkness.

“Owww…” Dana groaned, wincing as she clutched her aching head. “I’m a little beaten up, but I think I’ll live,” she replied to Penny’s inquiry as she slowly got to her feet. “Anyone get the number of that giant eye monster?” she asked after a moment, in a meager attempt to add a bit of levity to the situation.

She could hear the sounds of weapons fire from beyond the door, so they clearly weren’t out of the proverbial woods just yet, and it was still quite dark, although Penny seemed to be providing some sparks to help with that problem. Dana was just about to add her own powers to the effort when the calm, but commanding voice of Vanna requested she do just that.

“Sure thing!” she replied. Gathering her magic, she formed a small sphere of glowing, golden light above the tip of one finger.

After that, Vanna swiftly took charge of the situation, providing two possible courses of action. Astrelle was quick to give her vote to the second option, and Dana found herself in full agreement with the other girl’s sentiment.

“Sounds like a plan!” Dana declared with what she hoped was a reassuring grin. “People may need our help, and if there’s a chance we can make a difference, then we gotta take it!”

Steph exhaled in relief after the harpy’s partially decapitated body crashed to the floor in front of her.

Welp, I guess that takes care of that… Now I just have to deal with those creatures out there…

Moving to a better position, Steph saw that several of the beasts were gathered around a centrally located building, attempting to get inside. She only had three, perhaps four, shots left, so she needed to make each one count. Taking careful aim on the first creature’s head, she squeezed the trigger, snapping off a quick shot, before moving on to the next.





A quartet of corpses now lay upon the ground surrounding the building, but there were still six of the creatures left, and Steph’s rifle was now completely out of energy. She needed a new plan… Thinking fast, she instructed her nanites to reassemble her rifle into a sword. Although she was reluctant to engage the creatures in close combat, she knew her enhanced body was fully capable of doing so.

She took a deep breath.

Okay… Here goes nothing!

Leaping from her balcony, Steph used the momentum she had generated to bring her blade down hard upon her first target’s neck. This, coupled with her superhuman strength, allowed her weapon to slice clean through, neatly decapitating the creature. Wasting no time, she swiftly jumped over to the next beast and repeated the process. She kept this up until the area around the central structure was completely free of the beasts. This didn’t mean Steph was about to let down her guard, though. She had been keeping count, and she was well aware that there were a few beasts still unaccounted for. Not wishing to hunt them down, and potentially be caught unawares, she opted to take up a defensive position in front of the structure’s entrance and wait for them to come to her…

“Yeah, I guess you’re right about that,” Dana conceded in response to Penny’s observation that Altea had better character arcs than her own favorite show. “At least, if you’re only talking about the first season,” she added with a grin. “Season two took a really deep look at a lot of Alexis’s emotional vulnerabilities, especially her until-then unrequited love for her best friend. But that’s not really the reason why I love her show,” Dana continued. “It’s mainly because of all the crazy, hyperkinetic action and cool designs for characters, vehicles, monsters, and all that stuff! Then there’s all the comedy too! It’s just really fun to watch! I mean, what other show has the main character go up against a biomechanical titan the size of a sanctum city in the first few minutes of the very first episode?!

It was clear to see that Dana was getting even more excited than usual just thinking about it, but she quickly shifted gears when Penny voiced a new question.

“Oh, uh, sisters? Yeah, I have four,” Dana replied. “They’re all older than me, though, which is fine, cause they’re all really encouraging and supportive. The perfect big sisters!” she added with a giggle. “What are your sisters like?”

Steph’s aim was true, and she grinned as her cryostasis bolt struck the harpy’s wing, blowing it clean off. The creature fell from the sky, wounded, but not killed…

Guess these bolts don’t have enough juice to affect an entire creature in one shot… Steph reflected. This would be more difficult than she’d first thought, but she was up for the challenge.

Her determination was put to the test a moment later, when her hyperaware senses detected a flash of light. She dropped to the floor less than a second before a beam of bluish energy shot through the space she had just been occupying.

Holy crap! That was close!

Quickly regaining her bearings, Steph utilized her superhuman perceptive abilities to locate the source of the beam. Not wasting a moment, she snapped off another shot, this time, aiming for the creature’s head…
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