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@Lewascan2Okay, sounds like a plan!
@Lewascan2 Oh, okay. That makes a lot more sense, now that you mention it.

In that case, Oliva and Xolys will both accompany Camelot, and if you'd like to do their conversation in a collab, I'd be more than happy to.

I'll be heading to bed in a short while, but I should have plenty of time to work on it tomorrow.
@Lewascan2 Okay, I think she'd probably stick around and have Xolys help Camelot escort the group, the ability to chat with Camelot and the others on the way being an added bonus.

Regardless, I'll wait for your next post before I post for her.
@Lewascan2 So considering Helmi just walked back with the others, is Camelot going to walk with them (to protect them), or head back on her own, via the rooftops?

I was originally thinking of having Xolys carry Oliva back, but if everyone's walking together, she'll stick with the group.

In the blink of an eye, Ashley’s energy lance shot forth, vaporizing the vines that had sought to impale her. However, the undead-arachnid-centaur-thing was swift… Moving with a speed most surprising for a creature of its size, the monstrosity repositioned itself just before the searing beam could blow its head apart. Well, one of its heads, at any rate… Instead, the neon green shaft of incandescent annihilation pierced the “rider’s” shoulder, slicing off his bound arm in the process.

Ashely barely had time to scowl at this turn of events, before she was yanked downwards. It appeared that some of the remaining vines had managed to wrap around her shield and were now pulling her towards the creature’s scythed limbs. A small ray of hope emerged a moment later, as Breacher fired a melody into Ashley’s back, seeking to pull the agent to safety. For a moment, the Knight of Tomorrow was caught in the midst of a strange game of tug-of-war. But only for a moment. The twin forces exerted upon her only accelerating her descent, the high-tech heroine found herself plummeting past the nightmarish beast and into the portal it had emerged from.

Oh crap…!

Her energy shield glowing as it bounced off the portal’s rim, Ashley could feel herself begin to sink into its inky depths. In a last ditch effort to avoid whatever terrifyingly unknown fate awaited her beyond that dark doorway, she reached out her hand, and, to her immense relief, found purchase within the grasp of Breacher’s own. As the draconic esper strained with all her considerable might, while her greatshield absorbed blow after blow from the undead arachni-centaur’s scythed appendages, Ashley felt herself slowly, but inexorably, rise out of the portal. First her chest. Then her waist. In only a few more seconds she would be free…

Unfortunately, it was at that exact moment that the well-intentioned actions of Agent Leroux caused those hopes to be rent asunder. Presumably in an effort to prevent any further uninvited guests from appearing, the armored agent had lobed a melody intended to close the portal, and, naturally, it struck the portal just as Ashley was about to be yanked out of it. Not even having time to process what had just occurred, the Knight of Tomorrow gasped in horror as the formerly still, pitch-black pool was rapidly transformed into a swirling vortex. The increased suction generated by the portal’s imminent demise caused Breacher’s grip to fail, and, an instant later, the portal winked out of existence, taking Ashley Avenir with it…



The disgusting sound of a wet squish announced Ashley’s arrival into whatever unknown place lay on the other side of the portal. Although the space in which she now found herself was pitch-black, the young esper couldn’t help but notice a distinct similarity to the Pax Septimus sewer system. In particular, it had the same vomit-inducing smell… Then she noticed the eyes… Several dozen crimson pinpoints seemed to glow in the darkness, before the sound of several desperate, half-insane voices reached her ears. Despite her rising nausea and fear, Ashley’s kind heart couldn’t help but ache upon hearing their pitiful pleas and anguished cries. To her horror, the Knight of Tomorrow soon realized what these creatures were- vampiric thralls, tortured souls enslaved to Justin’s dark will. These were the people she had come here to save from such a horrid fate, and yet, she also knew that she might be forced to free them in an altogether different manner than she had originally intended…

Bracing herself against the nightmarish sight soon to be revealed, Ashley allowed the energy of her Genre to flow through her body, causing her Instrument and Style to emit an emerald glow of ambient light. If she was to help these poor creatures, the high-tech heroine knew she needed to get a better grasp of her surroundings. In particular, she needed to ascertain if there was an exit, which would allow her to make her way back to her team. If not, then she would just have to create one…

Unfortunately, the neon glow only confirmed her worst fears. She was standing in the center of a fairly small room, which was filled with dozens of tightly packed, emaciated figures. Although chained to the walls, they were still more than capable of reaching her, and several were beginning to do so, their clawed, trembling fingers slowly stretching out to grasp her. Far more worrying to Ashley, however, was the fact that no exit was immediately discernible, although perhaps that was merely because her eyes had not yet fully acclimated to the light. She needed time, even if that was only a few seconds. Preparing a melody, the Knight of Tomorrow raised her shield to block the closest sets of hands. A moment later, the rest of her body was coated in a glowing aura of emerald energy, which would hopefully keep her at least somewhat safe, until she could decide upon her next course of action…

18 | Female | GEMINI | Vision of Tomorrow
Implements of Tomorrow | Wand, Shield | Arcane | Tune of Tomorrow
Raiment of Tomorrow | Stride of Tomorrow
Light of Tomorrow | Light | Power of Tomorrow
[Reveal (2), Purity (4)], Damage (2), Damage X (6), Shield (4), Reflect (4), Heal (6), Major Heal (18), AoE (2), Powerful (0), Piercing (2)


(Free Action) [Bronze Self][Powerful] = -0 mana

[Silver Self][Shield] = -48 mana

Even More Tales From The Timeskip

(The next post will be about things that actually matter, guys, I swear!)

A nervous tension pervaded Covington Industries’ primary R&D facility, deep in the heart of Covington Tower. Violet Covington, heiress of the Covington family and acting CEO of Covington Industries, was making her weekly inspection. A young woman of frosty demeanor and piercing gaze, she was the living embodiment of the “aloof dark-haired girl” stereotype. However, Violet was more than just some aristocratic snob, lording it over the pitiful researchers working on projects far beyond her juvenile comprehension. She was a gifted scientist in her own right, one who had played an influential part in the development of some of CI’s most advanced creations, and this was what truly made the assembled R&D staff shudder at the young heiress’s approach. It was no secret that Violet held herself to an exceedingly high standard, and that she expected others to strive for that same lofty pinnacle, a pinnacle few ever seemed able to reach…

Perhaps farthest from attaining that goal was Dr. Priscilla Morris, a mousy, bespectacled young woman who worked on drone AI development. She was everything Violet was not: a clumsy, nervous, socially awkward daydreamer, who frequently got distracted and liked to fill the margins of her various notebooks with whimsical doodles. Thus, it was perhaps unsurprising that, when Violet entered the lab, her purposeful strides delivered her straight to Priscilla’s workstation.

“Dr. Morris, may I have a moment of your time?” the heiress inquired.

“O-Oh, gosh!” Priscilla stammered, jolting her head up from the work she’d previously been engrossed in. “M-Miss Covington! I-I’m so sorry! I-I didn’t notice you enter! Oh!” she gasped as she quickly set to work cleaning up her note-filled workstation. “A-And, I’m sorry for still using paper, a-and for making doodles… I-I know you said that it was primitive and childish, b-but I find it it helps me think better, and⏤”

“Dr. Morris,” Violet snapped, cutting off Priscilla’s nervous rambling. “I did not come here to speak about mere trifles. I’ve been told that your productivity has noticeably declined of late, and that you seem utterly exhausted, something your present appearance clearly attests.” Indeed, the young woman’s face appeared haggard and worn, while dark bags hung under her bloodshot eyes. “Have you been getting enough sleep?”

“U-Um, well, I have been having some slight sleeping problems,” Priscilla conceded. “B-But it’s really nothing to worry yourself about, Miss Covington!” she hastened to add.

“I believe I shall be the judge of that,” Violet replied sternly. “Especially when it has a detrimental effect on your work. So tell me, what kind of sleeping problems are you having?”

Priscilla remained silent for a moment, as if she were embarrassed to answer the heiress’s question. “T-They’re… They’re nightmares,” she eventually admitted. “I’ve been having an unusually vivid reoccurring nightmare, and it’s so stressful that when I wake up, I can’t seem to get back to sleep.” She looked down at her notes, unable to meet Violet’s eyes. “I-I know. It sounds ridiculous, doesn’t it?” she added despondently. “I’m a grown woman. I-I shouldn’t be letting things like this get to me. That’s what I keep telling myself, but…”

Her voice trailed off as she felt Violet’s hand on her shoulder.

“No, it’s not ridiculous at all,” the heiress told her. “I have enough familiarity with them myself to know that nightmares should be taken seriously.”

Y-You have nightmares?” Priscilla asked, sounding more than a little incredulous.

Everyone has nightmares,” Violet clarified. “What’s important is determining why you’re having them, and then solving whatever that issue may be.”

Priscilla seemed to pale at that suggestion. “Y-You mean, I should see a therapist?” she asked.

“Perhaps,” Violet mused thoughtfully. “But for now, let’s just see if the nightmares continue to persist, and then take things from there. In the meantime,” she added, while glancing at a wall clock. “I think you should head home now and try to get some rest.”

“W-What?” Priscilla gasped. “B-But my work…”

“Can be completed tomorrow,” Violet finished, in a tone that said she would not permit further discussion. “I am well aware of how time-sensitive your current project is, but I would prefer it to be completed without error, and in your current state, I fear that is far from guaranteed.”

“A-All right,” Priscilla conceded. “A-And, um, t-thank you very much, Miss Covington,” she added with a timid smile.

“There is no need to thank me,” the heiress replied with a dismissive wave of her hand as she turned to continue her inspection. “Your health directly influences productivity, thus it is only natural that I would seek its improvement.”

It’s actually rather admirable that she has such dedication to her work, Violet reflected as she walked away. Don’t worry, Priscilla. With any luck, your nightmares shall end tonight.

Indeed, Violet Covington knew well just how dangerous nightmares could be, and although medical treatment and therapy could perhaps provide a solution to them, there was something, or rather, someone far more suited to the task…

As orphans themselves, most would consider Connie and Mia to be the perfect people to help a fellow orphan in need, and that was exactly what had brought the pair back to the orphanage that had been their home until only a few short hours ago. Indeed, it filled them with feelings both strange and nostalgic to be returning so soon, but there was someone here who required their help, and neither of the two kindhearted young women would allow anything to prevent them from providing it…

Their first inkling that something wasn’t quite right had come as they were packing their belongings in preparation for the move to their new home. Kayli Devon, an experienced magical woman, had recently adopted the pair, and they would now be living in her suburban home, along with her two “daughters”, Rose and Iris. Connie and Mia were already good friends with the twins, and thought quite highly of Kayli herself as well, and so they were very much looking forward to this new stage of their lives. They had just finished the last few boxes, when they heard a commotion coming from the hallway.

Opening the door, they were greeted with the deeply upsetting sight of a small girl wearing dark sunglasses and holding a cane being tormented by a group of the orphanage’s worst bullies. In addition to the verbal abuse, several were shooting spitballs at her, while a particularly cruel brute named Kevin stuck his leg out in front of her path, causing the poor girl to land flat on her face. Groaning in pain, she slowly lifted her head, at which point her sunglasses were snatched away by a blonde girl named Rita. “What’s this?” the stuck up girl inquired contemptuously. “Do you seriously think these will make you look cool?” she sneered.

“She looks cooler than you, ya fuckin’ bitch!” Mia snarled as she charged forward and yanked the stollen glasses from Rita’s hand. The snooty blonde gasped as the tomboy proceeded to slam her against the wall. “So ya like pickin’ on blind girls, huh?” Mia growled. “How about tryin’ that shit on someone who can actually fight back?!”

Meanwhile, a horrified Connie had rushed to the fallen girl’s side and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. “O-Oh my gosh, a-are you all right?” she asked.

“Y-Yeah…” the girl replied as she was helped to her feet. “T-This kind of thing happens to me a lot…”

“The only reason that pathetic little cripple is even here is because she cried so much to Miss Turnbuckle that the old hag decided to throw her in your old room,” Rita spat. “Honestly, it’s where she belongs, way up here in the ass end of nowhere, just like you and Cowardly Connie, over th⏤”

Rita’s stream of insults abruptly cut off as Mia pressed her forearm against the girl’s throat. “If you had even half a brain, you’d know that insulting Connie when I’m around to hear it is a REALLY BAD IDEA… she hissed, while Rita desperately gasped for breath. Just as the blonde’s face was starting to turn blue, Mia released her hold and flung the bully down the hall. Giving the others a look that could kill, she added, “The rest of you shitbags better beat it, or my fist is goin’ through every last one of your faces!”

In a frantic scramble, the bullies fled down the hallway before disappearing down the stairs.

“Here,” Mia said in a far softer tone as she gently placed the recovered glasses in the blind girl’s hand. “I’m really sorry you had to deal with that.”

“I-It’s okay,” she replied. “I mean, it’s nothing new… B-But thank you for sticking up for me,” she added with a smile as tears began to stream down her cheeks. “I… I’ve never had anyone defend me before…”

“T-That’s so awful!” Connie gasped, her own eyes beginning to water.

“I’m Mia,” the tomboy introduced herself. “And this is my best friend, Connie. She’s been bullied by those losers, too.”

“I-I’m Clara,” the blind girl replied. “I-It’s very nice to meet you both.”

“S-So, umm, h-how long have you b-been s-staying at the orphanage?” Connie asked.

“Oh, only a few months,” Clara explained. “My parents were abusive,” she continued, her hand instinctively resting on her bruised arm. “Eventually, someone saw them punching me in public and called child services. I… I thought things might be better here, but…” her voice trailed off into a sullen sigh as she lowered her head.

Connie, who by this point was positively bawling, leaned over and wrapped Clara’s small form up in a big hug.

“Hey, it’s okay,” Mia said, while placing a reassuring hand on Clara’s shoulder. “You’ve got friends now. We’ll make sure those pieces of crap never bother you again.”

“B-But how?” Clara asked, tilting her head in confusion. “A-Aren’t you leaving?”

“J-Just b-because we d-don’t live here anymore d-doesn’t mean we c-can’t still be friends,” Connie told her as she continued to fight back tears.

“Damn straight,” Mia concurred. “So don’t worry, okay? Everything’ll be just fine.”

Although the ride to their new home was certainly exciting, the two friends couldn’t help but reflect on Clara’s plight. She had been at the orphanage, suffering the same torments Connie herself once had, and neither of them had realized it. They had been so concerned with helping their various new friends in the magical community, that they had been blinded to the pain endured by someone living under the same roof. It didn’t help matters that the pair had done all they could to distance themselves from the rest of the orphanage. Ostensibly, this was to protect Connie from the excessive bullying she’d been experiencing, but while it did serve that purpose, it also meant that they would be blissfully unaware if others were suffering the same fate. Now that they had seen first hand that such truly was the case, they had both vowed to do something about it. So it was that Connie and Mia found themselves outside the orphanage this rainy night, although if anyone within were to glimpse them now, they would find the two friends completely unrecognizable…

In place of the tough tomboy was a verdant beauty, who closely resembled a forest nymph, Mia having assumed the mantle of Gaia, Daughter of Mother Earth. Meanwhile, in place of the timid Connie was the imposing form of the Empress of Nightmares, a masked woman with long, stringy hair, who looked like she had walked straight out of a horror movie. Having created a makeshift umbrella out of large-leafed plant, Gaia led her friend to the tree just outside the window of their old room. After placing an emerald hand upon the trunk, the tree lowered a thick branch, and, once the pair were resting securely on it, brought it back up to the window. Because they had made use of this method multiple times in the past, Gaia had ensured that there was a hidden way of opening the window from the outside. Employing it now, the two friends slipped into their old room and closed the window behind them.

No sooner had they done so, then they noticed the sound of plaintive sobbing coming from the bed. Curled up beneath the blankets, Clara’s small form shuddered in fright, occasionally convulsing, as if struck by a painful blow. Gasping in shock at the sight, Connie pressed a hand over her aching heart and moved swiftly to her new friend’s side. Gently placing her hand upon the sleeping girl’s head, she closed the eyes of her mask and concentrated. The amethyst gem embedded in her mask’s forehead gleamed brightly for a moment, before dimming to its usual soft glow. As it did so, Clara’s sobs and shudders ceased, her nightmare having been taken from her. As the girl’s breathing settled into a more relaxed and peaceful rhythm, Connie removed her hand and sighed in relief.

“T-Thank goodness… I-I w-wasn’t sure if t-that would a-actually work…”

“Well done, little sister,” Gaia whispered. “You’ve really come a long way in gaining control over your magic.”

“T-Thanks, Mia,” Connie replied, her mask forming a smile that some might have found a little creepy, at least if they didn’t know the kind heart behind it.

“Now,” Gaia added, her normally serene visage taking on a far more ominous countenance. “Let’s share Clara’s nightmare with the ones responsible for giving it to her…”

Into the room of each bully silently slid a series of thin vines, each tipped by a large bulb. rising up over the beds of each of Clara’s tormentors, the bulbs opened to spray thick clouds of spores into each bully’s face. Containing a powerful sedative, the spores would ensure that none of the bullies would wake as larger vines slithered in and pulled them from their beds. Once every last bully had been brought to the basement, the real work would begin…

As the brightly shining gem on her forehead filled the chamber with a purplish glow, Connie summoned Clara’s nightmare into her hands, a crackling sphere of malignant energy. Pouring her own magic into it, she greatly strengthened the sphere’s power, causing writhing tendrils to shoot forth. With a silent command, they darted out to impale the foreheads of each slumbering tormentor, at which point they proceeded to flood their victims’ subconscious minds with nightmare energy. Clara’s nightmare energy…

It wasn’t long before the peaceful forms began writhing in anguish, the once silent chamber now filled with screams and sobs. A part of Connie hated to see this, but another part of her knew that this was merely the result of their own horrible treatment of an innocent girl, and it was only right that they got to experience the misery they had wrought for themselves. Of course, it wasn’t just Clara’s anguish they were experiencing. At Gaia’s suggestion, Connie had reluctantly added some extra, and particularly traumatic, elements to the end of each nightmare, a ‘false awakening’, which would occur after Clara’s nightmare had run its course. ‘Awakening’ to find themselves in the basement of the orphanage, the very same place in which they had once imprisoned a terrified Connie, the bullies would soon notice their skin start to ripple and bulge, as if something was growing beneath it. A moment later, hundreds of thorny plants would burst from their flesh and pour out of every orifice. Their shuddering bodies would twist and warp, limbs shooting off and eyes popping out from the sheer force of the fiendish foliage exploding outwards. The pain was immeasurable, the horror, unimaginable, yet still they continued to live, still continued to feel the indescribable torture being inflicted upon them.

Some might consider this an excessively brutal punishment for “mere” bullying, Connie herself certainly had, but Gaia was not one of them. She knew just how brutal bullying could be, was well aware that many victims even went so far as to take their own lives, just to escape their tormentors, and she wanted these bullies to feel every ounce of that same soul-crushing despair for themselves. As far as the Daughter of Mother Earth was concerned, they deserved everything they were getting, and the fact that their current torment provided the perfect segue into the next, and final, stage of her and Connie's plan was only an added bonus.

Finally, after what seemed like hours of utter agony, the dreamers awoke. Their hellish experience had been so intense that many had wet themselves, and all were hyperventilating, their hands clutching their chests. At first, there were sighs and sobs of relief that their ordeal was finally over, and that it had, in fact, merely been a nightmare. Then they noticed where they were, and the sinister clutches of terror began to close around them once more…

It was at this point that Gaia chose to announce her presence.

“That was rather unpleasant, wasn’t it?” the Daughter of Mother Earth inquired, her voice like ice. “Now you know what your victims feel like. What poor Clara feels like. That was her nightmare, by the way,” she added as she glided closer, her normally serene visage now filled with utter contempt. “The one you gave her. I thought it was only fair to share it with you.”

“W-Who are you?!” Rita sobbed hysterically.

“I-Is t-this s-still a n-nightmare?!” one of the boys whimpered.

“No, this is very real,” Gaia assured them. “And as for who I am, let’s just say I’m someone who really hates bullying. Now then,” she added. “I want you to promise me that you will never bully anyone, ever again. Especially Clara. Otherwise, we can do all this again tomorrow night. And the night after that,” she continued, moving ever closer. “And the one after that, and the one after that. By this point, she was standing directly over her trembling “audience”, and she took special care to look into the terrified eyes of each one. When she got to Rita, her gaze lingered, before she knelt down in front of the whimpering blonde and held out a closed fist. “And if that doesn’t work,” she added with a malicious smirk as she turned her hand palm up and opened her fingers. “We can do this for real… At that, a tiny whirlwind of emerald energy swirled around her open palm, before coalescing into a group of spiny seeds. “Say ‘aaah~’”

The pitiful collection of formerly fearsome tormentors screamed in horror as they frantically backed away from the verdant young woman, a look of unbridled terror in their eyes. W-We promise! We promise!” they pleaded desperately. “We swear we’ll be good! We swear it! We’ll apologize to her, first thing tomorrow! Y-Yeah!” Rita added, nodding vigorously. “A-And I-I’ll be her best friend from now on! I’ll take her shopping and even get her one of those seeing eye dogs!”

“I’m sure she’d like that very much,” Gaia replied, her demeanor returning to its usual tranquil state as she dissolved the seeds in a burst of green mist. “Well, it looks like you’ve learned your lesson, so I think we should probably get you back to your rooms now, hmm~?”

Not wasting a moment, she had the vines that had been slowly creeping up once again dowse the group with sedative spores, after which they wrapped up each teen and carried them to their respective rooms.

“See, that wasn’t too bad, was it?” Gaia asked as she and Connie made their way back to Clara’s room. “Thanks to your help, I was able to edit the nightmare myself, so you didn’t have to see anything scary, Clara won’t be bullied anymore, and she might even make a few new friends.”

“I-I g-guess so…” Connie reluctantly conceded, her mask forming a slight frown. “B-But w-what you d-did to t-those bullies was k-kinda mean…”

“It’s like I told you before, we just gave them a taste of their own medicine. Now they know what being bullied feels like, so hopefully their bullying days are done.”

For their sake…

“W-Well, w-when you p-put it t-that way, it d-does k-kinda make s-sense… A-And I’m sure Clara will love h-having some n-new friends!”

Opening the door, they were greeted by the sight of the girl in question slumbering peacefully. As Gaia glided over to the window, Connie went to sit down on the edge of the bed. “S-Sweet dreams, Clara,” she whispered, while gently stroking the girl’s hair. “I h-hope you have a r-really great day tomorrow.”

“She will, little sister,” Gaia insisted, giving her friend a warm smile. “Thanks to you. Never forget that.”

“I-I won’t,” Connie replied, returning Gaia’s smile with one of her own.

M-Maybe Mia’s right… she reflected as she turned to leave. Maybe these horrible powers really can help people. Still, I’d love to be able to give people sweet dreams, rather than just take away their nightmares, she sighed wistfully. That must truly be wonderful…

She could never get tired of this. Magical Dream Princess was more adamant about that fact than anything else in her life, especially when said life was filled to bursting with images to uphold and responsibilities to carry out. Yes, in light of this avalanche of stress, who wouldn’t want to return to a simpler, more idyllic state, free from worry or care? A childish state, which fulfilled the desperate longings hidden deep within herself, yet paradoxically, a state in which she could accomplish so much more on behalf of others than even a wealthy heiress ever could. For with this innocent and cheerful new self came the power to turn sadness to joy, darkness to light, the power to make dreams into reality…

Even so, there was nothing bright or cheerful about the place in which she now found herself. Indeed, it was little more than a pitch-black pit of sorrow and despair, the only sound echoing through its cold and lifeless depths being the haunting sobs of one who has given up all hope. This place was, quite literally, a nightmare…

“Awww… It’s all icky wicky and gloomy woomy in heresie weresie…” MDP observed with a frown. “Magical Dream Princess thinkie winkies this placey wacey needs some shiny whiny sparkly warklies super duper bad!” With a wave of her wand, the Princess of Dreams created a glittering prismatic streamer of light, which she twirled around herself until it formed a glowing bubble. “Theresie~! (giggle!)” MDP declared with a happy smile. “That’s, like, lots better~! (giggle!)”

Having been suitably cheered by her little light show, the whimsical girl began gleefully skipping through the dreary landscape, searching for the person she had come here to help. “Priscilla Willa~? Priscilla Wiiiillaaaa~” MDP called in a playful sing-song. “Ah~! There you aresie~! (giggle!)” she exclaimed upon finally catching sight of the bespectacled young woman.

She was cured up in a tight ball, trembling hands clutching at her knees, while her sobs continued to fill the shadowy space around her. “Aww, don’t cry, Priscilla Willa~” MDP told her gently, while kneeling beside her and giving her some affectionate head pats. “It’s okie dokie, Magical Dream Princess is here nowie~! She’ll helpy welpy make this nasty wasty nightmare go bye bye, and that’s, like, her special wecial pinky winky promise womise~! (giggle!)”

“M-Magical Dream Princess…?” Priscilla asked hesitantly, as she slowly raised her head. The young woman’s eyes widened when she saw just who had addressed her. “A-Are you… A-Are you a… M-Magical Girl?”

“Yeperoonie~! (giggle!)” MDP confirmed with playful wink and a peace sign salute.

“A-And you can really get rid of my nightmares?”

“Like, Magical Dream Princess wouldn’t be Magical Dream Princess if she couldn’t~! (giggle!) But, like, she’s gonna need your helpy weply, too, Priscilla Willa~!”

“M-My help? B-But, I can’t do anything! I’m just a useless, childish screw up… I know that’s what she thinks, and she’s right. I’m so pathetic… I can’t help anyone…”

“Like, that’s not true at allsie!” MDP declared, looking quite upset. “Priscilla Willa is, like, super duper talented walented~! She’s, like, really really smart, and, like, Magical Dream Princess just wuvs the cute little thingie wingies she draws in her notebook wotebooks~! (giggle!)”

“Y-You’ve seen my drawings?”

“Uh huh~!” MDP confirmed with several excited nods.

“B-But… Oh, never mind…” the bespectacled young woman sighed in sullen resignation. “You’re just a figment of my imagination. You can’t help me. No one can help me…” she added, her voice little more than a plaintive whisper.

“Magical Dream Princess isn’t a figment wigment!” the whimsical girl shot back, while stomping her foot down. “And she, like, totally wotally can helpy welpy, but only if you let her! So, come on, Priscilla Willa~!” she added, reaching out her hand. “Magical Dream Princess can’t do it all by herselfy welfy~!”

“But it’s impossible!” Priscilla cried, shaking her head. “She’s just too strong…”

“Aww, don’t be silly, Priscilla Willa~! Like, nothing is impossible wossible when friendy wendies work together wether~! (giggle!)”

“F-Friends…?” Priscilla echoed. “N-No one’s ever wanted to be friends with me before…”

“Really?!” MDP exclaimed, her eyes going wide in shock. “Like, that makes Magical Dream Princess super duper sad, so she’s gonna changey wangey that right nowie~!” Not wasting a moment, MDP pulled Priscilla into a big hug. “This is Magical Dream Princess’s super duper dreamy weamy friendship wendship huggy wuggy~!” MDP announced. “Now Priscilla Willa and Magical Dream Princess are friendy wendies for ever and ever~! (giggle!)”

“T-Thank you,” the bespectacled young woman whispered as she squeezed her new friend tight, the tears streaming down her cheeks no longer tears of sadness, but of joy.

“You’re, like, totally wotally welcome, Priscilla Willa~! (giggle!)” MDP replied cheerily. “Okie dokie, so like, before Magical Dream Princess can do anythingy wingy, can Priscilla Willa show her where this meanie weanie person worsen who’s been saying such terrible werrible stuffy wuffy is~?”

“Umm, I-I’m not exactly sure… I-I think she’s…” Priscilla’s voice trailed off as jagged bolts of lightning illuminated a massive figure rising up from the surrounding gloom. “O-Oh, crap! S-She’s here!”

As the imposing figure made its grand entrance, the flashes of lightning became even more intense. The harsh strobing cast the jagged landscape around the towering titan in sharp relief, but that was nothing when placed against what it revealed of the mountainous monstrosity itself…

The creature had long, writhing, tendril-like hair, each strand tipped with a small mouth, which spoke an endless stream of mockery and contempt. Its looming visage was one of imperious disdain, its cold gaze literally looking down on all before it. Its gargantuan body was encased in sinister, gothic armor, which still gave clear evidence of a female form. Even as dreamer and dream princess watched, the cruel claws of a gauntleted hand splayed threateningly overhead, a spiked cage about to descend and usher them into a world of pain and torment forever. But perhaps this creature’s most terrifying aspect, at least as far as Magical Dream Princess was concerned, was its familiarity. She knew who this was. For all it’s horrifying aspects, it’s identity was unmistakable…

“G-Golly wolly…” she whispered, her wide eyes filled with utter incredulity. “T-That’s… That’s…”


Yes, MDP had to admit, the towering figure bore more than a passing resemblance to her mundane self, at least, if her mundane self had been crossed with an eldritch horror…

“V-Violet Covington!” Priscilla cried in horror. “S-She’s found us! W-What do we do now?!”

“V-Violet Wiolet’s your nightmare wightmare?” MDP asked, her voice filled with astonishment. “But… why?

“S-She’s always looked down on me,” a trembling Priscilla replied. “Always thought I was worthless. A-And she was right! She’s so much better than I am, at everything! She’s so smart and strong and confident and pretty…”

She’s not very pretty witty right nowie… MDP thought to herself, as she continued to behold her own twisted visage.


“You… You thinky winky Violet Wiolet is pretty witty?” MDP asked, a blush coloring her cheeks.

“Of course,” Priscilla replied adamantly. “She has such amazing skin and hair, and her bearing is so confident and regal. Meanwhile I’m just a plain, mousey… LOOK OUT!” she cried, as the giant clawed hand descended upon them.

With a quick twirl of her magic wand, MDP blinked them away to a rocky overlook, some distance away from Nightmare!Violet, just before the armored giantess slammed her spiky fist into the space they’d just occupied.

“Wowie zowie~!” MDP exclaimed with an excited smile. “That was super duper closey wosey, huh~?! Okie dokie~!” she declared, striking a cute pose. “If we’re gonna stoppy woppy that big meanie weanie, then we gotta do it right nowie~! Firsty worsty, you’ve gotta stop listening to all those awful waful thingie wingies she says about you!” the whimsical girl instructed. “You are a smarty warty, and a total wotal cutie wutie, too~! (giggle!) But, most of allsie, you have a super duper imaginationwation~! Magical Dream Princess knows you wuv magical wagical girls just as much a she does, so she thinkie winkies you could, like, totally wotally be an awesome wasome magical wagical girl, too~!”

“M-Me?! B-Be a magical girl?!” Priscilla stammered. “B-But I can’t! I-I mean…”

“Like, you totally wotally can~! (giggle!)” MDP insisted. “Magical Dream Princess believes in you lots and lots~! This is your dreamy weamy, Priscilla Willa~!” the whimsical girl added. “You can be anythingy wingy you want to be~!”

“I… I can,” Priscilla whispered. “I will!” she declared, her voice swelling with newfound confidence. Magical Dream Princess believes in me, so it’s only right that I start believing… In myself!

The next instant, Priscilla’s body was consumed by a sparkling, prismatic whirlwind, one which burst apart in a brilliant explosion a moment later to reveal…

“Painting the world with joy and love, Pretty Painter Princess Priscilla~!”

“Wowie zowie~!” MDP squealed with delight. “You look sooo super duper adorable worable, Priscilla Willa~! You’re like a super duper cute painter wainter person werson~! (giggle!) Magical Dream Princess thinkie winkies you can totally wotally stop that big meanie weanie head, nowie~!”

Looking considerably more cheerful and youthful, the new magical girl struck a cute pose, before dramatically pointing her finger at the imposing form of Nightmare!Violet. “Dreams should be filled happiness and hope!” Priscilla declared. “Darkness and gloom have no place here!” Sweeping her enchanted paintbrush across the twisted landscape before her, a stream of rainbow-colored paint washed over the nightmare realm, changing it into a bright and whimsical fairyland. “This dream is my canvas,” she continued. “And I’m gonna paint the kind of world I want to live in~!”

Not wasting another moment, Priscilla painted herself a pair of roller skates, followed by a sky borne rainbow road, which led straight to where Nightmare!Violet loomed over the now bright and cheerful landscape. Before the imposing giantess could swipe away a single happy little cloud or stomp even one happy little tree, Priscilla raced across the prismatic path to engage her in colorful combat. With a swipe of her paintbrush, the magical artist set to work on the writhing tendrils that served as her nightmarish foe’s hair, swiftly changing the dark stands into bright pink ringlets, loops, and swirls. Soon, the stringy mass was a pair of cute twintails, the dark grey crown mounted atop it now one of shining gold. Next, Priscilla turned her attention to the towing titan’s outfit. With only a few well-placed strokes, the spiky armor had become a frilly pink dress, the dark violet gemstone embedded in its chest piece now a glittering jewel of prismatic light.

Meanwhile, Magical Dream Princess wasn’t just standing around during her friend’s explosion of artistic activity. Indeed, she had conjured a pair of glittery pink pompoms and begun what could perhaps best be described as a cheerleader routine mixed with an idol performance.

“Go Priscilla Momilla, Bananafanna Fofilla, Mi My Moh Milla~! Go Prisciiiilla~!” she sang, dancing and jumping around with childish delight.

Encouraged by MDP’s performance, Priscilla continued to paint over Nightmare!Violet’s unhappy visage, until it was a perfect reflection of Magical Dream Princess’s own. Finally finished, she skated back over to her friend so they could both admire her finished creation.

“Yaaaay~! Priscilla Willa did it~! (giggle!) Hip hip horaaaay~!” MDP cheered as she jumped up in the air, arms spread wide. “Wowie zowie~!” the whimsical girl exclaimed a moment later when she realized just what her mundane self’s nightmarish doppelgänger had been changed into. “She looks just like Magical Dream Princess nowie~! (giggle!)”

“Yep!” Priscilla confirmed with a cheerful smile. “I wanted to make something in honor of my new friend!” she added, wrapping MDP up in a big hug. For several seconds, the two magical girls remained in their warm embrace, while giving voice to a stream of sweet giggles. “Thank you so much for believing in me, Magical Dream Princess! I couldn’t have done it without you!”

“Aww~ You’re, like, totally wotally welcome, Priscilla Willa~! (giggle!)” MDP replied, her cheeks blushing slightly as she gave her friend a playful wink.

After concluding their hug, the two magical girls proceeded to sit down on the edge of the cliff and talk for what seemed like several hours, idly kicking their legs and giggling in blissful contentment. However, all good things must come to an end, and so it soon came time for Magical Dream Princess to depart.

“A-Are you sure you have to go?” Priscilla asked with a despondent frown. “I-I mean, I know you’re not real, but… You’ve been such a wonderful friend, and… And it hurts to lose you…”

“Aww, don’t be silly willy, Priscilla Willa~!” MDP replied with a big smile. “Like, Magical Dream Princess is totally wotally realsie~! And, like, even weven if she can’t see you anymoresie, she’s, like, super duper positive wositve that you’ll meet other friendy wendies who wuv the same stuffy wuffy you do~! (giggle!)”

“Y-You really think so?”

“Totally wotally~! (giggle!)” MDP confirmed with a cute wink and an adorable little peace sign salute. “Maybe waybe it’s even weven somebodywody you’ve already met beforsie~!”

“Maybe,” Priscilla conceded. “But I don’t think I know anyone like that… A-And what about you? W-When I wake up, will I even remember you, or any of this?”

“Don’t worry, Priscilla Willa~!” MDP instructed, her sweet voice filled with confidence. “You’ll totally wotally remember wember~! Weeeell… Maybe waybe not up heresie,” she conceded, while tapping her head. “But you totally wotally will in heresie~!” she added, placing a hand over her heart. “And that’s what matter watters most~! (giggle!)”

“Yeah, I guess it is…” Priscilla replied wth a smile, before giving her friend a final embrace.

“Okie dokie, it’s timey wimey for Priscilla Willa to wake up nowie~” MDP announced in a soft and gentle voice as the whimsical dream world dissolved. “And Magical Dream Princess just knows it’s gonna be a super duper day~”

What an awful fucking day… Angela grumbled to herself as she trudged along the crowded streets of a massive, interdimensional metropolis. With each step she took, the annoyed young woman cursed the ill fortune that had led her here. This was the very last thing she wanted to be doing, and yet, her pride refused to allow her to turn back. This was simply another challenge, and she would overcome it, just like all the others she had faced. After all, she was the Best Magical Girl…

In an out-of-the-way corner of the Overcity, there is a quaint little tea shop, A Taste of Heaven. Its quiet and soothing atmosphere have made it a favorite of the few who know of its existence, and its proprietress, one Tea Angel Vanessa, always does her best to ensure that all her customers have the most pleasant dining experience possible. In addition to the main tea room itself, there is also a smaller back room, which often plays host to more private gatherings. In this particular instance, it was hosting the latest meeting of the Inconvenient Magical Abilities Support Group.

“Hello again, everyone!” the group’s organizer, Healing Fairy Isis, greeted the gathered magical girls. “I have some exciting news to tell you all! We have a very special guest joining us today! None other than The Angel of Hope!”

Angela cringed inwardly. Although she loved being the center of attention, this particular group was nothing to write home about. They were just a bunch of losers who didn’t like, or couldn’t control, their magic. And yet, Chiichuu had insisted that she attend a meeting, and perhaps help some of them with her gifted Reinforcement magic. Angela had rolled her eyes at the idea, but it wasn’t as though she had much of a choice…

Might as well get this over with…

There was a flash of light as the curtains draped over the room’s entrance parted to reveal the radiant form of The Angel of Hope.

“Warmest greetings, everyone!” she announced in a soothing and serene voice. “It is my great honor to join you all this glorious day!”

“The honor is ours,” Isis replied with a curtsy as she fluttered in front of the new arrival. “Never before has our humble gathering been graced with the presence of such a renowned guest!”

“You flatter me greatly,” the Angel replied, blushing as she placed an elegant hand over her heart. “I am merely the humble servant of anyone in need, wherever they may be. Pray tell, how may I be of assistance today?”

“I think it might be best if we began with introductions,” Isis suggested. “Would you all be so kind as to tell our guest a little bit about yourselves and your unique problems?” The gathered girls slowly nodded in agreement. “Wonderful! Kali, would you like to go first?”

“I guess…” a blue-skinned young woman with multiple arms said in a sullen voice. “Hi, I’m Kali, or rather, ‘Death Goddess Kali’, if you want to use my magical girl name,” she added with a sigh. It was painfully clear that she hated the title. “I was just a normal girl, until about a month ago, when I found out I’m the avatar of a goddess, and now my life is a living nightmare… I mean, look at me!” she stood up to her full, towering height and gestured at her monstrous body. “I’m a freak! How am I supposed to live a normal life looking like this?! Clenching her fists, the blue-skinned monster girl shuddered with pent up anger. “Sometimes, I just wanna strangle someone and…” her voice trailed off as she noticed the dark energy forming around her hands. She gave a lengthy sigh, causing the energy to dissipate, before sitting back down and cradling her head in her hands. “I’m sorry,” she said softly. “I haven’t eaten yet… I always get a little edgy when I haven’t eaten.”

“That’s another one of her problems,” Isis explained. “Kali can’t eat normal food anymore. She needs to feed upon the life force of living things to survive now. Venessa has been able to create a substitute, but it takes her some time to brew it. She’s been kind enough to allow Kali to live here, so she can get the potion to her as soon as it’s ready, but that means Kali is essentially a prisoner, unable to leave out of fear of losing control of her hunger.”

“I’m so afraid I might hurt someone,” Kali added, her voice filled with anguish. “I hate my magic, and what it’s done to my body. I-I just want to live a normal life…”

“Oh, you poor thing!” the Angel of Hope sobbed as she rushed over to embrace the monster girl. “I cannot even imagine the agony you must be going through! Please know that I shall do everything in my power to free you from this terrible affliction!”

What a whiny bitch… And stupid too. Here she is with a kick ass power set, and she doesn’t even know how to use it! If she had half a brain, she’d hunt down monsters to feed on. Just looking at her, I’ll bet she could be one hell of a monster killing machine, if she ever decided to get serious. Too bad she seems like a total wimp… What a waste…

Still, for aiding this poor soul I am sure to receive such wondrous bliss! Master Chiichuu has truly blessed his humble servant in that regard, and I am eternally grateful to him!

Fuckin’ fuzzball…

“T-Thank you,” Kali replied, blushing as she gave the Angel a small smile. “That really means a lot. It’s so nice to know that there are kind people, like you and Miss Isis, who are willing to help me, despite my monstrous appearance.”

“You are most welcome, Miss Kali,” the Angel replied with a warm smile of her own. “And to those who see with eyes of kindness and love, it matters not what one’s outward appearance might be. It is the heart that gives proof of one’s true nature, and, if I may be permitted to be so bold, I believe that yours is a very gentle and noble one indeed.”

Holy fuck… Is it even possible for that to have come out any cornier?

Kali herself was left speechless at the Angel’s kind words.

“Our guest is quite correct,” Isis concurred as she fluttered over and placed a comforting hand on the blue-skinned monster girl’s shoulder. “You did not ask for this to happen to you, and none of it is your fault. Now then, let’s move along to our next member,” she added glancing at a gloomy-looking girl in a raincoat. Unlike many magical girls, the outfit seemed to have a practical use, as a dark cloud hovered over her, unleashing an unceasing deluge upon the poor girl.

“Uh, hi,” she spoke up in a dull voice. “I’m ‘Storm Lady Selene’. But I’d prefer it if you just called me Selene. Y’know, like a normal person? My problem, in case it’s not completely obvious, is that I can’t turn off my magic. I’ve had this fucking raincloud over my head ever since I got my powers,” she continued, pointing her middle finger at the cloud in question. “Wanna guess how much fun dealing with this shit for a whole fucking month has been?”

“Selene, language…” Isis chided gently.

“Oh fuck off, Isis!” Selene snapped. “You’d be pissed, too, if you had to live every single day in the middle of a fucking monsoon! I didn’t sign up for this, and I sure as fuck don’t wanna stay like this.”

“My apologies,” Isis said softly. “I simply didn’t want our guest to feel⏤”

“You know what I want?! I want my fucking life back!”

“Please believe that I shall do all I can to return it to you!” the Angel cried as she clasped both hands together over her ample chest. “The sight of your suffering brings such agony to my heart!”

Holy shit… How stupid is this girl?! She’s been a magical girl for an entire month, and she hasn’t figured out how to untransform yet?!

“If I may be so bold,” the Angel began. “Perhaps if you were to undo your transformation, the storm cloud might dissipate. If you are unsure how, and it is nothing to be ashamed of if that is the case, I would be only too happy to guide you through the process.”

Selene gave a weary sigh. “I am untransformed. You seriously don’t wanna see what happens when I go full magical girl…”


“Oh my goodness!” the Angel exclaimed. “I-I had no idea! Please forgive me!” she pleaded, bowing before Selene and adding her tears to the puddle on the floor. “I assumed far too much!”

“I-It’s okay,” Selene told the weeping woman, while reaching out an awkward hand to comfort her. “You don’t need to apologize. A-And please don’t cry, it’s really weirding me out…”

“A thousand pardons!” the angelic beauty gasped, rising to her full hight and wiping her tears with an elegant hand. “I did not mean to cause you any further discomfort! I am truly sorry!”

“P-Perhaps we should move on now?” Isis suggested. “This is Magical Maiden Alice,” she added, gesturing to a nervous-looking girl in a pink, bunny eared hoodie with vibrant green hair.

“H-Hello…” the girl replied hesitantly.

“And I’m Gem Maiden Margret!” the exuberant girl next to her announced with a cheerful smile. “I’m Alice’s best friend and emotional support person!” she added, leaning over and giving the green-haired girl a big hug.

“M-More of a nuisance…” Alice muttered under her breath.

“See, Alice here can’t fully control her magic,” Margret explained. “Isn’t that just awful?!”

“Oh, it is indeed!” the Angel concurred. “Pray tell, what precisely does this lack of control entail?”

“W-Well, um, I think it has to do with my Specialization,” Alice clarified. “I-It’s a very strange oddball spec called ‘Randomness’. Basically, whenever I try to use my magic, I’ll get a random Specialization, and a random power level. S-So, one moment I might only be able to make a small flame appear over one finger, and the next, I cause a whole city to be buried by a blizzard. I have no idea what will happen, so I try not to use any magic at all, but, needless to say, that makes me a pretty useless magical girl, something my patron never fails to remind me of…” she added sullenly.

Damn… Talk about getting fucked over by your Specialization…

“He’s just a big meanie!” Margret shot back. “Don’t listen to him!” Turning back to the Angel, she added, “So, um, can you help her, Miss Angel?”

“Please fear not!” the Angel bade them. “I shall do all that I can to assist you with this dreadful burden! This is my most solemn vow!”

“Thanks so much!” Margret cheered, while wrapping the Angel in a warm embrace.

“Y-Yeah… thanks…” Alice whispered.

“Please, no thanks are necessary!” the Angel insisted. “I am only too happy to help!”

“And now for our final member,” Isis announced, moving to hover next to a glowing force field bubble, within which sat a haggard-looking young woman with pale, sickly skin and sunken, sullen eyes. Even more unnerving were the various tumors and boils covering much of her exposed skin, to the point that it was hard to believe she was still alive.

The Angel gasped at the sight, placing her trembling hands over her mouth.

“I-I’m… Plague Empress Akari…” the girl’s tired voice croaked between pained gasps for breath. “I-It’s… nice to meet you.”

“Akari’s situation is similar to Selene’s,” Isis explained, “in that her powers are far too strong for her to control. She’s constantly surrounded by a plague aura, which sickens everything in close proximity, including Akari herself. Thankfully, Gear Goddess Miyuki here,” she added, gesturing to the silver-haired gadgeteer in question, "was kind enough to create this protective containment unit for her. This way, she can interact with people without harming them.”

“Oh, you poor, poor darling!” the Angel sobbed. “Words cannot express my sorrow for your tragic plight!”

Fuck… Sucks to be her…

My tender heart aches at such a horrid sight!

“I-It’s… okay,” Akari whispered. “I-I… brought… much of this… upon myself…”

“W-Whatever do you mean?”

“Y-You… see… I…” Akari began, before descending into a fit of coughing and wheezing.

“It’s okay, Akari,” Miyuki told her gently, while reaching an energy-sheathed hand into the containment field and placing it upon the emaciated girl’s shoulder. “I’ll take it from here.” After waiting for Akari to give a small nod, the technopath continued. “You see, Akari’s powers don’t just spread disease, they can actually remove diseases and ailments from others. Thanks to Akari’s kind heart, she spent her first few years as a magical girl curing people of all sorts of medical problems: asthma, aids, cancer, the common cold, you name it. The thing is, she was only able to do that by taking those aliments on herself. She can’t actually die from any of them, but they still affect her, as you can plainly see… B-But, even though she could see it, could feel it happening, she refused to stop. She wanted to help as many people as she could before…” Miyuki closed her eyes in a vain attempt to hold back tears.

“Before it got to a point where she couldn’t hold the illnesses back anymore,” Isis finished, her voice soft and mournful.

“Yes,” Miyuki confirmed, wiping her eyes. “That’s what causes the plague aura,” she added. “That’s why she has to suffer like this… I-I've done everything I can for her but...”

By this point, everyone was weeping, the Angel of Hope most of all.

“P-Please… d-don’t… cry…” Akari begged. “I-I… chose this. I-I… d-don’t regret… a single… t-thing…”

“Such exquisite selflessness should not be repaid with such agonizing anguish!” the Angel declared. “I shall help you to find a cure,” she added, her heavenly voice filled with conviction. “I shall help all of you! No matter how long it may take, no matter how far I must travel, I shall find a way to aid each and every one of you! I know you have all placed your hopes in me, and I vow that I shall not allow those hopes to be in vain! I shall not rest until all of you have been freed from the dark clutches of despair! So swears The Angel of Hope!”

Yeah, that wasn’t cringey at all…

“You did very well, today,” Chiichuu was saying as Angela threw herself down on her bed.

After all the tiring tedium of the past few hours, she was thankful to finally return to her home in the suburbs of Hydrangopolis. And yet, even here, it seemed peace and quiet would ultimately elude her…

“Do you have any idea how annoying that was?!” she snapped at the small creature. “And how in the hell do you think I’m gonna find ways of fixing all those rejects’ problems?!” she continued. “I may be the Best Magical Girl, but even my abilities have their limits!”

“Incidentally, I was just about to address that issue,” the Puchuu replied calmly. “As it happens, there appear to be several individuals residing in Penrose who may be able to provide the solutions you seek. Furthermore, and in light of this, I believe it may be prudent for you to take up permanent residence there for the foreseeable future.”

WHAT?! Angela roared. “Are you shitting me?! Like hell I’m going back to that shitthole! Besides, it’s on the other side of the fucking continent! How the fuck do you expect me to even begin to explain that to my parents?!”

“There is no need for you to,” Chiichuu replied. “I have some good news,” he added. “Your Father has just received a promotion.” At that, he produced a colorful party horn and gave it a blow. “I’m sorry if I ruined the surprise. This move will, of course, necessitate a transfer to Penrose.”

“You fucking…

“Now, now, don’t get testy,” the Puchuu chided. “You need to appear happy for your father once he gets home. After all, attaining a senior management position at Covington Industries’ world headquarters is no small accomplishment. So please, try to calm yourself. And don’t worry, Casey has proven herself to be more than capable of guarding Hydrangopolis on her own, so there’s no cause for concern on your local friends’ account. That is, of course, assuming you have any friends here,” he added. There was the sound of a car pulling into the driveway. “Oh, I do believe that’s him now,” Chiichuu noted, before winking out of existence.

I swear, one of these days I’m gonna murder that fuckin’ fuzzb⏤

“Heeey there, my little pogchamp!” an amiable voice called as the door to her room swung open.

“Dad, no. Just…. no… Angela groaned as she squeezed her eyes shut.

“What? Isn’t that what all the kids are saying to each other these days?” he asked before giving voice to a light hearted chuckle. “But, hey, guess what? Something really cool happened today!”

“You were promoted?” Angela deadpanned.

“No! I was pro… Wait a tick, how did you know?!”

“Lucky guess?”

“Ha ha! That’s my girl!” he beamed, putting his arm around a clearly exasperated Angela. “You always were a smart cookie!” he added with a chuckle as he ruffled her hair. “But it’s not just any promotion!” he added with an exuberant grin. “I’m being transferred to CI HQ, in Penrose! I’ll be rubbing shoulders with the big boss himself! And I hear his daughter is around your age!” he continued. “Wouldn’t it be just swell if you two became friends?!”

Fuck that noise… Angela seethed. I’d never be caught dead hanging out with such a stuck up bitch! Must be nice though, being the daughter of some rich tycoon… she mused. I bet she spends all day doing whatever she wants, without having to worry about a single pointless obligation, especially not an idiotic quest on behalf of some pitiful group of born losers… Yeah… she smiled as her father continued to babble. That must be the life…

Violet gave voice to a tired sigh as another long day of work drew to a close. Sitting here, in the peaceful silence of her private study, she could begin winding down from the dizzying rollercoaster of meetings, progress reports, event attendance, and media interviews. The very worst of these being her weekly sparring matches with CI’s quarrelsome board of directors. It was painfully clear to see that they all resented having to interact with a mere teenager, and Violet was well aware that they only managed to put forth the bare minimum amount of respect because her father’s influence still loomed large over their small-minded heads. Despite his illness, the elder Covington’s imposing presence was undiminished. Indeed, even if he was forced to interact with the wider world via hologram or display screen, the patrician visage of Thane Covington still appeared hearty and hale, ready and able to take on all who dared to threaten his control over the company his grandfather had built. And as his hand-picked representative, Violet acted with all the considerable authority her father possessed, making any direct move against her a metaphorical death sentence. But that still didn’t mean they respected her, and it still didn’t make dealing with them any easier…

But now… Now that the stressful cacophony of the day’s various tasks and obligations had finally quieted, Violet could rest for a few hours, before beginning her far less stressful “after-work activities”. Normally, those hours would elapse in solitude, but that would not be the case today. Today, the young heiress had one more, highly important obligation to attend to, one she had only just recently realized she had been neglecting for far too long. But no longer. Today, she would make things right…

“Miss Covington?” The voice of her secretary called over the intercom. “Your guest has just arrived.”

“Thank you, Melisa,” the heiress replied. “Please send her in.”

A moment later, the door to the study slowly opened and the bespectacled, and clearly nervous face of Dr. Priscilla Morris appeared around it.

“Umm, y-you wanted to see me, Miss Covington?” the researcher asked.

“Yes,” Violet confirmed with a warm smile. “Please, come in and have a seat,” she added, gesturing to a comfy-looking chair in front of her desk.

“O-Okay…” Priscilla replied, hesitantly entering the room and making her way over to the desk. Upon sitting down in the offered chair she gasped as she sank into the soft fabric. “Wow, this is really comfortable!” she marveled.

“That is the idea,” Violet confirmed with a slight grin. “It’s designed to make a guest feel right at home, to ease any tension or trepidation they may be feeling. How is it working?”

“Wonderfully! I-In fact, I think that if I close my eyes, I could probably fall asleep in seconds!”

“It’s a new creation of our furniture department,” Violet explained. “If all goes according to plan, they’ll be available for purchase by the end of the month.”

“Really?” Priscilla asked, her eyes going wide. “Gosh, I’d love to have one of these… But it’s probably more than I could afford…” she added glumly.

“Perhaps someone will get one for you as a birthday present?” Violet suggested.

“But… No one ever gets me birthday presents…” Priscilla whispered with a despondent sigh.

“Then just imagine what a surprise it will be if you do get something.”

“S-Speaking of surprises, I didn’t know your secretary was an AI! She’s really extraordinary!”

“Thank you. I built her myself.”

“Really?!” Priscilla exclaimed. “That’s amazing! You’re just so talented, Miss Covington,” the bespectacled young woman continued. “Sometimes I wonder why you even keep people like me around…”

Violet frowned upon hearing the researcher’s disparaging remark, but chose not to address it. “Priscilla,” she began, before stopping as a thought occurred to her. “Is it all right if I call you Priscilla?”

“O-Of course, Miss Covington!” the researcher replied with a vigorous nod. “Y-You can call me whatever you like!”

“Thank you. So, were you able to get some sleep last night, Priscilla? I must say, you look significantly more well-rested.”

“Yes, I actually did,” the bespectacled young woman confirmed. “I started having that nightmare again, but then a… well, a magical girl appeared and helped me banish it forever. I-I know it sounds very childish,” she added after a moment. “I’m sorry. Y-You probably didn’t want to hear all that…”

“Not at all,” Violet replied. “And I am the one who should apologize. I’ve been treating you in a most unacceptable manner, and for that I am so very sorry.”

“W-What…?” Priscilla whispered, not entirely sure if she wasn’t just imagining things.

“In fact, that’s the main reason I asked to have this little meeting,” Violet continued. “I thought perhaps we might start our relationship over afresh. You’re quite fond of magical girls, aren’t you?” she asked with a smile.

“Y-Yes…” the young researcher replied with a slight blush.

“As it happens, I am rather fond of them as well,” Violet revealed.

“Y-You?!” Priscilla gasped. “B-But…”

“Yes, it’s completely inconceivable, I know,” Violet agreed with a sigh. “In fact, I’ve spent my entire life up until now carefully cultivating the image of the perfect heiress to the Covington name. I’ve had to work very hard to keep my true feelings hidden from everyone, as I felt that any sign of weakness I might display would cause my father to view me as a failure. He wouldn’t permit me to have anything to do with ‘childish things’,” the young heiress continued. “But I still longed for them, nonetheless. I… I think that is why I felt the need to berate you, when I saw your drawings, even though I admired them very much. I-It was because I was jealous of you, of how you could display your love for such things so plainly, in a way I never could.”

“Y-You were jealous… o-of me?!” Priscilla gasped. “A-And you actually like my drawings? B-But you called them…”

“Like I said, I was being disgustingly petty,” Violet reiterated. “And for that, I am so very sorry, Priscilla.”

“I-It’s okay, Miss Covington,” Priscilla insisted, raising her trembling hands in a placating manner. “I-I mean, I fully deserved to be reprimanded. A-After all, someone of my age and position shouldn’t be doing something so childish as doodling on their notes…”

“Perhaps not,” Violet conceded. “But you should never feel ashamed of the things you love. That is a lesson I’ve only just begun to learn myself. And please,” she added with a tender smile as she gently took hold of Priscilla’s trembling hands. “When we are together like this, simply call me Violet.”

“O-Oh! Uh, o-okay, Violet…” the bespectacled researcher replied, still more than a little dazed and wondering if perhaps she wasn’t just dreaming all this. “I-Is, um, is that all you wanted to talk about?”

“For the most part,” the young heiress confirmed. “Although there was one other thing I wanted to ask you.” Opening a hidden compartment in her desk, she retrieved an old DVD case and presented it to her guest, who’s eyes went wide at the sight. “I understand if you’d like to head home now,” Violet continued. “But if you wouldn’t mind staying a while longer, I thought we might watch this together. Would… Would you like that?”

“O-Oh my gosh!” Priscilla exclaimed, not believing her eyes. “T-This… T-This is a limited edition of Prism Princess, the complete series! It has all sorts of special features that were never included in any other set! Oh, I-I’d love to watch this with you!” she declared, grinning from ear to ear. “Thank you so much!”

“You are more than welcome, Priscilla,” Violet replied warmly. “Now then, shall we begin?”

“Yes, let’s!” Priscilla agreed, nodding vigorously.

Placing one of the set’s disks into the custom player built into her desk, Violet darkened the room and activated a panoramic holodisplay. A moment later, a carefully chosen episode of Prism Princess began to play…

“Oh wow! This episode is the start of the Friendship Force arc! When the Prism Princess teams from all the previous seasons team up for the very first time!”

“That’s right,” Violet confirmed with a smile. “It’s one of my personal favorites.”

“Mine too!”

The unlikely pair went on to watch the entirety of Friendship Force, and, by the epic story’s exiting and heartwarming conclusion, found that they had become friends themselves.

“Thanks again, Violet,” Priscilla said as the lights came back on. “I had so much fun, and.. Um, i-it really means a lot that you decided to share this with me.”

“Well, I think it’s only right that Friendship Force should be viewed alongside a friend, don't you?” Violet asked with a playful smirk.

“Yeah,” Priscilla agreed with a warm smile. “I guess you’re right! Um, Violet…?” the bespectacled young woman added hesitantly. “Do… Do you think there could really be a multiverse out there, like in the show? I-I mean, do you think there might be a place where magical girls really do exist?”

“Who can say?” the heiress replied with a shrug. “Our knowledge is currently very limited in that regard, so I think anything is possible.”

“Oh, I really hope so, don’t you? I mean, meeting an actual magical girl? It would be like a dream come true!”

Yes, it probably would be, Violet reflected with a smile. Then again, she mused as she felt a sudden chill prick her spine, if the multiverse held dreams, it only stood to reason that it held nightmares as well…

Never say “Never”

(aka: Yes, Virginia, there is a Multiverse)

In a secluded corner of a certain reality plenum, hidden within the depths of a fold in the dimensional fabric, resides a particularly intriguing pocket universe. Although its creator simply calls it The Lab, it is much more than that. Much, much more… There is the expected profusion of super-scientific paraphernalia, of course, but instead of occupying a small room, or even a vast chamber, it sprawls across an entire continent, a vast, mind-boggling landscape of technorganic apparatuses, a bizarre fusion of mega city and gargantuan living organism. Towering techno spires reach to the very heavens, their ever watchful oracular nodes crowned with menacing quantum quills, from which spew forth crackling arcs of actinic lightning. Power accumulators of the most esoteric types whir and spin, glow, gurgle, and hum, as they fuel the creation of inventions too impossible to describe, their multicolored rhylythian reactor spheres, poly-phasic power cores, and cross-continuua containment pods drawing forth the starkly inconceivable energies of hypercane swarms, quantum singularities, and the birth pangs of several newborn universes. Farther afield, rank upon rank of pulsating cybermantic techno wombs rival the Himalayas, a legion of biomechanical titans waiting to be unleashed on an unsuspecting multiverse as they gestate in bubbling amniotic fluid, while high above, tens of thousands of transdimensional warships rest in a labyrinthian latticework of repair cradles, a swarm of moon-sized, aracnoidal caretaker drones weave technorunic defensive matrices of cosmic string, and ensure that each vessel’s infinite polycyclic neutrino particle cannons and hyper aetheric transposition fields are fully charged, in anticipation of the grand day upon which their creator will make her triumphant return to the omniversal stage.

But that day is still a long way off, and so said creator, the legendary Monarch of Mad Science herself, must regrettably find other things with which to occupy her time. To that end, she has set into motion several lesser plans, from unlocking the secrets of The Artifact, to enacting her grand and glorious revenge upon a certain lilac-haired lover of butterflies. And then there was that servant she had offered to create for what was quite possibly the most annoying person she had ever met, outside of MDP. Some people might wonder why she was even going through with such a project, especially since the overwhelmingly annoying individual in question had left the local multiversal cluster, “never to return”. But those hypothetical people would be forgetting that Doctor Nikki Yolanda Kannis was Queen of the Mad Scientists, and as such, would never refuse a challenge, especially if it was to prove to some idiot the true scope of her super-scientific majesty.

“There, that should about do it,” Nykannis nodded with approval as she put the finishing touches on the artificial life form. A rather fetishistic creature, it resembled an adorably cute cat girl, wearing an elaborate French maid’s outfit. Although the Mad Scientist Supreme would never even think of making such a thing under normal circumstances, her pride dictated that she meet, and indeed exceed her client’s every specification. “Now, what the hell to do with you…” the mad scientist muttered. “I suppose I could just open up a portal and dump it on her head at a particularly inconvenient time,” she mused, a maniacal grin spreading across her face at the thought. However, before she could even open her interdimensional viewer, someone beat her to the punch…

Nikki would turn her head to a sudden disturbance. In her high minded technological world, one that made perfect sense to her, was a sudden spark of entropy. Something that even madness itself couldn’t explain had appeared in her home. A pair of grey hands pushed through reality itself and pulled open a portal to another world. At a glance, Nikki could see a landscape that was like her home, but only in the sense of its immense scope. 

The rocky ranges were the same color as a sunset, as was the night sky. It was filled with stars  that fell to earth in spirals, only to be swept up by a sideways flowing waterfall. Any inhabitants had taken refuge under whatever they could, even as some trees with upside down branches burned in an orange snowstorm. The wall between a warm organic hell had opened up to Nikki’s cold cybertech purgatory. Nikki could see some of the worlds inhabitants looking at her from their burrows, likely as upset as she was furious. 

But her view of this undesirable world would be cut off as two people walked through the portal. The first was a woman in a black garb with billowing pink hair. Following close behind her was a young girl in a purple dress with a pleased smile on her face. They were both carrying boxes filled with…scrap parts? The pink haired girl dropped her box on the floor with little thought, while the girl in purple placed her box on top of it, careful not to be too rough.  

”This should be fine, Aigorost. I’ll give you a ring when we’re ready to leave.” The dark garbed woman waved her hand at the fingers, which slid out of this reality.

The purple-dressed girl looked at the pink haired stranger. ”Should I remember any of this?”

”Nah, none of this would look familiar to you.” The black garbed figure turned to look at the scientist and flung apart her arms. ”Nyan! It’s so good to see you!”

For several seconds, Nykannis was stunned speechless, as she watched the dimensional fabric be rent asunder, and through that tear step the last two people she ever expected to see. Then again, perhaps she should have expected it, for if anyone could break into her private pocket dimension uninvited, it was them. 

“YOU?!” Nykannis roared, not even bothering to address the butchering of her name. “What the hell are YOU doing here?!” Calming sightly at the sight of the containers filled with machine parts (but making no attempt to provide her visitor with the hug they seemed to be hoping for), she allowed a contemptuous sneer to spread across her face. “Did you get bored of Esper World already?” she asked, her voice dripping with contempt.

”Are you kidding? I love it!” Oros reached her hands above her head.

”I believe you knew me as Aria.” The girl in purple bowed, and some butterflies flew around her head. ”Oros tells me that I was originally from this world. I have little snippets from my old memories, but I’m afraid I don’t remember everything. Regardless, I should be able to maintain my part of the deal with you.”

At Aria’s greeting, the mad scientist glared in the young woman’s direction. So, she’d had most of her memory wiped, had she? That was rather disappointing, but viewed another way, it was actually somewhat providential, at least in regard to certain future endeavors… 

”Hey, is this my assistant?” Oros tipped her head side to side as she examined the fetish maid. 

“That’s right,” Nykannis confirmed. “Exactly as requested. In fact, I was just about to send it over to you, before you decided to INVADE MY PRIVATE LAB!!!” 

Oros nodded, totally unbothered by her annoyed tone. ”Yea I couldn’t really tell just by looking at it. Is there some kind of Unnatural Reality Lense I can use to refresh my memory? You know, like a U.R.L. ?”

The mad scientist gave voice to a contemptuous snort. “What, you decided to give yourself a mind wipe, too? Or is your memory just that terrible? Well, whatever,” she added with a dismissive wave of her hand. “Does this ring any bells?”

Pressing a key on a holodisplay that had just now winked into existence, Nykannis activated a localized, panoramic U.R.L. In an instant, the bizarre technomantic landscape around them was replaced by a small balcony, decorated for Christmas, beyond which was a whimsical wintry landscape. Gathered around a snack-covered table were Oros, Nykannis, and a diminutive, tomboyish girl with equally short hair. All three were bedecked in festive attire, and appeared to be deep in conversation, although Nykannis and Oros seemed to be doing most of the talking.

”Hah! I forgot how painfully generic you made it. No wonder I forgot in the months I’ve been in ‘Esper land.’” Oros nodded. ”Alright, so here’s Aria. Say hi. I’m gunna play with the cat maid and decide a name for her.” She lifted up the robot maid’s skirt. ”After I figure out how to turn her on. Isn’t it usually down here?”

Nykannis’s eyes widened as she watched Oros’s attempts to find her new servant’s “On Switch”. “What. The. FUCK?! Look, I know I made that thing out of pure, undiluted fetish fuel, but could you PLEASE save that crap until after you get back home?” Giving a small shudder, she continued, “And if you want to activate it, just ask it to wake up. It’s been programed to recognize your voice pattern, along with your unique metaphysical signature. Y’know, your soul? That way, if some other version of you tries to take control of it, they’ll get nothing more than a middle finger. Oh, and one more thing,” the mad scientist added, raising her own middle finger for emphasis. “Although it’s completely loyal to you, and will obey your every perverted whim without question, it’ll do so because it wants to. It’s not some simple automaton. I made sure to equip it with a full array of Soultech systems: AF, EPU, the works. You’re looking at a fully sentient, sapient, biomechanical entity, so if you’re the kind of sick fuck I know you are, you’ll be pleased to hear that your new plaything has real feelings for you. It actually enjoys making you happy, so, uh, feel free to abuse the hell outta it, I guess…”

”Hah! My date game is a little better than yours, Nyan. It’s not hard to make people want a body like mine!” Oros pat the still powered down cat servant on the head. ”Don’t worry babe, we’ll achieve Muv-Luv regardless of what that big meanie thinks.” 

Since Nykannis had more or less ignored Aria, her eyes drifted to the screen where their conversation was happening. ”Magical scientist? I was one in this world too then?” She grinned. ”The more things change, the more they stay the same. Since we’re in the same multiverse, maybe there is something I could help you with?”

Turning her attention to Aria, the mad scientist smirked. “Yeah, I guess you could say that, although you never came close to equaling my abilities. Still, I was told you were once a member of a certain collective of magical artificers called The Gourd, but I doubt you’d recall any of that, what with the whole ‘memory wipe’ thing. On the OTHER hand,” she added, a maniacal gleam in her eye as she looked over the containers her guests had brought with them. “I see you come bearing gifts!” As she plucked out one of the mechanisms to examine it more closely, a wide grin spread across her face. “Are these parts what I think they are?!” she asked, completely unable to contain her excitement. But she would have to, as Aria smacked her hand with just enough force to get her to drop it back in the box. 

”They are not a gift, sorry. But they are exactly what you think they are. As for my status as a member of the gourd…” Aria’s grin got a bit wider. ”Who can say? I was a revered G.E.M.I.N.I. scientist, so maybe I’ve actually surpassed you this time around?”

Nykannis’s eyes filled with utter fury when Aria slapped her hand away, but her rage quickly subsided to simple contempt at the girl’s next words. So, it’s less of a “memory wipe”, and more of a “memory alteration”, huh? the mad scientist mused. “I highly doubt that,” she replied with a mocking sneer. “I’ve done some commission work for S.O.N., your former home’s actual equivalent of G.E.M.I.N.I., and they’re a complete joke. Unlike those two, The Gourd’s multidimensional in scope, which means they might actually have information worth looking into, but enough of this shit,” she added, focusing her attention on the two containers once more. “If you weren’t planning on giving this stuff to me, then why the hell did you bring it here in the first place?” Glaring at Oros, she continued, “I’m pretty sure I don’t need to tell you how big an asset these parts would be to Phase Two, especially now that the Mint’s mass producing their own version of Miss ‘Tin Titan’, here. Or was that the whole point? Was this simply another one of your dickish stunts, just to piss me off?”  

”For someone who despises Oros so much, you sure try to interact with her as much as possible. These parts are for a possible second deal, one that was entirely my idea. But I won’t even entertain it until we’ve concluded the first one. So keep that in mind.” The former owner of monarch artificing delivered her shrewd ultimatum from a pair of smiling lips. Only a merchant who perfected the art of bartering could possibly be so savage yet sound fair in their delivery. ”Now, you have made a cat maid that seems to meet Oros’s expectations. She has tried to fulfill her part of the bargain by bringing me to you. Well, almost. It seems that another researcher was part of the deal. However, you have written off my abilities based on the fact that G.E.M.I.N.I. has not mastered interdimensional travel yet. Which is fair, if that’s important to you.” She folded her hands in front of herself. ”Have we reached an impasse already, or is it possible that I can convince you of my worth in other ways? And please don’t try to suggest that even a single piece of scrap from these crates is a worthy trade for your maid.”

Nykannis’s eyes narrowed as Aria spoke. “I wouldn’t dream of it,” the mad scientist spat, the acid in her voice almost palpable. “That glorified sex toy wouldn’t come close to equaling even a single molecule of this stuff. But you wanna make a second deal for it, huh?” the mad scientist inquired with a raised eyebrow. “Aren’t we ambitious… Well, whatever… As far as I’m concerned, it’s up to you to prove that you’re as much of a big shot as Oros claims you are. I mean, I’m sure you used to have some halfway decent knowledge and abilities, at least if that little augmentation you gave What’s Her Face was any indication, but now? And you’re right,” she added with a cruel, humorless smile. “I was promised the chance to chat with another supposed ‘gifted scientist’, too, but they’ve either been erased from existence, or had their memories altered so drastically as to make them utterly useless to me. So come on, Miss “Butterfly Queen”, brag to me. Tell me everything that makes you so great…” 

”Just making sure I had your attention.” She chuckled. ”I think there’s a misconception about my abilities. Yes, the people of my world on average are weaker than the ones here. If my surfacing memories are to be believed, this world experiences a horror outbreak every few weeks. There isn’t even enough mana in Pax Septimus to attract a single one.” Aria rolled back her shoulders. ”But I am not merely average. While I follow Oros, it is not because she is stronger than me. We are equals in power, united in vision. You must understand this on some level, given your ability to analyze everything. Anything I could do before I’m sure I could do just as well, if not better now.” Aria placed her hand on top of the crate and her fingers sunk into the scrap. ”Besides, you are a resourceful girl. My memories may not be in a place I can easily access, but they do come to me. I doubt it would take you much time to dig them up if you really wanted them. Given that I was the only member of the gourd working in the Penrose area, I think it’s an avenue worth exploring.” She nodded like she had just been offered a sandwich. ”As for the other researcher, I think-”

”Here you go!” Oros stepped out of a portal and tossed Binky onto the floor. ”Did you even think to look in the Golden Trove? Binky never came with me, so there’s still a version of her in this world.

“I was under the impression that your old pal, the Lord of Cringe had erased, or otherwise relocated everyone you’d ever interacted with,” Nykannis replied dryly. “But I guess he decided to do a bit of a retcon on that, huh? Typical…”

”You know what happens when you assuuuuuuuuuume!” Oros giggled. ”What the grand magistrates decide to do here is totally out of my hands.”

”Oof!” The malnourished magical girl tumbled across the floor. ”Oh no, what’s going on?”

Aria’s eyes shot open and she took cover behind the crates. ”That’s Binky? Are we really safe here?”

”Oh! Hi Aria!” Binky put on a weak smile and waved to her master. ”I um, I own a hotel now! But I’m still working on my coin magic! Can’t stop dreaming, right?”

Aria cleared her throat with a cough, and her composure returned. ”Ah, seems the dimensions are easier on some than others.” She sat on top of the crates and folded one leg over the other. She didn't seem too bothered by the sharp metal bits poking her rear. ”Anyway, that’s about it. I have no reason to evaluate my powers and what I once knew should be attainable in theory. And um.” Aria inhaled deeply when she looked at Binky. ”Binky is the second researcher, who is less formidable than I remember. So! The deal is still on then?”

“You bet your ass it is,” Nykannis told her with a maniacal grin. Especially if you’re giving me permission to poke around in your head a bit,” she added, her eyes gleaming with barely contained delight. “And you,” she continued, pointing a finger at the most recent arrival. “I’m told you’re the one responsible for the new types of Cosmic Omniversial Infusion Numinouspheric Synthesizers that have been popping up around Penrose these past few months. That kinda expertise will really help with the optimization of Phase Two, so I’m gonna need you to tell me everything about your creation process. I mean, I could always just give one of the new operatives I’m making an Oddball: Coin Crafting Spec…

Oros nodded. ”Yup! Someone did something like that! My patron will never forget the atrocities committed that day!”

”But there’s nothing quite like having the original template to use as a starting point. But what is ‘Phase Two’, you ask? Well, it’s nothing less than the mass production of magical agents, made to order, and tailored to the exact specifications of whatever clients my current employer wants to sell them to! Y’know, kinda like what the Mint’s doing with their cheap knockoffs of the Brave Little Toaster, but ten trillion times better! And how do I know about that, you may wonder? Well, S.O.N. recently invited me over to their top secret HQ to give a little presentation on how Phase Two was progressing, and I was so fucking bored that I decided to hack their central database. Turns out they had TONS of sweet info concerning the Mint’s recent operations in Penrose, but I guess that’s not really surprising, since they also apparently snuck a team into Beacon’s Penrose HQ, right under the nose of the Ass-endancy! If they can do that, they can definitely spy on a bunch of bumbling buffoons like the Mint.”

”I don’t think anyone asked, but I just wanted to say I’m glad you’ve taken to calling them the ass-endancy like I used to.” A tear of pride rolled down Oros’s cheek.

“ANYWAYS!” Nykannis declared, turning to fix Aria with an unnervingly intense stare. “Did you want to me to do that memory retrieval while you’re sitting on that crate, or would you like to move someplace a bit more comfortable?”

”Hmmm.” Aria tapped her chin. ”I don’t know how long it’s going to take you. Would it be easier if I was positioned elsewhere? Otherwise, I’m fine right here.”

“Actually, I just thought you’d like to sit in a proper chair,” Nykannis replied with a shrug. “But if you’d rather have all those sharp-edged parts murder your ass, that’s fine by me. And it won’t take long at all,” she added, as an insectoid drone floated overhead. “In fact, it’ll be over in a..”


To the outside observer, nothing seemed to have happened, other than the drone having suddenly blinked out of existence. However, if one were capable of slowing down the flow of time to a millionth of a fraction of its normal rate, such an individual might be able to see that, in the span of time between when Nykannis snapped her fingers, and the sound reached the ears of her guests, the drone had fired a cone of swirling energy at Aria’s head. The Finder Beam tunneled deep inside the girl’s brain, its transphasic tendrils of living cosmic particles probing every dark corner and hidden recess of her mind, employing powers most inconceivable to break through barriers imposed by no less than an eldritch horror. Once access was attained, their work shifted to retrieving the lost knowledge, while reconciling contradictory narratives, thereby separating the true memories from the implanted and altered ones (which, while far less valuable, were still of no small amount of interest).

Although staggeringly invasive, the process was entirely painless. Indeed, Aria would have no idea it was even happening, but that didn’t have to be the case. If Nykannis had wished, the process could have been agony incarnate, Aria helplessly trapped between ticks of the clock, while enduring unimaginable torture for what would seem to her like countless millennia. One might understandably wonder why the Monarch of Mad Science chose to spare the butterfly-themed girl from such a horrific fate, especially in light of her great desire for revenge against said girl, and, were such a hypothetical curious individual to probe Nykannis’s own mind, they would discover that, since meeting Aria in person, the mad scientist’s anger towards the former shopkeeper had shifted… to pity. The Aria before her now was a truly pathetic creature, one who probably didn’t even remember insulting her in the first place. She had willingly let herself become the plaything of an eldritch horror, her mind twisted and warped to suit its mad whims. To be molded like clay, in order to fit into that narcissistic creature’s vision of an idealized world. It was actually rather laughable…

“Nyahahaha!” Nykannis cackled a split second after snapping her finger. There, now wasn’t that easy?! I told you it wouldn’t take long! Nyahahaha! So,” she added with an eager grin. “What’s this second deal you wanna make? I’m guessing, based on the quality of your proposed payment, it’s something completely universe-shattering, the kind of project I can REALLY get invested in… Am I right?”  

While Aria’s treatment might have been over, her “recovery” would take a bit longer. One does not have a lifetime of memories awakened in their head and just shrug it off. ”Oh my, it’s almost like I just inhaled smelling salts.” She slid off the box and stumbled a bit. ”There’s so much to unpack here. And these memories are truly mine? Does that mean my new ones were fake?”

”Depends on your definition of ‘fake’ I guess.” Oros was reclining in one of the doctor’s chairs while her new cat maid massaged her shoulders. ”Time progresses at different rates between worlds, and not at a consistent rate. It might be easier to think of it as being reborn with your old memories being from a past life.”

”Ah, interesting. If a bit confusing.” Aria folded her hands behind her back. ”But where were we?” She raised a finger to her lip. ”Oh yes, the second deal! Though I’m afraid you may have misinterpreted my intention. It’s not a payment, it’s part of the commission.” Aria looked to Oros.

But she was on the verge of passing out. Her eyelids twitched as the maid drew her fingers down Oros’s exposed back. Her kimono was hanging around her waist, but she was wearing a tube top that read “personality” in big bold letters. Not that this RP has had any problem with indecency in the past. But when the room became quiet, Oros looked up. ”My turn?” Oros sat upright, but made no attempt to cover herself up. ”Right, so I thought you could take the parts and build something a bit more interesting with them. Something truly formidable, but also fun to look at. I figure you’re plenty resourceful and just getting to work with high grade alloys will be enough for the great and wondrous Nyan. Though if you’d rather keep the alloy, well, anything can be negotiated for.” Oros grinned before leaning onto her fist, which was propped off of her knee by her arm. ”You’d have to do more than just build me a cute super weapon.”  

Nykannis bristled upon being told that the crates wouldn’t be given to her as payment, but her annoyance shifted to curiosity as Oros went on to clarify the specifics of her request. “Yeah… That’s definitely something you’d come up with, all right,” she noted, while looking over the image of what Oros wanted her to make. Now, one might wonder how Oros was able to conjure up her own U.R.L., not to mention getting The Lab’s all-pervasive nanites to form a comfy chair for herself. One might even be tempted to think that Oros had somehow managed to thoroughly infiltrate the inner workings of Nykannis’s most secure sanctum, but this was most manifestly not the case. Rather, in a small concession for her guests, Nykannis had mentally activated The Lab’s hospitality functions shortly after they’d arrived, and Oros had predictably wasted no time in putting them to use. “And, although I REALLY hate to say it,” Nykannis continued. “You’re actually right. I don’t need to keep this stuff if I’m gonna be working with it anyway. Someone of my super-scientific genius only needs to study something in order to replicate it herself. I figure it’ll take about a week to put this thing together exactly the way you want it. That should give me more than enough time to harvest every last bit of useful data these pieces and parts contain. One question, though- What are you gonna name it?”

”Name? Hah! I only just thought of a name for this maid.” She pointed at the cat maid behind herself. ”But nah, I’ve got an idea for her too. Before we get into that though, it feels like I’m taking a pretty big risk on you hmmm? I bring you a shit load of primo enchanted steel that you can clone forever, and I get a suitably deadly android if you don’t suddenly lose interest in building it for me, or it doesn’t just decide to murder me on a whim. I take all the risk for the smaller reward.” Oros stood up and walked across the lab. ”I think I need something else to put my mind at ease. Something that could let me… get to know you better.” She kneeled beside the scientist. ”What do you say… We go on a date together?”

Aria tipped her head. ”Oros?”

Binky had been making a copy of their notes for the mad doctor, but even she looked up when Oros mentioned their idea. ”Is that really a fair deal?”

”Yea!” Oros laughed. ”And every week after that, you gotta go on another one with me!” With a hum, Oros looked back at the doctor. ”It’s fair, see? You’re a singularity like Aria and I, so I can’t save-scum to go down your route. That would make our outings precious! And because you don’t like me, you’ll make sure it’s done on time. Or maybe your cold heart will crack, and you’ll leave it unfinished so that we can do shit together every week!” Her laughter became more maniacal as she went on. ”If you accept, I’ll tell you what I’m naming her.”

If Nykannis had been capable of being afflicted by physical ailments, she would have had a heart attack and dropped dead on the spot. Even so, for a moment, the mad scientist was stunned speechless, her eyes seeming to bulge out of her head. But the suspense generated by this pause wouldn’t last for long… WHAAAT?!! Nykannis roared, her small body shaking with utter fury. “THERE IS NO WAY IN HELL I WOULD EVER GO ON A DATE WITH THE LIKES OF YOU!!! Pausing for a moment to catch her breath and ever so slightly compose herself, she added, “You want to set up another meeting to chat about something I might actually find interesting, then fine, but I DON’T do romance! And if I understand correctly, this little arrangement only lasts until I finish your little bionic build-a-bear, right? So it’ll just be ONE meeting, ‘MEETING’, NOT ‘DATE’,” she clarified. “And there’re gonna be some non-negotiable stipulations,” she added as she began listing them off on her fingers. “First, absolutely NO TOUCHING. Second, I choose the place. And third, no one here speaks a word of this to ANYONE. I mean it. The LAST thing I need is for people to start thinking I’m in some kind of…” at this point, the good doctor’s face scrunched up as if she had just swallowed the most disgusting thing imaginable. Relationship with you…”

She grinned. ”Oh man, that really hurt.” Oros placed a hand on her chest, which covered up part of the writing and caused it to read “personal.” ”Those are some pretty steep ‘stipulations’ on something that’s supposed to encourage me to go along with this. I really wanted to go grocery shopping with you.  Perhaps I should add some stipulations of my own?”  She tapped the corner of her lips. ”Firstly, I get to pick your outfit out of your wardrobe. Second, I choose the time, both when we arrive and go home. Third, you’re going to make an effort to be nice to me. No snarky remarks, make an effort to convince me you actually wanna attend this ‘meeting.’” Oros extended her hand to shake. ”Needless to say, if you break one of my stipulations, I’ll break one of yours. And just an FYI, but ‘no touching’ is definitely going to come off first should that happen.”

Nykannis couldn’t resist the desire to smirk as Oros provided her own set of conditions. The perverted, pink-haired lunatic probably thought she was being clever with her choices, but none of them particularly perturbed the mad scientist. Most of her outfits were small variations on what she was already wearing, so if Oros was hoping to find something formal, let alone embarrassing, she would be sorely disappointed. The meeting’s length wouldn’t be an issue either, since Nykannis was fully capable of multitasking, which just left the last item… Being “nice” to Oros for an indeterminate amount of time would normally be a tall order, to say the least, but even here, Oros had unwittingly provided her with a loophole, one Nykannis would most assuredly exploit. Oros said she only had to make an effort to be nice, and so she would, at least until Oros made the mistake of doing something particularly dickish, at which point all bets were off.

“I think I can work with that,” the mad scientist replied, taking Oros’s offered hand (but not before sheathing her own hand in a series of invisible protective energy barriers, nearly a million layers thick). “So, let’s talk project details. I suppose you want your pet super weapon to have the same Soultech setup as your maid, but what about her capabilities? Do you want to keep her at around the same power level she had before she played Rock ‘Em Sock ‘Em Robots with herself, or do you want me to give her a bit of an upgrade? The only reason I ask is ‘cause I’m aware of the… issues certain parties had with her when she was only at Challenger Grade. I wouldn’t want to cause the complete collapse of the reality plenum your lord and master spent sooo much time developing if I crank her all the way up to APEX Grade,” she added with a maniacal grin. 

”I’m glad you care enough about me to watch the fight.”Oros grinned in return. ” But come on, Nyan. I don’t mind stroking your ego, but you’re truly mad if you think you have any say in how strong something is once it goes to the other world. The elemental chaos ain’t quite the same as the overcity.” She released Nyan’s hand, or more specifically, the several barriers to keep the two separate. ”I wouldn’t mind if you made it as strong as you could, just to see what happens. Though more important than that is her kit. I want a real robot companion, you know? All the high tech gizmos, from lazers to missiles to enhanced vision. If I watch robot anime made in the past forty or so years, I want my robot girl to be able to do it.” She held out her sword, and there was a tiny chip at the end. ”Also I dunno how soultech works, but this one still has a soul. So maybe you can like, edit it or something? Just keep the pieces away from mercury for the time being.”

“Don’t worry,” Nykannis replied, while rolling her eyes in clear annoyance. “Even I’m not arrogant enough to think that I can challenge a Gand Magistrate’s control over their own reality plenum. But you better believe I’ll make her as powerful as possible. Oh, and that much is a given,” Nykannis added with a confident smirk when Oros asked for her new toy to be kitted out with what was probably the broadest possible array of features. “Full mechamorphic capability, teleportation, matter displacement, nearly unlimited technopathy, detachable counter-gravity weapons drones, nanotech matter fabricators, ultra aetheric transposition fields, multiphasic transdimensional hypertech homing lasers, you name it, she’ll have it.” Then Oros held up her sword… “Wait…You mean she’s STILL ALIVE?!!”

He’s still alive, yea.”

By now, the good doctor’s excitement had reached a fever pitch. The splayed fingers of her trembling hands hovered around the seemingly innocuous chip on the tip of Oros’s blade, her countenance one of incredulous awe. “T-This… THIS IS INCREDIBLE!!! Do you have any IDEA how much data her ACTUAL FUCKING SOUL COULD PROVIDE?!!” Not giving Oros a chance to answer, Nykannis continued. “And edit it? You bet your ASS I can edit it! Nyahahaha! Aigorost isn’t the ONLY one who can fuck with memories! I’ll recreate her entire history and personality from the ground up! She’ll be whatever twisted fantasy your perverted, sadistic little mind can think of! Oh, and you don’t need to be concerned about me taking control of her and having her murder you in your sleep,” she added in a lower voice, almost as an afterthought. “I don’t kill the people I REALLY hate. I make them suffer…”

”Well, if you bungle the robot somehow, I’m not too worried about it. That just means we get to go on more ‘meetings’ together while you work on my commission.” Her eyes trailed up and down Nykannis’s small form. ”Yea, your patron knew what the hell they were doing when they created you. As for robo girl’s memories and shit, I actually intended to make her an acquaintance of Aria. You know? And then I was gunna call her ‘Rupee’ after Aria’s familiar. See? I’m actually pretty thoughtful when I want to be.”

”Oh that would be wonderful!” Aria placed her hands together. ”Is that why she has giant wings like a butterfly?”

”Yea, I didn’t do it because I thought the artwork was hot or anything, hahahahahahaha! Hrm...” She folded her arms, which just caused her “personality” to swell. 

Aria swooned. ”I wonder if she could construct something like Rupee from my memories?”

”Of course she can, she’s more busted than I am!” Oros swatted down so that she and the doctor could see eye to eye. ”Seems like the robot stuff is taken care of. We might as well talk about that meeting.” Oros’s eyes half closed, acquiring an almost seductive quality. ”Where did you have in mind? There are some pretty nice places in area one ex one, or are you more the type to take things straight to the Personal Domains?”

Nykannis continued to roll her eyes as Oros bantered with Aria, but when the pink-haired psychopath asked about the location of their upcoming meeting, the mad scientist couldn’t help but smirk. “Yeah, you’d like that, wouldn’t you?” she sneered. “But I was thinking of somewhere a bit more respectable than some interdimensional porno set. In particular, the Garden de Lux, in Silverburg. Nice atmosphere, great food, and, if you’re lucky, maybe even a floor show. But not THAT KIND, you sick fuck,” she was quick to add.

Oros put up her nose. ”My disappointment is immeasurable, and my day is ruined.”

 “It’s a respectable establishment, so keep that in mind. As for you, she continued, turning to Aria. “Remember when I said your partner’s new toy would have full mechamorphic capabilities? Well, that means she can turn into whatever your sad little heart desires. So,” she inquired after giving the butterfly-themed girl a moment to let that information sink in. “You still think I’m a ‘second rate scientist’?”

”I’d have to see it with my own eyes first. But if you could, why, I might even have to go on a date with you.” Aria winked, and a tiny star shot out of her eye. ”I’d love to spend the evening with a first rate scientist!” 

”If she doesn’t wanna date me, she’s not gunna date you!” Oros rubbed her chin.”Kind of a pain in the ass that it’s here, but as long as I don’t need to fill out one of those Champion Submission forms, I guess I’m more or less okay with it. So we're done here? I just need to pick out your outfit and maybe let you converse with the other scientific minds?”

“Oh, you’ll see it, all right,” Nykannis told Aria with an ever-so-slightly malicious grin. “But like I said before, I don’t do dates, although if you wanna tag along for my little meeting with your perverted pal, I wouldn’t mind. In fact, having you there might take the edge off. Anyway,” she added, addressing Oros once more. “Yeah, it looks like we’re mostly done, as far as this deal’s concerned, so knock yourself out choosing what lab coat I’ll be wearing. And don’t get your tits in a twist about having to spend time in your least favorite reality plenum. You know as well as I do that the Grand Magistrate only cares about shit if it happens in his precious little Penrose. Silverburg’s pretty much as drama-free as you can possibly get.”  

”Sounds about right.” Oros extended her hand, and a portal opened up over it. Then a large pair of fingers placed a large box in her palm. It was heart shaped, and wrapped with a bow. ”What doesn’t sound right is someone thinking they can enter some fine dining establishment in a fuckin’ lab coat.” She extended the box towards Nykannis. ”I think this would be much better.”

Nykannis flinched away from the box as if it were something that had been pulled out of a toilet. First, she said with a scowl. “They make a special accommodation for me, since I’ve done them a few favors in the past. It’s also why I get to eat there for free whenever I want. Second, she added, narrowing her eyes. “I thought we agreed you pick an outfit from my wardrobe, not some fetish fuel created by your twisted patron.”

”It’s yours now.” She set the box down on the floor and stepped away from it. ”Thus, it is now part of your wardrobe.” After grinning for a few seconds, Oros grabbed at her ponytail with both hands and tugged it in either direction, at which point she scowled. ”Will you at least look at it!?!?”

“It’s not mine unless I accept it,” Nykannis grinned back. “But if you want me to see it so badly, why don’t you open it yourself and take it out?”

”Didn’t realize what a fuckin’ wuss you were. fine! Oros sheathed her sword and walked up to the box. ”I just want you to know I wrapped this myself. I think I did a pretty good job.” She lifted the box off of the ground and tugged the ribbon off. She then flicked the lid of the box off, placed her hand inside, and pulled out a green dress It had a long, flowing skirt and came with a few accessories. 

Aria observed the dress from the side. ”It’s not too different from the one I’m wearing. Well, minus the color and the butterfly accessories.” She looked at Binky. ”I even think you would look good in something like that.”

Binky looked over the dress. ”It’s not really what I was expecting from Oros.” She looked between Oros and the dress. ”But I wouldn't mind wearing something like that.” the green haired girl looked at her own garbs, which were more reminiscent of something a cultist might wear.

“Gotta say, that’s a LOT less embarrassing than what I expected,” Nykannis conceded. Fine, she added with a sigh. “I’ll wear it…”

”What do you think I am, some kind of animal?” When Oros went to fold the dress back up some baby doll underwear slipped out of the bottom and fell onto the floor. ”Whoa! How did that get there?” Oros lifted a hand to her mouth in what seemed, to the untrained eye at least, to be genuine surprise. ”Wow, uh, interesting. I don’t remember that in my amazon order. I guess you can keep it anyway.”

Binky raised her hand. ”And if you don’t want it, I could-”

Oros smacked Binky’s hand. ”So uh, I guess we’re more or less done for the moment?”

“I suppose…” Nykannis replied, while looking over Binky’s notes, and not even deigning to respond to Oros’s “accidental” clothing reveal. “This is actually some pretty impressive stuff,” she told the green-haired coin researcher. “Especially for an amateur like yourself. You’ve got some real talent,” she added with a nod. “It’s a shame you had to waste it by working with these clowns.”

”I mean.” Binky’s eyes shifted side to side. ”Aria taught me everything I know, so I wouldn’t call her a clown. And from my understanding, Oros was a clown for a time, wasn’t she? Was that not intended as an insult?”

”Probably not. Nyan likes me, after all.” Oros stretched. ”Anyway, I think now is a good time to fade to black with everyone discussing your truly mad plan. Unfortunate that we didn’t get to twenty pages like your patron wanted, but that’s how it goes sometimes.”

“I’ll take your word for it,” Nykannis muttered. “But, just out of curiosity, exactly which of my mad plans are we talking about?”

“Well, that was kinda unexpected, huh?” an amused voice noted with a chuckle once Oros and friends had finally departed.

“You can say that again,” Nykannis agreed as she turned to face the girl who had just stepped out of the shadows of some gargantuan machinery. She was a short-haired girl, of diminutive stature and tomboyish appearance. The same girl, in fact, that had sat with Nykannis and Oros in the recording.

“Pretty cool though, right? I mean, you got to have that chat you wanted, and you get to have a follow-up meeting, too!”

“Yeah, but I have to share that meeting with my least favorite person in the multiversal cluster,” Nykannis grumbled. “At least outside of You-Know-Who… Still,” she added as she began a detailed inspection of the parts Oros had brought. “I suppose it’s a small price to pay to be able to work with all this!

“Sooo… I guess you’re gonna cancel that whole ‘revenge plot’ now, huh? I mean, she did kinda apologize for insulting you and all.”

“Are you shitting me?!” Nykannis sneered, her countenance one of utter incredulity. “Of COURSE I’m not canceling it! I said I’d show them ALL, remember?! Besides,” she added, activating a holodisplay depicting a young woman in futuristic attire. “The wheels are already in motion! It’s TOO LATE to turn back now! The Vessel has already been bestowed upon the chosen recipient,” the Monarch of Mad Science explained, a crazed gleam in her eye. “And I, for one, am very interested to see how she progresses…”
If my counting is correct, we should have an even number of player characters, or around that. That means discussing who rooms with who for more interaction.

Pitty the poor soul who has to share a room with Olivia (and Xolys)...

Perhaps unsurprisingly, Valkyrie was the first to respond to Ashley’s inquiry, advising that if the Knight of Tomorrow could help the hostages, she should, the sniper obviously having full confidence in her ability to take down the vampire on her own. I guess when you have an instrument that powerful, you don’t really need support, Ashley reflected. Agent Leroux went on to agree, asking Breacher if she could take care of protecting the second cluster of hostages. It was a good idea, Ashley had to admit. As a veteran agent, the armored woman clearly had experience in dealing with situations like these, and was familiar enough with her fellow agents’ abilities to recognize how they could best be put to use. Although an official leader of their team had yet to be appointed, it was Ashley’s opinion that Agent Leroux would be most suited to taking up that mantel.

But that opinion didn’t last for long…

Behind her glowing green visor, Ashley’s eyes widened as the armored woman taunted the vampire in an incredibly juvenile manner. This was not at all how she expected veteran G.E.M.I.N.I. agents to behave, especially after witnessing Agent Silhouette’s admirable level of professionalism. Indeed, when the vampire himself remarked on how foolish she was being, Ashley couldn’t help but agree. After all, they had just run through a tunnel formed by a blood mage. In light of that, why would you ever give your enemy even more potential material to work with, as they sought to end your life?

As if to confirm her fears, the vampire chose that moment to reveal that he was some form of spell caster…

Catching sight of Breacher’s hand signals, Ashley gave the draconic agent a small nod in confirmation. However, no sooner had she done so, then one of the potentially ambush-assisting pieces of furniture blew apart in a shower of wooden fragments, while something darted out to strike at Wukong. Simultaneously, another assailant leaped over the opposite wardrobe to fall upon Valkyrie, their two-handed blade poised to slice the sniper in twain.

But that was far from the only unpleasant surprise…

Thanks to already being on such high alert, Ashley felt the imminent arrival of their next mystery opponent half a second before they made their grand entrance.

For all the good it did…

From a concealed portal directly beneath their formation, a monstrous demonic-undead-arachnid-centaur… thing erupted into their midst, it’s scythed limbs lashing out at everyone around it. Well, everyone except Ashley. Since she had been standing directly above the creature’s point of emergence, the Knight of Tomorrow had found herself flung into the air. But that didn’t mean she was in any way out of danger. Not wishing to leave her excluded, the nightmarish horror opened its maw to fire several thorny vines at the airborne esper, seeking to impale her on their spiked tips.

Quickly recovering from her initial shock, Ashley tucked herself into a ball, while placing her shield directly below herself, so as to block the incoming attack. Although she hopefully wouldn’t need to, as a rising hum and a radiant glow gave evidence that she was preparing a melody. After taking careful aim, and waiting a second for the energy particles to coalesce between the prongs of her wand, the Knight of Tomorrow fired a lance of neon green annihilation into the center of the vines, with luck blasting through them and down the horror’s throat. Ashley was also careful to ensure that, if the beam pierced the back of the monster’s head, it would continue down into its body (and then into the floor below), and not into a fellow agent. They had enough to worry about without adding friendly fire to the mix…

18 | Female | GEMINI | Vision of Tomorrow
Implements of Tomorrow | Wand, Shield | Arcane | Tune of Tomorrow
Raiment of Tomorrow | Stride of Tomorrow
Light of Tomorrow | Light | Power of Tomorrow
[Reveal (2), Purity (4)], Damage (2), Damage X (6), Shield (4), Reflect (4), Heal (6), Major Heal (18), AoE (2), Powerful (0), Piercing (2)


[Silver Beam][Piercing][Damage X] = -168 mana


One moment Olivia was bombarding her new friend with questions, the next, the roar of a mighty torrent drew her attention to the massive Pageless, which was even now being dissolved by a swirling vortex of water. “Oh, wow! That’s really amazing!” the azure-clad beauty exclaimed with an excited grin. “I wouldn’t have thought plain old water would have such a pronounced effect on it! Or maybe it isn’t just plain old water? I mean, it’s obviously magical water, but, like, maybe it’s holy water?” the alluring maiden mused, her lovely visage taking on a thoughtful expression. “Is that a thing that works on Pageless? I guess they could be considered somewhat demonic, they’re certainly cute enough, but I’m not sure if they entirely count… What do you think?” she asked Goodhope.

Fortunately for Olivia (and unfortunately for Goodhope herself), now that the battle had concluded, the maritime maiden was finally able to give some attention to the babbling beauty, something said beauty wasted no time in taking full advantage of…

“Sorry?” She echoed with a confused frown when Wilhelmina apologized. “Sorry for what?” The nautical-themed girl then went on to thank Olivia for respecting her wishes, which left the azure-clad maiden even more perplexed. “Um, you’re very welcome?” she replied, her confusion clear in her voice. However, when Wilhelmina introduced herself, Olivia’s confusion quickly turned to unbridled joy. “It’s so very nice to meet you as well, Wilhelmina!” she replied with a giggle, while enthusiastically shaking the girl’s hand. “Like I said earlier, I’m Magical Maiden Ethereal Rose, but my real name’s Olivia, so you can just call me that! Oh gosh!” she added upon hearing the suggestion of meeting the others. “I’d love to!”

However, before that could take place, the nightmarish form of Thyerg’Xolys loomed up behind the fair maiden. “Ah, I see you’ve already made a new friend, my sweet. Would you be so kind as to introduce her?”

“Of course! Thyerg’Xolys, please meet Wilhelmina, aka Captain Goodhope! She’s the one who conjured all those ghost sailors!”

“A pleasure to make your acquaintance, Captain,” Xolys said with a bow. “You must be quite talented to maintain so many spectral constructs at once.”

“She really is!” Olivia agreed. “Oh! But don’t get jealous, darling!” she chided playfully. “I still think you’re the greatest!” Wrapping her arms around one of the eldritch creature’s tentacles, she stood on her tiptoes and placed a kiss on the side of his head (causing poor Wilhelmina to make a sanity check in the process). “I guess we should probably get going now huh? Like I was saying earlier, you look a little tired. I’m sure my darling Xolys wouldn’t mind carrying…” The blonde beauty’s voice trailed off as a new figure stepped into their presence.

They struck quite the gallant image, looking like a shining knight from right out of a fairy tale, which, Olivia had to admit, they probably were. The armored young woman also inquired about Captain Goodhope’s health, before turning to Olivia and introducing herself as Camelot. “It’s very nice to meet you, Miss Camelot!” the azure-clad maiden replied with an elegant curtsy, before taking the knight’s offered hand and giving it a vigorous shake. “And yes, I’m Magical Maiden Ethereal Rose, but you can just call me Olivia, if that’s too hard to remember. I’ve noticed that most Magical Girls seem to have rather elaborate titles, so it must be quite difficult to keep track of them all,” she continued. “Oh, the Grand Ministry?” she repeated after Camelot made her suggestion. “Now that I think about it, that probably is a better place to have a conversation,” she conceded with a giggle. “And that sounds like a grand idea!” she added with an exuberant smile. “Would you like my darling Xolys to carry you as well?”
A Tale From The Timeskip

It was several days after the Christmas Party when the call Violet had been dreading finally came. Al's familiar voice greeted her on the phone.

"Greetings, Miss Covington. Would you be available for a meeting, same time and place? There have been some new developments you might be interested about."

“Mister Scarpe, a pleasure as always,” Violet replied, her calm and polite demeanor betraying no hint of the fury she felt towards Scarpe and the Mint as a whole. They were the ones who had attacked Penny’s Sanctuary, after all, but Violet Covington wouldn’t know anything about such matters, and so her carefully constructed facade needed to be maintained. “I shall indeed be available this evening. What developments did you wish to discuss?”

"It is related to the assignment you have graciously offered to us," Al answered. "I would prefer explaining in person, if you don't mind."

“Very well,” Violet replied. “Then I shall see you tonight.”

With the call concluded, Violet was left to ruminate upon exactly what the Mint would utilize her company’s resources to accomplish. Despite her fervent hopes to the contrary, she feared that whatever it was, it wouldn’t be anything good...

That evening…

Al had appeared in Violet’s office as subtly as ever, and politely tipped his hat to her.
“Good evening, Miss Covington. I would like to start with the report on the investigation we have made on the magical curse put on your father.” He held out a file in his hand, and let it float to Violet’s desk, opening up and spreading the case files of two people, pictures included.
“We have identified two culprits for the incident. The first one is Amanda Valentine, a member of the Crimson Cradle. It is a magical terrorist organization that is currently operating in Penrose, and have been responsible for past attacks on people of wealth and influence,” he stated in a calm manner.
“However, while Amanda specializes in the manipulation of dreams, her arcane skills don’t quite match up to the profile of the nightmare curse that mister Covington is suffering from. That is the reason an accomplice is involved in this crime: Connie Williams. A freelancer, Williams has been identified as capable of casting nightmare-inducing spells. Valentine had employed Williams, and together they created a curse that has persisted despite our efforts to remove it.”

It took all of Violet’s willpower to maintain her impassive demeanor upon seeing the pictures Al presented her with. Thankfully, she had undertaken years of training since childhood to do just that, and so the heiress simply stated a curt, “I see,” as she committed the files’ details to memory. After doing so, her gaze returned to the Mint representative. “Have you discerned any motive?” she inquired. “Or perhaps the identity of some third party who hired them to commit this heinous act?” she added, having a strong suspicion of where this might be headed.

“It is currently under investigation, but a lead has been discovered that leads back to Silverburg,” Al answered. “Based on that lead, we have reasons to believe that a rival corporation has employed Crimson Cradle, and in turn Valentine and Williams, to sabotage Covington Industries by means of incapacitating your father.”
He lit a cigar. “They wanted to be discreet, so they didn’t hire an assassin. They wanted the company’s stocks to remain unchanged by creating a bizarre situation that has no explanation in the mundane world, and thus ensure it is ripe for the picking for a possible takeover. Which leads me to a new business proposition.”
Al now handed out a new paper of a business plan, the details of which were included within.
“It is only a matter of time before the Cradle may strike again or otherwise compromise the integrity of your business, using means the regular police can’t track. In short, I would like to offer your facilities magical security and surveillance. We are fully equipped to handle any attempts at corporate espionage that may come from magical sources, and can do so discreetly, without letting anyone else in the company know of our presence. We also have plans on creating automated defenses capable of defending against arcane attacks. Of course, all of this is to be offered for a reasonable fee to be agreed on.“

Violet had to fight off the desire to roll her eyes. This was certainly proceeding by the numbers. Of course he would insinuate that DDS was ultimately responsible. Playing into established animosities was an old trick, and one that would have worked flawlessly with her father. But not her. And especially not now… The new contract for additional security was concerning, to say the least, but Violet was content to play the part of the cooperative pawn for a while longer. After all, it wouldn’t do to tip her hand just yet, not when she could glean so much potentially useful information from this partnership.

“I suspected as much,” Violet would note with a scowl as she did her best to channel what she knew her father’s own reaction would be. “Our most implacable rival, Demiris Defense Systems, would most assuredly be willing to stoop to such underhanded methods. Especially if they thought it might give them a chance to challenge our current position of dominance in the world market. Thankfully, we have connections to the mystical world as well,” she added, while giving Al a confident smile. “I would be only too grateful to accept your offer of enhanced security. Whatever the price, I am sure it shall be well worth the expenditure if it prevents any further attacks from these detestable wretches.”

"I assure you it will," Al responded as he walked over to the desk, and took out a new paper, seemingly made of shimmering gold.
"I have prepared the contract in case you were interested in the proposal." He wrote into it with an onyx pen, and then offered it to Violet.
"As you can see, our rates are competent in the security standard without sacrificing quality. The package can also be modified to suit your needs."

Examining the contract, the heiress made careful note of the specifics, her photographic memory greatly assisting in this regard.

“I believe this shall be acceptable,” she declared after she had looked over each page, and ensured that her bedchamber and private study would remain free of any forms of surveillance. “Once again, it is a pleasure doing business with you,” she added as she produced an ornate pen and signed her name with a graceful flourish. The letters shimmered when she finished writing.

Al nodded, and accepted the paper back. "I will now begin the preparations for your new security. Thank you for choosing the Ebon Mint. Goodbye." He bowed, and then disappeared, like a flicker of flame in the darkness.

As soon as Violet was certain she was alone, the heiress retrieved a thin rectangular device from a secret compartment in her desk. Amanda and Connie would need to know about this immediately. Penny as well. Thankfully, she had recorded her entire conversation with the Mint representative, and she now transmitted that audio file to the relevant parties.
I can only hope this will be enough to keep them safe…

A few days later, Violet was once again contacted by Al Scarpe, this time, with details on how the Mint would be employing the resources of Covington Industries. The fact that an entire production facility would need to be retooled by technicians from someplace called The Gourd was concerning enough, but seeing what it had been retooled to produce was far, far worse. Still, the heiress mused, perhaps some good could come of even this shocking development. If the Mint's creations stood any chance of being effectively opposed, she would need to fully test their capabilities and see if any exploitable weaknesses presented themselves. Fortunately, she knew the perfect people to help her with that...

It was late at night. Even the most dedicated of Covington Industries’ employees had long since retired for the evening, and all was quiet in the vast testing chamber beneath Covington Tower. As was the case during Mayra’s prior visit, it was configured to resemble a generic urban area, bisected by a broad thoroughfare. It was in the observation room which overlooked this chamber that Violet Covington awaited the arrival of some very special guests.

A couple portals opened, because just like last time they had to convince Mariette to let them go. Still, as the three portals opened, so too did three individuals drop through. A girl in black hood with metal limbs, a dark-scaled dragon girl with blazing fiery hair and yellow details and a pink-haired witch in a purple dress that froze the floor where she landed.

‘HEEEEEEEY! WE’RE HEEEEEERE!’ Mayra called out happily and without a care in the world, waving into the giant chamber.

‘Wh-wha-’ Victoria staggered a bit. ‘I know we were invited, but are you sure you want to be that loud in the middle of the night?’ she asked, looking a tad worried.

‘Eeeeeeh, it’s probably fiiiiiine~!’ Mayra grinned happily, not really caring.

‘Hahaha!’ Jelena laughed a bit. ‘Last time was interrupted because Mayra went berserk, this time, I should get to fight something too! Perhaps some scraps to add to my collection…’ the metal-legged girl said, summoning some metal from her hammerspace handbag to circle around her already.

“Good evening, everyone, and welcome” a refined voice greeted them over the chamber’s speakers. If the trio were to look up at the observation room, they would see a dark-haired young woman smiling down at them. “I am Violet Covington, your host, and from the descriptions our mutual friend, Magical Dream Princess, provided, you must be Miss Mayra, Miss Jelena, and Miss Victoria, correct?”

‘… Huh, that’s not the kind of voice I imagined,’ Victoria commented.

‘That’s us! She invited us to break some bots for you, that right?’ Mayra said, enthusiastically from the front.

‘Do you mind if I take some parts of the robots with me? I’m very curious, haha,’ Jelena asked, chuckling for herself on the side.

“Yes,” Violet confirmed when Mayra voiced her question, “She did convey as much, and I have endeavored to prepare a suitable array of opponents for you. Unfortunately,” she added, addressing Jelena, “None of our drones are permitted to leave this building, unless, of course, you wish to purchase one.”

Depending on how good their eyesight was, they might see the corner of the heiress’s mouth curl up in a slight smirk.

“Furthermore, you will not be facing any of our upgraded combat drones this evening. Instead, I have a special treat for you, one which I believe you shall all find most enjoyable. A business associate recently commissioned the creation of a new line of combat automaton,” Violet explained. “They furnished the plans for it themselves, and although it pains me to admit it, their design is far in advance of anything Covington Industries has yet produced. Thus, I trust it will provide you with a challenge befitting your abilities. As an added bonus,” the heiress added, “I, too, shall take to the field. Ever since your first visit, I have been eager to see how my personal VR piloted command drone, The Violet Princess, would fare against you, and I believe this is a most excellent opportunity to put its abilities to the test.”

‘Ooooh, excellent!’ Mayra cracked her knuckles a bit, getting excited. ‘I’m looking forward to seeing what you can do! This might burn a little~’ Mayra said, maybe not entirely understanding that Violet might be commanding it over a distance.

‘Haha, the parts I was going to take with me would be the scrap-metal left after I’m done with them, but okaaay~!’ Jelena was feeling similarly excited, but more in the frowning determination way than Mayra just looking really happy.

‘… A business associate? Who’d have drone designs far superior to yours…?’ Victoria asked, sounding a touch worried, perhaps.

“As I am sure you are aware, I am not at liberty to discuss such things,” Violet told the ice mage. “As it is, I may be overstepping my bounds simply by allowing you to see them, to say nothing of fight them, but, like you, I am also curious as to their capabilities. Now then, shall we begin?”

‘Hahaha, got it, Skynet doesn’t want us to know they exist before Judgement Day, no problem, we can work with that, now bring on the Terminators~’ Jelena said with an amused tone. Neither Mayra nor Victoria understood the reference.

‘Eh. Oh, well. Alright, let’s do this,’ Victoria shrugged, and a layer of ice had already built up under her.

‘Thank you so much for letting us come fight your robots! We’re ready!’ Mayra said, breathing a bit heavily from excitement, smoke coming off her fiery body and her yellow lines glowing a bit, eyes sharp. Jelena and Victoria exchanged a look and decided to step just a couple steps away from Mayra before they started, just in case. Mayra wasn’t known for minding friendly fire.

Thick combat shutters would descend over the observation windows, and a series of red warning lights would flash, before a large door on the far side of the chamber slowly rose up to reveal the trio’s opponents. In the center of the formation was an imposing humanoid war machine, which seemed to hover about a foot off the ground. Large blades, glowing with purple energy, extended from its arms, while a pair of advanced energy cannons were perched on its shoulders. As impressive as this was, however, the several smaller machines on either side of it seemed to be on an altogether different level of sophistication.

The machines at first seemed strangely humanoid, sporting humanlike faces and hair, until Mayra and Victoria recognized the person they were intended to mimic from the combat poses they took; they were robots designed after Penny, the Queen of Sanctuary. Like their inspiration, the robots activated their leg thrusters and took to the air. Some of the robots activated chest-mounted Gauss cannons, while other robots dove, their arms wielding laser swords and with extra spider-like appendages designed for stabbing and slashing. While not as eye-catching as the larger robot, they seemed to mimic Penny's movements and mannerisms to an uncanny degree as they began their assault.

‘Wait-’ Victoria gasped at the sight. ‘That’s-!’ Jelena’s eyes widened. Back at home, they were constantly going through girls that they could encounter in Penrose, their threat-level, and how to potentially handle them. At the very top was-

The crack of a sudden explosion echoed through the chamber and made the two other girls flinch in different directions, as Mayra was no longer standing where she once was, but flying straight into the robots’ embrace, her limbs flinging from her jump and her eyes wide in sheer delight, grinning so widely, a trail of fire burning behind her. She spun to kick at the first robot, intending on intercepting the arms trying to pierce her with each of her punches and kicks coming with a crack of fire as they impacted. She wanted to brush her arm up against a laser sword to get a sense of how well her scales could resist it before she tried blocking one, but otherwise, she was up for a brawl.

‘Pffth, shooting at us?’ Victoria questioned as she dodged a couple Gauss cannons, because yikes, she couldn’t advance in open terrain assuming they aimed as well as Penny. ‘That’s not gonna fly in a real combat scenario. Because out there, you’re never facing just three girls. Let’s see how you handle… a TARGET RICH ENVIRONMENT!’ Victoria shouted out, and the ice she’d been creating since she landed suddenly shattered, the pieces sent flying. Shattered so that each piece split into a perfect replica of Victoria, smirking and with perfect colours and all, all exactly as agile, and suddenly there was a purple myriad of ice girls dashing in to face the robots! The real one undoubtedly somewhere in there…

‘VICTORIA! CATCH!’ Jelena called, punching forward with one of her metal limbs, and a gathering of metal shards shot into the crowd of Victorias… and sunk inside them, the Victorias grinning in return. Jelena raised her metal hands, dangling her oversized fingers. ‘Now dance, my puppets…!’

With the metal inside the icy clones, Jelena could use her Metal specialization to throw them around. If she saw one in danger she could yank them out of danger as if with telekinesis, or just send another clone at the aggressor to punch an icy fist at the robot in question. In combination with Jelena’s Martial Training, Awareness, video game experience and that each soldier was a functioning intelligent Victoria this gave Jelena quite a tactical edge, not to mention experience with AI. ‘I’ll show you, I have quite the APM!’

Jelena had a couple of the clones protecting her if she found herself targeted, and of course used her agility to dodge Gauss cannons if those shot at her. The real Victoria was somewhere among the clones rushing to Mayra’s aid…!

Mayra successfully kicked and punched the Pennybot that went after her, spitting off two of the stabbing appendages as they were blasted with fiery power, proving the robots were not as durable as the nigh-invincible Queen. However, they were still unusually formidable for mass-produced models, as it successfully managed to cut a bit through Mayra’s hard scales, forcing her to knock the robot away before it cut deeper.

Victoria dodged the Gauss cannon shots, able to surpass their targeting software with her agility, though one shot grazed her leg. However, their heads turned rapidly as Victoria seemingly multiplied, having confused their A.I momentarily. However, they quickly recovered after a couple were destroyed by the clone assault, and proceeded to efficiently group up and separate small pockets of the ice-metal simulacrums, systematically eliminating them.

For now, Violet was content to stand back and observe the unfolding combat, taking note of every detail and committing them all to memory. She was also recording all the data gleaned and sending it to her private computer. To say she had a vested interest in learning the Pennybots’ various strengths and weaknesses was putting it mildly, indeed. This, after all, was one of the principle reasons why she was continuing to play along with the Mint’s plans. If she was able to discover any telling weaknesses in the new automatons’ defenses for her friends to exploit, then her distasteful partnership with the sinister organization would be well worth it. And if weaknesses were to be found, the heiress reflected with a grin, then this was certainly the trio who would find them…

The battle that waged between clones and drones confirmed something. They weren’t quite up-to-par with their look-alike, but as more and more Victorias were cracked open despite Jelena’s support, they proved something vital. If your name wasn’t Mayra, you did not want a straight fight with one of these.

‘You sure it was the sickly sweet girl that recommended this to us!? Because this seems like total villain-’ one of the Victoria clones was asking before a Gauss cannon blasted her into icy shards. All clones now had icy patches on their legs where the Gauss cannon had hit the real one, as Victoria had frozen over the scratch and replicated that onto all her clones.

‘Haha, I’m not complaining! I look forward to seeing what’ll happen when you release these babies on the world, miss heiress~!’ Jelena said, while focusing on army-movement to make the surviving clones as lethal as possible, sending them at the drones from various angles, trying to figure out what directions were their blind spots, if any, and also if they were interconnected so each saw what the others saw, because AI sometimes does that.

‘Hmpf, they sure can fight, but…’ Suddenly, a Victoria jumped out of a building trying to grab one of the Penny-bots fighting her clones from behind, with a wall of ice only the real one could make manifesting to attempt to freeze its limbs together and immobilize it. ‘How well do they resist Frostbite!?’ she asked, as she intended to send a freezing chill through the machine’s interior, freezing its joints and cracking its internal systems with ice, if so was even possible.

‘Or how about just complete internal disintegration?’ Jelena asked as he raised a hand towards the closest one. Using her metal specialization against a presumably metal drone, she sent the command to sever, just for whatever metal inside it to split apart and scatter like a frag grenade within the robot. Jelena prided herself on her ability to mold and move metal, so she reasoned it should be possible on the drones to utterly decimate them. If it worked, she wouldn’t do it again because that’d be boring, she just wanted to know if she could.

Mayra, meanwhile, was far too embroiled in delightful combat to banter. She confirmed the lightsaber DID penetrate her scales, albeit not instantly nor effortlessly. Being way ahead of Jelena and Victoria, she probably had more attention on her…

Another explosion blew her towards a drone preparing to Gauss cannon her. Just as it fired (or not, maybe), Mayra used Dark-magic to turn temporarily intangible, intending the cannon to fire straight through her and at the drone behind her, because she’d intentionally positioned herself for that and it’d be fun if it worked, albeit maybe they wouldn’t be tricked by that. Regardless, Mayra would course-correct to go after this drone, see if other drones could keep up, and if allowed to she’d charge dark magic into her limbs as she dove to just grab whatever attack came at her next, to apply…

A curse. A Dark-magic curse of paralyzation, to surge through the joints of the drone to prevent movement, which could theoretically just drop the drone. Except Mayra had the curse keep the boosters on the legs on, so if it worked the drone would likely just be sent uncontrollably crashing somewhere. One typically needed magic to resist magic, so maybe this would work? Mayra was going to dive back to gleefully admire the result if she got that far, because this was really fun.

Jelena discovered through numerous sacrificed clones that the Pennybots seemed to prioritize stable flight trajectories over kicking at clones coming in at lower angles from their sides, something the real Penny would likely do. As a result, the robots had an opening from attacks at those specific angles. Jelena also confirmed that the robots do share information over a network, able to synchronize their actions to a frightening degree.

The Pennybot ambushed by Victoria was immobilized by the wall of ice that had formed around it. However, she realized the robot’s core was hot enough to melt and weaken the integrity of the ice surrounding it, allowing it to break free with it’s superhuman strength. In the process, it shot a stabbing tendril right through Victoria’s shoulder, and was about to shoot with the gauss cannon when Victoria had punched hard enough to crack the frozen metal and scatter it’s pieces.

Jelena realized that while the Pennybots’ chassis and certain electronics were metallic, allowing her to manipulate them, there were also fibers and other synthetic materials that her Metal magic couldn’t touch. In addition, they also possessed innate magical resistance, forcing her to exert more mana and concentrate on a single robot in order to successfully rip it apart from the inside, leaving her open to flanking attacks from two other Pennybots as the targeted robot exploded, only to be slashed apart by her own metallic claws in a sudden counter.

The Pennybot aiming at Mayra shot through her in her intangible state and hit the other Pennybot, just as the dragon girl had hoped. The robots seemed to learn about this, as the robots then began to diversify their attack vectors, seemingly learning from their mistakes in real-time. However, at this point there were too few of them to make a proper resistance against the combined might of the girls, and they were subsequently destroyed. However, the results were clear to Violet; a dozen of the robots in a prototype testing phase were able to provide a real challenge to a team of veteran magical girls, something previously unforeseen to be possible by mechanical units.

Violet watched as the trio battled the Pennybots, wiping them out with respectable swiftness. Indeed, before the heiress herself could even take to the field, she found that the combat had already concluded. That said, the new automatons had certainly put up a good fight, something the trio’s exhausted and battered appearances provided ample evidence of.

“Well done,” Violet congratulated them. “That was a truly exemplary display. You have provided me with a wealth of valuable data, a gift for which I cannot thank you enough.”

‘… Phew… that was a bit of a shock,’ Jelena said, apparently having managed to counter-slice two of them, something she honestly hadn’t expected to be able to, but she definitely accepted it, the metal-limbed girl in a coat breathing a little heavily. She sure hadn’t expected detonating it from within to be that hard, could they upgrade that further? Surely they had to realize they were a weak point for metal-girls like herself to exploit, right?

‘… Ow,’ Victoria held her left hand onto her right shoulder, that had been completely pierced, icy magic covering the hole straight through her that had been created. ‘Just to confirm, were those aiming to kill us? I mean, it’s fair, we were aiming to destroy them, but, hah,’ she said, giggling a bit at the thought, albeit clearly hurting.

Mayra stood still, looking blankly down on the last robot she had smashed down. She wasn’t saying anything.

“No, just to injure,” Violet replied to Victoria’s query. “I would have disabled them myself, had they put any of you in mortal danger.” At least, she hoped she would have been able to… As it was, there was still much of the automatons’ programming that remained a mystery to her. Ideally, some of that mystery would dissolve, in the aftermath of tonight’s engagement, but the lack of knowledge, the lack of control, continued to worry her. The heiress’s troubled musings were broken a moment later, when she caught sight of Mayra. Turning the head of the Violet Princess to face the draconic girl, she called out to her over the machine’s speakers. “Mayra? Are you all right?”

‘Heh, nice to know,’ Victoria stated, while Jelena had descended on a collection of parts and was doing her utmost to investigate the pieces as well as she could while she was here, since she couldn’t take any with her.

Mayra, meanwhile, turned her head lightly towards Violet.

‘Is it your turn, now?’ Mayra asked, looking pretty intently at her.

Violet couldn’t help but let a sigh escape her lips. “I am afraid not,” she replied with a hint of disappointment. “After seeing how well you handled those automatons, I think that it would be foolish to pit the Violet Princess against you, for it is clearly no match for your great strength. I shall need to vastly enhance its capabilities before it can provide you the challenge you deserve. However,” the heiress added with a hint of amusement. “I believe I know someone who might serve as a more suitable opponent for you. Would you care to wait a moment, while I retrieve them?”

‘Wait,’ Mayra said, holding up a hand, before Violet was about to leave. ‘No, that’s not it. That’s not it at all,’ she said, shaking her head before smirking a bit up at the heiress. ‘That’s not what you wanted, was it? I could sense it. It was there. You wanted to see what you were capable of. To test your might. To challenge yourself.’ Mayra took a deep breath through her nose, as if smelling something good. ‘I smelled a kin. Another seeking to prove her worth. Who wants to spread her wings. It’s not about winning. It’s not about being strong enough. It’s just… to learn, to do, to live. Don’t… don’t take this away from yourself. Don’t take this away from me.’

‘Victoria. Jelena. Leave this to me,’ Mayra said, causing both girls to look at one another, shrug, and then walk off to the sidelines. Mayra, meanwhile, walked to stand in the middle of the road, gently stretching her muscles.

‘Come. Let yourself loose. No worry about winning or challenging. No worry about the bruising and scratching. Just the dance, and the thrill. I’ll accept it all. Come on,’ Mayra said, sinking down into a battle stance, her yellow lines blazing and her eyes positively glowing, mouth grinning widely. Give me your best shot.

For a moment, Violet was taken aback. “Mayra…” the heiress whispered, not at all expecting such a passionate speech from the chaotic and carefree monster girl. “Very well,” Violet replied, as the head of her personal command drone gave a slow nod. “Let us begin!”

The next instant, the Violet Princess’s maneuvering thrusters surged to life, sending the imposing machine speeding towards Mayra, its twin energy cannons firing a withering barrage as it came.

Yes! Mayra exclaimed, as Violet’s machine thrust towards her. ‘Now try to hit me!’

She kicked the ground with both foot and tail to dodge sideways to not get hit by the barrage of energy blasts. As she did, a burst of fire left her in Violet’s direction, weak fire that wouldn’t even reach her but it did endure for a time and cloak Mayra’s location from sight. A second later, Mayra blasted herself, the dragon girl coming running sideways on the wall to Violet’s left, grinning as she was ready to jump off the wall at her.

Whirling around with impressive agility, Violet brought her drone’s arm up in a sweeping slash. Although the energy blade mounted upon it was powerful enough to slice through steel as if it were butter, Violet was confident the weapon wouldn’t cause Mayra serious harm. It would probably incapacitate her, though, and it would definitely hurt. Assuming it made contact, of course.

The swinging arm headed to cleave into Mayra's flight-path, when a burst of flame sent her into the ground, landing on all fours. From there, the grinning dragon girl gripped the ground with her talons and swung around her legs, targeting Violet's own legs with two fast, consecutive kicks, intent on sweeping them down from under her… if the drone was even capable of being felled with those thrusters.

Mayra’s movements were too quick for the large machine to avoid, but since it wasn’t standing on the ground anyway, the kicks only served to push Violet back. Composing herself, the heiress turned sideways and pointed the blade of her right arm at Mayra, allowing the dragon girl to make the next move.

Mayra smirked back on her feet, and while crouched, she breathed in and then exhaled a forceful stream of fire from her mouth in Violet’s direction, and then pulled her head to sweep after her if she dodged sideways, eyes constantly alight in excitement.

With a mighty blast of her thrusters, Violet shot into the air to avoid the torrent of flame, firing a barrage of energy bolts at Mayra as she did so. Once she was positioned above the dragon girl, the heiress activated her thrusters once more, causing her to descend upon her opponent with all the force of a metallic meteor. Her energy blades extended before her, Violet aimed to pin Mayra to the ground, and thus prevent the draconic girl from making further use of her impressive agility.

The energy bolts forced Mayra to dodge, albeit it was a bit hard to dodge the blasts at this close range while also exhaling fire and a few of them struck into the girl’s scales. Undaunted, Mayra grinned through some pain as she instead expelled the last of her current breath for a great blast of fire forward, not where Violet was, except the blast would launch Mayra backwards while the fireball remained where Mayra had just been, if Violet proceeded with the descent.

Do you feel it!? Mayra shouted out at her from where she slid to a halt, breathing a bit heavily on account of having been hit a bit and just exhausted her breath breathing fire. Do you feel the thrill of the battle!? she asked again, and after a pause, just kicked off to launch herself directly at Violet’s location. She wanted to grab her now.

Seeing Mayra’s plan, Violet chose not to avoid the fireball before her, and instead dove into it, trusting her drone’s armor to withstand the heat and flame. The force of her impact dispersed much of the inferno, but the Violet Princess still presented an imposing appearance as it rose up to its full height amid the crackling flames. As a command drone, it was not intended to enter battle alone, especially not against someone of Mayra’s superhuman strength and agility, to say nothing of her magic, but Violet was pleased with its performance nonetheless.

“I do indeed!” Violet replied after Mayra called out to her. “This contest has been quite exhilarating, and you are a most worthy opponent. But, then,” she added as the draconic girl began her charge. “I expected nothing less!”

Her thrusters surging to life, Violet shot forward to meet Mayra, her drone’s arms spread wide. If the monster girl wanted to get in close, then the heiress would be happy to oblige. Once again trusting her drone’s durability, Violet would allow Mayra to grab the machine, before locking her against it with both arms. While the press of the energy blades kept Mayra contained, Violet would charge her energy cannons to maximum and fire twin stun blasts at her captive. With luck, this would be enough to put Mayra out of action, but if it wasn’t, the draconic girl would be in an excellent position to do the same to the Violet Princess. One way or another, the battle would be decided here.

Mayra gripped around the drone as she flew and used remaining fire to bring them both down to earth, her feet placing themselves on the ground. The blades closed in on her in an amusing hug, and the dragon girl realized those shoulder-cannons were charging and pointing straight in her face. Mayra grinned, and…

and she bent her back backwards as a blast of fire from her hands propelled the robot over her head as she athletically bridged herself to crack the machine’s head (and shoulders) into the asphalt right behind her in a magic-propelled suplex.

Mayra’s impressive agility once again allowed her to escape Violet’s attack. Turning the tables on the heiress, the monster girl performed a wrestling move that thoroughly incapacitated the Violet Princess. The glow of the drone’s energy weapons faded, giving Mayra clear evidence of her victory.

“Well done, Mayra,” Violet’s voice sounded from the chamber’s speakers. “I believe we can call this contest in your favor. Thank you for convincing me to take part,” she added in an appreciative tone. “It was a truly enjoyable experience.”

‘Woooooooooo-!’ Mayra called, falling back onto her back, breathing a bit heavily because that was some gamble she took at the end there. ‘You- you’re good! I wasn’t sure I’d win there for a second! You…’ she raised a clawed thumb upwards. ‘I like you! You got some guts! If you ever want to challenge me again, tell me, anytime! Tell me your name again, I won’t forget it this time!’

“It is Violet Covington,” the heiress replied with a slight giggle of amusement. “But you may call me Violet,” she added. “I believe you have more than earned it.”

‘Violet…’ Mayra breathed out the name with a satisfied smirk. ‘And I’m Mayra McCullough, first of my name! Until next time!’ … and then her arm collapsed and she started snoring. Apparently, she was really satisfied.

‘Looks like it’s over,’ Victoria said, walking over to stand above Mayra, looking up towards Violet. ‘We usually need to restrain Mayra to prevent her from going off to fight in Penrose just because she gets bored in the base. This has been very cathartic. I thank you,’ Violet bowed politely to Violet.

‘Thank you for breaking all those probably super-expensive drones! It was a blast!’ Jelena came over too, grinning a bit, and had both arms behind her back like she was hiding something… ‘So, uh, I tried fixing one of them. It didn’t go super-well. I mean, I’m pretty confident it works, but, uh,’ Jelena said, and then lifted out the thing behind her and placed it on its feet. The thing was half as tall as it once was, looked significantly more metallic, and had lost most of its weaponry. The outside was brand new, done by Jelena shaping metal to become a little metal dress over metallic legs. The eyes were pretty big, too, as Jelena used a bit of metal spec to make it tilt its head to look up at Violet. It’s totally a tiny robot Penny.

‘Yeah, uh, here, you can have it,’ Jelena said with a smirk, scratching her cheek a little with a not-as-oversized hand. Apparently she used some of the metal in her previously oversized hands. ‘I mean, of course you can, it’s already yours, but, uuh…’ Jelena continued. Victoria gave her and the robot a mildly confused look before looking back to Violet.

They would hear a sharp intake of breath, shortly after which, a previously hidden door opened and Violet herself stepped out. Rushing over to Jelena, she tentatively held her hands out to accept the girl’s small creation. “I-It’s… adorable…” the heiress whispered, her cheeks turning a bright red. “T-Thank you! Thank you so much!” she told Jelena, giving the girl a brilliant smile, before wrapping her up in a big hug. Sobering slightly, she added, “I will always cherish this.”

The two currently awake girls both looked a bit surprised that Violet came out herself to accept the gift fashioned from her own robots. Still, when it became clear just how much the heiress liked it, Jelena smirked once again and hugged her back with her metal arms upon receiving that big hug. ‘Haha, no problem. I’m happy you like it so much!’ Deeeeeeeefinitely had been worried she’d get chewed out for experimenting with things that didn’t belong to her.

‘Fufu. Digging favours with the rich girl, are we? Are you going to ask her to import a mountain of video games for you next?’ Victoria teased a little on the side, chuckling a little.

‘Aw, you’re going to tease me for being nice? Maybe I won’t ask if you can partake in some cakes and other high-class cuisine?’ Jelena teased right back, and Victoria got kinda pale and stopped smiling. She hadn’t considered that.

‘She likes good food,’ Jelena explained to Violet with a giggle after they eventually let go.

“As do I,” Violet replied with a smile, her face still a glowing crimson. “And if you were to give me some advance notice, I could perhaps arrange for us to share a meal together sometime. In your civilian guises, of course,” the heiress would add.

‘That sounds excellent! Right, Victoria?’ Jelena smirked so widely and proudly. Mayra’s still snoring on the ground beneath them.

‘Er, yes. Tha- that would be really nice,’ Victoria nodded over there, got awkward all of a sudden.

“I am glad you think so,” Violet told them warmly. “I trust she will be all right?” she asked, glancing over to Mayra’s slumbering form. The heiress was fairly confident that her draconic friend was perfectly fine, but she wanted to make sure, just in case.

Victoria nodded a bit excitedly. Then, at the mention of Mayra, she laughed out a bit. ‘Hah, I haven’t seen her this peaceful in ages,’ Victoria said, bending down and rather effortlessly picking the dragon-girl up, the icy girl holding the sleeping fire girl. There was no sign of the ice girl starting to melt.

‘Will you be all right, though? Can’t imagine the robots were particularly cheap, and you got their designs from an associate, was it?’ Jelena asked, rather curiously.

“That is correct,” Violet confirmed with a nod. “And this was merely an initial trial run. I advised the client that it would be prudent to have their design sufficiently tested, they agreed, and so it has been,” she explained, gesturing to the piles of wreckage surrounding them. “Clearly they shall need to make some substantial improvements, after seeing how swiftly their creations were dispatched.”

‘Whelp, sounds like you’re okay with it,’ Jelena said with a chuckle. ‘Hey, how come you’re friends with someone as sickly sweet and your complete opposite like Magical Dream Princess? Were you doing evil stuff and she persuaded you to be good again and now you’re friends?’ Jelena asked with a big smirk on her face.

‘Ey, don’t assume our friends were evil,’ said the other currently awake horror girl in here. ‘Still, I must admit I’m curious, too…’ Victoria said, looking a little curiously at Violet.

Violet was silent for a moment before finally responding.

“She saved my life,” the heiress explained, seemingly unoffended by Jelena’s remarks. “And yes,” she added, offering the metallic limbed girl a small smile. “I suppose she did persuade me to be a better person. I was walking such a dark path only a short time ago, although I was unaware of it myself. But then I met her, and she changed my life in so many ways. Because of her, I now walk a new path, the path I believe I was always meant to walk from the start. I am truly in her debt, and thus, when she asked if I could arrange tonight’s meeting, I simply could not refuse.”

‘Haha, see? I got a sense for this!’ Jelena said with a thumbs up. ‘I’m glad you’re doing better!’

‘Video game stories aren’t always going to correlate to reality,’ Victoria said.

‘I’m in her debt too, for reintroducing us…’ a dozy but apparently awake Mayra said, still kinda hanging in Victoria’s grip. ‘If we can help with anything else, just give us a call…!’ she said, lifting a tired limb and smiling.

‘… We should be getting back,’ Victoria mentioned.

“You can be sure I shall do that, Mayra,” the heiress replied with a warm smile. “Thank you.” Giving a nod to Victoria’s observation, she added, “I am afraid I, too, must be going. There are other matters that require my attention, even at this late hour. Until next we meet, please stay well,” she told them, while giving an elegant curtsy. “And may your sleep be filled with the most pleasant of dreams. Uh, t-that last part was something Magical Dream Princess wished for me to convey to you,” a somewhat flustered Violet hastily added.

‘Ahahaha, I get ya. Pleasant dreams to her, too…’ Mayra said, chuckling a bit as she let her arm drop again and let Victoria hold her. The other girls also nodded in appreciation.

‘Be nice to miss Violet, alright?’ Jelena crouched and patted the robot she’d shaped, which’d been standing entirely motionless the entire time. Maybe the AI hadn’t fully grasped its current shape or something. Still, Jelena smiled at it before waving and walking.

‘I look forward to our meal,’ Victoria said, and then they turned away, Jelena picking up a phone to tell them they were ready to return home, after which a portal opened and they were able to go through, satisfied with their battle, newly forged friendship and leaving behind a small girl robot for Violet to remember them by.

Nothing Particularly Important...

The blond-haired young man carefully adjusted his glasses as he gazed upon the featureless, black monolith that loomed before him. A moment later, the edifice began to glow with unnatural light, its shimmering surface seeming to ripple like water. The young man smiled as two figures emerged from the portal, which reassumed its inactive appearance immediately after their passage was complete. The pair of new arrivals were perhaps as diametrically opposed as one could imagine. The first was a tall, blocky, mountain of a man, with a thick grey beard and a stern gaze. He wore a formal business suit, meticulously tailored to fit his massive frame, and, although he seemed not to need it, his hands rested upon a cane of polished obsidian, atop which sat a glowing crimson gemstone. The second figure, on the other hand, was a far smaller, almost scrawny, young woman. She had messy, black hair, which cascaded down to her calves, and wore an oversized lab coat, which trailed behind her. Although the young woman’s eyes were partially obscured by a pair of goggles, it wasn’t hard for the young man to tell that she looked exceedingly bored. Still, that knowledge did nothing to dampen his spirits, and he smiled broadly as he greeted each new arrival in turn.

“Mister Demiris, Doctor Kannis, welcome!” he told the pair, spreading his arms wide. “I am Colonel Templeton, head of research here at SON. At least, I would be, if SON actually existed,” he added with a playful smirk. “Right this way, please,” he instructed, holding out his hand towards the long, dimly lit path ahead. “The director is expecting you.”

“Thank you, Colonel,” Demiris replied with a small nod. “Come along, Doctor,” he added, gazing down at his annoyed-looking companion.

“Yeah, yeah…” Nykannis grumbled. “Stupid meeting… I should be working in my lab right now,” she muttered. “Instead, I’m stuck playing show and tell…”

“I thought you enjoyed showing off your work to others,” Demiris remarked.

“Normally, I do,” the mad scientist conceded. “But when the people watching are a bunch of Neanderthals who can’t understand a word I’m saying, it becomes considerably less enjoyable…”

If Templeton heard the pair’s little conversation, he gave no sign, but the moment Nykannis finished her grumblings, he spoke up in a jovial voice. “I must say, it is such an honor to meet you in person, Doctor Kannis. I’m quite an admirer of your work, and I’m very much looking forward to what exciting developments you’ll be sharing with us today.”

The mad scientist’s gloomy demeanor brightened considerably after Templeton’s bout of hero-worship, her frown turning into a slightly demented little grin.

“Yeah, that’s the correct response to have,” she replied with a smug nod. “After all, when it comes to Science!, I’m the greatest there is! Nyahahaha! Soooo,” she added, running up next to the bespectacled young man, an excited gleam in her eyes. “Which of my world-shattering inventions is your personal favorite? The nano fluidic energy to matter replicators? Or maybe the zero-point quantum conversion block?! No! No! Don’t tell me! It’s gotta be the transdimensional tachyonic multiversal meta cannon! But wait! That’s not something you guys should even know about! You probably couldn’t even wrap your brains around the basic concept of it! You were just trying to get me to spill my secrets, weren’t you?! Well it won’t work! Gotta admit, it was a nice try, blondie, but you’ve clearly underestimated the incomparable super-scientific genius of⏤”

“Dr. Kannis,” Demiris intoned, a large hand taking hold of the mad scientist’s lab coat and pulling her back. “There will be time to discuss such matters later. For now, there is a more pressing concern to deal with.”

“S-Sir…?” Nykannis inquired, her voice having taken on a far more timid tone, following her imposing companion’s rebuke.

“Your hair,” Demiris clarified. “It is positively disgraceful. Please try and make yourself a bit more presentable.”

“Yes, sir…” Nykannis muttered.

The next instant, a swirling swarm of nanites set to work restyling the mad scientist’s limp tresses into something resembling a massive explosion. Greatly resembling a more exaggerated version of Albert Einstein’s signature appearance, it only served to accentuate her significantly-less-than-sane demeanor.

“Better?” she asked.

“Marginally,” Demiris replied.

The path down which they walked was surrounded by an impenetrable black void. Lights in the floor, placed at regular intervals, were the only sources of illumination, and even they did nothing to reveal what lay beyond the pathway. While this may have been disconcerting to some, in the case of this particular trio, it was as unremarkable as taking a stroll through a park. Soon enough, they came to an ornate set of double doors, which opened before them at their approach.

“After you,” Templeton said with a smile as he gestured for his guests to enter.

Upon doing so, they found themselves in a large room, dominated by a triangular table. A cone of light shone down upon it, while the rest of the chamber was cloaked in shadow. Seated on one of the vertices were two generals, their uniforms bearing six and seven stars, respectively. Opposite them sat an admiral and a blonde young woman in a somewhat skimpy military uniform. The “point” of the triangle was blunted, allowing for a single seat. This was occupied by a man in a business suit with a pyramid for a head, its cyclopean eye tracking the new arrivals as they took their seats at the triangle’s base.

“Director, Generals, Admiral, Recruiter,” Demiris said, nodding to each in turn. “A pleasure to see you again. Although I am sure you are all familiar with her work, allow me to formally introduce my Head of Research and Development, Doctor Nikki Yolanda Kannis.”

“Sup,” Nykannis replied, her tone once again completely devoid of enthusiasm.

If anything, her “audience” seemed even less enthusiastic, the only emotion in evidence during the long silence that followed being a slight smirk on the part of the recruiter. However, if they were trying to intimidate her, they were failing miserably, and Nykannis simply met their cold gazes with her own dead-eyed stare. After what seemed like several minutes had passed, the director finally spoke.

“Mr. Demiris,” he began, his voice a low baritone. “You requested this audience in order to unveil a new development, one which you insisted would revolutionize field operations on a scale as yet unimagined. Please, enlighten us.”

“Currently, every single one of your Shadow Unit operatives was procured ‘out in the wild’, so to speak,” Demiris explained, rising to his feet. “A product of the exemplary work conducted by our lovely recruiter,” he added, gesturing to the still-smirking blonde. “And while I have no desire to minimize her efforts in any way, I pose to you a simple question- What if, instead of poaching your agents from other mystical beings, you could simply create whatever operatives you required, whenever you required them?”

“You’re talking about MTOs,” the six-star general observed in a dull monotone.

“Indeed,” Demiris confirmed. “Made to order soldiers, the dream of every military commander in history, now, at last, a reality.”

“A bold claim,” the seven-star general noted. “And a rather dubious one, especially in light of your previous offerings.”

“Yes,” the director concurred. “While the enhanced teams you’ve provided us with thus far have proven most capable when employed against mundane opponents, they were distinctly sub-par when faced with more mystical adversaries. Am I to assume these new offerings will not simply be more of the same?”

“The teams you refer to were merely examples of Phase One,” Demiris replied. This, he added, activating the holoprojector at the center of the table, “is Phase Two.”

Displayed in midair was the image of a young woman wearing a high tech, but still rather skimpy suit of armor and wielding advanced energy weaponry.

Demiris turned to gaze down at his smaller companion. “Dr. Kannis, if you would care to elaborate?”

Nykannis, who had become so bored that she had constructed a small interdimensional gateway and was now dissecting the prismatic mass of tentacles she had pulled out of it, gave a tired sigh, before shoving the gateway, her tools, the creature, and its containment unit into a pocket dimension. Rising to her feet, she fixed her “audience” with an annoyed stare, before climbing onto the table and walking over to the holoprojector.

“Okay,” she began, lazily waving her hand to add additional images on either side of the young woman already displayed. “So, the operatives you’ve seen so far were created using just a fraction of The Artifact’s power. Essentially, they were just a test run to see what it was capable of, and what it’s capable of is way more than your limited minds can possibly comprehend. To put it simply, now that it’s secrets have been fully unlocked, something only my unparalleled super-scientific genius could have accomplished, I might add, we can create magical operatives with comparable power levels to anything any other type of Patron could produce. See, the thing holding our first four teams back was an inability to make use of the Cosmic Omniversal Infusion Numinospheric Synthesizers employed in the creation of nearly every other magical operative that exists in this universe. Now, as I’m sure most of you are probably COMPLETELY unaware of, it’s the Metaphysical Aetheric Numinosphere Accelerator that makes an operative magical in the first place, but these ‘COINS’ are the things that provide all the extra ‘MANA’ needed to really make ‘em a mystical force to be reckoned with!”

Now that she was discussing a topic that actually interested her, the Monarch of Mad Science was becoming a great deal more animated. Sobering slightly, she adjusted her goggles before continuing. “As a brief, but personally important aside, I wanna note that when I say ‘magic’ I’m referring to it as defined by Clarke’s Third Law. I’m well aware this isn’t the caveman juju you Neanderthals often think of it as. It’s a primary universal force that can be objectively defined and quantified, but the calculations required are pretty much guaranteed to make your heads explode, so I’ll just stick with calling it magic. I mean, I could use the term ‘Etheric Sciences’, but that’s a bit too limited for our purposes. ANYWAY, thanks to my unparalleled super-scientific genius, we can now use these COINS in either a full, or limited fashion when creating new operatives. Why would you ever want to limit yourselves? Allow me to explain. See, when you’re creating a magical operative, you have a choice to use a slightly limited amount of COINS and maintain full control over the process, OR, you can use a full COIN allotment, granting access to the most powerful abilities and options, at the cost of having a bit less control over the final product. Now, I know what you’re thinking- ‘That’s a stupid choice! Why can’t we have both?!’ Well, I agree, which is why you’re gonna LOVE this next bit!”

Grinning from ear to ear in a most maniacal fashion, Nykannis gestured to an image of several figures in glowing vats. “Unlike the other pathetic Patrons out there, we don’t need to go searching high and low for suitable candidates. When Mr. Demiris said we could make these things to order, he wasn’t just talking about the powers. While our first batch did require us to find the perfect, completely willing, volunteers, now that we’ve isolated the specific genetic and metaphysical markers, we can engineer them into any number of clones, and with our patented accelerated-growth chambers, time to full gestation is mere minutes! Nyahahaha! Do you have any idea what that means?!” she asked, one eye beginning to twitch as she looked over the still-impassive faces of SON’s most high-ranking members. “It MEANS we can crank these things out so fast that, even if we decide to go one of the full COINS routes, we’ll STILL be able to find the perfect combination of options in no time at all! And yes, you heard me right, I said ROUTES, plural! You’ve got no less than FIVE options to choose from! You can pick the operative’s weapon, greatly boosting its capabilities in the process, or you can pick the exact magic spec you want them to have, or give them additional combat abilities chosen by you, or even give yourselves more COINS to work with! And because you can run the process as many times as you want, the possibilities are literally INFINITE!!! NYAHAHAHAAA!!!”

Despite her maniacal cackling, Nykannis’s audience maintained their aura of stoicism. Or at least most of them did…

“Fascinating!” Templeton exclaimed. “That will synergize most splendidly with the data obtained from the Penrose operation!”

“No, it will not,” the director intoned, his unblinking, cyclopean eye fixed upon the bespectacled young man. “For there was no Penrose operation.”

“O-Of course, sir,” a flustered Templeton stammered. “M-My most sincere apologies…”

“Wow, ya sure got him on a tight leash,” Nykannis remarked. “But that’s fine,” she added with a dismissive wave of her hand. “You can keep your stupid little secrets. I mean, you guys haven’t even reached Level 1 on the Kardashev Scale yet, so I highly doubt you’re doing anything that would interest someone of my vast intellect.”

Still, I guess it wouldn’t hurt to take a look… she mused, while mentally ordering her hyperdimensional omniphasic nanites to do just that. Even with all the security measures SON had in place, Nykannis was confident they didn’t have a chance of detecting her creations.

“That was quite an intriguing presentation, Dr. Kannis,” the director conceded. “However, without a demonstration of their performance in the field, the viability of these new operatives cannot be fully verified. We shall require a brief interval in which to comprehensively discuss the ramifications of employing this new system you’ve devised. You shall be contacted once a decision has been made,” the cyclopean being added, while gesturing to the now open door. “Colonel Templeton will see you out.”

“Understandable,” Demiris replied with a nod as he rose to depart. “And we shall endeavor to provide you with a suitable demonstration to aid your decision-making. Come, Doctor,” he added as he ushered the mad scientist out of the chamber.

Soooo, they want a demonstration, huh? Nykannis thought to herself, her mouth curling into a wicked grin. I think that’s an excellent idea. All we need is a test subject, and I have just the person in mind…
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