Safely ensconced within Xolys’s protective embrace, Olivia watched in awe as the gathered Magical Girls unleashed their various attacks upon the metallic hornet/bear, her eyes seeming to glitter with delight as eldritch beams, flaming ballista bolts, a comically large staff, and even a spring-loaded kick assailed the construct from all angles. To the azure-clad beauty’s surprise,
and slight disappointment, their foe had been destroyed before she’d even realized it, the fascinating construct’s composite form swiftly crumbling to pieces.
What a shame… Olivia sighed.
I would have liked to observe it in action for at least a short while longer…However, the blonde beauty’s attention was soon redirected towards Valeria, who was now addressing the gathered students. Although she commended them on their success, the metallic-limbed instructor noted that their teamwork could still use some improvement. Thus, they were instructed to form teams of two, with one member serving as the leader. This brought a slight frown to Olivia’s otherwise lovely visage, as she was at something of a loss as to how such a leader could be chosen. They were all fairly inexperienced, and although Suzuya was clearly a perfect choice for a teammate, the fairest of maidens viewed her fox-tailed roommate as a partner, an equal, not a superior. Then again, perhaps
Xolys could take that role? After all, he was always so very insightful, Olivia reflected as her mouth curled into a smile. Yes, there was certainly much to think about, but that could be saved for later. Right now, there were more immediate matters to tend to.
A new Magical Girl, who introduced herself as Drossel, the Tuner, was asking the gathered students if they’d like her to help them “get more in touch”, as she put it, with their Grimoires, an offer Olivia found quite intriguing. As it happened, Suzuya also seemed to be fascinated by the idea, musing upon how such a thing might improve Olivia’s own relationship with Xolys.
“Oh my goodness!” the azure-clad maiden gushed, her eyes glittering with glee.
“That sounds absolutely wonderful! Doesn’t it, darling?!” she added, clasping her hands around one of the imposing beast’s smaller limbs and smiling up at his eldritch visage.
Xolys, on the other hand, didn’t seem nearly as enamored with the idea.
“Although it would please me greatly to join with you in harmonious song, my sweet, I fear that the sound of my singing may have an exceedingly detrimental effect upon anyone else who may happen to be in the vicinity,” the Master of Xhar’doth replied gently.
“Yet, I am indeed curious as to how Miss Drossel might augment our effectiveness in battle. As you yourself so astutely observed, Miss Suzuya, we may not always have the services of Captain Goodhope near at hand, and I believe it may prove most beneficial to possess, for instance, the means to achieve full flight, even when absent of her assistance.”However, before the trio could approach Drossel for answers, a vastly more eager young woman beat them to the punch, assuming the form of a tiger, and leaping from the stands to speak with the Tuner.
“Good heavens!” Olivia exclaimed.
“That is certainly one way to get someone’s attention!” the blonde beauty observed with a melodious laugh.
“And we would also be very interested in receiving your help as well, Miss Drossel,” she added, giving the silver-haired girl a brilliant smile.