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@BrokenPromise Hey! No stealing Suzuya! She's Olivia's partner!

Olivia listened with rapt interest as Drossel explained the nature of her powers, although perhaps not exactly in the most detailed manner… The Tuner also cautioned against seeking power for power’s sake, which was something the Ethereal Rose was mostly unbothered with. After all, the only reason she would want a “tune up” was the possibility of getting even closer to her darling Xolys, and to improve their ability to fight Pageless together, of course. She was just about to say as much, when Drossel revealed that she would not, in fact, be performing any tunings at this time, and instructed the gathered students to seek her out at a later date.

“Huh… How very peculiar…” Olivia observed with a frown as she watched The Tuner depart. “I was certain she was going to give at least one demonstration right now… All that build up, and then nothing… It’s kind of disappointing, don’t you think, Suzuya?”

However, before the now-untransformed fox girl could answer, Olivia’s attention was drawn to where Charlotte was gushing over a young woman the Ethereal Rose had never seen before…

“Oh gosh!” the azure-clad beauty exclaimed in delight as she got a better look at the new arrival. “She has a tail just like you, Suzuya! I’m so sorry I didn’t catch your name before,” she added, while moving closer to the wolf girl in an effort to introduce herself. “But I’m Magical Maiden Ethereal Rose, although you can just call me Olivia if that’s more convenient,” she told the still-being-petted young woman with a giggle. “I’ve noticed that most magical girls have really long titles, but I’ve never managed to find out just why that is… Oh! I’m so terribly sorry! I completely forgot to introduce my companions! This is Suzuya, aka Burning Heart, and this handsome creature is my darling consort, Thyerg’Xolys!”

“A most delightful pleasure to make your acquaintance,” the eldritch beast told her, while giving a polite bow.

“What with looking like a wolf and all, is your Grimoire perhaps Little Red Riding Hood?!” Olivia asked with an eager smile. “I’ve always been fascinated by how the big bad wolf in that story was able to swallow multiple people whole!” she added. “He must have been very big indeed! Or perhaps his stomach was actually connected to a pocket dimension where he stored his food until it was ready to be digested… What do you think?” she asked the probably-overwhelmed-by-this-point young woman expectantly.
@BrokenPromise Mainly the latter.

For now...
For your consideration-

Safely ensconced within Xolys’s protective embrace, Olivia watched in awe as the gathered Magical Girls unleashed their various attacks upon the metallic hornet/bear, her eyes seeming to glitter with delight as eldritch beams, flaming ballista bolts, a comically large staff, and even a spring-loaded kick assailed the construct from all angles. To the azure-clad beauty’s surprise, and slight disappointment, their foe had been destroyed before she’d even realized it, the fascinating construct’s composite form swiftly crumbling to pieces.

What a shame… Olivia sighed. I would have liked to observe it in action for at least a short while longer…

However, the blonde beauty’s attention was soon redirected towards Valeria, who was now addressing the gathered students. Although she commended them on their success, the metallic-limbed instructor noted that their teamwork could still use some improvement. Thus, they were instructed to form teams of two, with one member serving as the leader. This brought a slight frown to Olivia’s otherwise lovely visage, as she was at something of a loss as to how such a leader could be chosen. They were all fairly inexperienced, and although Suzuya was clearly a perfect choice for a teammate, the fairest of maidens viewed her fox-tailed roommate as a partner, an equal, not a superior. Then again, perhaps Xolys could take that role? After all, he was always so very insightful, Olivia reflected as her mouth curled into a smile. Yes, there was certainly much to think about, but that could be saved for later. Right now, there were more immediate matters to tend to.

A new Magical Girl, who introduced herself as Drossel, the Tuner, was asking the gathered students if they’d like her to help them “get more in touch”, as she put it, with their Grimoires, an offer Olivia found quite intriguing. As it happened, Suzuya also seemed to be fascinated by the idea, musing upon how such a thing might improve Olivia’s own relationship with Xolys.

“Oh my goodness!” the azure-clad maiden gushed, her eyes glittering with glee. “That sounds absolutely wonderful! Doesn’t it, darling?!” she added, clasping her hands around one of the imposing beast’s smaller limbs and smiling up at his eldritch visage.

Xolys, on the other hand, didn’t seem nearly as enamored with the idea. “Although it would please me greatly to join with you in harmonious song, my sweet, I fear that the sound of my singing may have an exceedingly detrimental effect upon anyone else who may happen to be in the vicinity,” the Master of Xhar’doth replied gently. “Yet, I am indeed curious as to how Miss Drossel might augment our effectiveness in battle. As you yourself so astutely observed, Miss Suzuya, we may not always have the services of Captain Goodhope near at hand, and I believe it may prove most beneficial to possess, for instance, the means to achieve full flight, even when absent of her assistance.”

However, before the trio could approach Drossel for answers, a vastly more eager young woman beat them to the punch, assuming the form of a tiger, and leaping from the stands to speak with the Tuner.

“Good heavens!” Olivia exclaimed. “That is certainly one way to get someone’s attention!” the blonde beauty observed with a melodious laugh. “And we would also be very interested in receiving your help as well, Miss Drossel,” she added, giving the silver-haired girl a brilliant smile.
@Lonewolf685 Just wondering if you were planning to post for Suzuya soon, as I was kinda waiting for her before I post again for Olivia.

Ashley didn’t fully notice just how effective her attack on the rodent esper had been, just that it had ensured said esper wouldn’t be playing any further part in the battle. Even if she had realized that she’d just killed the young woman, it wouldn’t have mattered much to the G.E.M.I.N.I. agent. This was someone who willingly worked with people who had kidnaped and inflicted unspeakable tortures upon children. Such monsters didn’t deserve mercy…

To that end, the Knight of Tomorrow quickly refocused her attention back to Sofron, who was in the process of fighting a brutal hand-to-hand combat with what appeared to be an untransformed Maiden. However, before Ashley could do anything to assist, her eyes widened in horror as the Maiden was flung out the open window. An instant later, she cried out in pain as Sofron’s arcane whip pierced her raised shield and sliced off her arm. At this point, lesser espers might have frozen in shock, but not Ashley. Indeed, she was now well-acquainted with pain, and her current agony only served to accentuate her hatred of Sofron and sharpen her focus to end his wretched life.

Thus, the Knight of Tomorrow prepared a defensive melody to, at the very least, mitigate the baleful butler’s next arcane attack, while simultaneously firing a gleaming neon bolt from the tip of her already raised techno-wand. At this distance, and with several other detrimental factors affecting her aim, the high-tech heroine chose to fire upon Sofron’s center of mass, and, in particular, his heart. Still, in the back of her mind, one question screamed out to be answered- Where was Gale? Why hadn’t her partner done anything yet? The Maiden was gone, possibly dead. Had Gale now abandoned her as well? Was she left to face Sofron alone?

18 | Female | GEMINI | Vision of Tomorrow
Implements of Tomorrow | Wand, Shield | Arcane | Tune of Tomorrow
Raiment of Tomorrow | Stride of Tomorrow
Light of Tomorrow | Light | Power of Tomorrow
[Reveal (2), Purity (4)], Damage (2), Damage X (6), Shield (4), Reflect (4), Heal (6), Major Heal (18), AoE (2), Powerful (0), Piercing (2)


[Silver Self][Reflect] = -48 mana


With the fire finally out, Ashley helped Gale to her feet. Now that the supernatural screaming had subsided, the sounds of battle were clearly evident. The pair couldn’t see much, thanks to Sofron’s wall of skulls, but the Maiden obviously needed their assistance. “Come on, Gale,” Ashley instructed as she ran to the sole unobstructed counter and leapt over it. Once she had done so, she was greeted with the sight of a one-armed Maiden sprawled on the ground with Sofron looming over her.

Of somewhat greater surprise, however, was the fact that a woman with a squirrel tail of all things was also present. She, too, was on the ground, and visibly wounded, but the Knight of Tomorrow knew that this person was almost certainly an ally of Sofron, and thus she couldn’t be allowed to reenter the fight. With an accumulation of glowing particles at the tip of her twin-pronged techno-wand, Ashley fired a bolt of neon green energy at the prone esper’s head…

18 | Female | GEMINI | Vision of Tomorrow
Implements of Tomorrow | Wand, Shield | Arcane | Tune of Tomorrow
Raiment of Tomorrow | Stride of Tomorrow
Light of Tomorrow | Light | Power of Tomorrow
[Reveal (2), Purity (4)], Damage (2), Damage X (6), Shield (4), Reflect (4), Heal (6), Major Heal (18), AoE (2), Powerful (0), Piercing (2)



A moment after Ashley and Gale had escaped the threat of electrocution, one of the flaming skulls shot out of Sofron’s wall and promptly exploded upon striking the spot they had just occupied. The ensuing blast sent horrifying screeches echoing throughout each esper’s mind and, of much more urgent concern, set fire to Gale’s jacket. In a panic, the blue-haired esper conjured a swirling whirlwind around herself, while grabbing Ashley and pulling her along as she ran to put some distance between them and the continuing effects of Sofron’s various melodies. However, Ashley was far more worried about the fact that not only was her partner still on fire, but she was close enough to set her on fire as well, and was even amplifying the flames by adding a strong wind to the mix!

Thus, in something of a panic of her own, the Knight of Tomorrow decided to take the most useful course of action she could think of. Tightening her grip on her partner, she yanked Gale down to the inundated floor, the blue-haired esper hopefully being too mentally stunned to resist, or even notice, until they were both on the ground. With luck, this course of action would both extinguish the flames on Gale (and possibly on Ashley herself) as well as grant both espers some cover from any further attacks Sofron chose to make.

18 | Female | GEMINI | Vision of Tomorrow
Implements of Tomorrow | Wand, Shield | Arcane | Tune of Tomorrow
Raiment of Tomorrow | Stride of Tomorrow
Light of Tomorrow | Light | Power of Tomorrow
[Reveal (2), Purity (4)], Damage (2), Damage X (6), Shield (4), Reflect (4), Heal (6), Major Heal (18), AoE (2), Powerful (0), Piercing (2)



“Thanks, Nicole!” Dana called out with a cheerful wave as her redheaded teammate darted past her. The golden gunslinger barely had time to register Nicole and Cordelia’s flawless and elegant dispatching of the remaining missiles, when the sound of an almighty thunderclap announced that Team 3’s beloved, pint-sized powerhouse had just delivered the killing blow to their robotic adversary (with with some minor assistance from Cordelia and Blair). For a few seconds, all was silent, before Aiya’s voice crackled over their earpieces, informing them that all enemies in the vicinity had been neutralized.

“All right!” Dana cheered, jumping up and punching the air, before holding out her hand in a victory sign. “We did it! Nice work guys!” she added with a dazzling smile, as the various officers and Ars Magi gathered together. “We made a great team!”

A short while later, the group rejoined Vanna, Aiya, and the rest of Team 3’s attached officers in a nearby structure, where the socializing began in earnest. However, while Dima’s praise of Penny and Blair’s subsequent razzing were entirely expected, Dana was more than a little surprised to hear the normally cold and judgmental Amanda commend not only Penny, but herself as well.

“Oh, uh, thanks a lot, Amanda!” the sunny sharpshooter replied after overcoming her initial shock. “You were pretty awesome out there, too!”

Noah then added his own compliments, causing Dana’s cheeks to redden ever so slightly. “Yeah!” she confirmed with a thumbs up of her own when the big cadet noted that despite being in different units, they’d still managed to fight side by side. “And it was just as awesome as I hoped it’d be!”

The playful banter and friendly camaraderie continued for an hour more, before the radio crackled to life, signaling the end of the operation. From there, the weary officers and Ars Magi were airlifted back to their respective academies for a well-earned night’s sleep. For her part, Dana was out like a blown lightbulb as soon as her head hit the pillow, the exertion of the operation, and the boisterous socialization that had followed, obviously having taken quite the toll on the normally irrepressible girl. Still, there was little doubt that, when morning came, Dana Noel would be ready to face it with all her characteristic optimism and energy.
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