Perenelle Jean Pierce

Name: Perenelle Jean Pierce
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Nomadic or sedentary: Nomadic
Weapons: Bow and arrow, throwing knives, and she will use her hands and feet as well.
Skills: Sharp with the bow and arrow; climbing, speed, and agility. She has muscle, but no is nowhere being massively strong. She can pick locks and pickpocket. Her looks can be used as a distraction, too.
Any unusual traits? Does it show physically?: ??
Brief Personality Confrontation never suited suit Perrie. People tend to underestimate her and find her reserved nature a weakness. She will use anything and everything to her advantage and will cut someone off if necessary. This isn't to say she wouldn't stick by someone's side, though, if she did indeed like the individual. With a sense of undeniable pride, Perrie seems to make herself mightier than others. This is left to the viewer's discretion; she's a closed book whose pages are torn and tattered. Like a chameleon, she adapts to whatever situation she may be in, or blends into it as well. One thing people have observed is that she does not crack easily and bides her time.
Background Perenelle does not share her past with many people. Those who were blessed with knowledge will only know she was from a poor family. Poverty-stricken and fairing on her own when her mother was sick, Perrie quickly became street smart. She stole from a young age and did whatever she could to support her family. Whether or not she has siblings, has not been shared. When her mother passed away due to illness, Perenelle was left to her own devices. She became a lone wolf and cared for herself at whatever the cost. Presently, she leads a group of bandits and is known as "Little Red" since she wears a mask that covers her face. The only thing outsiders see is her mane of red hair spilling out. They reside in New York.
Alone or with someone?: With a group of bandits.
Other: She likes chocolate. Also might go by the initials "P.J"
Drake Taylor

Name: Drake Taylor
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Nomadic or sedentary: Sedentary
Weapons (Don't go crazy): A sword and a handgun.
Skills: With the strength of a bear and daunting aspects of a lion, Drake comes across intimidating. His reflexes are great, but not his speed. He's brute muscle and cunning. Furthermore, he knows CPR, first aid, and is certified. He is also organized and thinking ahead rather than in the present.
Any unusual traits? Does it show physically?: No
Brief Personality Observing, rather than acting, does not suit Drake. He is a man of action and a man with a plan more than not. Battered from years of survival, he's come to have a hard shell. This makes it hard for him to trust or speak to others, as he has been burned a few times in the past. His willingness to help or protect others overpower it, and leaves him in a constant conflict. To say the least he's friendly, though he will run if he deems it necessary. The act of recklessness teeters on the edge of his consciousness daily. With a grin and tilt of his head, Drake's charming nature comes in handy, especially if he wants or needs something.
Background The middle class family he came from worked harder than anyone Drake ever knew to survive. He had what he wanted, though it was always tight. New York native, Drake has become familiar with its' system, groups and false laws and social construction. He worked to support his family by doing odd jobs throughout the city. Nonetheless, it soon became not enough. His parents packed up and left to go search for a better life. Drake was traveling with them one day when he was separated due to a street fight. Since then he's been on his own and has not seen them since. This was a year ago. Still, Drake searches high and low for them and hasn't given up hope.
Alone or with someone?:Alone

Name: Perenelle Jean Pierce
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Nomadic or sedentary: Nomadic
Weapons: Bow and arrow, throwing knives, and she will use her hands and feet as well.
Skills: Sharp with the bow and arrow; climbing, speed, and agility. She has muscle, but no is nowhere being massively strong. She can pick locks and pickpocket. Her looks can be used as a distraction, too.
Any unusual traits? Does it show physically?: ??
Brief Personality Confrontation never suited suit Perrie. People tend to underestimate her and find her reserved nature a weakness. She will use anything and everything to her advantage and will cut someone off if necessary. This isn't to say she wouldn't stick by someone's side, though, if she did indeed like the individual. With a sense of undeniable pride, Perrie seems to make herself mightier than others. This is left to the viewer's discretion; she's a closed book whose pages are torn and tattered. Like a chameleon, she adapts to whatever situation she may be in, or blends into it as well. One thing people have observed is that she does not crack easily and bides her time.
Background Perenelle does not share her past with many people. Those who were blessed with knowledge will only know she was from a poor family. Poverty-stricken and fairing on her own when her mother was sick, Perrie quickly became street smart. She stole from a young age and did whatever she could to support her family. Whether or not she has siblings, has not been shared. When her mother passed away due to illness, Perenelle was left to her own devices. She became a lone wolf and cared for herself at whatever the cost. Presently, she leads a group of bandits and is known as "Little Red" since she wears a mask that covers her face. The only thing outsiders see is her mane of red hair spilling out. They reside in New York.
Alone or with someone?: With a group of bandits.
Other: She likes chocolate. Also might go by the initials "P.J"
Drake Taylor

Name: Drake Taylor
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Nomadic or sedentary: Sedentary
Weapons (Don't go crazy): A sword and a handgun.
Skills: With the strength of a bear and daunting aspects of a lion, Drake comes across intimidating. His reflexes are great, but not his speed. He's brute muscle and cunning. Furthermore, he knows CPR, first aid, and is certified. He is also organized and thinking ahead rather than in the present.
Any unusual traits? Does it show physically?: No
Brief Personality Observing, rather than acting, does not suit Drake. He is a man of action and a man with a plan more than not. Battered from years of survival, he's come to have a hard shell. This makes it hard for him to trust or speak to others, as he has been burned a few times in the past. His willingness to help or protect others overpower it, and leaves him in a constant conflict. To say the least he's friendly, though he will run if he deems it necessary. The act of recklessness teeters on the edge of his consciousness daily. With a grin and tilt of his head, Drake's charming nature comes in handy, especially if he wants or needs something.
Background The middle class family he came from worked harder than anyone Drake ever knew to survive. He had what he wanted, though it was always tight. New York native, Drake has become familiar with its' system, groups and false laws and social construction. He worked to support his family by doing odd jobs throughout the city. Nonetheless, it soon became not enough. His parents packed up and left to go search for a better life. Drake was traveling with them one day when he was separated due to a street fight. Since then he's been on his own and has not seen them since. This was a year ago. Still, Drake searches high and low for them and hasn't given up hope.
Alone or with someone?:Alone