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Nicely done. You should look at princess' profile now!!!! ;)


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In Avalia 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
In Avalia 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Oh my gosh, yes!! I am so excited!! Looking forward to this. <3
Hey there! Making a straightforward post-apocalyptic RP in the setting of a fictional area on Earth. Bandits, drama, romance and a fight for survival will be the issues at hand.

More info, maps, cs here:
OOC link

Here's a summary of the story:


In the year 2070, natural disasters started to plague the planet for unknown reasons for five years. About 99% of the population(More than 10 billion) died out over time and only few remain. Many of those who have remained have died from starvation or illness over time. It's been ten years since the disasters and the year is 2085. People now must scavenge what they can to survive. With bandits and gangs quickly becoming a problem, not many countries were able to put up new governing bodies with the scarce population and lack of working technology.

Near the town of Elysium in the county of Adrington in California(made-up town and county) lies a gang called the Phantom Syndicate. With no laws and complete freedom, things have been hectic. They have been rounding up as many of the strongest and most capable humans as they can in order to bully others and hoard supplies. With plans to take over and take what they can from the weak, humanity desperately needs heroes to start the new world on a better foundation.
What's crack-a-lackin' with this rpg?
Interested too for a Leo female. :)
In Avalia 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Evening
Location: Healing Center
Interaction: @helo Cade, @Tae, Elsea, @AliveFalling - Ezeri
Mention n/a

Corvina was quiet as they arrived at the healing center. The rabbit boy and Cade had been brought into a room together next to another occupied room. Corvina and Elsea had been shooed into the hallway to give the healers some time. Ezeri had told them they’d catch up with them later so it was just them two. She turned to Elsea and gave her a soft smile, folding her arms, “You okay?” The past few days had been overwhelming. At last they were finally in River Port. She folded her arms and awaited a reply and tried to ignore the scent of fire and smoke emanating form them. They were going to need to change and shower soon or else they would attract attention.
In Avalia 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Darius & Shade

Location: Blacksmith > Shakey Dock

The tall red-haired elf woman stared down at the weapons intensely. She ignored the shopkeeper and picked up a few weapons. What would be best for the Little Phoenix? She turned to find Rocco and Katanna belligerently arguing over the melee weapons and smirked. The two were into weaponry and had been looking forward to coming here. Shade, being the merciful woman, had agreed to come. They needed more supplies anyways.

”Rocco does not like the spear. Rocco prefers club or dagger.” Rocco argued vehemently as he stared down at her. Katanna sighed as her ears twitched with annoyance. She shook her head at him as she began to pick up bows and examine them closely. Rocco scowled at her when she did not reply immediately.

”Rocco, you can’t just club people to death at long range.” She scowled at him and began turning the spear in her hand. ”You’ll exhaust yourself like -”

”Rocco does not talk about it!” The orc whirled around to face Katanna who raised her eyebrows. He calmed down, seeing her expression. He didn’t want to pick a fight or stand out.

Shade turned to glare at their raised voices and the two immediately hushed up and continued to shop. Next, they noticed a male with dark skin and red eyes. Shade watched him with curiosity. She vaguely remembered him from the ball and he had pledged his support to Risa. How interesting…. ”Hello there,” She greeted Darius.

"Sup… Oh and don't mind me, I'm not entirely sure about what I want." He smiled warmly at the three and figured could maybe add something to the conversation. Plus, he hadn't spoken to an orc since leaving Skar. "I guess if he has a good defense too, range won't matter, right? Winning doesn't always mean beating someone down. Sometimes it's about who is left to keep fighting on the battlefield… at least I think." Darius spoke with little confidence as he scratched the back of his neck. "Name's Darius by the way."

Shade listened to Darius speak with fascination. An interesting concept, she thought. ”My friend Kat here is pretty good at offense actually and Rocco is defense.” Darius looked between the two, noting what made sense to him. This woman made it seem as if they had fought together often enough to have a good system going for them.

Shade smiled at Katanna and walked over to pat her on the back, to which the feline withheld a scowl and forced a smile. They both understood what she needed from them. ”Rocco is a preferable weapons man. I appreciate that. Gotta defend yourself somehow. Orcs are rather interesting aren't they?” Rocco nodded silently, unwilling to reply and offset Shade’s mood and kept to himself.

"Yeah orcs are pretty incredible when it comes to fighting." He commented, eyeing Rocco again. They were so huge.

”What brings you here today?” She began to buy items, such as a whip and shield. The shield looked big enough for her little Phoenix.

"To this forge or the port?" Darius cleverly asked, but he also didn't want to give her answer she didn't want. Shade didn’t bother to reply yet.

Katanna and Rocco continued to shop, although they paid attention to Darius. ”You know, that was a nice concept by the way.” Katanna told Darius with a smirk as she eyed a long sword. She picked it up to examine and glanced at him. ”Know how to swordfight?” She grinned as she turned it over a few times and decided to buy the sword.

"Not really. I just know you stick them with the pointy end." He chuckled. "I don't even know which weapon would be best for me… Maybe you can help? You all seem pretty skilled." He said as he stepped in a spot between the three, and closer to Shade. A faint demonic scent reached the keen senses of Shade and Katanna.

The woman turned to stare at Darius with a coy grin. Kat was eyeing him now, her curiosity piqued. ”Well,” Shade smiled at him and began to buy quivers of arrows and bolts and mulled it over. ”Kat here can help you with that.” Shade fell silent to allow Katanna to take over, and she quickly turned to face him.

”Are you an offensive or defensive fighter?” Katanna inquired while beginning to stuff weapons and other items into her backpack. She also slid the sword into a sheath on her back.

"Uhhh…" He didn't know what he was. Thinking back to his only two real fights, he just did whatever he could.

”Do you have any magic? You can embed your weapons with your magic depending on what it is.” His eyes widened as he wasn't sure how to answer initially.

"Yeah I do actually, but not something to add to a weapon. It's actually the reason why I'm here in the first place. I need some steel, but a weapon easy to pick up on so I can fight off any bandits on the road, you know." He bullshitted with a smile while hoping his explanation would suffice. "I'm strong… almost as strong as an orc. Maybe a...uhh." Darius stopped speaking abruptly as he made an uncomfortable face towards the ground.

Shade watched as Rocco came down the aisle way to stare down at Darius after his response. ”Darius.” What a strange name… ”Spear good. Rocco does not like spear, but Kat uses it. Enchant it so it comes back to you. No run or seek to find it. Bow good for long range to scare off bandits. Rocco prefers clubs or warhammer. Not strong enough for most.” Katanna looked over with approval at him and nodded. He continued speaking while also making purchases of various weapons and armor, ”Dagger good for close range. Stab in eyes. No vision, no fight.” Darius nodded, but smiled as he looked up again. Malgormuun did not like the weapons here, more so, the smith.

"Now you've given me more options, big guy. Hmm…But, I think you've helped me figure out that I'm not ready to choose a weapon yet… I guess I'll just stick to using my good ol' magic. Thanks though. Like really. I could have spent cash on something useless." He smiled.

Rocco nodded to Darius and paid for his weapons without conversing more. Katanna and Shade had already finished and were waiting for him. He joined them and looked over as Shade began to speak. ”Nice to meet you, Darius. Good luck with your magic.” She waved to him and exited the shop with Katanna and Rocco following behind. His explanation was interesting. The ability to speak without giving everything away was a gift that so few possessed. Most people rambled on for ages and she hated it. Shade gestured to the duo and they strode down the street, making sure to stay out of other people’s ways. With Rocco, that wasn't a difficult task to accomplish. The fear of Rocco from the Riverport citizens was delightful.

"Hey, wait up! I never got your name! And I just have to buy you three drinks after pretty much doing me a solid. I insist " Darius took Shade's hand in his with a big cheesy smile. He also did not find it quite safe to travel alone at night, and these three seemed okay, plus they could fight.

Shade paused when Darius’ voice reached her ears. Eyebrows raised, the Elven woman turned to face him. His words made her smirk, despite her irritation. Why did he follow them? Didn’t he have friends? He looked like a lost puppy. A stray dog….

Katanna and Rocco shared a look, though they remained silent. ”Sure Darius. That would be great. The Shakey Dock is a great place for drinks. You shouldn’t travel alone especially if you’re worried about bandits.” She moved to the side to allow him to walk with them. ”Now that we’re out of the shop, I have a few questions.” She paused which allowed a trio of frightened elves to pass by. Shade eyed them, then turned to Darius. They weren’t her little Phoenix. ”Why are you in River Port, Darius?”

"Looking for a friend. A short white-skinned demon girl, with a long tail. Her name's Myra. What about you three? I have a guess it's for the r-word." Darius' tone was less chipper than before.

Shade listened to him and became thoughtful. ”I haven’t seen her, sorry; although I will keep a lookout for her. I’m sorry to hear you were separated from your friend. My name is Leia, and this is Katanna and Rocco.” Shade paused, glancing sideways at Kat and Rocco who both nodded eagerly. Then, as Darius spoke of the ‘r-word’, excitement rushed through her as she studied him. The frown. Oh, what a great night it was becoming…

”We are here to find our friend, but we didn’t catch her name because the demon came out and separated us. Brown hair, green eyes, and had a dress and mask adorned with flames. A sweetheart, and also…” Shade lowered her voice for only their group to hear. color=FF8C00]”...a human. You can understand our concern for her, I hope. We want to save her from the rebellion if she’s involved in it.”

"Save her? I… I haven't seen a girl like that, but…" His expression became cold, not masking how truly felt. "If she's involved in the rebellion, there's no use in saving her. You gonna drag her away or something?" Darius chuckled as he jested to lift his own mood.

Shade watched his coldness with curiosity and smiled. ”No, we want to keep her safe and see if she wants to go home. Nobody should die for a war they don’t believe in, humans especially.” She paused glancing at him. ”Not fond of it, huh?”

"Not in the slightest, but other people should be free to do what he wants. They want to stay, let them stay. They just can't cry and complain when they wind up in dire straits. Fuck 'em, I say." His words were icy, making Shade grin. What a fascinating young man, or so he seemed by his appearance. Pointed ears, red eyes; they could have been color changers, but the way he spoke on weapons and magic wasn’t familiar like her kin.

As the group finally arrived at the Shakey Dock, Darius proceeded to order drinks while Shade nudged Katanna and Rocco forward to sit down at a table. "Four siren kisses for the group!" Darius ordered the strongest drink as a courtesy. When then shots came by, they each grabbed one which prompted Darius to make a quick toast. "To a good night for Darius, Kat, Rocco, and Leia." Shade smiled as she drowned her shot and looked at Darius.

She grinned at him and rested her head on her folded hands. Katanna and Rocco both took their shots as well, only becoming a bit dazed. Fortunately, they all had a high tolerance so it wouldn’t make them loopy. They both remained silent, but occasionally nodded and smiled at Darius; or tried to, at least.

”Thank you Darius. I appreciate it.” Shade then added, ”And to more good nights in the future.” She paused as a waiter walked by and then leaned in to whisper for only them to hear, ”And the end of the rebellion.”

"I think I could agree to every bit of that!" Darius returned a smile as he immediately felt the effects of the Siren Kiss. "Whoa! This drink hits!"

Shade laughed and watched him. ”Are you okay?” She glanced at Rocco and Katanna who were quiet. She nodded to them, and the two ordered food the next time the waiter came around. After he left, a gleam entered her eyes and she turned back to Darius. ”Think you’re done for the night, lightweight?” Shade jokingly nudged his arm. ”I didn’t know demons were such softies.”

He snickered. "And I thought all elves were assholes." He laughed. "Cut me some… slack."

Shade started to laugh, but it quickly fell when he spoke next. Frozen, she raised her eyebrows and then took a deep breath to collect herself. ”What…” Rocco began to say when Katanna kicked him under the table. He growled, but didn’t continue speaking. The two shared a glance and they fell silent.

Finally, Shade collected herself enough to smirk and let out a hearty laugh. ”A playful demon, huh? I like your spunk.” She watched as the waiter delivered their food. She grinned as she began to munch on the food and gestured for the others to dive in. Rocco and Katanna didn’t need any encouragement and began to eat quickly. ”My treat for your treat.”

He grinned as kept his crimson eyes on her despite reaching for some food. "Then another treat maybe?" He said flirting before giggling.

Shade stared at him and started to laugh. Was he serious? Katana and Rocco choked on their drinks and stared with shock. She watched as Katanna took a napkin to clean herself up and also gave one to Rocco to help. Shade leaned in towards Darius with a grin. ”Maybe I ought to get to know you better. After all, all the good things in life aren’t free.” She pulled away after saying it with her own flirtatious smile.

Darius narrowed his eyes with a smirk. "Ok. Deal." He said confidently. "Know me better… Leia."

Shade rested her chin back onto her folded hands with a coy grin.
”A deal for me as well.”
In Avalia 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
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