Hey there! Making a straightforward post-apocalyptic RP in the setting of a fictional area on Earth. Bandits, drama, romance and a fight for survival will be the issues at hand.
More info, maps, cs here:
OOC linkHere's a summary of the story:
In the year 2070, natural disasters started to plague the planet for unknown reasons for five years. About 99% of the population(More than 10 billion) died out over time and only few remain. Many of those who have remained have died from starvation or illness over time. It's been ten years since the disasters and the year is 2085. People now must scavenge what they can to survive. With bandits and gangs quickly becoming a problem, not many countries were able to put up new governing bodies with the scarce population and lack of working technology.
Near the town of Elysium in the county of Adrington in California(made-up town and county) lies a gang called the Phantom Syndicate. With no laws and complete freedom, things have been hectic. They have been rounding up as many of the strongest and most capable humans as they can in order to bully others and hoard supplies. With plans to take over and take what they can from the weak, humanity desperately needs heroes to start the new world on a better foundation.